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7991442 No.7991442 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Julius Evola?

>> No.7991450

I haven't read him yet but I started one of René Guénon's books so I could better understand him once I got to him. Gave up on Guenon's book over half way since it was so awful.

>> No.7991508

Right about everything.

>> No.7991514

muh tradition

>> No.7992006

Crisis of the Modern World?

>> No.7992024


>> No.7992032

What made it awful? I haven't read it yet but I've read some material from Evola and I've heard nothing but good things of it.

>> No.7992037
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Extremely interesting man whether your beliefs align with his or not. I enjoy his writings on political ideologies, but he has so much to offer outside of that realm is his writings on the esoteric mysteries woven into the histories and cultures of the world. He had so much knowledge in so many fields

Even his short, weird phase as a post modern painter produced interesting results

>> No.7992043


Great at what he does, which is combine western reactionary thought with eastern mysticism. He isn't as good with either one as his influences are ( like say de Maistre on one side and Guenon on the other) but if you want some mystical right wing anarch's worldview on paper then his writings are a good place to go.

>> No.7992047
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We're not actually living in the Kali Yuga

>> No.7992076
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The Black Goddess has been unleashed in the soul of our civilization. You just need eyes to see it

>> No.7992098

Bastard killed 3000 people in New York

>> No.7992125

His predictions on nuclear theory were COMPLETELY off.

>> No.7992180

He sucks a mean cock. Didn't even stop after I came. He just kept going till I came again.

>> No.7992272

Why did you feel the need to post this?

>> No.7992624

crazy the things he did as long as he didn't "give into it"

"This restriction must be kept in mind. What I am about to say does not concern the ordinary man of our day. On the contrary, I have in mind the man who finds himself involved in today's world, even at its most problematic and paroxysimal points; yet he does not belong inwardly to such a world, nor will he give in to it. He feels himself, in essence, as belonging to a different race from that of the overwhelming majority of his contemporaries."

>> No.7992650

Stop being so judgemental, he was just relating to his own experience.

>> No.7993422



>> No.7993445

God awful. His entire philosophy is based on a pseudo-nihilistic approach to history. "Muh history is a circle" conception is wrong: history is a spiral, any historian worth his salt will tell you that.
Sure, history repeats itself in ABSTRACT WAYS, but we can learn from history. Physics also repeats itself in structure. That doesn't mean we don't progress.

"Ride the tiger" is literally a way of saying "find an ideology to win history with" as if that matters. Literally just retarded mysticism, and a slave to his time.

AKA it's the defeatist ideology.