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799005 No.799005 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/. I'm writing a novel and there's a scene where the male protagonist gets an erection for the first time. I'm a femanon, so I don't know what getting an erection feels like. Help?

>> No.799007
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>Not writing what you know.

>> No.799009

feels good, man.

>> No.799015

It's like a rabbit without ears.

>> No.799018

List of books in which authors wrote what the didn't know and kicked ass: What is the What, Morvern Callar (convincing portrayal of a woman by a man), etc.

>> No.799024

also those are horrible.

>> No.799033

Bumping for curiosity: fellow femanon who is writing a series partially from a guy's perspective and wants to know...

>> No.799036


>> No.799039


>> No.799048
File: 19 KB, 304x355, Bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man could probably help you. Read him.

>> No.799049

It doesn't really feel like much of anything. The penis just gets larger and becomes stiff. It becomes uncomfortable if you're wearing tight pants

>> No.799052

Let me put it to you this way: The Penis Was.

>> No.799055

Even babies get erections. One time when I was about three or four I went to with my aunts to church and was an "honorary member" of their Sunday school and choir; we got up in front of the congregation and I spent the entire time with my hand down my pants.

>> No.799065




Erections don't start at puberty. I can recall getting erections earlier than age 10. They aren't usually sexually triggered at that point, though.

>> No.799067

And yeah it's unlikely that your protagonist would be getting an erection for the first time. They happen throughout a male's lifecycle. Men get erections for non-sexual reasons all the time because it helps circulate blood through the penis

>> No.799068

Femanon three here, also interested.
More details please.
Can you pee while erect?
Do you have to assume a certain position so you don't pee directly at the wall?

>> No.799069

It's a warm, swelling feeling with a slight ache at some points.

>> No.799084

Thank you. Helpful posts.

>> No.799092
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>> No.799100


You can force it but it takes a lot of effort so it's generally just better to wait until you are flaccid. If you do pee when erect you just hold it down and point it at the toilet

>> No.799104


there are a couple of options for the peeing.

you can sit down and push it down so it aims just under the rim
you can lean against the wall (so that you're almost at a 45 degree angle to the floor) and push down so you're aiming into the bowl. this is hideously uncomfortable for your hands.

also, there tends to be random sprayage no matter what you do.

it's a fucked up situation.

>> No.799114

Getting erect doesn't really feel like much, as others in this thread might have said. Your dick just basically gets stiff and starts pitching tents in your pants. Sometimes though the penis doesn't have enough room in said pants to roam freely so it might get kinda bent or crammed into an uncomfortable position. You don't really have a "first erection" either, it's not like a first period sort of thing.

>> No.799115

my friend calls them "irish toothaches" i figure he named it that because the only way to get rid of em is with violence, whiskey, or screwing someone over.

>> No.799117

i'm going to preface this by saying, thank you for the excuse to write about dicks.

'awkward' isn't quite right, nor 'uncomfortable.' the sensation is the most natural thing in the world. what makes the experience discomfiting is the environment. the feeling of struggling against your own clothes, against the stares of others, transforms the erection from some pleasant, reassuring reminder of manhood into something shameful, something which must be repressed. of course, it's the repression which is totally perverse, but that's never how it seems from the perspective of the subject in question. rather, it's as if the subject himself is perverse, the physical transformation indicative of some inner abnormality. the physical sensations of discomfort are further heightened by this mindset, and the erection seems all the more obtrusive and out-of-place for its taboo.

obviously as one grows older and becomes more comfortable with his sexuality, this aspect of perversity lessons and the erection becomes easier to control, at which point it is something to be celebrated as a controlled object of manly power, rather than a hidden mark of abnormality. but as for first boners, this is pretty much how it goes.

>> No.799118

haha oh wow
this is hilarious
how do you stop it from swelling in situations you rather it wouldn't (funerals, retirement homes etc)?

>> No.799126

You can't

>> No.799128

That's a little extreme, but you can't really stand up straight when you pee with an erection. You can point your erect penis downwards towards the bowl, but the angle hampers the flow. You need to tilt your entire torso at the bowl. Half-crouching like in the picture helps.

Also, when your penis is hard, the same muscle that stops the flow when you are peeing (the kegel?), straightens your penis and increases the pressure inside. Doing this while you have an erection is very stimulating. Your character would probably be flexing this muscle if he likes it.

By the way, what kind of trashy novel are you writing?

>> No.799132

There isn't too much stopping it sometimes. You just try to hide it by shifting your legs or something. That or you could try thinking of the most repulsive things you could possibly imagine (ie, eating shit, murdering someone and bathing in their guts or whatever)... that seems to work for me sometimes...

>> No.799133


You don't

At this stage damage control comes into play; most dudes opt for the belt tuck

>> No.799141

Unless your male protagonist is a baby, he wouldn't be getting a "first erection", which only goes to show that you shouldn't be writing about shit you don't know about.

>> No.799143

I'm not writing anything, there are like five femanons in this thead.
Having a dick sounds like heaps of fun right now.

>> No.799150

random erections don't really happen (at least to me) after teenagerdom.

Normal guys with more than a sliver of self-control don't just pop boners out and about, you might get a little aroused and it'll swell up a bit, but not get hard to any real degree.

If such a thing were to happen, the "take off your coat and hold it folded in front of you" trick is well known. If you're sitting down it's less of an issue too, then you could conceal it, and at the same time push against it to prevent it from going full tent, with your hands.

>> No.799151

more fun than periods, pregnancy and menopause i would imagine.

>> No.799155

>murdering someone and bathing in their guts or whatever

oh shit I popped a boner

is this bad?

>> No.799158


>at the same time push against it to prevent it from going full tent, with your hands.


Touching your erection is a terrible move if you want to get soft

>> No.799159

Maybe you should think of giving children candy instead...

Wait, now I have a boner...

>> No.799161

Now I want a dick.

>> No.799162

Eh, getting an erection is that interesting. It's just kind of throbbing sensation. It's only uncomfortable if you're wearing tight clothing, or have something resting on your crotch. Or if you haven't fapped or had sex for a while, when it's a lot more sensitive.

As for peeing, yes you can pee with a hard-on but you have to force it. Plus, if you just came, you can get that burning sensation. It's not always because of STD's, I think it something to do with residual protein from the jizz...or something.

>> No.799173

Fuck I hate periods so fucking much.
Since we're sharing, would anybody want to now something about menstrual cycle?

I thought not.

>> No.799175

Quick think of puppies and sunshine and it may go down

>> No.799179

>Since we're sharing, would anybody want to now something about menstrual cycle?
Don't be a downer, we were having such a lovely time talking about boners...

>> No.799180
File: 40 KB, 509x385, everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ - boners

>> No.799181

Always thought getting an erection was pleasurable.
Live and learn I guess.
Can you "beat it out"?
Does that mean you actually punch yourself in the dick so it goes flacid?

>> No.799184


I think guys like me know about as much about periods as we're comfortable knowing: i.e. you bleed once a month and become randomly bitchy.

Yeah, kinda sucks to be female. Still, you guys can have multiple orgasms, and can come from two separate places (without having to stick anything up your ass).

>> No.799187

vaginas are so fucking disgusting and ugly looking
i wish i were gay so i wouldn't be biologically wired to seek them out

>> No.799188

Here I though blood and pain was boner material on 4chan...

>> No.799192

>you guys can have multiple orgasms
that's one in a million though, if you're a man then you're guaranteed an orgasm everytime (unless you have ED or some other faggy shit like that)

>> No.799193

Same goes for the dicks.
I'm happily asexual.

>> No.799194


>Can you "beat it out"?

Vigorous force only makes my penis harder.

>> No.799200


I don't know anyone who'd punch themselves in the dick to get flaccid.

If by "beat it out" you mean fap, then yes, that always works. Unless you're horny of course, then it comes back in a couple of minutes.

>> No.799201


Cocks are glorious, beautiful organs. I wish I could have an erect cock in every room of my house just to play with whenever I feel like it.

>> No.799203

>I'm happily asexual.

No you aren't. Also gb2r9k.

>> No.799204

men with anxiety-issues can have great trouble reaching climax.

>> No.799206

>and can come from two separate places
we can?

>> No.799208

yes I am

>> No.799209


Yeah. You must've had some pretty shitty partners..

>> No.799210


Yeah, but at least you have the option. Plus, if the guy sucks, you've always got hands. Or vibrators.

Damn, this thread gave me a boner now.

>> No.799212

what's the other place?

>> No.799214


only if there's movement

>> No.799215


g-spot. Whereever the hell that fucker is.

>> No.799219

I'm a man and I can have multiple orgasms. Jealous, bitches?

>> No.799220


>> No.799222


Stop ruining my fantasy.

>> No.799223

The belt tuck is awesome, but beware of your shirt crawling up, which makes your dick visible.
The reason women don't see this in daily situations is because every man has worked his ass off to master this hidden technique.

>> No.799224


>in a couple of inches, then UPUPUPUP.

except it's not present all the time.

>> No.799228

Haven't read the thread, but putting it in the waistband is the best way to deal with a boner.

>> No.799229

I really recommend reading the thread.

>> No.799230


I suppose how visible your erection is depends upon the clothes. Joggers, for example, are god awful, because the loose fabric gives the ultimate "tent effect."

Tight jeans aren't too bad, cos they compress it. Then again, the outline is still pretty visible.

>> No.799232


You guys can come from either vaginal or clitorial stimulation.

I've heard most women aren't able to have vaginal orgasms, but can't give you a reference on that.

>> No.799233

What do you do if your dick is too long and comes lurking through a trouser leg if you're wearing shorts?

>> No.799237


Nothing, nobody wears tight shorts anymore so you barely feel it.

>> No.799238 [DELETED] 

No man has ever wore shorts that small

>> No.799239

There are worse problems to have.

>> No.799240


get it pierced, and hang your keys off the end of it.

>> No.799241

>Plus, if you just came, you can get that burning sensation
And when I sit down after taking a piss (after I just came), there immediately flows some residue pee out.

>> No.799242


>> No.799245

I mean if the head can be seen dangling out

>> No.799247

this thread reminds me why I should lurk /lit/ more often

>> No.799248

hairy slimey meat-tubes

>> No.799249

One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that most of the time when I'm walking around doing whatever, I never think about my dick. When I start getting an erection, I'm suddenly intensely aware that my dick exists, and I can't shake this focus on it and its position until the erection goes away.

>one in a million
You're not fucking the right dudes.

Yes. Clitoral/vaginal orgasms are different.

>> No.799255

Hence why I have a thread to learn more. And I'm going to do research of course.

>> No.799257

What do you do if you absolutely have to wear tights?

>> No.799258

Even if your dick is 10 inches long, you'd need to be wearing some very short shorts to have it stick out the leg.

>> No.799263


Tight underwear, maybe a cup. There are also dancer's belts or whatever. That or just say fuck it and let everybody know whether you're a jew or gentile.

>> No.799264

This. It can hang out of your boxers, but shorts are kind of unlikely.

>> No.799265

Avoid situations where you'd get hard, and wear briefs under them to hold your junk in place. That'd be my strategy.

>> No.799268

The reason why I'm asking is a very humorous T-shirt named "the reason I don't wear shorts" I saw once.
I'm happy it was confirmed to be fake.

>> No.799270

You're fucking mistaken if you think a guy hammering away harder or faster can magically make your body able to have multiple orgasms. After the first one, any stimulation just becomes painful and arousal impossible until after a while.

>> No.799271

I made a girl cum seven times in an hour and fifteen minutes. If you're having that much trouble getting off, you should see a doctor about it.

>> No.799277

Do you ever take your dick out and just spin it in your hand while singing Queen?

>> No.799284

When an erection starts, the penis, which was hitherto unnoticed, takes on a life of its own. Involuntary contractions of the pubococcygeal (?) muscles cause the penis to enlarge. Each enlargement is superpleasurable. Mental images of sex, sex objects, sexual positions, sexual pleasure, everything erotic, flit through the mind.

The pleasure often includes a near-blackout, pleasure induced nausea, shortness of breath, a hot, febrile flush over the body. The nose seems to flare and become sensitive to organic scents. The sense of touch sharpens.

The penis becomes sensitive to touch. It responds to small prods and pushes by becoming harder. The flaccid penis can become erect within a minute. An erect penis is not usually at full erection. The glans is still soft and the head is not fully enlarged. A fully erect penis strains against its skin. The associated feeling is an impulse to drive home, to thrust over and over, to conquer, to master, to take, to seed.

Repeated stimulus, soft at first then rough later, increases the hardness of erection, then increases a purely visceral sexual stimulation that is almost nauseating. The penis seems almost to burn with a most pleasurable flame that increases with each stroke. Stimulation done properly, in the right form and rhythm, increases the sensation to an overwhelming chokehold. After prolonged stimulation, this sensation accelerates suddenly. Consciousness fades except for the feeling in the penis, often along the urethra, which becomes ejaculation. The ejaculation lasts only a few seconds and then very often consciousness is in fact lost. The male then appears to fall asleep for minutes. The return to a normal "neutral" sexual state is almost immediate.

>> No.799286

Without the Queen part, yes.
I sometimes do this to swing the piss out after going to the bathroom whilst making helicopter-sounds.

>> No.799292

were you fapping while you wrote this?

>> No.799295

You just splash it on your walls?

>> No.799297

>You're fucking mistaken if you think a guy hammering away harder or faster can magically make your body able to have multiple orgasms.
I didn't say anything about "harder" or "faster"

>After the first one, any stimulation just becomes painful and arousal impossible until after a while.
I...know for a fact that that isn't true for many girls.

>> No.799301

And it is true for many more. So whatever.

>> No.799302

I shake off before I start spinning, to be honest.

>> No.799303

Females shouldn't be writing about fucking erections..YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND! NEVVVEEEEERRR.

>> No.799304


>> No.799305


no but i like to walk around after showers and swing my hips back and forth so it goes back and forth and slaps against the thigh/stomach border region

>> No.799306

MA (spin) GNI (spin) FI (spin) CO (spin) O (spin) O (spin) O (spin) O (spin)

>> No.799307

When I was younger I got erections over normal excitement, not sexual excitement

>> No.799308

And for a moment I thought you were the awesome piss-helicopter.

>> No.799313


i bet your parents just LOVED taking you places

>> No.799314

That rule is such bullshit. Kafka didn't know anything about America when he wrote Amerika.

>> No.799315


peeing while erect? secret hidden techniques for hiding a boner? what the fuck /lit/

>> No.799316

>The pleasure often includes a near-blackout, pleasure induced nausea,
Uh this has never happened to me. Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.799317

I thought there was something wrong with me and that it wasn't supposed to happen. <_<"

>> No.799319

Amerika isn't about America.

>> No.799321

uh, what?

>> No.799324

Yeah, well, try and stop me.
In fact I will write about erections right now.
Wasn't even going to before...

"It felt like a bouncy castle inflating.
I couldn't wait till the kids started jumping on it."

>> No.799326

another myth I want debunked: can women orgasm through anal only?

>> No.799329

An erection can be compared with some accuracy to having a dog that wants to go outside to piss. You sit on the couch, maybe reading a book, when he comes up to you. He stands there, looking at you and wagging his tail. When you don't pay him any attention he nudges your arm insistently. You pat him on the head and return to reading. He whines, and pushes at you again. He rests his head on your stomach, looking up at you with his one large eye.
"Fucking Jesus I just let you out a couple of hours ago," you say. He wags his tail and pants, approximating what would be on a human a "shit-eating" grin. You stand up, flinging off the blankets you'd only just arranged in a comfortable manner and slide open the door. Soon, you hear liquid splattering against a hard surface.

>> No.799330



>> No.799333

Yay we're going fishing!
You really like the fish, don't you son?

>> No.799334

what's the female equivalent of an erection
that's what you should write about

>> No.799336

awww the good old hide under the coat technique. It has saved me on numerous occasions.

>> No.799337



>> No.799338


I lol'd hard

>> No.799340

With the absence of penis and all, we only get a tingly sensation.

>> No.799341
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jesus christ, we don't need this on /adv/ AND /lit/

>> No.799346

>"It felt like a bouncy castle inflating.
>I couldn't wait till the kids started jumping on it."

I think you should write about erections.

>> No.799347

I think the femanon have got what they wanted.

Just know that wherever you are, there is most likely a boner within a 20 ft radius. You cannot stop it.

>> No.799348

Okay, I'm giving it a shot. I'm assuming we're talking about sexually induced erections - as anon pointed out, those are the bulk of them after 20 -. I actually feel the rush of blood to the base of my penis, while enjoying an intense desire-high (don't know how to describe it, it's like puffing on a joint, except not really). There is no way to make an erection go away but to disentangle oneself from the idea of fucking - surprise is the best for me - self-inflicted pain won't do much, macabre thoughts won't bear on your desire to fuck, and I strongly advise against running with an erect penis: you would impale yourself should you fall.

>> No.799354

I dunno, I sometimes get a hard clit.
Stands for reason, we still get some brecils.

>> No.799355


>Just know that wherever you are, there is most likely a boner within a 20 ft radius. You cannot stop it.

This reminds me of the day when it really hit me that underneath their clothes, _everyone_ was naked. I couldn't stop thinking about all of the cocks that I was surrounded by, flopping around.

What a day.

>> No.799357

one could pogo-stick?

>> No.799358

I get erections over the slightest sexual arousement, and even just romantic arousement or the feeling of being loved.
Is this weird?

>> No.799361
File: 70 KB, 320x320, broken_penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.799362

Vlad the impaler runs out of sharps sticks.
Hires some sexy assistants, problem solves itself.

>> No.799363

it's weird that you used the word arousement when it should be arousal

...even weirder that you didn't notice the spell check when you typed that word

>> No.799364

>or the feeling of being loved.

This must lead to some awkward family moments.

>> No.799365

Humans don't have bones in their penises

>> No.799368


>> No.799369

I'm a whale bro.

>> No.799372

They used to make gentelmen's accesories out of whale penis-bones.

>> No.799374


Did I just blow your mind?

Just think how many different kinds there are, too. It's like a Ben and Jerry's counter of penises out there.

>> No.799376

Do you sometimes bounce your dick from one leg to another while clapping?

>> No.799377

Do you sometimes pull your scrotum up to your bellybutton?

>> No.799383

Every male in the world has tried to lick his own penis. O hi dad.

>> No.799384

Do you draw faces on your balls and name them Nancy and Phil?

>> No.799386



Not just tried :3

>> No.799389

Every male in the world has tasted own sperm. O hi dad.

>> No.799393

*his own, pardon me.

>> No.799395

Sorry. I fear my English skills have gone down the drain in general recently. It's rather worrying.

>> No.799400

I have licked my own penis. It only ever leaves me unsatisfied that I can't suck it, or preferably get it sucked by a female.

>> No.799402

would you let a guy suck it?

>> No.799403 [DELETED] 

Wait a minute, you fucker! Arousement IS a word!
You made me feel really stupid for a minute there ;_;

>> No.799408

I don't think so. Maybe to experiment, yes, but I think I would be rather disconcerted with a male face looking back at me. And there's nothing the male mouth can offer that beats a female mouth.

>> No.799410

I dunno about that. However good it might feel having a mouth on my penis, it'd be totally cancelled out by the feeling of having a penis in my mouth.

>> No.799417


>However good it might feel having a hand on my penis, it'd be totally cancelled out by the feeling of having a penis in my hand.

>> No.799419

I don't. Feeling alone much?

>> No.799774

Also, when you pee with an erection, the stream ha s a lot more force behind it.

>> No.799788

It feels like you are giving birth to a smaller penis, from your own penis

>> No.799795

It feels like something is swelling, and growing down there. It's kind of scratchy if you have pants on. It's basically as if you just regenerated an arm.

>> No.799798

Note to femanons: You cannot urinate with a full erection. Only a half one.

>> No.799805

or you walk around thinking about some shit to get it away, ESPCIALLY in the morning... and you are like GODDAMN I WANT TO PISS... but it is hard and you can't aim right, so you think "baseball baseball death the grim reaper jabbing a pencil in my eye" all so you can urinate upon waking... this is the male condition... so you know...

>> No.799818

>Hey, /lit/. I'm writing a novel and there's a scene where the male protagonist gets an erection for the first time. I'm a femanon, so I don't know what getting an erection feels like. Help?
>149 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

What the fuck people?

>> No.799819


Bullshit. You obviously don't have a penis. You can piss, it's just difficult.

>> No.799822


>implying bukowski isn't impotent as hell by this point

>> No.799838

I'm like the 6th femanon on this thread and I would like to say that I have never been this informed and this aroused at the same time before.

thank you /lit/

>> No.799839

>>implying Bukowski is worth reading.

>> No.799847


I am aroused by the fact that you are aroused, thank you femanon

>> No.799848

Another femanon, this thread is amazing,

Never been happier to be a lesbian, because after this I couldn't look at a dick without laughing my ass off.

>> No.799850

Pretty sure I have one. Also pretty sure I took Biology in high school. You must not have taken that yet. It's pretty cool. It details how the human penis has a valve that closes off urine when one is fully erect.

You'll probably learn about it soon. Good luck on the rest of your tenth grade!

>> No.799855

he does not lie guy who told him off. thats why even if you have to piss like a horse during sex, you will only cum, or you know ejaculate to use scientific words.

>> No.799859

Well glad you feel the same way. Because I puke every time I see a vagina.

>> No.799864


>> No.799866


well that's great for you guys. I stab myself in the face every time I see a non-hermaphroditic set of genitalia

>> No.799868

Its harder to piss but not impossible.
Man up and piss like you mean it.

Ive always wondered, whats it feel like to be aroused as a female?

>> No.799879


>Ive always wondered, whats it feel like to be aroused as a female?

like a bag of sand

>> No.799883

Unless you're slightly soft, it is impossible.

>> No.799884

Is this some sort of zen paradox?

>> No.799889

cut vs uncut?

>> No.799891


>> No.799895

right answer.

>> No.799896


lol no. feels good man.

tbh, my clitoris/vaginal area tingles. nipples harden which hurts, but in a good way. Breathing increases, and all I can think about is kissing/jumping the guy who is making me aroused.

and there are different levels, when I'm really really aroused, I'll get wet.

I feel like it's very similar to guys. It takes alot of work to get my mind off sex when I'm aroused.

>> No.799899

cuts lose 90 percent of the pleasure that they would feel if they were uncut, so i'd have to go with uncut.

>> No.799902


cut looks better I think, but I'd rather feel better so defs uncut

>> No.799903

yes but cuts last longer

>> No.799923

Best thread on /lit/

>> No.799930

Read more burroughs.

>> No.799942

W W W . A N O N _ Z _ t a l k . s e _ R e m O v E _ Z nbdrdxba tvqbtuq xbd rpyo z gmnd lzb upjfguor i

>> No.799944


not quite true. I was cut at 18 and this is not the case.

>> No.799951

Maybe not in the orgasms themselves, but in the actual stimulation yes you did. If you say otherwise then you're a liar.

>> No.800011

Uncuts have more pleasure, but Cuts don't have to worry nearly as much about things like smegma and penile cancer.

Not that Cutfags shouldn't keep in good hygiene, of course, just that the general maintenance is a hell of a lot easier.

>> No.800015

If you look at all the erect penises on /b/, the guys all look extremely satisfied.

Women may look at their bodies and say, "Oh, I need tighter buns or bigger tits," but men look at their dicks and say, "Fuck year!"

>> No.800024

you know what tells me that your novel will be shit?

you are asking 4chan for literary advice

>> No.800043

Femanon number seven here. I'm reasearching this, but I can't find any convincing or conclusive evidence confirming this.

>> No.800075


If dudes could give themselves blowjobs, there would truly be no interest in women.

>> No.800079


Circumsized at age 21. I'd have to agree with them.

>> No.800093

doubtful. do you get turned on by yourself when you look in the mirror? if yes, hello patrick bateman.

>> No.800099


Hey. Hey. Just 'cause I have nice lips doesn't mean I'm a serial killer.

>> No.800111


I dunno, boredom makes people do some crazy things. Do it enough, and it loses its power to shock. Like peeing in the shower.

>> No.800129

I don't like sucking dick, even if it is my own.

>> No.800132

I'm a medical student. Point me to some actual journals and studies. Otherwise, your statement isn't worth much, because I have a friend who was circumcised at the same age after being in an accident. He notices no change, and I can personally attest to this.

>> No.800143


I admit it could be all in my head. I'm against circumcision as a newborn, so my general disliking for the procedure could have me talking out my add. I had to have it done for medical reasons, though.

>> No.800153


ass, not add. Late night.

>> No.800157

Ironic. I was circumsized at 21 after a cycling accident nearly tore it off. Other than the damaged tissue leading to smaller boner size, no real change in sensation here.

>> No.800162
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>nearly tore it off.
>smaller boner size

>> No.800178

It was fucking painful. several smaller cuts running lengthwise and a single deeper cut runing horizontally at the base. That's the price I paid for a fucking doberman running my road racer into a chain link fence at 30mph during a bicycle race.

>> No.800189



Earlier there was talk of involuntary boners, how did that work out for you? Did the doctor just tell you "dont beat off"? How long you were sexless/masturbationless?

>> No.800190


So... how much smaller?

>> No.800208

From eight to six. Feels bad man.

>> No.800229

>8inches now 6

You can be honost here, this is a safe place.

>> No.800230

Really, only until the cuts healed. They recommended taking it easy for a month. Although, to be honest, I wasn't going to question, I was more worried about potentially not being able to use it ever again than not being able to fap for a month. I didn't pop a boner when the nurses had start shaving hair off to get to the cut at the base. And FUCKING GODS that shit they used to sterilize the area stung like fucking hell.

>> No.800359

These days, only time I get random erections is if I fall asleep on public transport. That's always fucking awkward.

These days though, I play AoE2 on my laptop while on the bus, so no danger of falling asleep.

>> No.800567

annoying, vaguely menthol coughdrop kind of feeling

>> No.800570

I remember my high school biology teacher talking about it being impossible for guys to pee with a full erection. I beg to differ on this point: it's possible for me to piss with a full boner but it's nearly impossible to aim, unless I do exactly like that picture showed.

>> No.800578

oh and by the way, it seems like sex is just the woman trying to have an orgasm and the guy trying NOT to have an orgasm. hopefully medical science will someday correct this...

>> No.800589

You suck at sex, bro. Practice more.

>> No.800603

No, it's not possible unless there's something wrong with your ducts. You either don't understand what your teacher means by 'full erection', or your body fails basic human anatomy.

>> No.800714

Dude, to whoever said multiple orgasms is 'one in a million' for girls...no. Whenever I use my vibrator, I almost always have two orgasms. Like, 85% of the time. You just have to practice so you know how to do it. Plus, you know, masturbating a lot makes your muscles stronger, which is a big part of it.

>> No.800717

I have a boner right now.

>> No.800739

wow, how ignorant some woman are. it's sad, really.

>> No.800750

You hide it. Actually, hiding it would be interesting in the novel, OP. Crossing your legs, not like a woman, but like a 50s dad reading the paper is how I do it.

>> No.800753

That's why Dad always read the paper with his legs crossed?!?!

>> No.800799

How the FUCK does this thread have so many replies.

/lit/ is fucking amazing.

>> No.800806

Because morons like you keep posting in it.

>> No.800817
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Bro, you mad?

>> No.800827
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Because it about penises,,,everybody likes to talk about penises. It's a medical fact. Ask any doctor

Pic Related

>> No.800865

This thread is amazing. More boner talk, please. This femanon is aroused and intrigued.

>> No.800877
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>> No.800896

I get a stiffie every time I realize that I have a penis in my pants. Usually it's when I'm sitting and daydreaming. After I feel a pulsing sensation coming from my genitalia, I'll have to lean forward to pivot the base of my staff downwards so as not to reveal my little secret, and to lessen the pain and pressure that persists when the little guy tries and tries to stand straight up, only to have his most powerful of attempts thwarted by my clothing.

Ironically enough, you can tell if a man has a hard-on by observing his posture. If his hands are fidgeting in his pockets or he's leaning forward with his knees locked while standing, there's a good chance he's got a boner. Or a gun.

>> No.800918

Are you 12 years old? Did you sprout your first pubic hair recently? Are you a woman who recently had a sex-change to become a man? How could you forget you have a penis in your pants? Why are you still dancing like a child at the pool who's just seen a girl in a bikini?

Grown men don't have to do the awkward I-have-a-boner dance anymore. If you've got an erection you should show that fucker off. Unzip and let it stare at the world like - Polyphemos peeking out of his cave.

>> No.800955


You tell me about your arousal, I tell you about my boner.

Win win.

>> No.800970

>Polyphemos peeking out of his cave
Son, you just made the thread /lit/ related. Now let's go fuck rainbows together.

>> No.800987

It's warm, pleasant, and a little tingly. Waves of arousal make me lightheaded and make the muscles across my hips flutter.

>> No.800989

>warm, pleasant, and a little tingly
I think you just pissed yourself.

>> No.801006

If it tingles when you pee, you might want to have things checked, sir.

>> No.801018

Post-micturition convulsion syndrome, also known as the "piss shivers." That is the tingle of a piss.

>> No.801043

Thread is long and full of short responses, so I'll pretend I've read it, and just tell you what I was going to say anyway, OP.

Erections, like sex, have social significance. Biologically, they're pretty simple. There's a rush of blood and male hormones, which means physical arousal, vague anxiety, and a sense of pressing need (pun intended). Every movement and touch suddenly gains a significance it didn't have before. Pants and underwear seem extremely restrictive, and people you wouldn't consider even acceptable before the erection become hot. The world's a different place, and the most important thing for you is to have an orgasm. The sensation is a tightness, a tension (as an involuntary muscle contraction) and a pulsing that coincides with increased heart rate. There is occasionally an ache, especially if the erection comes after a recent ejaculation.

Socially, they're a lot more complicated. Men are held responsible, for the most part, for their sexual activities hereabouts, so there's a sense of shame programmed into every erection from a very early age for many (not all) people. Simultaneously, men are expected to be sexually proactive, so sexual shame is also associated with virility and sexual excitement. The increased sensitivity is empowering, as is the rush of endorphins, and as a part of social masculinity, erections are inherently competitive. That's why the size of our dicks is so important. Think of the things you're competitive about, and then try to apply it to something arbitrary, like your height or the length of your pinky toe, and you'll understand. There's no control, but it's important, and you'll be held responsible for it. Then, if you're dealing with early pubescence, you'll have to express the suddenness and insecurity that comes with figuring these things out on your own.

>> No.801055

What the fuck are you talking about?

It's a boner, not a goddamn rocket launch.

>> No.801064
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Same thing, actually.

>> No.801072

>Think of the things you're competitive about, and then try to apply it to something arbitrary, like your height or the length of your pinky toe, and you'll understand.
Like the size of my breasts, the width of my hips, the tightness of my vagina, or the shape of my face?

>> No.801085

Wow, this isn't an argument we need to have. Congratulationss, you're judged according to criteria beyond your control, just like the rest of us. Shouldn't that bring us together, rather than driving us apart?

>> No.801091

There is nothing arbitrary about having a loose vagina.

>> No.801095

Vaginas come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Someday you'll lose your virginity and maybe discover this to be true. You'll have to sleep with at least two women for this realization to strike you, and that seems unlikely. Good luck, though. I hope you don't take your /r9k/ mentality into every relationship you have or you'll be lonely and sad for a very long time.

>> No.801104

sure there is. Vagina tightness is a relative function of physical stimuli and natural muscle tone, which is in turn a function of genetic predispositions, which are themselves arbitrary.

>> No.801117

Really guys?
Come on, y'all know the rules
Never hide your boner

>> No.801121

I really wish it was possible to loosen mine up.


>> No.801143

>Vaginas come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Yes. I, as I imagine most people, prefer lots of pleasurable sensation during sex. Tight vaginas provide this.

Also, way to make it obvious that I got under your skin.

>> No.801148

Practice makes perfect...

>> No.801154

go hug your vibrator, loosey-goosey

>> No.801156

Getting under my skin through a troll post on an anonymous message board is as close as you'll ever get to touching a woman. Congratulations.

>> No.801160


>> No.801165

>Replies to >>801095, and not >>801104

Y'see, this is why people don't respect 4chan trolls anymore. They only take the softball posts, and ignore the rest. That's not trolling, friend, it's minor league.

>> No.801167
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ITT: Men pretending to be women

>> No.801172

Fuck off, angry feminist. Many men are oppressed by traditional gender roles just as much as women are, and since the turn of the century we've been held to the same physical scrutiny by the opposite gender.

Maybe if you left your house you'd know that.

>> No.801180

Um. Why uphold those roles then?

>> No.801182


Why indeed.

>> No.801192

Because the alternative is awkwardness the likes of which have never been imagined. Think of it! Life is exactly like it is now, but instead of knowing that people will react positively (or negatively) to one pattern of behavior and negatively (positively) to another, you have no idea at all. Being yourself is harder work for less benefit than you'd think.

>> No.801193

If a woman has ever rejected you because you have a small penis, that means: 1) your penis is really so small as to be non-existent; or 2) you're a liar and have never been involved in a situation in which you and a lady consentually viewed each other's naughty bits.

Women really don't give a shit. Most women have been with so few men that they have no idea how large an average penis is supposed to be. Vaginas are small. Penises fit into them - evolution ensured that this would happen. If your penis fits into a vagina, it will feel good. End of story. If a woman rejects you, it's not because you have a small penis. It's because you have a shitty personality or bad breath or some other undesirable trait. Penis size is the last thing on any woman's mind.

>> No.801197
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where'd this short lived meme come from, then?

>> No.801201
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>> No.801203

Wow, what the fuck. How exactly do you envision this situation?

>> No.801204

it feels like a bag of sand

>> No.801209

Not talking about small penises, though - you'd never refuse someone because of their physical appearance?

Stop there. Don't lie. You would. Personality comes into it, and it does for men as well, but of course you're going to prefer that your perfect partner looks good.

Don't act like just because you're a female you aren't somewhat shallow, and don't act like its only men that are, or you will come across like an idiot.

>> No.801210
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one last one.

>> No.801212

What? No

>> No.801217
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wait, i lied.

>> No.801230

I haven't read the whole thread but at the beginning there are people saying "it doesn't feel like much really" and that surprises me because that simply isn't my experience of erections. When they're strongest they feel very heavy, like the penis is suddenly the heaviest part of you, the part that weighs most profoundly on the rubber sheet of space and time, the most intense part.It is as if all of your being is focused into a particular point, which is bunched up like a coiled spring and must at some point necessarily explode outwards. Like there's a hook attached to the very tip of it and that line is being winched in, and pulling you towards a certain someone. Yeah.

>> No.801235

>the part that weighs most profoundly on the rubber sheet of space and time
Unless you bought a condom from the Einstein store, I think you're making shit up.

>> No.801241

Einstien store condoms are popular this time of year.

>> No.801267

Bet ya never thought you'd be saying/typing that.

>> No.801302

ok so the male protagonist gets an erection, then trips over it, and rips his mom's vagina in half

>> No.801333

Jesus I hope you don't write.

>> No.801359

Well, I can't be assed to read this whole damn thread or part of it but I can tell you that getting an erection is an extremely painful event and the only way to diminish this pain is to place it in an orifice, preferably one on another human being, which is why we are so prone to rape. but any sopping wet hole will serve in a pinch though, I worked out the frustrations of my puberty by making sweet love to my neighbor's muddy and freshly watered lawn. Whatever works ya kno? I'm sure you have had similar experiences during your youth, except with assorted phalic type objects instead amirite?

>> No.801368

>260 replies

/lit/, I am dissapoint

>> No.801503

requesting archive of this epic thread!

>> No.801520

oh calm down

>> No.801522

I'm trying to remember my first erection. Basically it was the swelling that I noticed first. It got very read then hard as hell. I stuck it in between the pages of a videogame magazine and squeezed it closed, which felt like the sensation right before you drink a glass of milk when very thirsty. The sensation started between my legs and was like aching to move out through my dick, but I had NO idea about ejaculation. I didn't expect the pleasure to have a climax either. I just remember shooting like a whole cup of very yellow "milk" all through the magazine and over the shorts which I had down by my ankles. I was sliding the page of a magazine over the "cap" like you tickle someone with a feather, and it just went on and on. The cool magazine paper felt so damn exciting as I brushed it over the top of my cap.

I may never cum like that again 8( It was especially exciting because I had no idea about erections, orgasms, or that your penis shoots "milk" out of it! And the shooting feels so satisfying, like when you're chugging a big glass of cold milk when thirty. It's that sorta relief, but in your groin.

>> No.801526

The first erection I remember I didn't notice at the time; I just noticed that the lady giving me a ride on her motorcycle kept asking me to shift back on the seat.

Later I found out what it was.

The other one that sticks out is when I was asked to come on stage during school assembly to receive some kind of award (I've been getting awards since before I knew what they were) and the entire school started laughing.

>> No.801541

Also the first time we pee after orgasm there's always some cum stuck in the tip of the dick and there is a risk of urine going in the wrong direction(s).

>> No.801560

It's not that it goes in the wrong direction. It just goes in ALL directions.

>> No.801562


I read there's actually a "one-way" valve in the urethra that prevents that from happening. Of course it may be possible to have a damaged valve.

>> No.801626

God dman it not even an I see what you did there.

>> No.801629

it's like a rush of blood in the penis

>> No.801632

Those tricenarians love their cold milk.

>> No.801641


>> No.801656
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>> No.801676

It feels kinda like taking a piss if you have been holding it back for as long as physically possible. Multiply this feeling with 10, add some great shivering feeling in your legs and you get about what an erection is. But often it's what leading up to the erection that is good.

>> No.801682


>274 posts and 16 image replies omitted

every time my hope for /lit/ is dwindling, something like this happens to reignite it.

>> No.801850

So OP howd your book turn out?

>> No.801866


To be perfectly honest, I wrote the scene as background information for the characters. I'm probably not going to actually use the scene in the novel itself, but I wanted to write it to better understand the relationship between two of the characters.