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File: 78 KB, 468x644, Lilya_Brik_1924_468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7984786 No.7984786 [Reply] [Original]

Englishfag here. What is the single most useful language to learn for marxists/leftists?

>> No.7984791
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>> No.7984794

french or russian, depending on which branch of leftist thought and theory you're most interested in

german is probably 3rd but really only for the frankfurt school who should just read anyways

>> No.7984819

Is that a pair of panties or the thickest bush of pubes I've ever seen

>> No.7984845

>frankfurt school
I don't know much about it, but looks like all "serious" philosophy is leftist. Am I right?

>> No.7984851
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>looks like all "serious" philosophy is leftist. Am I right?

>> No.7984856

The language of praxis.

>> No.7984860
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What's so fun anon? Show me the light.

>> No.7984861
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No, your mode of thinking is so infantile and misinformed that there's not much I can do, you have to help yourself.

>> No.7984870

Well, at least I know that ad hominem won't work on me.
Good attempt anon, but you didn't show me anything new nor how retarded I'm.

>> No.7984936

just kill yourself if you're a marshit.

>> No.7985697

The thanatos language, of noxious billowing gases and rot. Only in the death of everything is absolute social equality reached. Otherwise some would have more life than others.

>> No.7985701


>> No.7985703

Programming so you can infiltrate capitalist power structures from the inside.
But you're just a poser bitch with daddy issues so this isn't an option for you.

>> No.7985704 [DELETED] 

Hahaha look how hard you're trying.

>> No.7985705

>I don't know much about it, but looks like all "serious" philosophy is leftist.

>> No.7985706

French or German

>> No.7985713

Nah, dismantling your pretensions really is that easy.

>> No.7985717

Probably basic concepts of logic

>> No.7985731 [DELETED] 

virgin detected

>> No.7985816 [DELETED] 


>> No.7985995
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Honestly this.

>> No.7986201

>I'm scrrd o' the future.
>Go away degenerate normies
>I wanna go back to the past with kings and knights and stuff *Cries in fetal position*

>> No.7987010


>inserts picture of Grimes' head with the weird pink hair and the caption "omg how do you not know that once the progressive agenda is finally implemented everywhere, everything will be perfect forever. This is so obvious, god"

>> No.7987024

Most of philosophy is about unpolitical problems.

>> No.7987048

underrated post.

>> No.7987088
File: 540 KB, 1280x685, Screen-shot-2012-08-22-at-10.47.35-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Progress can never be made, ergo we must reverse course.

Since there's no inherent meaning to life, I have chosen the purpose of societal improvement. Because it make me happy to help others. A mad quest it seems, in light of the environmental disaster rushing up to sock us in the face. :)

>> No.7987099
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Meant to attach


>> No.7987194
File: 267 KB, 479x596, Screen shot 2012-01-28 at 1.16.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this. except I will not 'cry in the fetal position' that is something a leftist numale would do. When destiny calls (and the day seems nigh) I shall cloth myself in the Sign of the Cross and raise my Sword against the Heretics and the Mahometan Hordes, as my proud ancestors once did. Deus Fucking Vult!

>> No.7987228
File: 2.93 MB, 2880x2016, 1460756937718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English because everything is translated into English.

>> No.7987242

>except I will not 'cry in the fetal position'
This is what you will be reaching for. The past, your youth and notions of the glorious past. Impotent in this quest you'll flail about in a rage.

Glad you're just meme-ing though

>> No.7987255

The future, at the path we're going, is full of even more ignorance than the past. At least people thousands of years ago had the common sense not to act like they knew the meaning to the universe.

>> No.7987331
File: 108 KB, 630x422, Gump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The future, at the path we're going, is full of even more ignorance than the past
Not necessarily. And no reason to quit even if this is so.

>At least people thousands of years ago had the common sense not to act like they knew the meaning to the universe.
Are you referring to the ancient Greeks or the Christians? The latter sure did.

>> No.7987414

>no reason to quit even if this is so

Actually, this is every reason to quit. Fuck your narrative; fuck your agenda.

>> No.7987488

haha I can't wait till the AI takes over and BTFOs all leftists and progress fetishists

>> No.7987513

That's a pretty weird post for you to get enormously butthurt over.

>> No.7987519

Learn German. There's lots of good journals, books and lectures untranslated in German. You can also read Marx and Engels in their original form. Plus you can read Kafka.

>> No.7987523

Arabic. so you can Read the Holy Quran

>> No.7987562
File: 82 KB, 630x391, legend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things getting better is scary. *Runs around* AHHH! Quick! Everyone! Kill yourselves!! *moans*

Just madness.

>> No.7987583


Missing the point as always. do turn your trip off and never use it again.

>> No.7987585

I can't wait till we are all light-brown genderless blobs with subpar genes and no individuality and get to obey communism for all eternity!

>> No.7987601

Most of philosophy is apolitical.

>> No.7987642
File: 151 KB, 991x1000, Perseus on Pegasus Hastening to the Rescue of Andromeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying >>7987010 is sincere?
If that's the case, I disagree. "Perfection" isn't an attainable goal, but a journey, a heroic quest.

Did you just get here?

For fuck sake. I am not a representative of those bogeymen you've constructed in your heads. I stand against the same awful world you *say* you hate. I'm even inspired by high points of our storied past, and I stand for freedom of the individual.

Come on out and tell me you were only trolling now.

>> No.7987983

Why do you always attach those kinds of pictures do your posts?
Is it because they elicit a gravitas and sense of truth that you know wouldnt otherwise be found in what youre typing?

>> No.7987993

Professional troll.

>> No.7988012
File: 73 KB, 500x330, The essence of my personality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pic-related to the comments of course.

Why do you think this?

>> No.7988185

Butterfly (or maybe the team of people who take up the Butterfly mantle) is a pretty good troll in that there's nothing really overtly trollish about each individual post, it's just the sheer consistency of fucking banality across all of its posts

Every time I see a Butterfly post I think of a hundred stupid fucking shallow-but-said-as-if-deep things I've read about books she/he/it didn't understand and my asshole tightens up in pain

I fucking hate Butterfly. It's like reading an entire Reddit forum in full,
every single time it posts. Just an endless desert of nothingness condensed into one instant.

>> No.7988202

Probably German so you can read your kike bible Das Kapital.

>> No.7988204
File: 192 KB, 500x553, 1460288420210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to say this. The world would be a better place without fucking leftists.

>> No.7988217

Nobody on this board likes you you fucking kike bitch. Raus.

>> No.7988234


>> No.7988247

whoa now, calling butts a kike? Lets not be unfair to the jews here

>> No.7988272

Fucking niggerlover.

>> No.7988282
File: 377 KB, 594x422, neckbeard-fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7988429

Point to some of your deep and scholarly posts, tough guy.



But of course you say nothing to them. We all know why.

>> No.7988629


Very well said. Adding a unique IP to these true sentiments.

"Butterfly" is a bore. Nobody likes you. Stop using this board and/or remove your trip.

>> No.7988638


>> No.7989092

bush of course

>> No.7990281
File: 50 KB, 540x360, Baby_talk_204211a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7990298

who /#redpillarmy/ here

>> No.7990326


Define progress. Define societal improvement.

> Helping others because it makes you happy
> Not realizing that your help is motivated by self-interest and not altruism.

Are all trip fags this retarded?

>> No.7990419

underrated post kamardao

>> No.7990517

Please save your temper tantrums for a different board.

>> No.7990527

Enjoying helping people =/= helping people because you enjoy it

>> No.7990570


I'm not that guy, but the person that he was responding to is a noted dumb cunt, and he was one hundred percent right in how he called her out. So you're the one in the wrong, here.

>> No.7990579

the illuminati speak latin & greek so I'm gonna assume that