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/lit/ - Literature

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7986559 No.7986559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My stepdaughter asked us to buy her some of this guy's books, she's 12. Are they appropriate for 12 year olds? If she reads them will she be forever consigned to be a pleb?

>> No.7986568

The pleb life is better life anyway

>> No.7986576

If she asked you then buy it. And along with it pick some actually good books and tell her that you liked them when you were her age. Don't forget to mention you are proud that she reads.

>> No.7986579

give her lolita

>> No.7986581

kékède at the file name.

>> No.7986588

It doesn't matter what girls read. They won't learn anything either way.

>> No.7986592


Giver her Notes from Underground

>> No.7986611

This is the way to go.

>> No.7986653

is she retarded or something? can't she just go and buy them herself?

>> No.7986662
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I like you.

>> No.7986684


>12 year olds

Now this is the point people start saying they got £100 a week or something from their parents.

>> No.7986716

Kek your wife's daughter probably makes you buy her whatever she wants.

How's the cuckold shed?

>> No.7986764

god that image is depressing

>> No.7986769

normal 12 year olds have money, laddie
and she could also get a library card >for free

>> No.7987028

Get her infinite jest

>> No.7987044

Someone post the blowjob.

>> No.7987060

Shouldn't her dad be buying that shit? If you've been this thoroughly cucked maybe you're the one who should be reading John Green.

>> No.7987107



>> No.7987237



/pol/'s invasion into other boards was healthy as fuck

4 years ago this board was one of the most cucked, now it's about equal in viewpoints

>> No.7987337

fuck her

>> No.7987340

>my wife's daughter

>> No.7987344

Well she's really my own daughter. My wife and I were together when she was born so I'm the only father she has ever had.

>> No.7987347
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>> No.7987349
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>she's really my daughter because I married her knocked-up mother

>> No.7987351
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>> No.7987354


>> No.7987359
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>> No.7987361


Wrong board

>> No.7987363

>raising another man's offspring
>supporting another man's seed

You will regret it and your daughter will never fully respect or appreciate you. Your wife will use you for material support. Enjoy.

>> No.7987369

your should be "your" btw lol

>> No.7987373

No troll here, but do you want her reading about a a guy getting his first blowjob?

>> No.7987382

I agree with this. Maybe something entry level, like Catcher in the Rye or On The Road.

>> No.7987383

I'd rather my daughter be a dyke, it would make life so much easier.

>> No.7987402

Pretty sure there is a sex scene in one, but it's supposed to discourage rushing into sex, or something.
It should be fine. I'm sure she has heard much worse at school.
She's 12, she's gonna be a pleb anyway. It's up to you to make her /lit/ as she grows up.
>John Green was really inspired by this guy
>hands her Infinite Jest

>> No.7987410

>wanting your daughter to be permanently miserable
Come on buddy.

>> No.7987842

>Having a stepchild makes you a cuck

I thought /lit/ was better than this

>> No.7987852

Probably just a bunch of bitter fucks who will never reproduce anyway

>> No.7987867

I had a dream that I was in an apartment complex with John Green and we were having a conversation about literature and he told me that he would become immortal through his books, and I told him angrily that his books weren't good enough to be in the literary canon, and he told me that his popularity brought him to a much larger audience and that he was working on a "big project" that would cement him in history as this generation's Shakespeare. I looked at him flabbergasted and he smiled at me and the dream was over.

>> No.7987891

It doesn't even make any sense. A stepfather would literally be fucking someone else's bitch.

>> No.7987895

>we can't discuss social theories without /pol/ screaming about sjws
>we can't discuss ethics without some dark enlightenment edgelord screaming about egalitarianism

Y-yeah, it's totes buh-better.

>> No.7987907

>A stepfather would literally be fucking someone else's bitch.
After she has been used as brood mare and only on the condition that he expends time, resources, and energy on rearing offspring that is not genetically his. Even animals know better than to do this.

>> No.7987908

Welcome to the post /pol/ world. Everything is sexual/racial politics.

>> No.7987931

Sure, but that doesn't make him a cuckold.

>> No.7987946

Not in the widely-accepted definition of the word but words aren't dead things - they have lives of their own and take on new meaning or fall out of favor. Cuckold can function as a colloquialism meaning a weak person and especially a weak person who espouses leftist political positions.

>> No.7987966

>someone says /pol/ is good
>they post in perfect 4chan register
>someone replies that /pol/ is bad
>unfunny limpdicked sarcasm, transparent butthurt, and bizarre out-of-place typing quirks ("buh-better")
>tfw /pol/ consistently proves that it's more 4chan than its critics

>> No.7987995


>> No.7988010

>muh echo chamber

>> No.7988199

Yes you should obviously do this. The blowjob scene is in looking for alaska, paper towns and tfios are your best bet

>> No.7988201

>father dies before baby is born/separated from family because of out of control tragedies
>mother is raped and they decided to keep it

These are very unlikely to be the case, so what options remain must be the truth for most of the time:
>mother fucks a near stranger who dashes when she tells him
>mother leaves because she chose to have a child with a bad man
>father leaves because the mother is a bad woman

All of these show a low potential for forward thinking and critical decision making and reflect poorly on the mother in almost every way - either she willingly chose to fuck a stranger or bad man and kept the child, or is enough of a bad person that the father had to leave.

Single mothers are idiots, and their boyfriends and second husbands are suckers on all counts.

Hopefully this puts this to rest.

>> No.7988296

Whatever horrible author she reads is fine at 12, I'd you aren't the type of family friendly type who believes in having sex and not enjoying it.

Just make sure she doesn't come here, because no matter what sappy nonsense John Greene tries to slap together from a tumblr image macro,

It will never be as much dribble as people who think that taking care of a kid that isn't your own makes you a cuck.
This Anon should shoot himself

>> No.7988359

Idk when I was twelve I used to read the Halo novels and this shitty genre fiction author named Harry Turtledove and I turned out fine. Mind you, I also really like Call of the Wild, White Fang, Gulliver's Travels, the Time Machine, and the Brothers Grimm. Get her John Green but also try something like one of the books I mentioned above.

>> No.7988478

>my wife's daughter. kys

>> No.7988491

Go back to /r9k/ kiddo, adult relationships sometimes just don't last, are you implying that if a relationship fails for something out of someone's control (partner dies, cheats, whatever really) that they should just stay alone forever? Or what, they should just abandon the kids and remarry?

People who have never had an actual relationship really shouldn't be allowed to talk about how they work.

>> No.7988512

Relationships end, but raising another man's child is completely up to you. This wasn't out of your control. You chose to spend your time and money raising someone else's kid. And no matter how much of yourself you devote to her you will never be her father and she will never be your daughter.

>> No.7988520

>that they should just stay alone forever?
Of course not but any man who'd take the scraps and raise another man's children is a weakling. Bit of a Catch 22 for divorced women - the only men worth marrying would be the ones wise enough to not marry a single mother.

>> No.7988522

You're jumping the gun. Considering that OP is telling the truth (he's not, it's a joke), he also said that he married while she was pregnant.

That instantly whittles the "drifted apart divorcees" argument away; all that's left is >>7988201

You're a bona fide ding dong. Kill yourself.

>> No.7988542

>relationships sometimes just don't last
Oh, like all the chances OP had to marry someone who didn't have someone else's crotch fruit?

>> No.7988543

no, that guy knows what he's writing and why
he's like a troper

>> No.7988547


>> No.7988550

anyways, this thread has obvious bait
i don't get why are you falling for it

>> No.7988590

You're just stating the claim again. Do you actually have any reason why raising someone elses child, while likely also having your own children is a bad thing? Should people who have children stay alone forever? What's the optimal situation here, seeing as relationships do end?

Give me a reason why it's a bad thing without just claiming you're a weakling for doing it, or a cuck, actually explain why.

I know it's nearly definitely a joke, but the anon I replied to was being a moron about it.

And you're not actually correct in your claim. A pregnancy is a 9 month period, which is long enough for someone to get in another relationship from a marriage without it just being "Damn, I need money". He also doesn't say they were married, just that they were together.

Also, the post you linked seriously implies that not being able to pick up on a character trait such as infidelity or any number of other things that could end a relationship is proof of your lack of ability to think ahead, or that you have bad decision making skills. It's just some retard /r9k/ poster claiming things are the case because he says they're the case, without actually taking into account the myriad complexities that impact relationships.

People can also just choose to break up because they lose feelings for each other, or grow to become incompatible. You don't have to be a bad person or dating a bad person for a relationship to end, and the implication that you do is just incredibly immature.

You're right guy, it's a good thing that you pick from a list of people with positive and negative traits in front of you when you decide who you're attracted to and desire a relationship with, right?
Let me ask this? Do you people also think that artificial insemination is a form of cuckoldry? I mean, it's not your sperm cells impregnating the woman (assuming I'm talking about those that came from a sperm bank), so what's the difference there, with the argument that it's purely the biological factor that makes you a cuck?

>> No.7988600

Wait for the movie version: "Paper Towns, The Cringening Part 2: The Beta Cringes Back".

>> No.7989275

>adult relationships sometimes just don't last
They actually do always last. Glorified hook-ups aren't relationships.

>> No.7989298
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Yeah the biological factor actually is pretty important to me. If we're going to make more people and I'm going to pay for it, they might as well be the result of my own genes. Buying another mans's semen so you can pretend it's yours is just unnecessary. You only do it to appease your wife, which is a terrible reason to take on a decades-long commitment.

You don't have to marry anybody. At all. If a choice that isn't a total ripoff isn't available, just jerk it.

>> No.7989323

Wow, relationships always last? Fucking hell man, you should write a book about this failsafe method to make them last.

I can agree with what you're saying from a biological point of view, but I think it's also an oversimplification of parenthood. The impact we have on a child by the way we raise it and the values we instill in it are just as significant in who that child grows up to be as what colour eyes it has. I'd even argue that it's more significant, and why we call biological parents nothing more than just that, they're not the mother or father, they're simply providers of genetic material.

People generally go to sperm banks because they want kids and are unable to, by the way, not because they want to appease their wife. Is surrogacy the same issue for you, or is it just from a purely masculine point of view you see it as an issue?

You don't have to do heaps of shit anon, doesn't mean that people don't want to. I'm not sure what this point was supposed to be honestly.