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8048939 No.8048939 [Reply] [Original]

I am finding this book difficult. Am I retarded?

>> No.8048949


No. Faulkner is not light reading. His stream of consciousness style places him somewhere around Joyce or Woolf in terms of a specific type of difficulty. It can take a bit of getting used to if you haven't read those authors.

Stick with it, though. As I Lay Dying is great.

>> No.8048954

This novel's pretty short so don't be afraid to reread the entire thing, it might make more sense afterwards.

>> No.8048962


Ok, cool

I just felt after reading some of the authors I have, this book shouldn't be a problem, I've never heard of it being regarded as difficult.

>> No.8048975

No. Faulkner is difficult.

It's a decent introduction to Faulkner, too, since it's short.

>> No.8048994

It's really fucking difficult. The first page isn't even what you think it's about. When I read what it was about, I knew how little I understood everything. It's really fucking difficult.

Scene with the basket and putting it down or something is about spicy sex, just so you know.

>> No.8049280

As I Lay Dying shouldn't be unreadable but it's not 'easy'.

>> No.8049370

I had a hard time with it, more than most people considering English is not my first language and Faulkner often changes the spelling of words.

After reading it all I think I can make some sense of it. I'm not sure how much I got out of it, but I didn't love what I got, it was just good but not much more.

I still have to read The Sound and the Fury, so might re-read this one before.

>> No.8049428

>muh corn
>muh wood
>muh dirt

objectively the shittiest aesthetic

>> No.8049504


Yes. But that's not why you're retarted. You're retarted because you're posting on 4chan.

Fun story tho, I tried to read Cold Mountain like five times. Each time I couldn't get past the first chapter. This went on for a few years with me picking it up now and then. Someone had given me a nice new hardcover as a gift so I felt bad for not reading it. (That was then. I'm old now and have no fucks to give.)

Anyway, on the six or seventh try, I started reading Cold Mountain and it just clicked with me. The language was beautiful. The characters compelling. I loved every page.

Sometimes you're just not in the right mind space to get a book. Come back to it later. There is no literature you're incapable of consuming.

>> No.8049509



>> No.8049521



>> No.8049545



>> No.8049587

imho this is the best entry to Faulkner, not an easy read at first, but you will get hang of it soon enough. The Sound and the Fury is a different story, had to look up plot key elements online to keep up with the book, but it also gets easier towards the second part. I've noticed that the more I struggle with Faulkner, the more it blows my mind, after finishing As I Lay Dying I thought this was epic, but after finish The Sound and the Fury...oh boy, what a book.

>> No.8049854


t. someone who has never read Faulkner (or anything else of worth)

>> No.8049863

The only thing I've read this past week that wasn't of worth was this retarded post.

>> No.8050059



>> No.8050164

Categorically. I'm sorry anon

>> No.8050193

Yes, l you are retarded for making such a retarded thread.

>> No.8050204

Get drunk on bourbon or rye and then read it. It's what I did.