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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 200x300, Bloom,Harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7981843 No.7981843 [Reply] [Original]

is he the only professor of literary criticism who hasn't completely bent over a table for the ludicrous, hateful Resentment School of the left?

>> No.7981852

Helen Vendler is another one who focuses on the aesthetic qualities of poetry.

>> No.7981858
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Thanks, the Harvard Bloom, eh?


Bloom in 1995. To hear what he has to say about the SJW nonsense now would be something.

>> No.7981866

She seems like a great critic, but she's about as old as Bloom

>> No.7981878

How can we save the humanities?

>> No.7981882

What happens when critics like Bloon and Vendler die? The floodgates of Toni Morrison shit are opened?

>> No.7981886

Relegate philosophical and literary degrees to private liberal arts colleges. They need to be quarantined from big-city youth.

>> No.7981888

It's not like he's dead. You can send him an email or something

>> No.7981891

I imagine he doesn't want to hear about it. It'll probably just make him even more depressed.

>> No.7981949
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That video I linked was in 1995. Imagine how he feels now.

>tfw private Catholic school majoring in history and poli sci

Plenty of libcucks who somehow even infiltrated this glorious bastion but the profs in my department aren't tards. Logic and fair argument reign supreme, one history professor (from UChicago no less) even constantly berates my generation for its thin-skinnedness, penchant for empty twitter revolutions, and overemphasis on having one's feelings appeased. He's a gem.

This question still stands. How indeed.

Personally work slowly. This is a reflection of the greater separation of the right and left (new right and new left, neocons and whatever the new libcucks call themselves) in the country. This was caused probably first by the left which caused Gingrich to react extremely.

It does not matter who started it. What matters is cleaning up this embarrassing mess.

I am a conservative but cannot stand the Gingrich types and what he did. Obviously I also cannot stand the direction the far left has gone, as abortions of logic are its norm.

Criticize it whenever you can, careful tending to even handedness. The far left and far right both are to blame and both need to burn to the ground in order to be re-reborn. "The Old Left" and "Old Right."

This SJW bull is the most ubiquitous filth from the left, and the right are known for their fear-mongering in regards to the middle east and pretty much everything. Both are hard line retarded positions.

I feel if we grass roots it, we can do it. Genuine, sound ideas are self-evident and spread naturally.

Once again, I'm safe in my private school so I know nothing of the real damage. It seems insufferable in cities, for example UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago).

If we call out the cry-bully logic for the sewage it is while also maintaining the retarded stuff the right does, we might have a shot.

Meanwhile the big boy politics play on as normal because at the end of the day, reality is reality.

The twitter/sjw/feelings bubble of delusion permeating collegiate life is an ongoing issue though.

One last thing- Obama actually addressed this recently in a talk. It was very good- he called out liberal babies who were afraid of conservative ideas so they wouldn't let Republicans talk. He was fair in that.

I'm in college so I have the luxury of getting on my soap box as often as I can, adjusting for the appropriate tone to take/etc, obviously.

pic-related when I think of the cultural marxism Bloom gloriously called out way back in 1995

>> No.7981958

That's a lot of words I'm not going to read, but I will inform you that Harold Bloom is very much a liberal who always votes Democrat

>> No.7981965
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Yes, that is well. I don't care if someone is a liberal, I care if they're sensible.

>> No.7981966

Get kids interested in literature from an early age instead of reading only YA

>> No.7981968

That's nice, and I agree with you. There are sensible people on both sides.

>> No.7981974

>I also cannot stand the direction the far left has gone, as abortions of logic are its norm
What you are describing has nothing to do with the "left" or even the "far left". The global capitalist ruling class is very deliberately imposing this "SJW" irrationalism on elite institutions, so as to redirect any threat to their power to ever-more-finely-sliced social wedge issues.

>> No.7981977

I have dreams.

>> No.7981980

Is that what BLM is

>> No.7981986
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Irrationalism is the perfect word for it. That based history professor also admitted to international banking and how it's "alarmingly close" to the extent the conspiracy theorists claim it is lol.

Not a bad theory though.

>> No.7982128

I enjoyed this. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7982180

>The Canon is what I, Harold Bloom, have the easiest time remembering and reciting.

Wow, conservative and right-wing academia, you sure have the greatest minds out there. Now my Benjamin, Adorno, Derrida and Deleuze are beat the FUCK out. How can I ever read anything but Bloom and his Canon again?


You guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.7982184

why does he always look so sad ;((

>> No.7982201

he smart

>> No.7982207
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my favorite Bloom interview

>tfw the guy who discovered the INVENTION of the goddam HUMAN is not gonna make it through 2016

>> No.7982215

>His position is that politics has no place in literary criticism: a feminist or Marxist reading of Shakespeare's Hamlet would reveal something about feminism or Marxism, he says, but likely nothing about Hamlet itself.

b-but i thought he was a meme
h-have to read everything of his now
thanks based op

>> No.7982223

"The ultimate use of Shakespeare is to let him teach you to think too well, to whatever truth you can sustain without perishing."

>> No.7982228

I wonder if the criteria is what he can read in 400 pages an hour or faster but doesn't sound pleb. So on the first part DFW is fucked but on the second so is Harry Potter

>> No.7982236
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You'd be sad too if you had this hanging over you

>> No.7982243

>tfw even the cover is bad
>tfw he probably insisted on that gay subtitle

>> No.7982248

There's no ebook of this, right?

>> No.7982262


This has always mystified me about critics. They claim knowledge of what makes a book good, but can't write a good book themselves.

>> No.7982267

Plebs do get mystified by the most common things

>> No.7982522
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Speaking of which, i got this, probably i will read it after Voltaire's Dictionary. I don't know what to expect, except the memes i've been reading here. Also, i hate critics.

>> No.7982581

Those who can't do teach.
Those who can't teach criticize.

>> No.7982687
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And those who can't criticize criticize anime.

>> No.7982833

Hopefully people with similar views step up.

>> No.7982889

I know a fatty when I see one but I couldn't eat twelve hamburgers

>> No.7982907
File: 27 KB, 391x390, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who pictured Gaston Godin from Lolita looking exactly like Harold Bloom?

>But the lower part of his body was enormous, and he ambulated with a curious elephantine stealth by means of phenomenally stout legs. He always wore black, even his tie was black; he seldom bathed; his English was a burlesque.

>> No.7982908

thanks for the embarrassing lack of insight

>> No.7982973
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All we can hope for is a worldwide disaster to send us into another dark age

>> No.7982979

>tfw emailed Bloom
>tfw when he replied
>Lit a menorah.

>> No.7982995

What he said made sense.
>I know a fatty when I see one
He is criticizing this person as fat.
>but I couldn't eat twelve hamburgers
He can't do the things the person he is criticizing can do.

>> No.7983001

The Canon is a spook that outlived its usefulness and got replaced by newer spooks, like prestige TV, social relevance etc.

>> No.7983018

I agree. If only people could be as reasonable and fair as we are!

>> No.7983022

why wouldn't it, though?

>> No.7983025

is deconstruction really that bad? I always thought derrida was pretty protective of history.

>> No.7983029
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Do you REALLY have to reread Shakespeare so many times you can't read a 200 page novel once?

>> No.7983040

Small liberal arts schools are havens for the idiot rich. "The humanities" need to be destroyed and rise again from the ashes.

>> No.7983046

Terrorism is the last relevant artform. everything else is commodified bullshit and pointless circlejerking.

>> No.7983056
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>> No.7983094

It varies from school to school desu
If it's a small liberal arts school that attracts urban SJWs then it may as well be in a big city. But if it manages to repel them (not being in an artsy college town) the school can still be of value. You just need to be selective when applying to schools, which /lit/ seems to really struggle with. Condemning a field of study as a whole because you read an article bitching about Oberlin and a select few other schools paired with /lit/ meme bitching is foolish.

>> No.7983104

You are seriously retarded

>> No.7983110

None of you have read that book.

>> No.7983132


Terrorism is just as grasping and commodity driven. It's actually the perverse mirror image of modern art: decapitations are just a neanderthal's version of the ice bucket challenge.

I wish I was kidding, but essentially everything gets turned into a commodity, even the psychopaths of so-called islamic state

>> No.7983193

It's a nihilistic meme that uses the mass media apparatus to replicate itself but remains alien to it. Much like school shootings, it is the logical development to the countercultural destructive impulses which the media has been amplifying for the last 100 years. Jihadis are less like the companions of the prophet and more like the Dadaists, gangsta rap, situationism and punk rock.

>> No.7983203

>Now my Benjamin, Adorno, Derrida and Deleuze are beat the FUCK out
oh god
you're embarassing

>> No.7983208

René Girard was also pretty fucking good. But I guess he's dead now and his followers are generally dumb.

>> No.7983230

funny, I never hear this sentiment from someone who's thoroughly-versed in "the humanities." What are "the humanities?" Do you study them? Can you tell me who are the current leading academics of "the humanities?"

Or are you one of those bitter hermits/failed writers who is currently studying lit or philosophy in grad school, probably studying one or two writers/thinkers, and you read a few pages of bell hooks or Solanas or Dworkin and suddenly proclaim "everything is going down the shitter! just look at the masses and the youth! they are buying into all this popular feminism!" in other words, you hate the masses for being masses and use this as evidence for cultural decline.

or do you have something substantial to say? pls enlighten me, and try to avoid shitposting.

>> No.7983284

lol you're trying to call him a pretentious prick while writing a post like this.

can you teach me how to be so little self-conscious?

>> No.7983305

>funny, I never hear this sentiment from someone who's thoroughly-versed in "the humanities."
This entire thread is about the Sterling Professor of Humanities at Yale University expressing exactly that opinion.

>> No.7983320

I said try to avoid shitposting, friend =^)
don't let's pretend Harold Bloom is relevant anymore. he's a dinosaur. his last book of criticism was published 26 years ago. he's only still around because of tenure. if you think having the title "professor of humanities" means anything then you haven't attended college

>> No.7983322

I doubt Bloom even has anything against any of those people in particular, and apparently he's quite fond of Benjamin's literary criticism. What he dislikes is people who call themselves Derrideans or Lacanians or Foucaultians and who are little more than clones of those thinkers who only use their methods in criticism. He feels it stifles individuation in thought

>> No.7983327

I've always enjoyed Frank Kermode's work. Old-school, lucid and illuminating.


>> No.7983329

nah to label them artists is incorrect.
There is nothing innovative about being cavemen.

They're cunts.

>> No.7983333

He's not with us any more, however.

>> No.7983348

Sterling Professor is the single highest position an academic can hold at one of the most reputable universities on the planet. Regardless of whether you agree with his views, that means he achieved something significant. People still regularly discuss Bloom's work and he published one of his best books, Anatomy of Influence, less than five years ago.

You don't sound like you know what you're talking about.

Agreed, he's more or less a deconstructionist after all.

>> No.7983410

>single highest position academic university blah blah blah
My university has titles, too. That doesn't mean they bestow anything upon their holders, that just means some rich guy donated money to hire a professor to fill a certain job. You think Bloom has to earn this title? Pass a review every five years or something? Nope. He took that job a long time ago and merely hasn't died yet.

You thinking anatomy of influence is one of his best books, let alone the implication that it's a relevant book, is laughable. I bet you think it's some groundbreaking piece of criticism that isn't merely a reflection of his self-admittedly prodigious memory that allows him to make the referential connections that are the wet dream of every other undergrad on /lit/.

>> No.7983496

>I doubt Bloom even has anything against any of those people in particular
He was a real bastard to Derrida and others of the Yale school. The guy really sounds like one of those catty bitch characters you see in chick flicks from what I've heard.

>> No.7983520


This is the face of modern literary criticism. I feel tired.

>> No.7983537

>This is the face of modern literary criticism.
You go work with him. If you're a chick or can pass as one he might harrass your (boi) pussy.

All I'm saying is he does get personal as fuck, he isn't some impartial above it all academic. Office politics is often a big part of academia.

>> No.7983541


>this delusional academia fuckwit

Take that tinfoil off and recognize that the universities are reaping just what they sowed.

It's going to be a glorious spectacle when these corrupt institutions are run into the ground by their liberal ideology and bad fiscal management. We are in desperate need of another Flexner Report to eliminate bad institutions and cut down the number of people who waste billions of taxpayer dollars by going to college

>> No.7983546

Take it back to /pol/ - you egregious moron.

>> No.7983560
File: 1.85 MB, 1478x984, Screen+Shot+2015-11-20+at+2.41.37+AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay mad cucklord

Don't call it a grave. This is the future you chose

>> No.7983564

Because he sees Hamlet, Shakespeare, and literature in general, particularly the works in the canon, as surpassing both feminism and Marxism.

>> No.7983565
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>> No.7983568

>tfw spot a liar since Bloom says he doesn't know how to type.

>> No.7983569

More based Girard threads needed

>> No.7983570

Hint: the powerless don't "choose the future". Harvard and Yale are elite institutions that exist to advance the interests of elites. If you believe anything else, you're delusional.

>> No.7983583


Lol who are these 'powerless' you speak of?

Ivy league schools have done more to stir the flames of socialism and unrest than any other group of institutions in the country. They exist to benefit themselves. They pander to who they know will pay up to go there.

>> No.7983592

>Ivy league schools have done more to stir the flames of socialism
You have no idea what you are talking about, do you? Have you ever even gone to college?

>> No.7983601

>You have no idea what you are talking about, do you?
You tell us about how you think Harvard and Yale are hotbeds of conservativism and we can try and put you right.

There's definitely a level of snobbery but beyond that

>> No.7983605


I have a Master's in economics from Imperial College. The Ivy league schools are breeding houses for left wing parrots and worthless 'intellectuals'. Everything wrong with academia today started at the top. Non-STEM departments in those schools should be severely reviewed for merit and academic rigor. Departments that do not make the cut should be shut down, and their professors dismissed

>> No.7983668

>people disagree with me but I haven't read enough to disagree back, so I'll just dismiss them and pretend to be cool

>> No.7983672


Believe me I've read enough.

>> No.7983675

I don't believe you!!!!!!!

>> No.7983681

I don't know why you're still responding kid. you're not saying anything
>believe me
>trust me guys
>I win this conversation

>> No.7983695

I sympathize with your point of view, but I doubt random dipshits on 4chan represent the face of any branch of academia

>> No.7983698

I always hated this picture. Everything about it just looks stupid.

>> No.7983730

STEM major at an Ivy here who has taken two humanities courses so far. So far I've felt the SJW bogeyman destroying academia thing was mostly a myth, but now I'm worried if it's coming true, though by your standards I'm probably one myself.

I think if you engage with so-called SJWs directly you'll get much more measured and agreeable responses than the things you hear about or see online.

>> No.7983740


>> No.7983747


I'm the President.

>> No.7983754


gays shouldn't be allowed in the military, bestiality should be allowed, Barthes is a hack, and I'm glad DFW is dead because his masturbatory shlock about marijuana consumption was the most boring thing I've ever read. Before you say anything, deep down you know I'm right, I just had the guts to say it, on an an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.7983783


>a few pages of bell hooks or Solanas or Dworkin

Ronald Dworkin is pretty good though. I don't know why you're putting him with that psycho who shot Andy Warhol and some feminist whose name sounds like a gardening implement.

>> No.7983817


>> No.7983825


Dead college kids are always a welcome sight

>> No.7983840

lad wew (s.).

>> No.7983844

so edgy it's not even edgy

>> No.7983845

>What are your recollections of the neighborhood in which you grew up?

>Almost none. One of my principal memories is that I and my friends, just to survive, had constantly to fight street battles with neighborhood Irish toughs, some of whom were very much under the influence of a sort of Irish-American Nazi organization called the Silver Shirts. This was back in the 1930s. We were on the verge of an Irish neighborhood over there in the East Bronx. We lived in a Jewish neighborhood. On our border, somewhere around Southern Boulevard, an Irish neighborhood began, and they would raid us, and we would fight back. They were terrible street fights, involving broken bottles and baseball bats. They were very nasty times. I say this even though I’ve now grown up and find that many of my best friends are Irish.

What type of fighter do you think Bloom was like?

>> No.7983849

This is what you look like after a lifetime of mouth breathing

Don't do it kids

>> No.7983858

they fan the flames of cultural leftism, not socialism.

>> No.7983860

It's just looks stupid and wompy. The woman, the dead guy, the people strolling about. I want to punch the whole scene.

>> No.7983887

He doesn't actually read books, so, no.

>> No.7983914


Literally the same shit you buffoon

>> No.7983919


College kids are like government employees. You could get rid of any number of them and everything in society would run more efficiently

>> No.7984057

This thread has reassured me that /lit/ is filled with conservative book worms scared of facing reality.

>> No.7984140


>implying anyone is more afraid of facing reality than the nu left

Muh safe zones!

>> No.7984172

Nah, BLM is a government department that administers shitty barren land that no one wants

>> No.7984240


she's boring and doesn't really bring much to the table




by not letting so many 1000 SAT black kids into colleges by affirmative action. Blacks demand the diversity, whites don't


floodgates have been open throughout history


unfortunately it will only happen organically now, MTV culture has ruined us for almost half a century

>The global capitalist ruling class


>> No.7984248

Kill yourself and fuck the body.

>> No.7984251
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nice rebuttal

>> No.7984256



>> No.7984294

Nope. Here's how I know you're retarded.

>> No.7984302
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>> No.7984306


>> No.7984311


>> No.7984315

Good god, /pol/ is leaking tripfags.

>> No.7984322


>> No.7984325

"Current SJW nonsense" is more about raising awareness and removing prejudice from polite conversation.

The modern liberal left doesn't have any real interest in affecting school curricula, like the initial 90s push for diversity did.

>> No.7984333


>> No.7984336


>> No.7984342

Wait for computers to take over STEM

>> No.7984347

Why should a billion people be condemned for the actions of a statistically insignificant few thousand?

Islam has tons of horrible characteristics, but terrorism is so incredibly rare that it hardly needs to be mentioned among them.

>> No.7984358

Hot damn, nothing has changed

At least BLM gets shit done

>> No.7984389

so rare
just ask the hundreds of victims of paris
if what they felt was rare

>> No.7984398

If you did, they obviously would say "yes".

>> No.7984407

As sad as that was, more people die in car accidents in France daily

When put in perspective, terrorism is not very harmful to a population's mortality. It's just very scary, and threatens the illusion of state security.

>> No.7984443


>> No.7984461

>all these /pol/tards mad that they have to read a book by a woman or a minority every once in a while

Take your endless whining back to your containment board.

>> No.7984625
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>reading anything not by a white male

>> No.7984776

The Nazis were socialists

>> No.7984781

For the worse

>> No.7984787

That's a namefag, not a tripfag.

>> No.7984790

Yeah, what's much more scary is Muslims gaining political power and instituting Sharia everywhere

>> No.7984798

The people deciding which minorities and females you should read don't do so based on merit, but by how much they bitch about having to be a black or a female in this society (even though it's an easily observable fact that men have always had it much worse throughout history, and would be the ones that would do better to complain).

>> No.7984808

Should ,mention that Sharia is vastly, vastly more harmful to men than it is to females.

>> No.7984826

Also want to say that I'm not right-wing btw. I support Bernie Sanders and agree with him on 99% of issues, but if it comes down to it, I WILL vote Trump.

>> No.7984830

I hate Hillary but voting for Trump feels like electing a hateful Forest Gump for president. He's such a fucking idiot plus he has full blown narcissistic personality disorder hindering his decision making even more.

>> No.7984887

I agree. Interestingly, outside of Europe Muslims are generally becoming more secular. ISIS has destroyed the appeal of Wahhabism abroad, and most Middle Easter countries are slowly becoming more secular.

>> No.7984935

>mfw the whole time ISIS was a band of sacrificial militant secularists bent on discrediting the current wahhabi jihadist narrative and its logical conclusions
>mfw i deleted all my reaction faces as a compromise with moderate islam

>> No.7984945


>> No.7984995
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It's like you're trying to be stupid on purpose.

Car accidents are unintentional. Terrorist attacks are intentional.
People accept the risk of car accidents when they drive. Nobody accepts the risk of getting blown up or shot by some brown asshole
Cars are necessary for people to get around in areas with poor public transportation or in the countryside. Islam is a set of religious superstitions that offers nothing to the world except illusory comfort and some cheesy music.
Engineers, scientists, city planners, and policemen work tirelessly to make cars safer. Imams fan the flames of violence by encouraging their followers, more and more muslims are allowed to enter previously safe countries, and any voice of dissent is silenced as "hate speech."

It's really not comparable. Almost every day, Muslims purposefully set out to maim, torture and kill other human beings. Literally nothing of value would be lost if Islam disappeared over night but motor vehicles are a useful means of conveyance.

>> No.7985090

>Mass spectacle of violence
It's true.

>"The simplest Surrealist act consists of dashing down the street, pistol in hand, and firing blindly, as fast as you can pull the trigger, into the crowd. Anyone who, at least once in his life, has not dreamed of thus putting an end to the petty system of debasement and cretinization in effect has a well-defined place in that crowd with his belly at barrel-level.” -Andre Breton

>> No.7985099

>Irish-American Nazi organization called the Silver Shirts
Silver Shirts was protestant

>> No.7985103

>gays shouldn't be allowed in the military
Start with the Greeks

>bitches don't know bout my sacred band of thebes

>> No.7985108

>People accept the risk of car accidents when they drive.
They rarely do

>> No.7985112

The Canon is a collection ow works that are engraved deeply into the minds of the western people.
Not everyone knows the title of the Turkish march for example,but they recognize it when they hear it
Works that were printed again and again to be read and taught.It's about having the best of the best.
The classics that helped the evolution of our literature,that made western literature leading.
It has nothing to do with your political views.
Replacing parts of the Canon for diversity's sake has no point.It's about works that managed to influence people who then made something that also influenced people.A big,endless tree,that grew from a single point.THE GREEKS

>> No.7985189

The silent guy who snaps and kills an entire room full of micks.

>> No.7985197


>90 years old
>still can't find any discernible talent

hell be fine

>> No.7985239


He's not an idiot, but he is a pompous cunt. Not voting for him as I vote independent. I think the "big" presidential candidates are nothing but cult leader esque demagogues and it really puts me off.

>> No.7985365

It's not too late for you to go the way of Foucault

>> No.7985456

No he wasn't. He was a fan of Derrida's and a good friend of Paul de Man whom he has called one of the strongest contemporary critics...until he understood what their consequences were, when he realized they worked against his Freudian worldview.

Bloom is essentially a Freudian critic who sees Shakespeare as the ur-Freud.

>> No.7985555

t. Stockhausen

>> No.7985742

Islam offers quite a lot to a billion people, spiritually and emotionally. I'm also generally anti-Islam, but you need to recognize that many women and men are deeply religious for reasons other than brainwashing.