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7989848 No.7989848 [Reply] [Original]

Today J.K.Rowling apologised for the writing in the death of Remus Lupin. She has before apologised for killing off Fred Weasley.

Should authors ever do this?


>> No.7989851

>Should authors ever do this?

An author who writes on levels beyond basic drama wouldn't ever think to, as each action taken has a purpose.

>> No.7989852

How do we make Homer apologise for all those dead dudes?

>> No.7989886

You're taking this a bit out of context.
It's obvious from the article that she has a self-promotional shtick of apologizing for one death every year. Once per year she lowers herself (slightly down) onto the level of her fandom, and in return they don't forget that she exists. It's a win-win.

>> No.7990200

My contempt for this woman is limitless

>> No.7990203


>it's popular therefore it's terrible and I don't like it

Good thing that good taste doesn't get you anywhere in this world :)

>> No.7990210

>that level of reading comprehension

Figures you have shit taste.

>> No.7990212

Literally who even cares. She wrote Harry Potter, it's a children's book for fuck's sake

>> No.7990217
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That's not what he said at all?

Are you fucking retarded anon? Jesus Christ.

>> No.7990218
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tfw parents were too poor to get you the books so you never became a little shitty harry poopoo kid

>> No.7990226

is this bait? i refuse to believe someone can be this retarded

good job anon, you rused us good

>> No.7990229
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>> No.7990249

J.K. Rowling isn't a human being - she is a vampire that needs periodic transfusions of progressive good will in order to sustain her unnatural life.
>Starts feeling sick
"Dumbledore was a homosexual, you know."
>Starts feeling sick
"I never described Hermione as white! I love black Hermione!"

>> No.7990269

Shes gonna pull a lucus and periodically make insane changes to her IP making it progressively worse and demonstrating she didn't really understand get own golden eggs each time. Then when there is little doubt and the original books look like Frankenstein corpses she will attempt a disastrous new series that reads like a marketing group designed it.

>> No.7990285

episodes 1 - 3 were better than 4 - 6 and only nostalgic fedora neckbeards deny this

>> No.7990318

She's literally just desperate for attention. Stop giving it to her.

This just shows how even if you're a billionaire you can still be a miserable fuckwit who needs constant attention and recognition. Fucking narcissists.

>> No.7990448
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Guys I'm sorry I killed Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. I cry every time I think about them. They did nothing wrong.

>> No.7990531

None are good at all. And Lucas still made the active decision of adding milk to orange juice by molesting the old movies that fans respected with shit tier CGI dance scenes.

In this case Same goes for hp. The IP is shit, but it prints money on its own. Only a retard would touch it. Georgie porgy and jk loling are two peas in such a retarded pod

>> No.7990539

>caring about your fan base and their opinions

>> No.7990549

>there are STILL, after ALL HER SHIT, people who believe she is better than Tolkien


>> No.7990552

It's a joke. She replies to her fans' whining by jokingly saying she is sorry for the death of (x).

>> No.7990573
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tfw my parents did get me the books so I could relate to other kids but then I outgrew it like everyone else should have

>> No.7990578

1 was utter trash, 2 was aight, 3 was entertaining, 4-6 have no value beyond nostalgia and enjoying the original effects if you can watch a version with those, 7 is a blatant cash grab with a plot copied from the originals

>> No.7990585

i agree that none are particularly good. but 4 - 6 arent better than 1 - 3 form a story/character/narrative perspective, and have shittier special effects. therefore, 1-3 > 4-6

>> No.7990589

Rowling is a PR whore, it's all she does this for. She is a hack writer who stumbled on something entertaining for children and can't write something a third as popular so she has to stay in the public eye. If she let the hype die off and tried to publish another painfully shit book like everything post Harry Potter she wouldn't sell more than a couple thousand copies.

>> No.7990595

I'm agreeing with that.
Was me, I'm not the same poster as >>7990531

>> No.7990632


Say what you will about JK, but at the core Harry Potter is a story about the death of childhood. The first book is about the wonders of adventure and magic. In the last book Harry fucking MURDERS Voldemort. This theme is even noticeable in the aesthetic of the movies. Note how the tone of the movies gradually gets darker and the world starts to crumble (see the title logo of each movie for a quick reference.) Although HP may not be particularly complex it does house a tragic story: the death of a child.

>> No.7990658

Say what you will about Tommy Wiseau, but at the core The Room is a story about a the death of a man's notion of self. The first scene is about how the main character perceives his idealized life. The last scene Johnny fucking KILLS himself. This theme is even noticable in the aesthetic of the movie. Note how the tone of the movie gradually gets darker and Johnny's world starts to crumble (see the lighting later in the movie for a quick reference.) Although TR may not be particularly complex it does house a tragic story: the death of the self.

>> No.7990672

>at the core Harry Potter is a story about the death of childhood.

>every YA novel ever

>> No.7990673

That was glorious.

>> No.7990692

Say what you will about Michael Bay, but at the core Transformers is a story about race that has nearly wiped itself out. Early in the movie is about the magic of getting your first car. In the last scene Optimus Prime fucking MURDERS Lockdown. This theme is even noticeable in the aesthetic of the movie. Note how the tone of the movie gradually gets darker and the world starts to crumble (see the title logo of each movie for a quick reference.) Although Transformers may not be particularly complex it does house a tragic story: repeated attempted genocide.

>> No.7990764
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>Tfw you're raised in an authoritative catholic household and Harry Potter books are forbidden as work of Satan
I liked a series of unfortunate events better anyway

>> No.7990795

Why do you care? The books are yours, if you want you can read Harry Potter pretending hermoine is a trap trying to slip Harry some d if it gets you off.

Lucas actually changes the physical movies by adding voices and dumb shit.

>> No.7990820

It's not so dark. It's about growing up, and considering this entire generation went "lol what even is ethics? Relativism!" one could do much worse than Harry Potter for that sort of theme.

If it's YA, it's the only thing of any merit in the genre. See kids? Starting with the Greeks can even make worthless genres of books into readable material.

Obama out.

>> No.7990830

>having a fanbase to begin with

>> No.7990840

why did this work so well

>> No.7990841

Murder means wrongful killing

>> No.7990993

>In the last book Harry fucking MURDERS Voldemort
They have operetta magic war and operetta last fight. Oh, and it all was according to Dumbledore's plan. Seriously, if its theme is death of childhood it was executed as bad as possible.

>> No.7991006


>> No.7991009


she is a pop author

>> No.7991016

Thanks for the useless comment.

>> No.7991035

Shakespeare's twitter is full of the best shit there is.

>> No.7991054

I think they shouldn't. They probably can't help making a single remark about their work though.

Nabokov did something similar about hinting Kinbote killed himself

>> No.7991057

Thanks for the useless comment.

>> No.7991059


>> No.7991061

Boop Bop Zip Zam Bop, Anons?

>> No.7991065

thanks for the useless comma

>> No.7991080

What do you gain from not reading them? It was a fun adventure as a kid even if it doesn't have literary merit

>> No.7991092

You gain a freedom to read something worth a damn?

>> No.7991095

If it makes their fans happy, they should do whatever they want.

>"artistic integrity"
>children's book series

>> No.7991114

how do you know Harry Potter is worthless if you haven't read it? Especially if you are a kid

>> No.7991128
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Who gives a fuck?

>> No.7991136

The book is a smooth read, when I was a kid I read the first book and I dropped it, it wasn't for me, I picked up other books though. The Outsiders, Mark Twain, Cirque Du Freak, John Steinbeck books, and my grandfather used to help me read books by Raymond Chandler. Harry Potter just wasn't for me I guess, I found more worth in other books than I did Harry Potter because I didn't really take anything from the book.

>> No.7991141

because JK rolling can't write and panders to no one but SJW millenials

>> No.7991254

Say what you will about Elliot Rodger, but at the core My Twisted World is a story about the irreparably damaging struggle of a teenager trying to fit in. Early in the book is about the happiness and bliss of early childhood. In the last chapter Elliot fucking COMMITS SUICIDE. This theme is even noticeable in the aesthetic of the book. Note how the tone of the book gradually gets darker and Elliot's world starts to crumble (see the amount of rumination in each chapter for a quick reference.) Although MTW may not be particularly complex it does house a tragic story: the irreparable loss of innocence.

>> No.7991269 [DELETED] 

Say what you will about Elliot Rodger, but at the core My Twisted World is a story about the irreparably damaging struggle of a teenager trying to fit in. Early in the book is about the happiness and bliss of early childhood. In the last chapter Elliot fucking KILLS himself. This theme is even noticeable in the aesthetic of the book. Note how the tone of the book gradually gets darker and Elliot's world starts to crumble (see the amount of rumination in each chapter for a quick reference.) Although MTW may not be particularly complex it does house a tragic story: the irreparable loss of innocence.

>> No.7991276

Say what you will about Elliot Rodger, but at the core My Twisted World is a story about the irreparably damaging struggle of a teenager trying to fit in. Early in the book is about the happiness and bliss of early childhood. In the last chapter Elliot fucking KILLS himself. This theme is even noticeable in the aesthetic of the book. Note how the prose gradually gets darker and Elliot's world starts to crumble (see the amount of rumination in each chapter for a quick reference.) Although MTW may not be particularly complex it does house a tragic story: the irreparable loss of innocence.

>> No.7991337

I did read them, though, I couldnt carry them home so i read them during recess between team games

>> No.7991379

That's just dumb. 1-3 were bad movies without charm. 4-6 were bad, but at least they were innovative in their time and charming in retrospect.

>> No.7991486

This does a good job at satirizing the tards inch deep literary analysis, but somehow leaves me depressed because it might be, or more likely is, applicable to most English grads capabilities as well.

>> No.7991531

Thanks for ANOTHER useless comment.

>> No.7991538
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What a charlatan. If you have to apologise for killing off a character you shouldnt call yourself a writer. Own what your wrote and defend it, dont be swayed by tears of fans who liked the character; if the characters death moved someone to tears then bask in that, its a surefire sign that someonr cared about what you wrote.

>> No.7991627

She makes shitty childrens books. Don't take her seriously anon. She is basically a whore for her fandom now which is somewhat contemptible, just like how she is turning SJWish with her latest bullshit about negro Hermione and gay Dumbledore.

>> No.7991635


>outgrew it

What the fuck is this mindset? I don't reread the books constantly, but I remember them fondly and will read at least the first 3-4 books to my children if and when I have children.

This Harold Bloom mindset that you can't read or truly appreciate Shakespeare if you read Harry Potter as a kid is silly.

>> No.7991838


>> No.7991846

If it's a "Sorry, shit happens" apology it doesn't really matter.

If it's a "sorry, I shouldn't have done this because it upset my fans" then she should fuck off and have some integrity for the work she has created.

You don't see GRRM crying over his kill count, and he's by no means an amazing writer.

>> No.7991849

I'll never forgive him for killing Mercutio

>> No.7991870


Mercutio did nothing wrong, he was too pure for this world.

>> No.7991873

You have to be a sadist to be a good writer.

Name a good book that doesn't involve someone suffering.

>> No.7991878


This, if I can write something and make someone other than my parents cry, maybe I'll have finally achieved something.

>> No.7991906


GRRM established from the beginning that his books were edgy.

Rowling killed half the cast out of nowhere in the final book of a children's/young adult series. She even killed a pet owl for no real reason.

>> No.7991926

tfw my parents bought me harry potter but I thought it was stupid and instead read those young merlin books written by T.A. Barron and a bunch of those very pulpy Star Wars novels written by KJA.

>> No.7991962

Star Wars novels sounds a lot worse to be honest

>> No.7993016

>out of nowhere
Well the buildup for the wizarding war had been going on for 7 books and she'd made a point of how ruthless the death eaters are and how there's real lives and the future of the wizarding word at stake etc. It wasn't exactly "out of nowhere", it was the epic final battle type of situation. War is hell and there are casualties and so on, I guess.

>> No.7993294


Eh, not really sure that's exactly what he's saying. You can still reexamine things you liked when you were younger and say "that was actually good" or "that was actually shit" taking into account your age, etc.

For instance, when I was in 4th grade my favorite band was Limp Bizkit. I do not remember them fondly as a 25 year old, at all. It's perfectly acceptable to feel the same way towards Harry Potter IMO (I'm not the guy you replied to).

In fact, I would say if you've never outgrown anything or critically reexamined your tastes and preferences, that's actually a bad thing.

>> No.7993297

Anyone else proud of themselves for not reading it as a kid. I am literally patting myself on the back

>> No.7993299

Not today, stupid! That happened yesterday! Boy, I sure showed him.

>> No.7993312


Has there ever been a more cowardly Author?

>> No.7993330


>Star Wars novels

So not only was your taste just as shit, if not more so, you also made yourself a social pariah. Good job, faggot.

>> No.7993333
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>> No.7993342

>the future of the wizarding word at stake
I always found it weird how it only really involved Britain and then involved one boarding school in Britain. It really felt like there was no future in magic beyond school or bureaucracy.

If she were a better writer I'd suggest an unreliable narrator, but I think it's re
ally just bad writing. I also don't think she'd consciously write a kind of hidden nazi apologist story.

>> No.7993348

I actually think this is so meta and so post-modern, I love it.

reminds me of Atonement. the idea of the writer as someone who makes amends through writing fiction. except that Rowling's sin was written in fiction, and apologized for in real life... the inversion is incredible.

but I guess there are a lot of traditionalists who don't get it. "blah blah integrity of the art, never apologize for artistic statement, etc", which is of course the old, stale image of the artist-as-hero who writes in stone. Intellectual novelty rarely moves these folk.

>> No.7993351

This is my main reason for hating the Harry Potter books. I really liked how they introduced foreign wizards and wizardry schools then after that the entire thing became centralized around London and Hogwarts specifically. I really only felt that Hogwarts and London were fucked, not the entire world.

>> No.7993359

>I really only felt that Hogwarts and London were fucked, not the entire world.
Because it's true. Anglos are very self-centered.

>> No.7993377
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You know, if you were an enterprising person, you could write a fanfic about Voldemort actually winning the Battle of Hogwarts, only for him to be BTFO about a month later when America has had enough of his shit and sends in their own wizards.

You could make a magical version of SEAL Team Six to go in and completely wreck him and all his fucking Death Eaters. Be sure to fill it with triumphalism, patriotism, and jingoism. Maybe even have the American wizards use guns; magical guns, of course.

And then have the wizard version of Stormin Norman Schwarzkopf storm into Diagon Alley with his magical sunglasses gleaming in the twilight and tell the fucking English wizards that they need to take better care of their shit because Uncle Sam won't be able to clean up their messes forever.

>> No.7993382

It's a little inescapable if you want to write something of the sort though. Would a wizard born in Paraguay use Latin sounding magic words? Would a Triobriand Islander know what a goblin is? The entire magical universe is based on British mythology, it wouldn't fit anywhere outside the anglosphere without being totally altered and that would lose a lot of the style and context that appeals to angloboos.
It did annoy me when I read them, even as an anglo child.

>> No.7993394

Is she ever going to address the elephant in the room about the status of religion in her stories? That seems like a big fucking deal that she has yet to talk about at all.

>> No.7993401

Anon, I'll do it for you. I'll do it. It's not like I'll get sued into the ground for plagiarism right?

>> No.7993403

I think you mean Russia m9. USA would only get involved if there were a Japanese mage with spells folded 1000 times.

>> No.7993406

except, in "The Goblet of Fire" they introduce wizards from all around Europe. Bulgaria, Scandinavia, I think Russia, France. All there. All active wizardry schools, yet after "The Goblet of Fire" none of them were mentioned again.

>> No.7993408

Yes, but those countries have some similar mythologies in their cultures so it sort of works. They can appear and just have a slightly different dresscode while still making sense in the context.
Apparently they don't give a fuck about Voldemort, typical foreigners. And you call Anglos self-centered.

>> No.7993410

She wrote an encyclopedia or something too. It was in the news because she wrote about the indigenous American peoples as one homogeneous group or something like that, and had a whole FUBAR defending it

>> No.7993415

kek'd I never called the Anglos self-centered though for the record. I'm not that other Anon, but I just think its very shitty writing for JK Rowling to say that Voldemort threatened the entire wizarding world and these powerful magic schools never played a role in the end war.

>> No.7993419

I imagine there's some defence of their actions on one of her endless websites but I'm not sure I care as it'll be shit.

>> No.7993420


>> No.7993427

Why would Russian mages give a shit about the UK? They're probably dealing with the Baba Yaga, the Phoenix, and whatever demons are still trapped up in the frozen north.

>> No.7993437

We might have accidentally created a novel.
>US Mage Seal Team Six
>American Wizards using magic guns
>American Wizards Police the world
>Russian Mage9
>Russian Mage9 fighting Baba Yaga and Northern Demons
>Russian and American Mages work together occasionally
>Asian mage folds spell 1000 times posing greatest threat to the world as he attempts to summon the spirits of all of his ancestors to fight by his side in a demon army
>Baba Yaga joins Gook Gandalf
>World War 3 breaks out
>Its magic

>> No.7993443
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>> No.7993452

And meanwhile Voldemort is fagging around in the UK, convinced he's the ultimate evil when in reality he's barely a bit player on the global stage.

It could almost work as a commentary on how the UK is largely irrelevant in global affairs these days. It could be a sort of allegory for Britain's lost hegemony and its current diminished status.

>> No.7993456

Because Voldemort wants to take over the entire wizarding world. One of the head teachers of the Scandinavian school is a death eater. Within the context of the books, he is a global threat.

>> No.7993462

Thats solid.

>> No.7993615

She should apologize for writing the books in the first place.

>> No.7993625


I checked the first one out at the library and even though I was the target age I just thought it was absolute rubbish. Got a book about medieval weapons instead.

>> No.7993640

While they're tagging about trying to find their lost glory of the elder wand, US and Russia are in an arms race with tech wands made of genetically engineered wood and depleted uranium cores.

>> No.7993672
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>author writes gay book series that makes her famous and rich
>author finishes gay book series and never writes anything again
>realizes she isn't relevant anymore and keeps saying shit about gay book series for more attention

>> No.7993681

>and never writes anything again
But she has written again

>> No.7993689

>"genetically engineered"
>not "organic"

>> No.7993764
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>But she has written again

>> No.7994149

Edgy fag.

>> No.7994207

J.K doesn't have that writer spirit.
You shouldn't backtrack/say sorry for what you have written years ago.
It's dishonest and honestly disgusting.
The same applies to George Lucas using movie maker on the old Trilogy.

>> No.7994216

She's a stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.7994239

You should speak to someone, anon. That isn't healthy

>> No.7994274
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>> No.7994304

nice reddit copypasta

>> No.7994449

Different anon

Is it really? Because I have an undying hatred for a few writers.

>> No.7994467

-tips fedora-

>> No.7994714

You should apologize for stealing all these texts from Odongo Shake-Spear, the kenian hunter who died of poverty.

>> No.7994753

Well said. It's the same with the way she describes how people talk. If you have write "...he said [adverb]" then your dialogue is shit, in most cases.

>> No.7994757

Get fucked my burger-huffing friend. Your navy still depends on us for it's rail guns.

>> No.7994803

>never mentioned again
fleur literally marries one of the weasleys

>> No.7994844

I read those star wars novels too when I was about 10 or 11.

I also read a lot of Robert Ludlum. We weren't a literary house, I just read whatever we had. The star wars books were my dads from way back.

>> No.7994851
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Checked and Kekked

>> No.7994901

An author shouldn't need to apologise for something fictitious.

>> No.7994916

They wern't marketed as YA though, they were just very mediocre sci fi.

>> No.7994931

Are you me

>> No.7994946

I dunno, are you jerking off to transformation fetish porn? (thanks Animorphs)

>> No.7995436

Say what you will about my guts, but at the core my digestive system is a story about the hollowness of life, and how happiness eventually becomes nothing but shit. It starts with the joy of cooking and the satisfaction of a good meal. In the last scene I'm fucking hunched over the toilet as foul smelling excrement ERUPTS from my distended anus. This theme is even noticeable in the aesthetic of my shit. Note how the tone of my shit gradually gets darker and the turds starts to crumble throughout the day (see my underwear for a quick reference.) Although my digestive system may not be particularly complex it does house a tragic story: the transience of joy and the inevitability of the suffering inherent to the human condition.

>> No.7995453


>> No.7995686
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Shakespeare is fucking Klingon you fucking alien phobe.

I think that's the same Star Trek movie with the complaints of human rights having alien hate speech or whatever. Inalienable rights.

>> No.7995695

Lol not OP but come on don't be uptight, he was probably younger than 13 in a pre 9/11 world

>> No.7995872

You'd think someone who didn't have a great childhood, miscarried, had a shitty first marriage, and spent several years in relative poverty wouldn't be so insecure and needy for attention after rising above all of that to become the only person to become a fucking billionaire from making up shit and writing it down.

Truly shows how warped the human mind can get.

>> No.7996177

Kek, yeah, that's believable, that at the age of like 11, you picked up a book and went "Well, this isn't a very high quality book based on this introductory section I've read in the library, I think I'll just take this other one instead". Pre-teens have no real quality control in what they read, and they certainly have no ability to judge quality literature. They literally just pick up whatever has a cool cover and blurb and read it, if they're kids that read.

>> No.7996568

>Pre-teens have no real quality control in what they read
They may not have that but they will still either like or dislike something

>> No.7996746

Sure, but he says he checked it out at the library and decided it was rubbish, so got another book instead. His opinion on whether he liked it or not isn't really relevant to the quality of the books.

And if he's saying he at 11 thought it was trash, well that's not really relevant either, because not only do kids have no idea what good or bad means, since when does what a kid thinks actually matter? I'm sure a kid would think that shakespeare was crap too.

>> No.7996939

You fucking little shit you haven't ever picked up a fucking piece of literature have you.

Read a book and get the reference you uneducated FUCK.

>> No.7997358

Thanks for the useless comment.

>> No.7997382

Nice, anon. I'm going to read TBTSLATHOTW again.

>> No.7997435
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How were these books? I wish I read them. I heard they were very good.

>> No.7998098

Kafka for kids.

I liked it.

>> No.7998129

they're trash. just stick with hp

>> No.7999436

>In the last book Harry fucking MURDERS Voldemort
This isn't even fucking true. Voldemort's spell bounces back and kills himself. Harry literally uses a disarming spell to try and spare him so he can be arrested or something