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/lit/ - Literature

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7993477 No.7993477 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever read a book that offended you so much that you had to stop reading it? Mine, personally was Harry Potter 4 for the racist descriptions of the French and "Bulgarian" students or whereever they were from. Just ridiculous.

>> No.7993491

It's the author's mind. Enjoy it, laugh at it or discard it if it's shit.

>> No.7993494


Idiot, if we don't complain about it in a public space then how will it EVER change?


>> No.7993505

Racism isn't really something to complain about in literature. If a book is bad then it's bad. If an idea triggers you it's your problem.

>> No.7993512


Ah, so this is what Ableism looks like.

>> No.7993515
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These are both good points, even if they are antagonistic.

If an author offends you, say something about it, because a lot of book writing is discussion. No matter what you say though, a writer should be able to say what she/he wants to say, and they can take what others think into consideration, and when they write something more offensive you can condemn that too if you don't like it.

Your example is fucking ridiculous. I've heard a lot of complaints about Harry and why people hate him, but you are looking for something here.

Most offensive to me in today's world?

Feminists, for open lying and trying to manipulate.
The alt right, for trying to pretend they aren't just racist.
And, those who are so self righteous that they believe in censorship and forcing the creative to submit to their world view, destroying the purpose of creation entirely

>> No.7993518



Is it still ableism when YOU personally agree with the author?

>> No.7993521

It's started! Tell me about lookism now! Tell me all about how much more oppressed Bulgarian athletes are compared to cis white males! Yes, yes... Trust your feelings; if you feel victimized, it must be so! Let the oppression Olympics flow through you!

>> No.7993524


I don't have to listen your bigoted hate speech. Fuck off you piece of scum.

>> No.7993529


According to the logic of pic related I should be able to fight and kill other men for dominance and rape a harem of women. Since we're going according to nature.

OP in answer to your question I've been offended enough by bad writing to stop reading a book. And I mean really angered that someone could be so shit at writing and get enough good reviews to meme me into reading their shit for 35 pages. 90% of the time this happens with genre fiction.

I've only stopped reading one book because something happened in it that I didn't approve of; the first Thomas Covenant book. The narrator rapes an innocent young girl who is helping him in the second chapter and I was having a depressive episode and didn't feel like finding out how Thomas got himself out of THAT little pickle.

>> No.7993530


>being like this.

Do you have your books screened for any triggering words too you tremendous wet tissue?

>> No.7993532

You all should be lined up and shot

>> No.7993533

>I don't like this opinion so it should change.
Write a book, try to make it better. That's what I did.

>> No.7993534


I do look up book themes before reading so I know what to read and what not to. I bet you're a racist, sexist prick.

>> No.7993535

Intersectionality is stupid bub; it encourages people to use victimization as a weapon, which propagates it (watch Fox News try to milk the same power source for their own purposes) and it's very unhealthy for individuals to base their perception of reality on feelings alone.

Here's your cure: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_behavioral_therapy

>> No.7993538


>Reading propaganda that can be edited by literally anyone.

Yep, here's the dumbass everyone.

>> No.7993540

>trolling on 4chan.
>on a slow board about literature.
That is just sad

>> No.7993541


Pray tell, which themes are absolutely off limits for you?

I'm asking for a friend.

I actually believe in the rights of women, and ironically my wife is the racist, not me.

>> No.7993543

Fucking this. What kind of false-flagging retard is so desperate for attention that he whines about feminism on fucking /lit/?

>> No.7993545


Oh fuck off you asshole.

>> No.7993546

>Have you ever read a book that offended you so much that you had to stop reading it?
No, because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.7993550


I've seen worse than this before, and if it is a troll, he/she certainly certainly has the bitchy attitude down

>> No.7993551

On topic, it's more reading shit that's utterly false or blatantly uninformed that gets me. If someone has a contrarian stance that's cool, but if they clearly haven't read any of the literature on a topic I'll probably end up abandoning ship. Ann coulter books go here.

>> No.7993552


Troll test.

Who's your favorite author.

>> No.7993555

John Green

>> No.7993558
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>didn't even try

>> No.7993561

John Green is a good author that is the voice of our generation. He is drizzle and we are a hurricane.

>> No.7993562


That's not OP you retard but I expected that from you.

>> No.7993566


Don't understand the confusion here, but I know it wasn't OP, I was responding to this

Yeah, it was cool for while, but you really just fucked up the whole thing troll.

>> No.7993569

>accuses others of trolling
>is a troll
Back to >>>>/b/

>> No.7993573


Nigga, really?

>> No.7993574

I'll go to bed with a grin tonight thinking you were serious when saying this.

>> No.7993576
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You're a bad troll.

>> No.7993582


Is this the new troll tactic? To try and call someone else a troll?

Ya got me! Except I didn't even say anything that is even remotely inflammatory

>> No.7993597

Honestly, this is one of the most sensible posts concerning this issue I've seen on this board.

>> No.7993603


Shut the fuck up dumb cunt.

>> No.7993604


Thanks. I don't know if that's saying much though.

>> No.7993606


I get it. Nice meme.

>> No.7993649

are we getting raided?
at least make it funny

>> No.7993670
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>The alt right, for trying to pretend they aren't just racist.
Found the feminist.

>> No.7993685


Well, let's be real, we ARE racist. The idea is that anti-racism is a pretense for outsiders to come and take the food our of our kids mouths. There's also the point that outsiders are just as racist, just nobody cares because they don't have anything to take. Of course people want to be our friend when there's handouts on the line.

Racism isn't a useful concept anyway. Keeping an eye on black people wandering your neighborhood and gassing jews are both racism.

>> No.7993700


Found the alt right faggot.

Would you go back to read that I was shit talking feminists too? Or are you just so unbalanced that you foam at the mouth when your faggot idealogy is mocked?

>> No.7993703


There's some hope for the alt right moment to not be a complete embarrassment, and this is proof

>> No.7993709
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>Well, let's be real, we ARE racist.
It's not racist to hate criminals and terrorists.

>> No.7993711

>The idea is that anti-racism is a pretense for outsiders to come and take the food our of our kids mouths.
Holy shit, don't tell me you've actually reproduced?

>> No.7993713


It is racist to merely assume that these people are terrorists and criminals because of their race.

Just like its racist to assume all whites are hateful oppressors. But I bet only one of those bothers you right?

>> No.7993720
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>It is racist to merely assume that these people are terrorists and criminals because of their race.
Facts and stats aren't racists, dear

>> No.7993746

>stats that show high crime rates and facts that terrorists have been Muslims prove that all these people are the way I think they are.

>> No.7993750

For you

>> No.7993761
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>terrorists have been Muslims
You mean all of them? Because that would be all of them. t.

>> No.7993766


>being such a faggot that you have to manipulate what I said to feel right.

>mass shooters aren't terrorists because they is white

>still thinking its logical to think that every Muslim is a terrorist because Muslims are engaged in a conservative terrorism movement which believes the same things you alt right faggots do.

>> No.7993770
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>conservative terrorism movement which believes the same things you alt right faggots do.
Oh really.

>> No.7993778

>Let's be real: we are discriminatory.
FTFY. Not really based on race, but on any aspect that may raise our alarms and make us think some little bee doesn't belong in our hive.
It's a defense mechanism that often misfires, but a defense mechanism nonetheless. Time an experience should improve its accuracy.

>> No.7993780


>cherry pick.

But yes they fucking do.

They represent a conservative viewpoint about how women should act in our society, are angry about people who slander thier religion, and spend a lot of time explaining how everyone else is inferior

>> No.7993788
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>cherry pick.
Just fuck off to reddit, SJW

>> No.7993796

>gathering info from /pol/
Not that it isn't correct, but it's a bad sauce.

>> No.7993798


>it's OK to misinterpret Islam but don't fucking pretend you know anything about my bible cuz anything inside of that is sacred.

We can take the train together, you can get off at stormfront

>> No.7993800


Oh yeah and if you don't irrationally hate all Muslims you are an SJw

>> No.7993802
File: 55 KB, 655x527, 1461969917883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice you're all faggots that like muslims and all but lit isn't for children. Finished the Harry Potter books yet? Or is that too haram for your kind?

>> No.7993806


You can tally all the white domestic terrorists you like, our scorecard is still miles ahead.

It's not worth arguing muslim expulsion anyway, the people who run everything aren't about to slash their workforce to make the plebs feel good- especially since terrorist attacks give them more power.

If you don't like immigrants, your only recourse is to start a family, and maybe advocate for increasing immigration from non-muslim countries. I wouldn't mind a few more Chinese or Brazilians.

>> No.7993813


>I'm /pol/ and /lit/ its not enough that I think I'm smarter than all the other races, I have to feel smarter than people who read books too!

I hate goatfucking terrorists as much as the rest of you, but you'd probably learn about the complex issue over there if you went to the army like you dad expected of you, instead of being superior master race from your computer chair.

>> No.7993820

>scoreboard! We aren't shooting up as many schools as terrorists killed people in new York so that means that we don't have any terrorists!

>> No.7993821
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>complex issue
Oh, it's so complicated, SJW. Like you would have to learn to read and argue. Something feminists seem incapable of. But I guess you have to rely on projecting if you can't fall back on facts and logic.

>> No.7993826
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Terrorism just happen to be a little different from simply murdering people. Serial killers aren't terrorists.

>> No.7993835


No, it means muslims are vastly more dangerous.

>> No.7993840

>geopolitical issues is just fucking easy TEX
Shoot da niggers, in Africa an everywhere else too
Bomb the sandniggers, back to thier god Allah

>it doesn't matter that a huge amount of American intervention in places low on education and high on watching your family get killed created a culture of extremism and that a large ultra conservative sects of Islamic militants took over countries which were productive and people of both genders were stopped from producing and stopped from the equality they were achieving, just fucking bomb em

>> No.7993843


Is it the brown skin?

>> No.7993846


Of course they are, that wasn't the point and I never argued that they weren't. I argued that Muslims is a broad term for a lot of people.

>> No.7993847

can't believe /lit/ is largely (entirely?) anti-terrorist, so gauche!

>> No.7993848

>culture of extremism
Oh, sweet. It's somebody who doesn't know any history.

>> No.7993861


>hurrr da crusades and anything violent in Muslims countries means they are violent

>Rome, France, England, Ireland, Russia, Germany, all their issues with extreme violence more than anything ever in the world, they were just flukes though white people have never done anything wrong.

>> No.7993865

You can't argue with /pol/ using logic, their standpoint is purely emotional, forget it

All they want is to have their emotions acknowledged, they don't want them changed, they're a bit like girlfriends in that way

>> No.7993868


Not understanding the very simple concept that countries which were relatively stable became very extreme and it shut down a country of working people, because you really want an excuse to hate those fuckin dotheads

>> No.7993869
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Oi, mateys. Here we have a wild feminist in the wild. Notice how it's completely incapable of arguing and instead relies on projecting, yelling "da nazis did it" or "all men are racists, rapists" and "everything is homophobic and problematic." When faced with facts and logic, they shriek in defense and change goalposts quickly in an attempt to save face.

>> No.7993870


Why don't they fucking stay in /pol/

I started this thread condeming the little pussy who made in the first place.

>> No.7993876

Who is racist?

See this is why academia should invent new terms instead of "claiming" old ones. There is real racism, which is when laws single groups out, people have blatant hatred for groups, and you can have things like "no irish" signs.
Those come from people who believe some races are inferior. Everyone hates these guys, and until trump we had at least 20 years where no politician would be caught dead in this group.

Then there is instinctual stereotyping which is completely natural. This includes white people staring at black people in supermarkets etc. this is more motivated by ignorance than any sort of hate and is a natural mechanism within human beings to protect them from potentially hostile encounters with other groups. White people do this to each other too (I change sides when goths walk towards me; most people hate that one neo-nazi guy at the gym).

Case and point: :/

>> No.7993881


>Agree with me or you are a feminist stereotype even if you told me you didn't even believe in those things.

>> No.7993884
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>Why don't they fucking stay in /pol/
I'm not racist and I don't care about pol. You just happen to be a retarded as SJW

>> No.7993888

>doesn't care about pol
>fights thier battles for them

>> No.7993895

No,not really.
I only stopped reading a book halfway trough once.
And that was a really boring book,I couldn't stand it after 400~ pages (and there was another 300 ahead).But that was a really old sci-fi.

>> No.7993902
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>fights thier battles for them
Battle? So hundreds are dying right now? In lit? Because of le feminists projecting? They're growing stronger in their projecting then.

>> No.7993906

Not even that guy but I grew up in Grozny and if you don't think Islam has any downsides then you are fucking retarded.

>> No.7993910
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the pen is mightier than the sword

>> No.7993911
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>being so one dimensional you believe that the word battle only has one way to be used.

>> No.7993915

I know, but the word battle seems a tad too much for internet arguments. Especially if all the other people can say is "islam isn't that bad" or "terrorists are just misunderstood". Anyway. I gotta eat dinner.

>> No.7993917


Yeah, but nobody said that, and with or without your anecdotal evidence (not real evidence)

I know that Islam has major issues and downsides and is harmful to a lot of people who just want to fucking live in thier countries right now.

I just think that creating a mentality of hating each and every single one of them is foolish

>> No.7993947

>anecdotal evidence is not real evidence.
I hate this meme. Literally all evidence is anecdotal at some point.

>> No.7993952
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>I just think that creating a mentality of hating each and every single one of them is foolish
Why? As of right now people are ignoring real issues and the leftist media censor the very real things the so called "refugees" do in Europe. Why is it so evil to hate the evil things men do? How can it be evil to care for the people you grew up with? Is it evil to want to murder people that want to murder you? If they bomb you, isn't it your right to bomb them back? People bring up but "muh bombing the Islam countries did this" and yeah, things happened. But Islam was a fucking genocidal religion from day one and war is all they ever accomplished.

>> No.7993963

Other than the trolling and/or "My dad didn't love me so here's my tumblr" in that screencap, they are right about men being biologically disposable. The only thing that actually mildly offends me is the part where they say "It's not misandry because it's science".

>> No.7993986

It's not misognystic to say that women are better at being caretakers than any other job.

It's not misandrist to say that men are expendable.

>> No.7993992

Biology also says that the alpha male should beat the other male to get bitches, or that males should rape any women to pass on their genes. Also women are naturally weaker and mentally prepared to breed like rabbits and do secondary tasks, but normally not hunting.
If we gotta go hardcore on human biology, we gotta go harcore on every aspect of human biology. Then shit would get real nasty.

>> No.7994007


>> No.7994043

How society develops influences evolution by natural selection. Animals have certain behavioral patterns and roles because they are useful. Namecalling won't really change that.

>> No.7994086

I'm finding it hard to get through Leviathan because Hobbes was obviously a massive statist cuck.

>> No.7994093


>Femenist trolling
They can't even do that right

>> No.7994126

>Biology also says that the alpha male should beat the other male to get bitches

TIL humans are wolves or something

>> No.7994166

>But Islam was a fucking genocidal religion from day one and war is all they ever accomplished.
All those dead in the conquest of mecca right?

All I'm going to say is Urban II's call to crusade was way more aggressive, and even the Vikings were bothered about Christian expansionism.

>> No.7994261

>and even the Vikings were bothered about Christian expansionism.
Well, they were the last pagans, so yeah. I'm not saying Christians didn't do some bad shit. They've waged wars, defended pedophiles that still happens to this day, but Islam is much worse in my opinion.

>> No.7994289

Abrahamic religions: not even once.

Seriously, India, Egypt, China and Greece or the rest of the pagan Europe all had pretty rich and complex religions. Polytheism is always the answer when it comes to avoiding religious wars. Instead we got the crusades and the yihad.

>> No.7994337

Those religions were not of the book. As prerationals, they offered no appreciable benefit to society.

>> No.7994872

well, a majority of them are extremists

t. pewpoll 2011-2013 statistics

>> No.7996105

These sorts of charts are always proof to me that the person has little to no understanding of the text. You can cherrypick the fucking new testament to make it sound like a violent, hateful book for evil terrorists.

The whole point of what extremism is is that you're taking the beliefs of a religion to an extreme length. Yes, they're still the same beliefs, but one is obviously a manipulated form of the original meanings.
You're giving the alt-right a bad name by doing this, with your misunderstanding of how statistics work, your claim that being blatantly racist isn't racism, and that everyone who doesn't rabidly hate outsiders is an SJW.

>what is domestic terrorism

Literally no-one claimed serial killers were terrorists, and serial killers aren't the same as mass murderers, who often are domestic terrorists, and often are white.