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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 363x400, basic economics thomas sowell cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7988666 No.7988666 [Reply] [Original]

Or is this too factual for /lit/?

>> No.7988687

It's too non-factual for any board.

>> No.7988697

feel free to point out any factual errors that were present in the book

oh wait you didn't read it and are saying bad things about it because you would rather hold on to your meme ideology and don't have any problems with the facts presented in the books (other than that you disagree with them)? ok

>> No.7988700
File: 40 KB, 337x489, 1462158469547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lemme lay down the basics, my man. the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and that's just the way the world spins. facts are facts. it's common sense!

>> No.7988714

>I am another communist who didn't read the book

>> No.7988721

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

>> No.7988727

ok... hail satan i guess?

>> No.7988729
File: 29 KB, 450x300, Geneviève Castrée 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hehe not every day ya see a nigger talkin sense. Wait'll them race baitin niggers here bout this'n

Good point OP well said

>> No.7988744

nice refutation of the entire book and everything my redneck self believes in. I am moving from backwoods Georgia to NY right now and have become a #berniesupporter, as a matter of fact, because your refutation of every thought I've ever had was so thorough.

>> No.7988749

Thanks that's very nice of you. Glad I could impact your life in this short time.

>> No.7988780
File: 99 KB, 800x526, IQ by race and socioeconomic status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before I buy my plane ticket though... I just have to ask you about this graph. Is IQ heritable? If so, wouldn't it invalidate most of the postmodern egalitarian complaints about our economic system?

>> No.7988785

I don't care about the book as I haven't read it, but /lit/ isn't really for discussion of economics. That would probably be more relevant to >>>/biz/, >>>/pol/, >>>/sci/ or maybe even >>>/his/.

>> No.7988789

*bzzxxrrp* cannot parse *bsnrrrp*
initiating default repose: iq...tests...are...meaningless

>> No.7988790

which board should we discuss religion?

>> No.7988797


>> No.7988798

I can't tell based on one isolated graph. Don't brag about having facts on your side when you clearly have no idea how to interpret data. I don't buy into postmodern thought btw. Feel free to link papers by various authors though.

>> No.7988806

For real, probably >>>/his/ , since it's for the humanities in general

>> No.7988811

Before you say some shit about liberals, I'd give you the same response if you asked me that some random, unsourced exponential curve """proved""" that the mean life of a particle or the relaxation time of a material was some value.

>> No.7988812



I don't actually care about your opinion seeing as how you have no original thoughts or interesting insights to offer, I was just making banter. Now get out of my thread, you didn't read the book

>> No.7988815

>Get out of my shitty bait thread

>> No.7988819

How would this invalidate complaints about economic our economic system?

>> No.7988822

Blacks have a lower average IQ than other races, and genetics almost definitely play a role in it.

>> No.7988837


>> No.7988858

Poors and darkies are lazy dumbasses who fully deserve their poverty. While the oft-maligned rich are high iq patricians and we should worship them as Gods

>> No.7988903

i've not been able to find a solid source that gives black/white IQ results by matching family income levels. i've seen plenty of charts to that effect, but they never come with a source.

>> No.7988915

This site isn't really for the discussion of economics.

>> No.7988916

the libertarian-inspired neoliberalism from the 1970s to present is a proven failure as unemployment levels are consistently higher and economic growth and total productivity growth are consistently lower than they were in the 1945-1973 period where keynesian policy was explicitly embraced, unions were supported and governments owned more utilities.

so the likes of sowell have been proven wrong by all available data.

>> No.7988936

literally 5 seconds on google

http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/testing.htm#APPENDIX B

>> No.7988938

This site isn't really for the discussion of anything other than cartoons, video games and porn.

>> No.7988953


>I didn't read the book
ok then

>also, I don't know what the phillips curve is

>> No.7988999

this. in my fantasies my hypothetical gf gets gangbanged by californian venture capitalists while I sit by and admire their mighty randian cocks

>> No.7989170

im familiar with that page, no links to sources. he cites SAT data in his appendix but with no link to the source. where did the SAT publish this data, i haven't seen it verified. you'd like to have a more objective source than an HBD blog.

>> No.7990099
File: 26 KB, 240x336, tom_4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i strengthen

>> No.7990138


>> No.7990152
File: 18 KB, 325x299, 1461033594104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate niggers, all capitalism is usury, the vast majority of humans should not own property but be property.

>> No.7990171

Because I'm obsessed with niggers and allow this to render me passive about those who profit from the breakdown of social bonds

>> No.7990202

i don't know what negative externalities are: the book

>> No.7990254

Sowell is just another brain-dead monetarist that fell for the asset-price illusion i.e. the economy is better off if everyones net worth rises even when their debt servicing obligations also rise and the access price to housing and other property keeps increasing. He believes a rentier economy is actually progress forward beyond industrialization rather then returning back into the pre-industrial usury-and-rent economy of feudal Europe when military conquest was the sole major enterprise and economies polarized between creditors and debtors.

Sowell is fundamentally methodologically flawed since he simply views economic relations in terms of individual psychology based on a very crude supply-and-demand schedule of satiation.

Try looking into guys like Michael Hudson and Larry Randall Wray if you want an alternative view.

>>also, I don't know what the phillips curve is
Ya, that's the thing that tells central bankers that they should intentionally engineer unemployment to prevent inflation from hurting the wealthy living off dividend pay-outs.

In the 50s governments aimed at maximizing domestic employment and economic potential but then Friedmanite financial planners convinced them it was better to aim at maximizing the price of real estate, stocks and financial securities relative to wage levels.

>> No.7990370

>the poor get poorer
literally only ever happens under socialism

>> No.7990607

>In the 50s governments aimed at maximizing domestic employment and economic potential but then Friedmanite financial planners convinced them it was better to aim at maximizing the price of real estate, stocks and financial securities relative to wage levels.

lol, because volatile inflation sure was helpful :^) good post otherwise

though we should be doing ngdp targeting rather than inflation t b h

>> No.7990660

what an old meme