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/lit/ - Literature

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7990252 No.7990252 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did postmodernism get entire forests of literature written about it? It was literally a bunch of mediocre intellectuals who discovering “WHOAH MAN THE SIGN IS NOT THE SIGNIFIED,” which is a pretty simple concept that’s been established for a long time in semiotics and general philosophy. Was it really just a bunch of boring leftists with nothing interesting to say jerking off?

>> No.7990255

Academic publishing, much like modern art is a jewish money laundering scam.

>> No.7990258

It heavily triggered conservatives which got it more attention. They forgot you need to ignore trolls or else they win.

>> No.7990267

It's also just so a bunch of jews could keep themselves and their friends on the syllabus for all infinity to make shekels.

>> No.7990278

In terms of literature, it was the most interesting movement at the time.

>> No.7990304

Late capitalism.

>> No.7990308

retarded frog fag >>>/r9k/

>> No.7990317
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THE J00s

bad thread

>> No.7990328
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Wow conservatives consider urselvs officially rekt xD

>> No.7990334

looking forward to seeing u later when u blame all the problems in the global south on the white man, yes, every corrupt dictator and human rights violating culture is due to the white man controlling the world! do whites control the world or do jews? u tell me since u seem to have all the answers

>> No.7990335

Why does /pol/ keep trying to impose their bullshit on us

>> No.7990339

Because in this case it is quite literally a large amount of jewish academics keeping their shit on the syllabus.

>> No.7990347

i dunno about you guys but i really enjoyed infinite jest

>> No.7990536


Same here anon :^)

>> No.7990588

You clearly understand very little about both postmodernism and semiotics.

>> No.7990613


Because /pol/tards don't realize that they're literally into memepolitics so they keep on spouting the same shit over and over again with no regard for the fact that their board is supposed to be a containment board where they can circle jerk their views into heights no one thought anyone would ever reach again until their confronted with reality and not some sort of gathering place from where they can contemplate on how to invade ("redpill") other boards with the highest degree of stupidity.

>> No.7991174
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Low-testosterone nu male detected

>> No.7991201


> uninspired cringeworthy overused insult
> biggest fear to get cucked by arabic men

Yep, I think you might be a poltard.

>> No.7991217

reread ur post

>> No.7991223

Every humanities subject since the 20th century, or any subject which includes aesthetic taste, has basically been a big joke on the public.

The essence of 20th century taste has been championing the ugly and the pathetic, and having your trendy intellectual friends write about how great your terrible work is, whilst ordinary people scratch their heads, wondering what is going on.

That is why in music we have Phillip Glass putting out discordant noises to the pleasure the progressive elite.
In architecture we have plain, unadorned monstrosities ruining once-beautiful cities, and the architects pretending that a plain, unadorned, concrete facade is somehow remarkable.
In literature we have shit like Stoner, which basically describes an ordinary, boring life, that we're all supposed to believe is intellectually interesting and joyous to read.

Modern art is basically a clique of elites seeing how much shit they can get away with. If it were a restaurant, the elites would be serving their customers slop with grated faeces over it.

The product has become unimportant in post-20th century work. What matters is that a trendy cultural elite sees your work and decides he is going to pretend it is incredible, and all the other elites will then follow him, wanting to seem intellectual as well.

>> No.7991229

>That is why in music we have Phillip Glass putting out discordant noises to the pleasure the progressive elite
u wot m8 it's just major and minor arpeggios

>> No.7991241


has someone created a roger scruton generator yet? i feel like it would be pretty easy for someone who can program

>> No.7991251


It's mostly born of ego. Nobody wants to do something someone else has already done. They want the glory of being avant garde, not the humility of being a link in a long chain of tradition.

Objectively speaking, it's a bunch of idiots wasting their time trying to re-invent the wheel.

>> No.7991257

It's just a natural consequence of a society in decline.

>> No.7991386

> biggest fear to get cucked by arabic men
Where did you read this? You may have been confusing this thread with your fetish blog you have open in the other tab

>> No.7991388

>le /pol/ boogeyman meme my fellow gentlemen xD
Jesus Christ you’re terrible

>> No.7991400

But /lit/ is more right wing than /pol/ anyway.

>> No.7991404
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First post is best post.