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7982770 No.7982770 [Reply] [Original]

So I just finished reading this book for the second time over. I thought it was pretty good, with certain faults and stuff. Any of you guys read it?

>> No.7982773

No, I never read it. Why don't you tell us a little bit about what you thought were the faulty parts, OP?

>> No.7982826

It's worth the read man, his prose is a great match for the tone and plot, that epitome of magical realism that reads like a dream.

It follows the story of the Buendia family in Colombi over the course of seven generations, and their history parallels a lot of Colombian history and in many ways reflects pan latinamerican history as well.

There's not much wrong with it from my view, but sometimes he mixes up love and lust, especially in one last part near the end. There's really so much happening in the book though that it's hard to pinpoint every critique.

Overall a great book and certainly one of the twentieth century's best, I do believe it deserves most of the praise it gets. Check it out anon.

>> No.7982944

Did you read it on the original language?

>> No.7982990

Pretty much a must read since I'm Colombian, its a really nice novel and its one of his most famous (or his most famous? don't know if people know more Love in the Time of Cholera or this). His prose is so fluid and pleasant, it's like taking slow drinks of cold water (i read it in spanish, don't know how the translations fare). For a more challenging and imo better novel, read The Autumn of the Patriarch. Amazing read, the best novel to come out of Colombia.

>> No.7983073

I started reading it in Spanish while translating about a dozen words a page that I didn't understand, I'm not fluent 100%. The pronouns threw me off though and by page 40 I totally misinterpreted something so I switched to the English version. I was also reading it at the same time as a friend so I didn't want to lag behind too much. I might go back and try to read it in Spanish again since now I've read it in English.

Yeah, every Colombian I talk to instantly knows that book and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. But really any Latino who reads has read 100 Years of Solitude. I was in Ecuador, my dads from there, and I many ecuatorians celebrate the book, met an Argentinian who loved it. It's a book a lot of Latinos embrace and appreciate

>> No.7983077

Also, what did you think about the book? I did a bit of research on Colombian history but for you as a Colombian does the book reflect your sentiments of Colombia?