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/lit/ - Literature

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7985243 No.7985243 [Reply] [Original]

How's my taste, /lit/?

>> No.7985251


The rest is based.

>> No.7985257


All bad, simply cause its not varied with enough non meme/pleb books, and if its not varied now i doubt it'll shape up.

>> No.7985272

can these consumerism threads please stop

>> No.7985303

I wish I had that Dune edition. Also the pristine-ness of your copy of Moby Dick makes me wish mine wasn't so beat up :(

>> No.7986976
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4 books on here should directly give away my age and nationality to 2 or 3 people on here.

>> No.7987535

Moby Dick and Master and Margerita are good rest are trash
Cannery Row is comfy, overall pretty good as long as the Diplomacy and Tank ones are for your job

>> No.7987550


>> No.7987551
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here's my currently reading pile

>> No.7987564

Practice of Diplomacy is a book my father got a decade ago and I borrowed it since its kind of related to one of my side projects.
How to drive a tank is a meme self help book I got for 1€ at the antiquary.

>> No.7987576

started reading yesterday, totally memed by lit

>> No.7987579

The Lainšček gives it away.
Epicurus is based, havent read this book specifically though.
Nietzsche is a classic.
I personally dont like Russel's History, but whatever.
Stirner is a meme but kudos for actually reading it.
Ulysses is GOAT
Dont know the rest.

>> No.7987588

Cannery Row and Steinbeck in general is extremely comfy. Special mention to Tortilla Flat for being the comfiest.

>> No.7987629

>Yup. The Lainšček gives it away.
A koliko si star?

>> No.7987631

close - lifelong reader memed by academia

>> No.7987675


Why is Penguin's "The Master and Margarita" have such a shitty cover? Makes me not want to own it.

>> No.7989290
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>> No.7989386
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Stumbled upon the best book sale in my life, because it was a surplus sale and the books were buried under children's toys.

>> No.7989393

So just post the random book pile that is on my desk,or assemble a new pile with the best books I have?

>> No.7989403
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These were on my desk.One is just a dictionary.

>> No.7989492
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>> No.7989961

>500 test
>250 deca
>50mg var ED


>> No.7990018

How can that copy of Dune be so large? What could that tome, besides Dune, possibly contain??

>> No.7990039

How is Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test? I've been wanting to read it for quite some time but haven't found a copy. Is it worth my time?

>> No.7990059


>> No.7990068

It is very good. Documents a strange time in the twentieth century.

>> No.7990117
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I just finished reading The Portable Nietzsche. It is pretty good. It definitely deserves a re-read.

>> No.7990181

Have some cocaine shakes there, Sigmund?

>> No.7990717
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I bought lots of copies from the same publishers, since they were dirt-cheap.

>> No.7990725

The Trial and the first half of Kafka's stories are incredible. You're in for a good time. And Pessl's Special Topics is so comfy and dear to my heart. Good stack, anon.

>> No.7990744

El Quixote!

Good read

He dies at the end

>> No.7990748

You're a few centuries late on the spoiler there, anon.

>> No.7990755

>Wordsworth classics

You got meme'd hard, son.

>> No.7990759

lol, I know.

In south america they make you read the book on school

>> No.7990762

das a fat cycle mane

hope just a blast

>> No.7990767

He's got the Wordsworth Crime and Punishment
Stellar memery.

>> No.7990774

It was 1/3 of the price than the other editions. Plus, it's the ultimate book cover for checking 'em.

>> No.7990819
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already read some of them but fuck it

>> No.7990854

You got meme'd, my friend.

>> No.7990856

Oh, I'm proud of you, anon, don't get me wrong.

>> No.7990857

You didn't get memed.
You bought good books for cheap

>> No.7990886

I am going through my philosophy phase as every teen (18) Does.

>> No.7990894

Thanks, man.
>inb4 '>buying books'

>> No.7990955
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Last thing I read was the script for Hiroshima Mon Amour by Duras
Now I'm reading BK for the first time and I'm already loving it

>> No.7990966

You all say you're posting stacks of books, but all I see are duckfaces and selfies

>> No.7990971

that shit by bertrand russel is good

>> No.7990974
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>> No.7991017

I buy cheap books all the time.They never fall apart.I don't know how others mamage to destroy copies of books just by normal reading.

>> No.7991033

Classic op Classic

>> No.7991034

B-B-But books that are leather bound that cost 20x the cheap price are better!
Lol, it's almost like they think they're getting a better book.

>> No.7991041



>> No.7991076

No,you misunderstood me.I value aestethics.
They are important.They get a better book,not in content,but in aestethics.
But when I just want to read something,I pick up the first edition I happen to come across.
I just don't understand how can a book can get almost disintegrated while you carry it around.Most /lit/izens seem to destroy their penguin books.

>> No.7991138


>> No.7991580

No other recent purchases thread so I'll post this here.

15 dollaroos altogether. Feel like I got jewed

>> No.7991583
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>> No.7991619
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So like whatever books you have on your desk?

>> No.7991623

Can you show me a picture of the front cover of your copy of Demons?

>> No.7991631
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>> No.7991632
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>> No.7991642

Cool, thanks

>> No.7991746

How do you read in the dark?

>> No.7991813

Is electric kool-aid in any way related to Heaven's Gate?

>> No.7991858

How is ol Teddy K's book? He was a mathematical prodigy when he wasn't mailing bombs right?

>> No.7991884

I turn on the lights.

But at that moment I was browsing /lit/ so no need.

>> No.7991896

love it

>> No.7991920


>> No.7991948


>> No.7992027
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>> No.7992028

/lit/ in the dark can be pretty comfy, but watch out for eye strain.

>> No.7992143

let me guess. you buy all of your books from thrift books or some shit and you read all of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, maybe started reading Spinoza or Deleuze but it was way too abstract and boring so you gave up. You are actually 16 or 17 years old, and are thinking that you want to pursue psychology thinking that it will be a practical application of your intellectual interests. Reply if I should continue.

>> No.7992288

Sounds like you are projecting yourself onto some random person who reads Freud and Nietzsche

>> No.7992361

high school/10

But that Lardner though.

>> No.7992437

that schopey is way, way abridged son. the original text takes up to books twice that size. i have the same one though, makes me wonder what im missing out on.

>> No.7992468
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