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8042639 No.8042639 [Reply] [Original]

Which psychology/philosophy book will help me best understand why I drink gallons of caffeinated drinks and masturbate for 6-9 hours a day even though i'd rather do something else and it's destroying me mentally and physically

>> No.8042653

talk to a professional about your problems

you're probably autistic

>> No.8042662

Alcoholics Anonymous, replace "alcohol" with your vice of choice

>> No.8042681

socially anxious perhaps, not autistic. 4chan tends to use autism as a blanket term for anyone without perfect social skills

>> No.8042913
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It's called positive reinforcement, you're basically addicted to caffeine and masturbation like a heroine fiend.

You probably do this because deep down you're just sad. I don't mean that as an afront.

Jungian analysis would be the way to go to get yourself out of that hole. I want to warn you though that you actually have to want it, you can't half-ass this, or you'll just end up right back where you are now in a few months/years.

If you're too socially anxious to even see a professional read Jung and his contemporaries such as Marie-Louise von Franz. Start with pic related, it will get you acquainted with Jung.

>> No.8042922


talk to a professional. books wont help you. therapy and/or medication will

>> No.8042932

This is probably true, though wanting something is purely emotional, you can't force yourself to want any more than you can force yourself to be happy. And I do want to change but not with any real emotion behind it. I suppose I'm stuck.

Thanks for the rec though, will check it out. Have heard some lectures about Jung and read some books by a guy who is a Jungian analyst and he seems interesting

>> No.8042934

Just stop. Pour out you drink then throw away the rest. Grow up and realize that your ego can be bigger than your id.

>> No.8042942

>Just stop. Pour out you drink then throw away the rest.

There are shops where I live so that doesn't work and i need my laptop to search for jobs which I have to do but am avoiding

>> No.8042980

just cold turkey the caffeine and masturbation and replace them with ecigs and reading.

>> No.8043460

i agree with this, the ecig will substitute the caffeine because nicotine is a stimulant.

I splurged on a 60 dollar (canadian) ecig-and vapour i enjoyed, because the price, while not amazing, is better than the long term price and fucking terrible health outcome of actually smoking.

So if you come at things for the reason of bettering yourself, just think all that time youre wasting masturbating is only hurting your abilities to have a relationship, have actual sex, or do anything productive. you need to think logically, and think about what will truely make you happy and go for it in a way.

Theres been alot of positive research about psychodelic drugs and their relation to rewiring addictive impulses. im not saying go take some lsd if youve never tripped before, but you should try some indica pot (this is the kind that will satiate your need, and sedate you in physical bliss)
i had the same problems with smoking and video games. now i work on things i have passion for and have rewired my reward centres to gravitate to more productive things. its not hard man u can still masturbate once a day like the rest of us. or maybe you cant

>> No.8043501


Factotum. It's about a miserable alcoholic and his life. Reminds me of mine at times, might remind you of your's.

Whatever by Houellebecq. Relatable as well.

Or to answer your question accurately (psychological or philosophical) - The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus. You need a struggle to become complete.

Right now, you have your metaphorical 'lotus leaves' - caffeine and masturbation.

If you're content, don't change. Don't let society and everyone else on this thread shame you into leading a dull, boring life without much stimulation.

If you really want to do something else, pick up an instrument or an athletic activity (ex. running, lifting, etc), and set a goal. Once you achieve it, keep setting more goals. Keep pushing until you drop dead eventually.

>> No.8045680

I second the others, go to therapy.

On Becoming a Person by Carl Rogers is an excellent read on his approach to therapy and relationships.

>> No.8046081

I'm in therapy and it does nothing, he just talks shit and interrupts me when i try to talk

>> No.8046084


>> No.8046092


your blog is bad, always has been, always will be

>> No.8046102

It's not mine.

>> No.8046117

well someone advertises it as though they were paid to do it so i'm not convinced. it's shit regardless

>> No.8046197

which entries would you recommend in this context?

>> No.8046215


>> No.8046227

im gonna make an educated guess here and say that humans have
1 habit formation
2 habit maintenance
3 conservation of effort

its easy to just keep doing the same thing if it works for you. Humans never really had the possibility of living in a room without need or want for basic stuff like food/water, sleep, safe habitat, sex and necessary mental stimulation

today with neetbux, computers and the internet all of these things are possible, and are also encouraged due to the shit economy/employment prospects, and high entrance threshold, as well as negative factors (can just live on neetbux, dont need a gf when you have porn etc)

humans are highly motivated animals when they have no food/water/sex/mental stimulation/safe environment

so heres a solution to all your problems: shut off your computer for a week. You will get so bored out of your mind you will most likely get a job, a gf, friends and a hobby within that time period alone

>> No.8046238
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>> No.8046257

OP, if you could do anything else, what would you do?

>> No.8046650


Sounds like a toxic analyst with a power complex. Leave immediately.

>> No.8046675
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The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.8046722
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Pic related. Paul Tillich's "Dynamics of Faith"

He offers an existential definition of faith that helped me overcome my flaws. You will begin to ask yourself, "What is my ultimate concern?"

What do you do everyday, and what does that say about you? Once you can honestly answer that question you'll probably think twice about your habits.

Also this article wrecked my shit. I was not unlike you at the time: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/pornography_is_what_the_end_of_the_world_looks_like_20150215

>> No.8046785

Isn't Paul Tillich religious though? If it's faith in God then I don't think I'll be able to apply it.
>inb4 hat memes
Thanks for the recs though.

>> No.8047736

Well yeah, he was a theologian, but if you can't stomach it then it's probably because you just don't understand it. He's not proselytizing; he has his own views, but he makes a compelling argument that your faith is your ultimate concern.

It's funny that you asked if he was religious. For Tillich, everybody is religious, it just depends what their God is, i.e., their ultimate concern. So if you watch porn all day, there you go: porn is your God.

>> No.8047868

I've never quite understood this idea of calling things your God, it just seems abstract. Probably because I don't know much about religion but it seems kind of belittling to equate God: all knowing, all powerful creator of the universe with me jerking off every day.

Surely there's a big distinction there

>> No.8047890

Get in to bodybuilding yo. Read Arnold Schwarzenegger's Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding.

>> No.8047959
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>> No.8048007

Read Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima.

And understand that a book will not make you do anything. Only you can.

>> No.8048080

Excellent blog. Nearly got fired last month for not getting any work done because I was reading his archives all week.

>> No.8048110


>> No.8048355


>> No.8048357
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This, desu.

>> No.8049321

God is just representative of your ultimate concern. Not even theologians argue that he's some omnipotent being, I don't know why you would still believe in that.

Think about American society; is it religious? What does it worship?

Money, the all-powerful God of the marketplace.

>> No.8049393

Find a purpose in life. People talk about what gets them out of bed in the morning, out of that state of relaxation and unwillingness to face the world, and you sound like you're stuck in that state for a lot of the day. Get in some classes. If you don't know what you want to do try out a lot of different things. Do some work, even part-time. Even if money isn't an issue for you structure is the important thing, we as humans will always take the path of least resistance when it's an option. Make it less of an option. Being busy for more of the day also makes you appreciate the time you do have free, and you will fill it with an actually enjoyable or worthwhile hobby instead of shitposting/jackin it all day. Caffeine isn't a bad thing in moderation. Too much of it, or the sugar that often fills caffeinated drinks, is the issue. Dial it down over time to a few cups of black coffee a day, that has actually been shown to have health benefits! Consider some form of religion. I'm a Christian and that more than anything gives me a purpose in life, something to live for beyond pleasurable things in the world. Check out Mere Christianity by CS Lewis if you never have before, just to start evaluating and making an informed decision for yourself about more spiritual things.

>> No.8049417

Proselytize elsewhere, christfag.

>> No.8049535

>Not even theologians argue that he's some omnipotent being, I don't know why you would still believe in that.

Not sure about that

>> No.8049599

Tbh it's Nietzsche

>> No.8049714

Theologians duck the problem of evil (all good, all knowing, all powerful, bad things happen) by claiming either 1) humans actually don't experience and true evils or 2) that bad things happen to allow for better things or more devoted followers. I'm not claiming to back these up but I know people that definitely believe in an omnipotent being.

>> No.8049732
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This desu senpai

>> No.8049741

but that book is terrible

>> No.8049761

Just finished up a 6 or so hour session.

Feels bad. Cum turns to water, no baby making potential. Thanks for the replies. I'm adamant that was my last

>> No.8049774

wtf how do you pay rent?

>> No.8049803

parents agreed to pay till i find a job. No one's replying to my CV... strangely enough

>> No.8050542

>If you're content, don't change. Don't let society and everyone else on this thread shame you into leading a dull, boring life without much stimulation.

But this is what addicts tell themselves inbetween periods of self-hate. That they're okay living in such a way, maybe it suits their personality and they'd like to keep it

The best way to end an addiction would be relying on another person; you have them monitoring you and helping to occupy your time, as well as the embarrassment you'll feel when you tell them you've relapsed (or lie about such). I started seeing a therapist some 6 months ago for anxiety/depression and I'm certainly better off for it - unfortunately, I'm still afraid to force my porn addiction into the conversation more often, pathetically clinging to it and afraid of what she might tell me.

>> No.8050546

No OP, but thank you for this. Are you familiar with Robert Moore or Jordan B Peterson? They are Jungian analysts that mentioned Tillich frequently. If you are in to mythology, psychology, existentialism you'll love Peterson.