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/lit/ - Literature

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7995947 No.7995947 [Reply] [Original]

What substances help inspire your creativity, /lit/?

>> No.7995957

hallucinogens work well I heard but they wont magically make you a good writer

>> No.7995962

coffee, but thats just because I'm tired all the damn time and can't function without it.

>> No.7995968

If you grant me that anything which is good is a derivative of God, and by extension a substance provided by and of God, and so God in some way is a substance of His own in some way, I would say God.

>> No.7995970

manatee sperm inserted through the ear

>> No.7995971

Higher doses. Not really. You might be creative but overall the dissociation might completely ruin your initial train of thought. You will end up lying on your bed listening to music entering a sub-lucid day dreaming state. Lower doses will inspire a small amount of creativity but concentrating might prove difficult.
Same reason as above but with more motor skill impairment.
This will likely make you creative. Knowing the strain will be important. Look for a sativa strain and take small incremental amounts so you can stay at the task on hand and not end up masturbating then listening to that fucking pink floyd album again for the 1000th time.
Your motivation and focus will improve. Not necessarily creativity.

>> No.7995981

Beyond coffee I can't take anything or else I'll feel like the thing I created wasn't genuine.

>> No.7995985

>have small double-double
>feels like rocket fuel firing out of my ass and propelling me through the cruft of my shitty brain into actual ideas and understanding, for 3 hours
>have medium double-double
>shake constantly, feel sick, piss three times, hyperfocus on walking around in circles in a video game for two hours while alt+tabbing every five seconds to check if i got any replies to instant messages
>have large double-double
>fall asleep

don't understand

>> No.7995986

Why do you identify "you" as to your mindset when you are sober? Are you not you when you are high?

>> No.7995993

I've never been high and I never will.

>> No.7995995


God you are intolerable.

>> No.7996000

Have you been drunk before?

>> No.7996008

Is it more likely that I'm tired all the time because I'm just naturally tired all the time, or is it possible that I'm tired all the time because of caffeine withdrawal?

>> No.7996010

Not even joking

>> No.7996029

I love you, brother.

>> No.7996037

a couple times. its not my thing ok

pleasure seekers begone

>> No.7996060
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Amphetamines are wonderful but I don't use them anymore.

Hallucinogens are fun but should be done very occasionally if you're not micro-dosing.

Alcohol is shit.

Caffeine is very hit or miss.

To be honest, exercise and nutrition work for me more consistently than anything else.

>> No.7996081

I hate to admit it, but pot really does help three-dimensionalize abstract concepts in your mind which then can make it easier to create large and interesting metaphoric and analogous connections, if you struggle with that.

>> No.7996096

This is me, and
>>7996060 also brought up a great one. Endorphins really get the mind going. After all, it is a muscle. So exercise and taking care of your body will aslo help your mental acuity and clarity.

>> No.7996101
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So what's the deal with microdosing? Why do people do that? What is it like? I heard it's almost like some sort of amphetamine focus without the jitters. Is that accurate?

>> No.7996109

Energy drinks, coffee, and a moderate amount of alcohol all help me 'pep up' to write faster without fatigue, but they don't inspire creativity.

>> No.7996152

I have no experience with microdosing, hence declining to comment on it.

Not only does exercise help you feel good, but it actually trains your brain to build up bigger glycogen stores in the brain to fuel it under hard use. This pretty much has the effect of making you sharper and able to focus for longer.

>> No.7996171

Yes but I hated it, and wouldn't ever thinking of writing drunk

>> No.7996176
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it's a popular new branch of pseudoscience based on anecdotal evidence

it's not impossible that it works, but not enough research has been done on it to say it does

>> No.7996185

How do people write while stoned? I become more creative for sure but always end up hyperfocusing on a single sentence or idea and nothing gets written.

>> No.7996196

Fresh air

>> No.7996207

The latter! After quitting coffee I've experienced much more energy throughout the day. I still get very tired around 3pm (wake up at 6am) and have to eat some food to keep myself going, but otherwise it's good.

If you're going to continue drinking coffee, at least make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day.

Also, exercising multiple times a week helps in the long run.

>> No.7996210

Didn't even know I wanted a copy of Vineland until I saw that cover.

>> No.7996216

Then why are you calling it psuedoscience, faggot? How about exploratory research?

>> No.7996239
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the people making unproven claims before exploratory studies have been done, while couching those claims in the language of science, are engaging in pseudoscience.

why do drug users get so offended when anyone tells them that their drugs aren't magic cures?

>> No.7996316

You're smoking too much. Try a smaller amount.

>> No.7996328

I just write as much shit as possible and go back when I'm sober to proofread.

>> No.7997248

mushrooms are great for poetry.
otherwise i'd stay sober while writing.

>> No.7997252
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music <33

>> No.7997257

Abstinence, prayer and long walks in God's great nature made me create again.

I work a much less profane craft than literature though.

>> No.7997262
File: 208 KB, 1066x841, microdose quartertablsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it adds a little color yep

>> No.7997280
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>> No.7997312

I need MAOIs to remain functional.

>> No.7997313

I know you are but what am i

>> No.7997330
