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File: 39 KB, 402x402, Philip-K-Dick-9274047-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8045179 No.8045179 [Reply] [Original]

>While listening to the Beatles' "Strawberry Fields Forever" one day, Phil heard the lyrics change into a prophetic warning: "Your son has an undiagnosed right inguinal hernia. The hydrocele has burst, and it has descended into the scrotal sac. He requires immediate attention, or will soon die." Phil rushed him to the hospital and found every word to be true. The doctor scheduled the operation for the same day. Once again, the healing power of Phil's vision comes to the fore. In a sense the boy was "reborn", which was to have great consequences for Phil's subsequent actions.
>Another event was an episode of supposed xenoglossia. Supposedly, Dick's wife transcribed the sounds she heard him speak, and discovered that he was speaking Koine Greek—the common Greek dialect during the Hellenistic years (3rd century BC–4th century AD) and direct "father" of today's modern Greek language—which he had never studied. As Dick was to later discover, Koine Greek was originally used to write the New Testament and the Septuagint. However, this was not the first time Dick had claimed xenoglossia: a decade earlier, Dick insisted he was able to think, speak, and read fluent Koine Greek under the influence of Sandoz LSD-25.
How can we even hope to compete with this?

>> No.8045221

This guy had to some serious shit going on which should have been explored in further depth. Anyone have a good book on the life of old mate dick and all his wacky adventures which is worth a read?

>> No.8045274

>dude drug addicts are prophets spiritual hogwash is real lmao

Nothing against Dick though. He was a very talented fellow.

>> No.8045294

The Exegesis of Philip K Dick

is a whole bunch of collected entries from his diaries collecting these wacky episodes

>> No.8045296

*tips fedora
Keep shilling for Demiurge, my fellow man.

>> No.8045311

>Phil heard the lyrics change into a prophetic warning: "Your son has an undiagnosed right inguinal hernia. The hydrocele has burst, and it has descended into the scrotal sac. He requires immediate attention, or will soon die."

Sick beats. I'll be singing that in the shower for a while.

>> No.8045321

> the lyrics change into "Your son has an undiagnosed right inguinal hernia. The hydrocele has burst, and it has descended into the scrotal sac. He requires immediate attention, or will soon die."
Would like to hear that

>> No.8045373

If a labrador does it, demonrace unimpressed, if philip K dick does it, miracleman.

>> No.8046135

>>While listening to the Beatles' "Strawberry Fields Forever" one day, Phil heard the lyrics change into a prophetic warning: "Your son has an undiagnosed right inguinal hernia. The hydrocele has burst, and it has descended into the scrotal sac. He requires immediate attention, or will soon die."
This sounds like satire or very retarded new age religious promotion.

>> No.8046201

Obviously the challenge for the thread is to listen to the song and try to figure out which bit would have turned into that.


>> No.8046231

So he had schizophrenia?

>> No.8046247

No. Appearantly he had occult powers.

>> No.8046260

how do you die from an inguinal hernia?

>> No.8046261

Unless he could summon a hot succubus or conjure an impressive number of tulpas at will, I won't consider him magically gifted.

>> No.8046269

>summon a hot succubus
probably how his son got that hernia

>> No.8046290

Well dude if the hydrocele bursts and descends into the scrotal sac, shit can get real. I heard a song about it on the radio a while back.

>> No.8046302
File: 23 KB, 500x385, 1462359316243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, at last, I truly see now.

>> No.8046305

>mental illness is a competition
if you consider being retarded a mental illness, then it sounds like you're winning

>> No.8046307

I'm on the top of the race then.

>> No.8046334


>> No.8046340
File: 31 KB, 465x317, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we learned anything from Dick, it's that retards make the best prophets

>> No.8046344

Jesus couldn't write or read after all.

>> No.8046383

I learned that from W. M. Miller.

>> No.8046402

my wife's son had the same problem

>> No.8046417

You'll have to expand on that bud

>> No.8046465

If you liked Dick, you might find A Canticle for Leibowitz enjoyable.

>> No.8046565


>> No.8046621

Thank you