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/lit/ - Literature

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7986475 No.7986475 [Reply] [Original]

What is some good anti-feminist literature?

>> No.7986476

mein kampf

>> No.7986477

Anything pre-19th century?

>> No.7986483

The Manipulated Man Paperback by Esther Vilar

>> No.7986495

Re: rightwing/conservative lit charts
See sticky

>> No.7986547

I found The Human Stain by Phillip Roth to be fairly anti-feminist. Anything by Houellebecq is very anti-feminist too, but he's essentially just bait for left-wingers so he doesn't really count.

Also, not literature, but The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker is a book about human nature, and has lots of criticism of feminists and their belief that there is no such thing as innate gender.

>> No.7986551

Introduction to Logic

>> No.7986555

>innate gender

>> No.7986561


My Twisted World

>> No.7986566

The Holy Word of Allah, as transmitted from the Angel Gabriel to Mohammed (PBUH) the Holiest of books, the Qu'ran.

>> No.7986567

The Koran

>> No.7986584


>The Quran

I want Eurocentric Islamaphobes to leave

>> No.7986600


>> No.7986612

They may be Islamaphobes, but they aren't wrong. Few religions aren't misogynist, most especially the Abrahamic. At any rate Islam doesn't promote any form of feminism, so troll/10

>> No.7986614

>anti-feminist means you hate women
Nice try, feminist scum.

>> No.7986617


>> No.7986621

Aristophanes' Women in Power

>> No.7986626

Textbooks on Logic, Biology and Statistics

>> No.7986630
File: 172 KB, 568x900, shrine-of-sheikh-ahmed-tijani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a bloo bloo bloo, I'm a cultureless anglo monoglot, let me tell you about the world!

>> No.7986636

The Way of Men

>> No.7986642

why would u want to learn about such things, misogynist pig

>> No.7986649

It's not about feminism specifically but there's a good deal of literature attacking trends in the humanities. Harold Bloom and that one Atlantic article are both worth reading.

There's not much criticizing SJWs outside of alt-right edgemasters (ie. >>7986636), mostly because they have no influence outside of social media and college campuses.

>> No.7986652

>anti-feminist literature

There's some works targeting bourgeois "feminism" (which actually is against the interests of actual feminism), which is likely to be the same thing you think is feminism and hate, without realizing that you share your opinion with feminists, and that feminism is also against the social structures which made you, as a man, suffer in such a way that you develope an unhealthy and misinformed view on lefist theory the first place.

>> No.7986654
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>> No.7986664


all the anti-feminist lit that comes to mind is like black feminist love politics from the 70s, or bell hooks, or some of the really whacky queer stuff like Preciado's Testo Junkie which seems feminist at first but gets all into hyper accelerations of masculinity to destroy capitalism

>> No.7986673
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>> No.7986676

Mein Kamph.

>> No.7986693

I want you to leave.

>> No.7986704

> all the authors are white

no thanks

>> No.7986709

Angela Davis is black, Öcalan is is a Kurd.

>> No.7986710

you're telling me Beauvoir does not ignore the realities of class inequality and capitalism?


>> No.7986713

there are other /leftypol/ charts?

>> No.7986715

>all these books were written decades ago
Woah big surprise

>> No.7986717
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>ywn never fight for democratic-confderalism with the YPG
>ywn settle down with your qt kurd comrade

>> No.7986721
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>> No.7986722

Yeah, essential literature on a subject tends to be older works.

>> No.7986727

Davis is black, but Kurds are not.

So basically you threw in THAT ONE BLACK CHICK into your pic so you'd look "totally not racist - I love having just one black friend!"

There's way more to Feminism that what this chart posts. It needs a lot of improvement.

>> No.7986731

> probably is a Kurdaboo
> hurr durr Islam goes against feminism!

Kurds view themselves as Muslim. You do not?

>> No.7986733

Yes I agree. I'm not the person who made the chart either. Kurds are not white though, as whiteness isn't defined by skin tone, but is a political category.

>> No.7986742


>> No.7986744
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Tell us more about the Kurds, anon.
Nothing else lit related going on ITT

>> No.7986747


ISMS are bad, they divide people and create SCHISMS, what the Earth needs is more LOVE and less ISMS

>> No.7986748

>If you don't like an opressive religion, you are not allowed to sympathise with the struggle of a group, which members happen to have been socialized into said religion.

wheew, lad

>> No.7986752

underrated shitpost

>> No.7986758

Don't be an orientalist pig.

She literally said Islam doesn't ever generate feminism. Kurds are Muslim and apparently feminist.

Sympathize with whomever you wish, but don't deny that Kurds are Muslim just because it contradicts your worldview.

>> No.7986798

Being socialized in a muslim community doesn't make you a walking islam-machine.
Also you don't sympathize with Kurds for that dumb reason you named.

>> No.7986811

Progressive Muslims tho.

>> No.7986818
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To begin with, the term "feminist" is often a loosely defined one.
Kurdish women still wear head coverings, still get treated as second class citizens in all the usual ways. Their branch of Islam isn't the same as the others but the religion is still oppressive.

>> No.7986826

Yeah, I said the same thing when I saw /lit/s recommended starter kit.

>> No.7986843
File: 35 KB, 420x652, images.duckduckgo.com(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Within the book she explains how females (not males) induce a psycho systematic socialism upon girls at an Impressionably young age. And how women are hardwired to be more timid therefore, replacing a young girls happiness and potential with order and affability gives her the ability to become a special snowflake.

>> No.7986847

I hope you are joking. It's hard for me to tell who is ignorant or who is joking.

>> No.7986858

>Kurdish women still wear head coverings, still get treated as second class citizens in all the usual ways. Their branch of Islam isn't the same as the others but the religion is still oppressive.
Men have restrictions as well. What's your point? Are restrictions inherently wrong? Do we need the same restrictions for everyone? Was this mandated by your deity or is it a conclusion you have come to based on your culture?

>> No.7986861
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>she explains how females (not males) induce a psycho systematic socialism upon girls at an Impressionably young age.
You think this fits OPs bill for anti-feminist? This is how the patriarchal system perpetuates. Enlisting the captives to be the guards, so to speak.
Wollstonecraft's book was an attack on middle class women's behaviourisms

>> No.7986864

I know that feel - I know people who went there to be foreign fighters, I kind of want to go but I know I'd be unprepared, almost certainly cowardly under fire and completely useless. Gotta work on that.

>> No.7986871
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What the hell is going on in this thread? Is this tumblr or some shit?

>> No.7986873

'feminism' is ultimately another construct created by Western liberal imperialists, who want to fashion all the women of the world into interexchangeable 'strong, independent' consumer units.

>> No.7986874


How's High School going so far?

>> No.7986877

>psycho systematic workers-owning-the-means-of-productionism

>> No.7986878
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>Are restrictions inherently wrong?
I would say mostly so, but especially those dictated by our ancestors through bogus "sacred texts"

>> No.7986879

Pretending to be tumblr is a long standing /lit/ tradition.

>> No.7986887

If you know a trade you can go there and help them build infrastructure.

>> No.7986893

is that what you tell yourself

>> No.7986904

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I mean, who'd lie on the internet?

>> No.7986909

I study Philosophy - in short, I'm completely useless. Laugh all you like, you wouldn't be wrong. Now that you're talking about it, picking up a trade wouldn't be a bad idea at all.

>> No.7986933

This. It's a small paperback but it's fucking brutal.

>> No.7986944

>Kurds are Muslim

>> No.7986950

Not in that book. It's not even the theme and she touches on it for a bit. What are you "keking" about?

How new are you? This is what happens on anonymous 4chan every waking minute.

>> No.7986967

>not literature
>but The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker

>> No.7986973

Fuck off cunt

>> No.7987017

Anything by Warren Farrell

>> No.7987027

I'm implying that feminism's core texts are outdated and the conditions they describe no longer exist. The pay gap is a myth, spousal rape and domestic abuse are illegal, more women go to college than men. Sexism in the first world is a meme

>> No.7987046

>>>7986843 (You)
>>psycho systematic workers-owning-the-means-of-productionism

> workers-owning-the-means-of-productionism
What is the primary means of new sentient life for humans.
A] Women
B] Women
C] Women
D] Women

>> No.7987054

>Their branch of Islam isn't the same as the others

It's literally mainstream Sunni Islam.

>> No.7987057

Yazidis and Kurds are two different groups. Yazidis are neither Muslim nor Christian.

Kurds are Sunni Muslim.

>> No.7987069

>I'm implying that feminism's core texts are outdated
For you.

>Sexism in the first world
So mission accomplished. We can stop feminism now. Makes perfect sense. Not.

Your post is a meme. Just stop talking about what you don't understand

>> No.7987072

/pol/ plz go

>> No.7987073

>Wollstonecraft's book was an attack on middle class women's behaviorisms

Are you sure you want to say that?

She spends a lot of the book talking about a utopia that women could great if they just harnessed their special feminine powers properly. She firmly believes in men and women have their own roles and should not really overlap.

So what book is an attack on Wollstonecraft's middle-class woman behaviorisms?

>> No.7987083

>I'm implying that feminism's core texts are outdated

i don't think you've read them

>> No.7987084

Xe is right though.

Feminism has moved way beyond these dated works.

>> No.7987086

explain how the arguments made in the second sex aren't valid today.

>> No.7987089
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>I study Philosophy

>> No.7987095

>please tell me some books that I can quote, so I'll sound intelligent next time I'm on /r9k/ saying women are all dumb whores


>> No.7987098
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It's interesting everyone mentioning Houellebecq.

In <<Soumission>> one of the characters points out how patriarchy is, for obvious reasons, superior to feminism/SJWism because patriarchy actually replicates itself.

Patriarchy creates more humans who believe in patriarchy and in turn create more etc.

SJWs do not create more humans who will believe in SJWisms. It's basically a one-generation movement.

>> No.7987105

I dunno about that. There's certainly a set of largely Jewish academic families who have been radicals since the 40s and basically present day SJWs the whole way.

Going to a school where they're common is a weird redpill.

>> No.7987108

Why are there so many pro-SJWs here? I would think that people who enjoy reading literature and have a less narrow minded view of the world would be against stifling free speech in favor of the denial of basic biology and the vast majority of philosophy

>> No.7987114

It's founded on terrible Sartrean philosophy and her critiques of Freud are very weak.

>> No.7987123

>We can stop feminism now
Yes, because most of the core tenants of historical feminism (women's suffrage, gender equality, ect.) are accepted by the whole of society and are no longer on any sort of vanguard. Calling yourself a 'feminist' these days makes about as much sense as saying you're an anti-monarchist. It's fighting a battle that's been won already, and even in the third world it's only a matter of time. Globalization and modernization will bring women's rights regardless of how hard Islamists or traditionalists push against it. But your average Westerner can do little to improve the situation, because you can't 'give' someone rights without playing into the hands of neoconservative war hawks.

>> No.7987125

The New Totalitarians - Roland Huntford ; Feminism in Sweden

Tammy Bruce - The New Thought Police ; Ex Member of NOW

Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family - Stephen Baskerville ; Divorce - Industriali-Complex and punitive legislation

F Roger Devlin - Sexual Utopia in Power

Anatomy of Female Power - Chinweizu ; Critique of African Society/ Feminism

>> No.7987126
File: 59 KB, 1205x184, rebutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The condition "in the first world" nullifies the whole thing. I admit to some progress in the so-called first world. Everyone agrees there, but what a selfish prig this person is to think we need to stop there.

And this >>7987086

>> No.7987134

that didn't explain at all why it's an irrelevant work today.
have you read it?

>> No.7987135

>spousal rape and domestic abuse are illegal
>something is illegal therefor it doesn't happen
oh wow

>> No.7987142

not an sjw but it could be because that biology and philosophy is fucked up, wrong, boring, and stupid and literature with a world view where people of any sort can express themselves without being dehumanized can make for some pretty interesting and fulfilling read.

>> No.7987143

I appreciate your dismantling of gun control arguments.

>> No.7987154

>something is illegal therefor it doesn't happen
You do realize that this is how 100% of Americans think, right?

>> No.7987156
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>fantasy is fun
Yes, we know.

>> No.7987157

Yes. If you're familiar with philosophy and you come to encounter Sartre you will either cringe very hard or be very confused because he can't POSSIBLY being saying THAT.

He's retarded and it's bad for a Beauvoirian concept of freedom/authenticity.

Beauvoir is essentially the only reason why we haven't completely dropped Sartre. Because if we drop Sartre, it's difficult to continue teaching Beauvoir seriously. And she's convenient to teach because teaching theory does not require deep reading.

>> No.7987158

I would argue that calling a woman a woman (praising femininity, etc.) isn't dehumanizing. Calling biology and philosophy entirely "Wrong, boring, and stupid" is extremely ignorant (despite the Oxford comma).

>> No.7987159

>biology is normative
wew lad

>> No.7987163

>implying birth control isn't extremely controversial still in 1st world countries
>implying paid leave for pregnant women isn't still absolutely fucking abysmal in America
>implying abortion isn't still a controversial issue in 1st world countries and isn't illegal in a lot of places
You're an idiot. Sorry you can't see past the /pol/ fog clouding your vision of the world but there is still a lot that needs to be done for womens rights

>> No.7987164

if I wanted my narrative or otherwise literary experience to be limited to a world of white men acting in a vacuum of white male affirmation under some fabricated notion of exceptionalism I'd watch hollywood movies or play video games without character creators

>> No.7987166
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Yeah, most books are about more than one thing.

You haven't read it.

>We can stop feminism now
It's "etc."

>> No.7987168

Because most people in this thread are trying to point that feminism and SJWism aren't the same thing and that, while engaging with the same topics, they do so in different ways, especially when it comes to one's right to express his or her opinion - similarly to how there's a difference between "progressive democracies" and places like Rojava, where the militia protects you even if you long for ISIS rule, without harassment but trying to convince you their way is better by example and discussion.

>> No.7987173

i like your posts and all but >>7987086 is still what i'm after

you keep dancing around it but you act like an expert so just tell me already

>> No.7987181

Nice fallacy my man

>> No.7987189

This hardly dismantles a damn thing.

Standing against sexism and wanting there to be less murders and mass shootings is something the left generally want. So sue.

>> No.7987196

Who Stole Feminism - Christina Hoff Sommers

Women and the Common Life: Love, Marriage, and Feminism - Christopher Lasch

HL Mencken is not exactly antifeminist but on in In Defense of Women roasts both sexes equally ; He is really fun.

>> No.7987198

Woah there. I'm referring to people like Yukio Mishima and Ruyard Kipling. Not to mention the vast amounts of primal cultures that also involve men and women in patriarchal roles, or the vast and differing European cultures that are labelled ignorantly as "White". Also, many women are amazing authors without taking up this feminist cause. You have a very privileged and sheltered view of the world and seem to believe that everyone who is not a Western female is inferior insofar as they have no ability to write or think critically.

>> No.7987206

Third wave feminist literature

>> No.7987227



>> No.7987232

Uhhh...authenticity and freedom are one of the most important notions for her critiques.

If you cannot save the Sartre in Beauvoir then it looks like she really cannot make her sex-gender distinction and she basically cannot critique any patriarchal institutions like marriage etc

>> No.7987249
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>biology and philosophy is fucked up, wrong, boring, and stupid

this is what leftists actually believe.

>> No.7987262

>if we make guns illegal the dealers of already-illegal substances who commit practically all of the murders won't have the illegal guns
ayy lmao

>> No.7987266
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This masterpiece.

>> No.7987267

Show me what non-shitty philosopher said that it's ok to treat certain types of people worse than others.

>> No.7987271

George Gilder - Sexual Suicide

>> No.7987277

A former student, Bianca Lamblin (originally Bianca Bienenfeld), in her book, Mémoires d'une jeune fille dérangée, wrote that, while she was a student at Lycée Molière, she had been sexually exploited by her teacher de Beauvoir, who was in her thirties at the time. In 1943, de Beauvoir was suspended from her teaching job, due to an accusation that she had, in 1939, seduced her 17-year-old lycée pupil Natalie Sorokine.Sorokine's parents laid formal charges against de Beauvoir for debauching a minor and as a result she had her license to teach in France permanently revoked. She and Jean-Paul Sartre developed a pattern, which they called the “trio,” in which de Beauvoir would seduce her students and then pass them on to Sartre. De Beauvoir and Sartre would both take part in political campaigns to abolish the age of consent laws for sexual relationships in France.

Just Feminist things.

>> No.7987278


How about we just have restrooms for the fastidious and the slobs?
I'd like a fix on those slits on the stalls though.

>> No.7987281

Biographic informations are to be separated from an author's work, at least to an extent.

>> No.7987290

I wouldn't say that. Treating people differently based on differing circumstances isn't treating them worse, it's simple equity.

>> No.7987292



Normie politics is just type stratification. Leftist libertarians and Marxists are usually aposematism 'resist the white man' sorts, regardless of the finer details or truth behind the theory they profess.

Leftism is dead. So is the right. Nihilism has prevailed

>> No.7987296

>He thinks he knows that I want to abolish weapon ownership.
Just get out.

>> No.7987301

You are right, but social justice is about getting rid of opressive mechanisms in society.
Out of interest, what do you define as treating people differently?

>> No.7987303

Said the NEET, as he ignored the world.

Put it on a fortune cookie, baby.

>> No.7987305

I think you mistyped "capitalism"

>> No.7987307


nobody important is going to risk their career writing anti feminist literature

>> No.7987310

So why don't we just make rape legal then?

>> No.7987313

Yeah...I can tell YOU haven't read The Second Sex.

No biography here, unless you mean this nasty stuff>>7987277

I'm speaking of the Sartrean concepts of freedom, facticity, authenticity in Beauvoir's The Second Sex. Beauvoir inherits Sartrean existentialism but Sartrean existentialism is itself a terrible misinterpretation of Heidegger (who himself wrote an essay distancing himself from Sartre).

>> No.7987314

oh man this is some facebook tier political discussion
very depressed that people like you inhabit /lit/

>> No.7987318

What a great strawman you've created

>> No.7987323

Well, in the specific case of women, their biologically (generalized) lower muscle mass means that they are more likely to be victims of violent crime, which means that protecting them is more important. Also, the stark differences in the brain of a female would change the way in which a male and female converse in order to minimize confusions and misunderstandings.

>> No.7987324

it depends what you mean by good. If you mean things that criticize various forms of feminism as a means of achieving gender equality then you should look a post-feminism. If your angle is that gender equality is bad or has always existed then you should shoot your own face off.

>> No.7987325

Because the fear of going to prison deters people from committing crime
Doesn't mean people will stop committing crimes though

>> No.7987327
File: 12 KB, 240x232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-haha, good satire

>> No.7987329

*ignores your argument*
*calls you a liberal*
*pulls cape over face*
"A wiser man than you would see that the Right way is the right way"
*bow my head and walk into the darkness*
(muttering) "heh, nothing personel, cuck"

>> No.7987332

Okay, what part of any proposed gun control will keep America's violent underclass that thrives on all manner of illegal trade from acquiring and using firearms?

>> No.7987336


>> No.7987338

>You are right, but social justice is about getting rid of opressive mechanisms in society.
Name one lefty.
>Out of interest, what do you define as treating people differently?
Being racist/ sexist/ overtly righteous

>> No.7987339


Occupy Wallstreet was (remember that??) and college campuses are rife with nominal far-left identification. How do these people typically behave? Goodness, think about what they look like. Far-left ideologies are just crudely appropriated (often in name only) to serve as both a virtue signal and social vehicle for what ever ulterior first principle these crazy minded people have concocted. Principled leftists do exist, but they're very rare.

>> No.7987342


>> No.7987353

No one ever mentioned gun control other than you

>> No.7987356

You didn't read Stirner
Fuck off

>> No.7987366
File: 76 KB, 500x389, 3886193144_c485b87ede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not the one denying biology and 2000+ years of philosophy because muh feels but ok

>> No.7987367

You're right, of course. I mean, I agree with your view of contemporary leftism but I'll say finding "principled leftists" is easy if you know where to look, that is, mainly outside campuses. Maybe as a euro I get it easier.

>> No.7987380

I wasn't the one you were arguing against
I was just pointing out that using facebook tier memes makes you look like a complete moron in any argument

>> No.7987384

I really, really, really like this image

>> No.7987386

So what you're saying is that most sane people(the majority)are moral law abiding citizens?
And any rapes, sexual abuse that do occur is the MINORITY, a small portion of the total?

>> No.7987387

>wants to be taken seriously
is this bait?

>> No.7987394

>sane people
>believe in morality
I know this is bait but come on

>> No.7987397

Give me a reason to live that will have a lasting impact upon the world after I'm gone.
Other wise Nihilism is a viable meme.

>> No.7987398

No response. Oh well. Requiem for the patriarchy.

>> No.7987404

Butterfly and the person she was talking to. Read who I was addressing and who they were addressing.

>> No.7987405

Not him, but I suggest reading Camus. You might enjoy Absurdism.

>> No.7987420 [DELETED] 

>Implying most people aren't morally conscious.
>Implying most people antisocial.
>Implying everyone is just like you.

>> No.7987433

Never implied any of that
You said the majority are sane because they're law abiding citizens with a sense of morality.
I said that just because they have moral values doesn't mean they're any more 'sane' than people without morals.

>> No.7987436

>Implying most people aren't morally conscious.
>Implying most people are antisocial.
>Implying everyone is just like you.

>> No.7987439

You living is already having a lasting impact on the world

>> No.7987444


>> No.7987454

Care to explain how a 19yr 6"4 half black half arabic is any more but a sliver of a drop in the univerae compared to the 8billion people on this planet?

>> No.7987456

So it's an education issue.

>> No.7987461

>ad hominem
my memes make up in Truth what they lack in ''dankness''. triggered much?

>> No.7987464

>le informal fallacy mem
>le ironic trigger joke
You ever considered suicide? I haven't read any of your other posts, but I can guarantee the world would be better off without you

>> No.7987484

>this is what leftists actually believe

>> No.7987494

Not a manlet

>> No.7987501
File: 160 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-05-01-18-29-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people don't run around being nice for absolutely no reason.
Samurais followed an honor code in which if they ever disgraced their lord they would have to commit suicide.
No one will commit suicide for pure ambivalence.
Most people have a moral code which they follow.
Any that don't the defacto moral code which follows suit with societies ethics are deemed unintelligent, primitive, dangerous. ie satanist, MS13 the Mexican death worshiping gang, Christans

>> No.7987510

it's true tho. feminism, like other individualisms doesn't liberate anyone. It dismantles traditional forms of social organisation so capital can excersice it's control directly over every 'individual' consumer unit.

>> No.7987516

It's the schools these days. Lit degrees these days come with an implied side of marxism and free coupon into the cult of 3rd wave feminism and membership into the LGBTQA2 degenerate club. The only cost being that your future wife is going to have to satisfy hordes of newly immigrated black bulls and you need to pray to Allah 5 times a day.

>> No.7987524

Seconded anon it might actually change your whole life. Pay special attention to the idea of the Absurd Warlord

>> No.7987526

I don't think anyone who longs for ISIS rule would be using words (and not bombs) to talk to their local militia.
>What is a narrow minded view of the world.

>> No.7987530

fucking eew
if you were in my party I would night of the long knife you

>> No.7987531

Who's in behind the machinery? Give me names.

>> No.7987536

I wasn't the dude saying ignorant stuff about Kurds I was just commenting on this silly leftist Focaultian conspiracy mindset that comes up every once in awhile. Always makes me giggle.

>> No.7987545

Don't ya mean Mountain Turks

>> No.7987553

If the Turks haven't been separate from the Kurds for long enough to consider them different peoples than where does the line even fall?

>> No.7987559

I don't think anyone who longs for ISIS rule would be using words (and not bombs) to talk to their local militia.
>What is a narrow minded view of the world.

>> No.7987565

Thanks CIA 8^)

>> No.7987578

this thread is just trolls trolling trolls

>> No.7987597
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I am become SJW, the destroyer of Worlds

>> No.7987620

Well, let me correct: what I wanted to convey was that an average (so not a fanatic) person in the country may prefer to live under ISIS rule (or any other rule) and he is not harassed for holding that view; I was, specifically (and maybe unfairly) referring to a conversation, of which I've read a translation, where a man, asked to express his opinion on the political situation, said that he preferred when ISIS had control of the town he was in because, when properly bribed, they were less of an inconvenience to his day to day life than the militia was - which, I thought, was an interesting expression of how "normal" people live these situations and generally interface with politics. Still I think the fact he isn't harassed or ostracized for holding this opinion is remarkable and something to admire.

>> No.7987643

That man is a fucking idiot
Id rather [that] militia sleep in my home and eat my food.
Then constantly bribing ISIS not to come rape my daughter and (wive)s and probably torch my village.

>> No.7987649

Cause muh interests
Do you have this audio thingy?

>> No.7987650

they are commies and probably interested in redistributing your hard earned property. while ISIS leaves you alone if you pay taxes and don't make trouble

>> No.7987663

>Be christian
>Call yourself "Abrahamic"
>Against leftists, be sure to note you are, as such, a follower of Islam
>Be immune to criticism

My God, I've done it!

>> No.7987676

I agree with you, just thought it was a good showing of how actual leftists (horrible definition) actually care about freedom of speech.

It's in Italian and written, I'll translate and post it if I can find it.

Not really, no, but if it makes you feel better keep saying it. Try and be more interesting next time, this is /lit/ after all - if want to make ISIS the not-so-bad guy maybe give us a slice of life or something.

>> No.7987685

You're on 4chan. We like to troll.

>> No.7987689

>anything that negatively effects women is as a result of sexism
Sure m8, tell that to the millions of women who oppose abortion
>literally correcting my grammar
Wow nice one faggot

>> No.7987696

>implying abortion isn't literal baby murder

>> No.7987704

ISIS, Assad/Putin and the PKK are merely three different forms of Totalitarianism.

>> No.7987716

Oh my god dude I'm an American libertarian too but Jesus Christ learn your history.

>> No.7987779

You realize 80% of good game are Japanese, right?

>> No.7987849
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Do people honestly believe shit like "this has nothing to do with Islam" when a Belgian muslim goes to Syria and behead a Yezidi man in front of his family?

What I love about the debate concerning religion in this decade is that you can't say in our cultural relativist world of kneejerk liberals that some religions are less violent or not as prone to violence as others.

They have convinced themselves that every religion out there is basically producing an equal amount of kind family men and women and that when you have guys shouting "god is great" before they blow up people standing in a queue at an airport, they aren't "really" muslims, and that's that. Because obviously a religion is all about being altruistic and feeling the bern in premodern times.

But in reality, Islam is, next to Christianity, one of the most revolutionary religions in world history and as such it not only appeals to the revolutionary, but has the ability to turn the average Joe into one.

>> No.7987854

But what is the alternative to consumer units? Is the tyranny of the traditional chieftain really better than that of the CEO?

>> No.7987860

Not that person, but yes. The "tyranny" of the traditional chieftain is that he acts in both your interest and the tribe's interest

>> No.7987863

Rational Male
Way of Men

basically anything which deals with the real world holistically, such as Robert Greene's work like 48 Laws of Power

>> No.7987871


The alternative is an unverified future post-scarcity utopia where everyone shares. The catch is we have to go through a violent phase first where a small group of people needs all the power to lead us there, to this magical future world.

Just trust them on that.

>> No.7987887

that is youre opinion.

>> No.7987901


That's not tyranny.
Tyranny is modernity in all its forms, from Stalinism to what we praise about modern democracy, which is ALL a will of another ( the leader or the 'people' ) forced upon yours.

In that "dark" age of chieftains, you always had the option of leaving and going for another lord, or hell, even another city.
Feudalism is in its very essence and practise reciprocal.

Try leaving your country for another without the demons of bureaucracy chasing after you. You can't swear allegiance to another.

>> No.7987902

Maybe so, but it isn't a rare one.

>> No.7987911

She is a cutie.

>> No.7987919

>Way of Men
>deals with the real world holistically

That book is fanfiction of the homosexual lifestyle, I've never read a more ludicrous book. To imply that it's in any way "real" or "holistic" betrays that you're living in your parents' basement.

>> No.7987920

You deserve a hug

>> No.7988000

How did this thread turn into a debate on Islam?

By the way, liberals like to say that radical Muslims aren't 'real' Muslims and conservatives say moderate Muslims aren't 'real' Muslims, but there's no such thing as a 'real' Muslim. Islam is whatever Muslims want it to be. If tomorrow all Muslims decided that Allah wants them to fist their sister then that's Islam regardless of whatever Qu'ran verse you can site against it. In a sense, it's the same as feminism - liberals say "Oh, they're not a real feminist" when a self-proclaimed feminist says to kill all men. But just like Islam, feminism is whatever feminists say it is.

>> No.7988034
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>> No.7988209

/lit/ is very divided.

>> No.7988268

I doubt that anyone can read the Greeks and the Western Canon and yet remain unconvinced of the Virtues of traditionalism, faith and the natural order. I have reasons to believe the Leftists are mostly teen poseurs or else shill operators coming in droves from leftypol or reddit

>> No.7988288

is this what ppl think? or is this one of those joke sentences ppl say??

>> No.7988463

like what the fuck do you mean 'the natural order'? like 'a natural order' but the one you're most about? or just whatever 'natural order' happens to be in place in some less local context?

ppl be going on like 'the' natural order is anything but one arbitrary regime of signification and materialization through definitive representation (which can never, really, be definitive)

>> No.7988493

>like what the fuck do you mean 'the natural order'?
Monarchy. Power held by aristocratic elites continually improving their bloodlines through eugenic breeding. Traditional values and religion. There is no cult of victimhood, thus masses accept the superiority of their betters.

>> No.7988510

oh i see
at least thats an absurd enough answer that I can assume you aren't being serious

>> No.7988736

Dubs confirm anon speaks tha trutha!

>> No.7988870

Just came here to say:
What a qt.

>> No.7989024

But I'm a sinocentric sinophile and we've dealt with our Muslim problems directly over time. We are also dealing actively with our turkroach problem. Grey wolves? More like grey dogs! Woof! Just wish EU and US of A would cooperate instead of funding separatist elements in China.

>> No.7989202

If the moral guidelines established by a religious doctrine produce a better society, who cares what fiction is used to get the people's buy-in?

>> No.7989243

It's not pro-SJW so much as comparatively left-leaning in general; /pol/ accuses everything of being cultural marxism, while /lit/ is full of actual Marxists.

>tfw not socially conservative enough for /pol/, too capitalist for /lit/

>> No.7989265

my diary desu

>> No.7989334

What strikes me as odd is how Islam was supposedly friendlier to women's rights back when it started, at least relative to pre-Islamic tribal customs. Did Islam just stay there while social changes happened among Christians? Are the progressives right and it really is just a relatively recent wackjob takeover? Supposedly Iran had more in the way of blue jeans and rock music before the revolution.

Honestly, the whole "revolt against consumerism" thing I see among the left and right strikes me as wrong-headed. I don't dispute that corporations influence society for their own commercial ends, but the thought process seems to end there and jump straight to "benefits CEO's = bad." Of course corporations want more women working because more labor, for instance, but it's very much possible that it's a case of mutual benefit as opposed to evil capitalist/Jew exploitation. Even as a consumer unit corporations fight among themselves to best serve you, and when they do screw you over an absolute monarch will have the same incentives.

Fair enough on broader-reaching bureaucracy, though that's not really an issue with capitalism or the bourgeoisie; once it comes down to power coercing you it's just the broad problem of government as opposed to the particular issue of corporatism or consumerism.

>> No.7989339

Everybody needs to learn to focus on what they are for and against, otherwise arguments boil down to subdividing groups into crazies and moderates. Someone supporting feminism should just specify and argue for what they support, it doesn't matter if literally everyone else who calls themselves feminist is out for your balls.

In the case of debating Islam it makes more sense because it's a question of demographic risk factors as opposed to how thing should/should not be.

>> No.7989374


Europeans are literally the best race and Islam is a shit tier religion.

>> No.7989407


Most feminist book ever written, fight me.

>> No.7989459

some of them are jewish though

>> No.7989549

Anything religious, since women cannot be religious, if they are not practicing before their puberty, but can and do always pretend to be religious.

>> No.7989554
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>SJWs do not create more humans who will believe in SJWisms. It's basically a one-generation movement.
you are joking. The liberals and libertarians have been creating laws, spending billions, each year, over 20 years to educate a child, to produce more liberals and libertarians, through their mandatory education.
Very few people are not liberal-libertarian today.

>> No.7989556
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Real butterfly or fake?

>> No.7989558
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Thank fuck for that. People are only a bit annoyed by lefties at the moment because they've forgotten how completely insufferable and batshit crazy the alternative is.

>> No.7989570

He can't help it that niggers can't write

>> No.7989578
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>> No.7989579
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>> No.7989597
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>> No.7989630

M8, they cover Sunni, Shia, and sufi. They even have some Jewish Kurds in there.

>> No.7989656

>Are the progressives right and it really is just a relatively recent wackjob takeover?
The death of Nasser sort of started it and the assassination of Sadat totally brought it to fruition.

>> No.7990702

but how will they reproduce if they're 'taught' not to?

we're reaching peak sjw

>> No.7990739

All women are breeders whether they admit it or not. SJWs become single moms.

>> No.7990741

SJW is good.

>> No.7990781

Deus Vult!
Crusade Now!

>> No.7990925

By all means elaborate on how the left is better than the right.

>> No.7990959

Dialectical Materialism xD!!

>> No.7990980

What the fuck has happened to this board? Can we please go back to arguing about 80 year old books

>> No.7990996

rachel dolezal?

>> No.7991115


anything written before second wave feminism. The further back you go, the more inherently anti-feminist it is.

>> No.7991558

Woah man, seeing these back to back really makes me disappointed in our political dialogue

>> No.7991567


>> No.7991682

>no one asking about demon
Glad lit has gotten over this shitposting

>> No.7992039

i'm honestly curious, is there really any legitimate reason to still call yourself a feminist? is there any other argument to still clutch to a label that the vocal "minority" has obviously tarnished beside "that just isn't TRUE feminism!" because trust me, i would love to support a movement for equality, but it's painfully clear that those "silent true feminists" don't give a damn about preserving any sanity. even it's as sensible as egalitarianism (literally derived from the word "equality") so many feminists absolutely refuse to give up feminism for any other name

>> No.7992078
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Chirstina Hoff Sommers aka based mom still calls herself a feminist despite being very sane. I'm sure there are others, some possibly less conservative. Names I've heard: Susan Haack, Susan Wolf, Martha Nussbaum, Anna Gullickson, Judith Jarvis Thomson, Daphne Patai, Jennifer Saul.

>> No.7992175

Sufi Islam has been around for centuries, it's just that recently their biggest proponents happened upon a horde of the world's most valuable resource and can fund megachurches and fox news on crack all over the islamic world.

>> No.7992206

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.7992221

Top 10 shittiest memes. People who say this have clearly never done research in any science, taken a single logic class nor do they have any knowledge of statistics. You know I'm right because feminists say the same fucking things about logic, biology and statistics being on their side. I'm fucking livid 10/10 bait

>> No.7992240

Am I the only one who has never experienced "feminism" or "SJW" in real life?

>> No.7992304
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I take it you don't go to college. Am I right?

>> No.7992306


>> No.7992347

All of it.

>> No.7992560

if it only happens at colleges then why is it such a big deal?

>> No.7992575

unspoken truth

>> No.7992721
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>Europeans are literally the best race and Islam is a shit tier religion.
Muslims are the johny depp of 2016

>> No.7992756

current Johnny Depp or pic related JD?

>> No.7993671


The Art of insulting - Schopenhauer
Female part

>> No.7993697


Current Johnny. Way too old, ubiquitous, and should probably just stop.

>> No.7993988

The march of history is to the left

>> No.7993995

>muh Whig historiography

>> No.7994122

All "anti-feminist" literature I've read has only made me appreciate feminism more; mostly because the authors (always male) of such tripe cannot even form a argument besides "women are whores", especially Houellebecq (fuck that guy).

>> No.7994174

>this is an argument

>> No.7994537

houellebecq is a mean man

>> No.7994680


My God, salsa on this girl

>> No.7994708
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Hourly reminder that feminism is a conspiracy against women

>> No.7994711


>mad roastie called out on being a whore and she doesn't like the truth