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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 103 KB, 392x574, Gravitys_rainbow_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7997545 No.7997545 [Reply] [Original]

>So, anon, what's your favorite novel?
>Oh, definately Gravity's Rainbow
>Never heard of it, what's it about?
> ...

>tfw plebs will never understand why this is a masterpiece if they haven't read it themselves

>> No.7997553

Less time reading about magical dicks and more time on grammar, plebkun

>> No.7997562


pynchon fans, everyone

>> No.7997582


>> No.7997586

Irregardless, this is widely jejune.

>> No.7997588
File: 46 KB, 394x370, George-Costanza-OCBD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7997589

Gravity's Rainbow is a cautionary tale about Pavlovian conditioning gone wrong.
Gravity's Rainbow is the story of WWII, told from the perspectives of people often left out of the traditional narrative, such as psychics, scientists, and lightbulbs.
Gravity's Rainbow is what happens when you take the furiously scribbled notes of a poet, a mathematician, a drug addict and a quantum physicist and shuffle them together.

Just tell that to the plebs

>> No.7997591

>not pleb

>> No.7997742


>> No.7997783
File: 1.71 MB, 360x360, 1461306681974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get asked this question by 60+ elephant woman
>tell her I really enjoyed Infinite Jest
>she's never heard of it
>starts to talk about the "classics," Dickens, Eliot etc
>makes up bullshit about how imagery doesn't exist in modern literature because "my generation" grew up with television

>> No.7997975

this triggered me

>> No.7998763

you're a faggot OP, GR is my favorite book and I have tons of ways of shorthand explaining it

>It's kind of a surrealist war satire, the whole thing is kicked off by a mixup where the main character's penis is thought to be directing V2 rocket strikes, it's pretty wild.

>> No.7998783

>it's a look-at-me-I-read-Gravity's-Rainbow-I'm-so-well-read-please-praise-my-superior-taste thread
Please leave. Reading one of the 20th century's most popular and acclaimed books doesn't make you special.

>> No.7998795
File: 10 KB, 240x210, One million keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible bait. Had a hearty chuckle though.

>> No.7998802

>>makes up bullshit about how imagery doesn't exist in modern literature because "my generation" grew up with television

If I've got her right, she makes sense. Most new bestsellers read just like scripts for trashy tv shows. The closest things to a masterpiece are just script versions for, say, "classy" HBO dramas. The art of the written word is now entirely infused with the language of visual media.

>> No.7998806

All three of these are awful, and would immediately oust you as a pseud to most people who have read it.

>> No.7998955

But these are wrong. Pavlovian conditioning is a relic of the past in GR, it's why Pointsman goes mad, it's why he has no influence at all by the end.

It's decidedly not the story of WW2. It eschews everything we've come to know of WW2, there is none of the WW2 mythology nor WW2 truths. It is a story of a war fought by remote bombing, by spies, by occultism. It says nothing of ground wars, of concentration camps, of Adolf Hitler. It also only spends about 1/3 of the book IN WW2. It is a book begging to be read as a Cold War novel, Cold War and onward.

This last explanation is just embarrassing.

This whole post is embarrassing, because nothing about Gravity's Rainbow is subtle.

>> No.7999018

bestsellers =! modern literature, let alone "masterpieces." is that the best you can do to prove that words are "infused with the language of visual media"?

pls get over yourself. I bet you haven't even read Bolano, let alone good contemporary poets like Cole or Gluck

>> No.7999032

Halfway through V right now and having trouble finding the motivation to finish it. Think I'll have better luck with Gravity's Rainbow or am I just fucked?

>> No.7999039

Cole and Gluck are both mediocre at best, desu

>> No.7999045
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw filthy plebs constantly around me talking about plebby things like GoT and other reddit topics
>mfw a 8/10 girl once tried talking to me about Enders Game and could barely contain my laughter. ended up telling her to read some actual literature instead of that reddit trash
>mfw im truly a patrician that only reads authentic and difficult literature and all the other plebs are inferior
>mfw plebs will always be plebs whilst us patricians eternally bathe in the glorious intellectual pursuits of serious literature

>> No.7999053

V is pynchon's novel most like GR in style/form but GR does have a greater sense of immediacy and pull - GR is like a preapocalyptic scifi, V is like a beat fiction novel with something evil lurking just out of reach - but if you're not liking V at all i don't see any reason to bother with GR

>> No.7999060

>tfw /lit/ will never understand that the world cringes every time you mention Gravity's Rainbow unironically

>> No.7999105

You should have shown her that DFW interview.

>> No.7999126


>> No.7999254
File: 44 KB, 400x323, 1328058899432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7999265

Shut the FUCK UP. Don't act like you've never made a fucking spelling error you MOTERFUCKER.

>> No.7999282

Its about missiles, war, stuff like that.

>> No.7999301

>Someone sees me carrying V
>"oh is that fantasy"

>> No.7999305

During the Blitz, an American soldier stationed in London discovers that a map of all the girls he fucks is identical to a map of where German rockets fall. Gravity's Rainbow follows his zany adventures looking for answers across Europe as WWII comes to an end.

Was that so hard?

>> No.7999323

What trouble are you having with it? I found it a blast