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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 257 KB, 1222x575, meme trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7991720 No.7991720 [Reply] [Original]

Have you actually read the entire meme trilogy, /lit/?

Did you like it?

Which one stood out to you the most?

>> No.7991725

start with the greeks

>> No.7991728

GR and Ulysses are masterpieces. IJ is great but doesn't reach sublime status as the others do.

>> No.7991733

>Have you actually read the entire meme trilogy, /lit/?
yes, though not with any intention of reading the 'meme trilogy', they are just three important books in english lit
>Did you like it?
yes, all very worthwhile.
Which one stood out to you the most?
gravity's rainbow is a personal favorite, ulysses is a high standard of what literature can be. infinite jest is good contemporary americna lit, but easily the worst of the three, if i had to pick one. well rounded and good but not a standout work intellectually, aesthetically, or technically

>> No.7991738

I liked Jest and Ulysses pretty much equally. Very well rounded works.

Gravity's Rainbow was completely incoherent and generally a waste of time. It doesn't have any value aside from the novelty you get from reading such a goddamned ridiculous book. I don't know why it's so often held to the same regard as the other two books.

>> No.7991745

dont listen to this faggot
gr is a masterpiece, though obviously not for everyone

it's probably the most intellectually profound of the three books and has a very unique pop-art style
it's almost like a longform novelized crumb comic

>> No.7991754

I thought half of gr was meh. Ulysses was boring and infinite jest was funny and depressing. you get more out of non meme books. stay away from the memes unless you've read lots of books.

>> No.7991758

That's how I felt as well. Seconded on the incoherence, but I don't enjoy Pinecone's writing as a whole.

>> No.7991795

IJ was good. Haven't read Ulysses.

I was halfway through GR about a year ago. What made me put it down, and this may seem a bit pitiful, was a post I saw on here. In a bookshelf thread someone replied to one anon's bookshelf (which was 90% postmodern memes) something to the effect of "how are you supposed to appreciate the subversion of a novel [regarding anon's copy of GR] if you've never even read one." That really got to me because that anon's bookshelf had a lot in common with mine. I'll come back to GR eventually. And this isn't even a case of me thinking I need to start with the Greeks, I just think I need to mature a little, and I'm also gonna familiarize myself a bit with Pynchon first.

>> No.7991951


>> No.7992130

There's a reason it's called the "meme" trilogy and not the "essential" trilogy. People who have never read them think they are safe in claiming that they are each the apex of literature because of how stupidly long and difficult. The uninitiated have every reason to think this is correct, whereas people who actually read know that these books really are nothing special.

>> No.7992146

you're new and you're wrong

>> No.7992174
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 1458349154408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I'm fucking sorry but

pinchin or pinecone? piekin? piecon? all of the above?

>> No.7992177

>hurrrr ur new xDDD

You sure proved me wrong there buddy

>> No.7992178

not bothering to make a new thread or search for the current QTDDTOT

I need answers.

>> No.7992187

holy FUCK you are new

>> No.7992200

No, I'm really not.

>> No.7992203

Gravity's Rainbow stood out the most to me. Ulysses was great, but I didn't really like IJ.
GR just felt right to me, idk how to explain it.

>> No.7992215

well done typing with perfect grammar, everyone thinks you're cool
everything i'm cool

>> No.7992232

Pinch-ON! Apply directly to the forehead!

>> No.7992257

It's Pinecone bruh, you know, like the fruit.

>> No.7992316

This is him saying it himself

>> No.7992329

you don't know a goddamned thing

>> No.7992643

Neither do you, quite clearly.