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File: 485 KB, 600x430, voxheadbabps600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7992104 No.7992104 [Reply] [Original]

Will the madman save cience fiction and fantasy?

>> No.7992116

Nah. The stuff they like is even worse than the stuff that usually wins the Hugos, which is already terrible.

>> No.7992124

Nerd Culture is Cancer. Burn it all down

>> No.7992134
File: 325 KB, 652x927, 1460250758039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems like an alright guy, but no.

Scifi media and publishing have been thoroughly coopted by your average leftists.

>> No.7992135

Remind me, is he a liberal cuck sjw or a reactionary cuck sjw?

>> No.7992149

a conservative non cucked anti sjw

>> No.7992150


>> No.7992157

he's a Conservative Christian Creationist MRA PUA Race Realist Alt-right gamer white nationalist sci-fi pulp hack and Austrian Economics enthusiast

>> No.7992159

Explain, i enjoyed all of the castalia house publications.

>> No.7992165

This basically, he's also indian, mexican and a high iq individual.

>> No.7992169


Most popular sci-fi has had a left slant since the 50s, at least

Also look at this guy's pointy ears, misshapen nose, and sickly complexion. Obviously a reptilian.

>> No.7992170

Yo Vox what's up

>> No.7992181

Pls buy sjws always lie

>> No.7992186

There's always the possibility that you are simply a drooling imbecile.

>> No.7992192

He's mixed race, a mongrel if you will

>> No.7992332

Not really, it's just that leftist publications and leftist shows go ape shit over the stuff that is clearly more left than not, and equally ape shit over the stuff that is overtly right.

>> No.7992376

Your'e probably confusing him with Vox Media, which are cryptoconservative corporate shills

>> No.7992386

Agreed, but only after they finish burning down SJW culture

>> No.7993058

>dad writes a book
>he's kind of a scholarly old catholic, the book is about a man who gets the devil as his next door neighbor
>gets contacted by castalia house, they kind of want to publish it
>asks me about vox day
>tfw he got sent a contract, went over it, signed it, sent it back
>never got a response
>sent a few more letters/emails
>never got published as far as I know

Felt bad, to be honest. I'd love to see him get published. He's not a truly great writer by any means, but he's really good and I love him a lot.

been kind of mad at vox day since then