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7991903 No.7991903 [Reply] [Original]

If one were to bring about a radical political and social reformation in the world and form a hierarchy of civilization under the rule of true warrior aristocrats who were truly deserving of their position intellectually, ethically and through their actions, how could one prevent this form of aristocracy from losing it's vitality and being inherited by false aristocrats who would only exploit their position for materialist reasons rather than having a genuine vision for their society? How would one ensure that the aristocracy is only comprised of it's best citizens?

I have my own ideas of how to accomplish this, but I'm curious to hear others

>> No.7991935
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population control. the moment the rabble has the ability to gain control through force is the moment the immoral members of the aristocracy would start playing to them.

>> No.7991956

free speech

>> No.7991970

What methods of population control would you enact? More to the point, what do you mean by "the rabble", the complete body of the people you're ruling?

A true Aristocrat should only be in power if he has a fully realized vision for the people he levies his guidance and protection towards. Seeing the body of your people descend into rabble in the first place reflects the failing of the Aristocrat to institute form and unity in his subjects

>> No.7991981

How do you define freedom in this context, and how do you envision free speech restoring the virility of a materially corrupted aristocracy?

>> No.7992092

Also, how would you define an aristocrat?

>> No.7992097
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>tfw modern day aristocrat and most erudite gentleman scholar
>tfw you will probably never sentence any degenerate normies to a life of well deserved Torture in the Royal Dungeons

>> No.7992109

Have the aristocrat choose a protégé to apprentice.
What are your thoughts OP?

>> No.7992131

The Mongols did it by sending people back to the steppe to remind them of how difficult life was like for their ancestors. You'd have to keep recreating the conditions which produced the class in the first place. I guess constant war could do this, but that is destabilizing. There is also developing way of the warrior like the Japanese did with Budo or the Muslims (to some extent) with Jihad. But again, the problem is that it's just symbolic. You could keep it somewhat alive with tournaments, duels, and such, but the vigor wouldn't be there and I'm reminded of a unified Japan in which the samurai becomes irrelevant.

I have a hard time imagining a warrior class existing in periods of peace.

>> No.7992160

The initiation of apprentices is a major aspect of how I conceived this theoretical aristocracy preserving it's ideals and rejecting materialism.

The aristocratic hegemony of this society would be formed as a spiritual oligarchy of very active High Priests and High Priestesses, forming pairs of married men and women who each assume authority over a particular leadership role in society as is appropriate to their individual nature, each husband and wife also taking upon themselves the responsibility of finding within their people a particular number of disciples to be initiated into whatever role it is their Priest and Priestess have envisioned for them.

>> No.7992171

It would require a society that allows people of that nature to channel their warrior spirit into artistic expression or into some other realm of spiritual battle. I agree though that this would be difficult without some form of an external enemy in the culture

>> No.7992189

You people have the strangest fetishes

>> No.7992658

Keep them under threat, they must earn their positions, and compete for a limited number of seats, judged solely by feats of generalship or diplomatic prowess.

A leader should not become complacent, and men of power must be tempered by great and terrible responsibility, lest they transform over time into cake eating inbred simpletons.