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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 550 KB, 2048x2048, gee I wonder if this guy's a writer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7991477 No.7991477 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get as mad as I do about writers who try to act all "writery?" For example, whenever I see le Norweigen Proust in a perfect pose with a very thoughtful face, smoking cigarettes, I want to slap the bitch. I get it. You fucking write. Congratulations. It's like they're trying so hard to look like what a writer is supposed to be to get pats on the back from stupid non-readers. Also, it feels like an attempt to make up for literary quality by adopting the identity of someone who people would assume to be able to write good books. I'm probably reading into this a little too much, but does anyone else get this autistic about this shit? Also, I love you Tommy, but grow the fuck up and talk to the media at least once before you die. You're not a fucking mystical wise man, okay, so stop trying to be one. Maybe it's just that I hate the whole way that writers are portrayed in the media and the way that some of them quite shamelessly buy into this portrayal.

>> No.7991490

As far as I know Knausgard he's probably asked to do it by an agent/manager/photographer/whatever and doesn't want to refuse.

If you watch the Vice interview with him you'll see he's a pretty nice guy, not pretentious at all.

>> No.7991492

What gets me is how much product he puts in his hair to get it look disheveled.

>> No.7991493

This only holds insofar that it does for any other famous profession

>> No.7991494


>> No.7991495

fuck, to get it looking disheveled.

>> No.7991497

This guy knows.

He's posing, for a photo shoot.

Pretentious hipster faggots on the other hand...

>> No.7991499

Fake it until you make it.

>> No.7991501

How do you know he hasn't always pretty much dressed and looked that way? Like damn, sometimes a guy grows his hair out and smokes.

>> No.7991502

ur mad

>> No.7991505

Whenever he describes himself in part 1 on Min Kamp he pretty much looks like that. OP is just mad.

>> No.7991512

Do I have to smoke to be a writer?

>> No.7991523

he looks pretty cool desu

>> No.7991529


>he doesn't understand the self
>he doesn't understand post-modernism

Looks like its time to get back to the greeks, buddy boy.

>> No.7991534

I don't get mad, I just see they're trying too hard and laugh at them.
>inb4 he's not trying it's just him
If it had been "just him" nobody would have said anything about his demeanor, like OP.

>> No.7991539

Yeah. I'm a writer and I can tell you for certain that you have to smoke to be a writer. The reason is that while we're writing we often find ourselves at a point where we don't know what the next sentence should be. We don't know what comes next. This is when we sit back and take a drag of a cigarette. After the drag, we sit there for a few moments, and a line occurs to us. This is how writing works. If you don't smoke cigarettes, it doesn't work. Then you're just stuck there clueless with your dick in your hand.

>> No.7991544
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was a talkative tall intimidatingly handsome looking vastly successful writer silver fox type of guy,

I'd accept that some envious guys will take me for a pretentious if that media presence will make even legs willingly spread for me.

I get that it annoys you, you want sincerity, but if they were my mates, I'd not advise any of those types to act differently.

What do you have to show for yourself?

>> No.7991543

Its called the wind

>> No.7991546

From My Struggle it didn't seem like Knausgaard enjoyed giving interviews or being in the spotlight. However, that has probably changed since he exploded in Norway. He certainly seems confident and calm in interviews these days.
And to be fair OP, it's not him who takes the pictures. It's professional photographers who want to portray him in the 'writery' way you hate.

>> No.7991550

Thanks for the advice. I'm indeed often stuck with my dick in my hand.

>> No.7991551

As much as this is b8 i agree, having relied on it and having tried to quit recently and suffered protracted spates of writers block

>> No.7991552

>However, that has probably changed since he exploded in Norway


>> No.7991568

>As much as this is b8
What is wrong with you people? Jesus christ.

>> No.7991591

While (I'm not that guy but) it looks like a far fetched claim. Some guy has a personal experience and projects it on all writers. Sounds unreasonable to my ears.

>> No.7991598

>trusting anyone on 4chan

Sorry m8 the post didnt seem sincere.

>> No.7991601

All artfags need to be beaten and spat on.

>> No.7991605

Kek at all the fags in here who get triggered by people trying to look cool.

It's called confidence. It may look retarded, but they obviously don't care.

>> No.7991608

It's just a joke you fucking sperglords. No one posts something like expecting to "get" anyone. It's nothing but sarcasm.

>> No.7991637

no, i have never once given a good god damn how any other man not doing any harm portrays himself. you see, i consider myself an adult and not a little bitch.


>> No.7991641

>this guy

>> No.7991645

The second I read "grow the fuck up" I got a little bit genuinely mad. It implies that a man living in a way that you dislike by not doing something you would like (in this case: interviews) is like a child. Why? Because he doesn't like cameras? Because he keeps his life private? You put it as though it's all a big joke to him, yet how could you or anyone know his present thoughts on his lifestyle and choices if he never appears or does interviews? It is pure emoting and conjecture. To go further "childish" can be said of most anything because children happen to be tiny humans. The habits of a child evolve into the habits of an adult as they are the early version of them. An aspect of childish behavior indicates that someone has retained some characteristics of early stages. Congratulations, you have found evidence that our man grew from a child and have made a value judgement saying this is bad.

10/10 I got baited hard

>> No.7991674

One thing to remember is that especially if the photo is taken by a professional in order to illustrate an article, interview etc, he's most likely been directed by the photographer who may have had a vision of their own of how they want the Author to be in the photo, and has told them where to stand and where to look and so on.

Most of the time interview photos aren't that much up to the interviewee themselves, it's usually the photographer who tells them what to do and where. Also in the interviews themselves, the person interviewed usually doesn't just talk about themselves, a journalist contacts them, asks for an interview, then asks specific questions, and just edits the responses given into looking like the person interviewed just had a really thoughtful monologue.

For example, interview situation:
Journalist: So can you tell me about this new book, are the themes based on your own life, have these things happened to you

Author: well, uh, of course, uh, everything I write is in one way or the other based on my experiences, uh, I mean what an author does is, ah, interpret, or build on, um, your experiences and own thoughts, and the memories of you and maybe your friends, you know, it's all based on reality on some way, most of the time - but, um, it's not, you know, not really, um, directly mine or anyone's life, um, you know, it's still fiction [etc]

In the article:
"My writing is real," the Author chuckles. "I write of real events, genuine experiences. Mine or someone elses, it's irrelevant, the important thing is that those moments have happened, those emotions truly felt by real people. All an author does is interpret reality, even though it's called fiction," he says with emphasis.

So most of the time the interview is sort of based on the interviewee but filtered through the photog and the journalist, and the reader actually doesn't really know how the situation really went or what was really said

>> No.7992239
File: 176 KB, 470x350, 250315-Karl-Ove-Knausgaard-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how frosty it is, that is product. dude works on his hair more than his prose.

>> No.7992247

why are americans so upset at grooming?

>> No.7992250

You have to sell yourself on some level to get yourself out there otherwise no one would know you.

>> No.7992256

and/or have a drug/alcohol addiction

>> No.7992260

It looks like he just applies whatever and then comes the front back. I personally dont like the wet look it gives but whatever

>> No.7992265

Why do you assume everyone here is American?

>> No.7992275
File: 15 KB, 286x289, dthomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every photo of any writer I see have them doing this faggy scrunched up learn in towards a cigarette

>> No.7992277

They're the most likely demographic to get upset at grooming, clothes that fit, thin people et cetera.

>> No.7992278


You're starting to notice why the novel is invisible right now in our culture. It's become a commodity rather than art. People can sniff out bullshit better than they ever could in this cynical information age.

>> No.7992315


>> No.7992326

They're lighting it you dumbass

>> No.7992336


>> No.7992357

>People can sniff out bullshit better than they ever could in this cynical information age.
Are you sure it's that and not the fact that we're producing highly engaging and easy to digest entertainment?

>> No.7992365

>I'm the dumbass for being unfamiliar with behaviors built around giving yourself cancer

>> No.7992383

the novel started as a commodity. it was trash for plebs.

>> No.7992429

philip-morris nigga pls

>> No.7992436

hey, in case you haven't noticed, you can't /thread your own post

>> No.7992458

wow you are a smug pussy-ass bitch you know that?
>look how good of a person I am, I don't smoke because smoking gives u cancer
i bet you were always jealous the smoking kids were cooler than you

>> No.7992477
File: 149 KB, 650x350, fiddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck Knausgard for being in front of a camera
>fuck Pynchon for not being in front of a camera
it's impossible to please people like you. know why? because you're average as fuck, you have no taste, so you make up for it by projecting your prescribed behavior onto the world (in stupid and contradictory ways)

>> No.7992490

No one else is going to to do it for him

>> No.7992600
File: 184 KB, 1024x1024, donaldpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound jealous.

>> No.7992682

Thank you for this. I really hate all the Knausgaard as meme shit that's been blowing up on /lit/ lately. He's really a great figure in literature today, and his books are fantastic.

>> No.7992710

that isn't true and you know it.

>> No.7992737
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better to stage the pictures yourself then have people judge you by things like interview clips

>> No.7992773
File: 217 KB, 1200x1013, ernest-hemingway-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a real writer looks like

>> No.7992787

OMG I love Family Guy! So funny but soooo offensive. Stewie is just outrageous.

>> No.7992811

No shit, I know like 15 dudes who look and act just like Knausgaard. They can't write for shit, but still, some people just are that way.

>> No.7992815

From the thumbnail, it looked like he had a book plopped on his head.

>> No.7992818

>hating on Family

Its like I've traveled back to 2012