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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 228x221, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8048861 No.8048861 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you'll never be a classy well respected author or artist
>tfw despite how good or shit your work is, it will never be appreciated the way it would have been 70 years ago
>tfw you will never live a classic bohemian lifestyle
>tfw you cant appreciate sadness/loneliness in an artistic way, you just feel bad
>tfw you have many good ideas an eanna write again but youre to tired and depressed to do it

Is there any hope for us?

>> No.8048872

These are the golden ages of bohemian lifestyles. Nab those Neet bux, hang out with homeless people and street kids, they will love all of your shit and help you figure out how to properly express what you feel you can express to those who haven't had the same experiences or studied the same things as you. Quit complaining and start rebelling against the system that has enslaved you, set you in chains against your own ego, and taught you to disparage your self and wallow in your self-pity. Rise up and appreciate the world as an act of spite against an uncaring, irrational universe. Grab onto that pain you feel and learn to love it.

>> No.8048881

it's never been easier to neet it out

>> No.8048890
File: 189 KB, 799x630, Mark Twain (Huck Finn; Feb 2016).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1: Consider the neet
Step 2: reject the neet
Step 3: disparage the neet
Step 4: appreciate the neet
Step 5: dream of neet
Step 6: become the neet
Step 7: ???
Step 8: Profit

>tfw u realize u could've skipped steps 2-5

>> No.8048891

the productive melancholy of an artist is not clinical depression. get help man

>> No.8048894

How do you NEET? parent money? Welfare?

>> No.8048898
File: 50 KB, 482x754, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep_ - Philip K. Dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that you Isaac

>> No.8048900

either or both

>> No.8048915

>>tfw despite how good or shit your work is, it will never be appreciated the way it would have been 70 years ago

neither you could write like you write right now 70 years ago

>> No.8048921

What if you live in a shit country with no welfare and both you and your parents are poor? I'd consider to neet, but I've already made them pay for my studies and some stupid shit I've done

>> No.8048935

>what is homelessness

>> No.8048957

what kinda country do you live in? you can't even fake an illness?

>> No.8048959

>a shit country with no welfare
the usa pre obamacare?

>> No.8048968

move to an expensive city and share a 1 bedroom apartment with a dozen 20-30 y.o. artists and writers

>> No.8048972

is this a nightmare scenario?

>> No.8048980
File: 59 KB, 700x467, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never live a classic bohemian lifestyle
Well it's not classic, but we're living it

>> No.8048983
File: 193 KB, 500x676, 1463155229011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irl welfare neet here
it cool sometimes

>> No.8049008

Drop this idea, try to be a well-read person instead.

Is there a single “NEET” who has produced a recognized work of art in the last decade?

>> No.8049017

ignore this normie

become neet and read all day

>> No.8049028

Most “NEETs” I heard of would end spending this free time on quite less noble pastimes.

>> No.8049032

and some read the classics for over 14 hours a day
don't sell op short

>> No.8049038

How is it even possible to read fourteen hours straight? I seriously doubt this is a good idea. He should try to find a meaningful job and read on his free time, like most people successfully do. As—sorry if I look immodest—I do. It will leave him enough resources to travel and discover the world, in addition to have an extended access to knowledge.

>> No.8049053

fuckin casual get off /lit/

>> No.8049064

>It will leave him enough resources to travel and discover the world

>implying he can't experience it vicariously

every hour spent not reading or writing is another wasted hour

>> No.8049068

That's all fourteen hours a day reading yields in argumentative skills?

Okay, that's a nice lifestyle, but I still doubt he would visit a foreign country, or even leave his house. His income may force him to stay where he is—pretending to be disabled then hiking, for example—and I doubt an hour not spent working or commuting would be an hour dedicated to writing or reading. How would he pay for a plane ticket? An hotel? His food? His medical expenditures? I don't think it's a healthy way to live.

>> No.8049075

stop responding to memes and b8 you idiot

>> No.8049077

Everyone deserves an answer, and I don't think it's a “bait”. There's no need to insult the others.

>> No.8049082

you sound polite

>> No.8049098

>Lel blame the nigger kek
Stop stealing from everyone else you fucking Bernie supporting faggot

>> No.8050313


>> No.8051985

By god I can't stop laughing.

>> No.8052003


LMFAO the NEET is talking to himself and trying to get himself to listen to his own advice what a fucking loser nerd!

t. Young, handsome business owner Chad :)

>> No.8052031


You're disgusting filth who wallows in their own shit. If that frog doesn't disgust you then you're an unambitious loser