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/lit/ - Literature

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8049821 No.8049821 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, could you recommend me some starter poetry bundles?
Also what does /lit/ think of Jim Morrison as a poet?

>> No.8049827


>> No.8049832

Jim Morrison loved this guy called John Green, have you heard of him anon?

>> No.8049914
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Seriously though he's shit. Just another pretentious 60's psychedelic babbler with nothing of any actual substance to say. Back then all you had to do was just come off as artsy and people would think you were speaking new gospel. Go back and listen to almost anything from the late 60's and see what I mean. The whole scene was just an excuse to get high and chill with the cool kids.

>> No.8049949

the doors were a rad popular musical band and Jim's song lyrics are great.

song lyrics.
not poems

>> No.8049954

Song lyrics are inherently worse than poetry and his lyrics were shit, soooo

>> No.8049956

Start with the Greens

>> No.8049966

start with the memes

>> No.8049968

>op asks for recomendations as well as opinion on Morrison as a poet
>no recs whatsoever
>john greenmeme

Im taking a break from /lit/ today.

Also, OP try some Wallace, Whitman, Plath.

>> No.8049971

So basically you understand that song lyrics and poetry are two different art forms, and that you're basically saying that one art form is inherently better than another.

Is this how you rationalize spending your time writing """poetry""" while Chad and his band are banging chicks left and right?

>> No.8049973

Thank you anon

>> No.8049982

Jokes on you im gay I don't give af if chad fucks some thots
And I don't write poetry

>> No.8049988

It wasn't a joke, it was a sincere observation designated to improve your life.
What does it change if you're gay or if you don't actually write poetry? You still get the underlying point.

>> No.8049992
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The point that you're a massive Gaylord who probably cuts himself to evanescence songs?

>> No.8049998

Drunken buffoon, posing as a poet.

>> No.8050005

ayy lmao. stop self-loathing friend.

tbqh I had to google evanescence to see what you mean

>> No.8050012
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Sure thing gramps

>> No.8050037

I don't know what to tell you buddy. you're saying that I'm lying about not knowing some random burger goth band, and therefore since I'm lying, it means that art forms can be inherently better and worse than one another.

>> No.8050075

I'm just saying, his lyrics are shit and generally lyrics can't stand alone as well as poetry

>> No.8050082

Celebration of the Lizard trumps

>> No.8050094

>40 mins of some drunk autist jerking off onstage

>> No.8050103

But that's what i'm saying.
Lyrics are NOT MADE to fucking stand alone. standing alone well is a requirement for poetry, and not for lyrics. That is why they are different art forms.

Just pls appreciate music more, don't be a narrow-minded lit guy, that's a terrible meme to be. And no I never said that Jim's lyrics are particularly great.

>> No.8050133

Dude music is like my main interest

>> No.8050140

Then appreciate it.

To continue my lament--
no, lyrics are not an easier art form because they "lack" this limitation of standaloneness. They have other, even bigger limitations, in that they need to conform rhytmically to the melody of the vocals. Choice and timing of the particular words is also much harder, when trying to elicit an emotional response. Since the listener can't re-read the line -- it needs to hit him instantly the way you wanted, both subconsciously and consciously.

And that's fucking difficult to do.

>> No.8050146

You realize most songs start with vocals and then work out from there, right?

>> No.8050158

That may be, or it may not lmao, I'd say it depends heavily on the genre. But even if so, you still first compose a vocal melody and the rest of the music, and only then do you write the lyrics, in 95% of (successful) cases.

>> No.8050199

Jim basically just scribbled some shit in his notebook and the band would find a melody to go with the lyrics or poetry (whatever the fuck you want to call it)

>> No.8050233

that's true (if we trust the stories), they are one of the exceptions.

Another interesting exception that I know of is Rush. Guitarist and bassist-singer write the music, while the drummer writes a poem. Then the drummer and the bassist-singer work together to adapt the poem into lyrics. And then they put the entire song together. So basically they're a half-exception half-not.

But generally in 95% of cases nobody writes lyrics first and melody later because in most cases you'll hit a brick wall in your process sooner or later. And even if you manage to somehow avoid it, the melody will most probably be dull and uninspiring. Kinda like trying to write a screenplay before even outlining a story and characters.

(Notice how simple and dull The Doors's vocal melodies are rhytmically, btw. A bit like he's actually reciting.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCX8VJIYgM8 (This song is one of the more extreme examples)


>> No.8050403

my favourite meme

>> No.8050404

You're a good guy.

>> No.8050983

Doors lyrics may seem simple at first, so may Jim's poetry, but the age of complicated metaphors and forcible beauty in poetry had been already dead in those times for like 50 years. Read Ginsberg, Bukowski and other similar artists and you may understand the lyrics and poetry of the doors.

>> No.8051076

Faces of Love - Penguin
It's a collection of some of the poems of 3 Persian poets from Shiraz.