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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 141 KB, 1600x1200, 2013+42donna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8044931 No.8044931 [Reply] [Original]

pic related

>> No.8044953
File: 430 KB, 664x874, Boipussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8044957
File: 307 KB, 400x400, Clarice Lispector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8044962
File: 114 KB, 750x655, José Domingo Gómez Rojas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8044981
File: 55 KB, 300x480, 1461332480035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it. I don't even like objectivism.

>> No.8044984
File: 16 KB, 336x416, sexton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have Tons of Sex with Anne Sexton, if you know what I mean

>> No.8044996

btw, why are cemetery watchmen even called sextons

>> No.8045012

Etymology: A borrowing from French. Etymons: French segerstain, secretain.
< Anglo-Norman segerstain, seggerstein, segrestane, sekerstain, secrestane, secrestein, etc., and Middle French secretain (late 11th cent. in Old French (chiefly northern) as segreitein ; French regional (northern) secrétain , ségretain , etc., (central) segrétain ), also Anglo-Norman and Middle French sacrestain (14th cent. or earlier as sacrestayn ) < post-classical Latin sacristanus sacristan n., partly influenced in form by post-classical Latin secretarius sacristan (6th cent.), spec. use of secretarius secretary n.1 Compare post-classical Latin segrestanus (a1128 in a British source, apparently after Anglo-Norman). Earlier currency of the Middle English α. forms is probably implied by post-classical Latin sextanus (1299 in a British source) and Anglo-Norman sextain, sextone (1319 or earlier), unless these reflect a similar phonological development in Anglo-Norman.

>> No.8045016
File: 82 KB, 800x1093, Virginia_Woolf_in_1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why, I just find her unusually attractive.

>> No.8045037
File: 146 KB, 640x780, 640full-banana-yoshimoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshimoto is a qt 3.14

>> No.8045076


>someone is knocking at the door
>you realize you forgot the patrician checker was due today
>in horror, you scramble for the nearest pile of YA, grab the top few and go for the window
>a female voice pierces through the door: "I can hear you in there Mr Anon! Delayed door opening is a reason to augment your pleb ratio and thus diminishes your free government patrician bux!"
>you are torn inside between failing your patrician test and letting in this /lit/ inspector
>with your face burning red you drop the YA books and go open the door
>standing outside is an attractive middle-aged woman with dark glossy hair and a firm smile
>she's small but walks in confidently and begins to jot down what she sees
>you try to explain that these well worn YA books that litter your appartment belong to a friend who had to store them there
>she cuts you off: "what is the 233rd footnote of Infinite Jest about?
>you stammer it's about l-l-lignocaine
>she asks you when Hemingway wrote The Old Man And The Sea
>"1952!" you say. Things are looking up, the questions make up fifty percent of your patricianhood assessment. Maybe if you answer them all right you can get a low-level grant for the next year and then really really study and read for real this time.
>her next question is: how many "m" in Hemingway?
>your eyes dart to the shelf with the Hemingway books for a second but she scoots in front of it too quickly to find your copy of A Farewell to Arms


>> No.8045083


>praying, you say 1 m
>she smiles but doesn't say anything.
>"listen, about these YA books" you say
>"I know all about them Mr Anon. You know, the government doesn't pay young NEETs to read John Green. I have your assessment here. I'm afraid this isn't going to cut it young man. Unless..."
>you gasp "unless what?"
>she begins asking you question almost too fast for you to answer
>questions about literature and authors, minute details
>you answer each and every single one of them as good you can
>both of your voices dance in the appartment, mixing and pulling away from each other
>all your answers are not only correct, but well formulated and from an interesting perspective
>the flow of questions diminishes and die until silence
>she looks you in the eye
>"Young man, I see you have potential. You are Smart But Lazy (tm)."
>she ticks a box on her form
>"Young writers like you are very rare, you're my first in all my patrician checker career. The government needs you Mr Anon, but only if you can surpass your lazyness"
>you say yes of course madam I will
>she says: "I'll get you in the best tier of government bux if you do one thing"
>you say I'll do anything madam.
>smiling this simple, commanding smile, she wolfishly walks up to you and presses her body to yours
>you can feel her breasts through her business suit
>"I'll get that lazyness out of you boy" she says before kissing you.

>later, you both collect all of the YA books and burn them outside on the street
>passer bys stop and applaud
>"is that Anon, the up and coming young author?"
>one or two publishers come up to you to talk
>Donna stands and smiles at (You)

>> No.8045090

What the fuck?

>> No.8045093
File: 35 KB, 600x307, virginia-woolf-anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck these new whack-a-mole captcha

>> No.8045094


>> No.8045104

>she dated Bret Easton Ellis, a no discernible talent hack and an actual gay
>tfw painfully available

>> No.8045106

>fuck these new whack-a-mole captcha
I'm learning a lot about "storefronts" in third world shitholes.

>> No.8045116

Captchas are used to indentify strret numbers and store on google street. Could you imagine if this were 1933?
>choose all pictures of doors with jewish stars

>> No.8045117

You and me both, brother.

>> No.8045128
File: 114 KB, 1024x455, Chabon-2016 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one who fantasizes about keeping michael chabon locked in a cage while youre away at work and he writes you ancient greek slash fic then when you come home you have him read it to you from his cage and when he's done you have like a fucking twitching, throbbing hard on and toss him they key and you start to undress as he tortures his arm into the correct position to unlock his own cage and as he crawls out towards you you gently stroke your member with one hand and with the other grab a pair of electric penis clamps off a mounted rack of sex toys. with images of hermes in taking an appearance of a young man with his first beard fresh in your mind, michael chabon takes your cock in his mouth as he lovingly massages your balls and inner thighs, he then fixes the electric clamps onto the shaft of your wet, aching cock and begins playing with the remote. inconceivably powerful shocks of pleasure ripple out from your rock hard penis to the rest of your body. you begin to imagine you are lord krishna, copulating with zeus. zeus' swan asshole is electric, alive with power and energy. you imagine you are pounding away and zeus in his swan form is letting out one blood-curdling avian scream after another. you yourself begin to moan, and the volume and coarseness of your moans increase with each new shock of sensation, until eventually your lungs are bleating out a shriek so loud and coarse it draws the attention of neighbors (one of whom is a new resident attracted by the inexplicably low property values, he will eventually come around to knock on your door, and upon seeing your post-pseudocoital countenance and slovenly dress, will suddenly understand why his house was so cheap. he will mumble about making sure everything is ok, before walking away embarrassed but curious), in the same moment hot jizm erupts from your seizing member, it shoots remarkably high into the air, and the high speed camera mounted below the shelf proves this was the highest into the air you've ejaculated yet. the spurts of semen slow to a leak. you lie prone and half-conscious on the floor as michael chabon tends to duties of cleaning and editing the high-speed film. eventually you are brought to your senses by the fragrance of hot black tea. the clip of your orgasm is ready to be published to pornhub. you nod with approval as "magic mike," as you like to call him in times of playful affection, submits the content with the subtle pride of anonymous producers.

>> No.8045137

we need more of these

>> No.8045223

More please

>> No.8045241

best. erotica. ever.

>> No.8045537

legacy captcha is a bit less bad me boys, turn it on

>> No.8046140
File: 15 KB, 408x359, zadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8046166
File: 150 KB, 750x937, Arundathi Roy-Young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still pretty fine even today but when she was young

>> No.8046350
File: 87 KB, 644x408, 1456414606543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasm intact/10

>> No.8046354
File: 81 KB, 550x825, Sylvia_Beach_Whitman_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8046358

>>you will never have Zadie read your 1000 page metamodernist masterpiece in iambic heptameter about a dinner party held by Ptolemy in the ninth circle of hell at which a heated argument over semiotics between Augustine and Derrida dissolves into Lacan formulating the example of a hypothetical action movie available to rent in Borges' video shop in which Deleuze and Guattari divert Mao's Red Guard from the Cultural Revolution to gangrape Freud but ash from his cigar falls to Eden and sets aflame the forbidden tree before the fruit can be eaten to demonstrate some obscure point about how everybody misunderstands his Seminar on the Purloined Letter which Zadie will edit into a YA novel about a young black woman's struggle to win a poker game held in the basement of the chicken shop in north London where she works and not care about this one bit because Zadie lets you suck her nipples while she strokes your hair and apologises repeatedly that you'll never be able to please her anally because her ass is full of Franzen's cum and she doesn't want her good writer boy to get that dirty seed on his big man penis which she affectionately calls her Favourite Ickle Pen

thank fucking god I won't

>> No.8046586

Very defined chin and nose with pert lips and a slender neck. the side profile with her hair pulled up is what does it. I think she's beautiful.

>> No.8046604

Bretty interesting desu senpai

>> No.8046620
File: 590 KB, 3030x1700, Sylvia-Whitman-Owner-Shakespeare-and-Co-Today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute as heck

>> No.8046626

Also sad eyes

>> No.8046676


Did you guys ever type racial slurs into the old captcha? It was designed to digitize old books or something for google; there was the puzzle word that you had to actually solve, then a word in old typewriter font that you could put any random thing in and it would still work. They wanted you to dutifully type it out and process their books for them, for free. Now a bunch of ebooks have swearing and gibberish in them.

It was called Operation ReNigger. Sometimes you can fool the new image captchas but it's just not worth the effort.

>> No.8046683

wew, give sauce

I did this for years even outside of 4chan, but didn't think anything would actually come out of it

>> No.8046721

This. I would shrug her Atlas.

>> No.8046752


I guess realistically they probably ran each word they wanted transcribed through a thousand captchas and then took the most common solution. Still I would bet a lot of money that a lot of ebooks now have "almoft" where there should be "almost" because casuals don't know what about the long s.

>> No.8046760

i like how her nipples are pointing in different directions, very aesthetically pleasing

>> No.8046779
File: 33 KB, 800x430, AynRand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sexy...

>> No.8046792

Why would you have a crush on an old hag?

>> No.8046801


I can just tell she had a BIG HAIRY MUFF and piss flaps like wet beef.

>> No.8046856

Someone save this, we need more /lit/ copypasta

>> No.8046862

You want to be shat on during sex?