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/lit/ - Literature

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804148 No.804148 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me some books that you are embarrassed to read in public.

You know, ones that you know are good (or are a guilty pleasure). Ones that make you wanna say, 'its better than it sounds... really'

>> No.804153

if you post a serious reply in this thread, you just might be a hipster.

>> No.804167


Uh, wouldn't that be bragging about books you read in public?

>> No.804188

um... OP's pic *;-;*

>> No.804192

no, it's the fact that you're self conscious of the literature due to aesthetic appeal, rather than reading strictly for enjoyment.

>> No.804196

The sookie stackhouse books. Its less that I'm embarrassed and more that I don't want people to talk to me about it.

>> No.804198

pretty much anything. I like to read alone.

>> No.804200


and on a related note, Butter Battle Book

>> No.804201

Anything that is obviously epic fantasy by the title, like "A Game of Thrones"or "The Warrior-Prophet".

>> No.804205

Dresden files

>> No.804209

Naruto manga

>> No.804216

i love the man, but i'm embarrassed to read Burroughs in public. not because he's embarrassing, but because every other page is a graphic, scatological gay sex scene.

>> No.804229
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Tropic of Cancer + Tropic of Capricorn. Everyone knows what your reading and assumes why.

I've read Burroughs in public for ages, mainly because no one really knows who he is and those who do usually appreciate him.
If anyone cops a page of buttsecks or assorted sexual deviance over your shoulder they will learn lesson about reading other peoples shit.

>> No.804233

Love Hina

>> No.804234

Not exactly. I'm saying books that you enjoy to read, but just don't like the stigma that comes along with any particular series.

>> No.804237

Away! Back to /a/! Back I say!

>> No.804256

Usually it depends on the cover. Today I was at the library, and I passed over Saturn's Children, by Charlie Stross because it had a computer rendered sexy woman on the cover. It would have been uncomfortable for me to read that in public.

>> No.804258


>> No.804260

Lawl. I feel ya, bro.

>> No.804276

Books by Amy Tan. I love 'em, but I feel childish in public for some reason.

>> No.804311

Are you kidding? I love reading that in public!

I wouldn't be caught dead with an I SPY book, though. Only in my room...

>> No.804317

I almost feel that way about Star Wars books. Most are pretty shitty but I love them anyway. Other then Tales of the Bounty Hunters. That one was awesome and I can brandish it without shame.

>> No.804320

fucking hipsters.
all of you.

>> No.804358
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Who else is going to be on board about Literature?
The only alternative to Hipsterfag here is just plain Fag. Either way your here to boast about the books you read.

>> No.804363

Wasted, by Marya Hornbacher. And other assorted eating disorder related books.

>> No.804377

I'm not embarrassed about anything I read. However, I loathe when I'm reading a fantasy novel and someone who obviously doesn't really care asks me what it's about.

>> No.804390

Jean Plaidy novels.

>> No.804393

Oh I love Amy Tan so much! Her work is amazing.

>> No.804402

I read a lot of Nabokov and other racy stuff like The Reader in high school... Got some weird looks from teachers. But that's the only time I've really felt self-conscious of reading in public.

I also read Kafka on the Shore at a church retreat. Even though I wasn't in public I was afraid of my friends or their moms reading over my shoulder then.

>> No.804451

That never happens to me, and I read stuff with interesting jacket covers. Maybe you just look like an open, friendly person.

>> No.804471

Hardy Boys.

>> No.804491


I read Wilbur Smith when I was 12; that was an interesting experience for me, but I never particularly felt embarassed. Agree with you on the whole 'you're reading a book about a pedophile/incest/pederasty' thing: apparently 18 year olds aren't supposed to be exploring malignant themes (but it's totally okay for them to kill a hooker in GTA).

>> No.804500
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I don't have guilty pleasures, because I am unable to enjoy stupid bullshit.