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7979612 No.7979612 [Reply] [Original]

> The Chinese women were about the size of fire hydrants and moved like they had more than the normal amount of legs, conversing in their anxious and high-pitched monkey-language.

Why was DFW so racist, and mean? I mean, it is the voice of his narrator, not some character's first person dialogue.

>> No.7979620

Sheltered white bougie no-talent. Hardly surprising.

>> No.7979624

This is how normal people with even a semblance of self-worth and racial awareness feel when they interact with non-whites to any extent.

>> No.7979651

Tell us you're joking.

>> No.7979676

Jesus Christ some of you guys are impossible to talk to without awakening some sort of reflexive white superiority.

>> No.7979700

Sounds like an apt description. Chinese really is a disgusting language to listen to.

>> No.7979709


pretty much

>> No.7979719

I lived in a neighbourhood full of somalis and sudanese, there was also a mosque there so there were plenty of arabs and kurds too.

I disliked them living in my country in the first place, but I weren't actively disgusted by them until having shared a building with them.

>> No.7979722

This sentence you took from the part where Lenz got kicked out of rehab and now walks all day through Boston streets. he's observing the chinese women to steal their bag.
It's internal narration or whatever you call it. The character's thoughts and observation. Go fuck yourself, stop posting bait threads.

>> No.7979728

It doesn't necessarily stem from a sense of superiority. That is an assumption on your part.

>> No.7979743

Found their shit smelled different and they really aren't human, right?
Perhaps not, but it is what it leads to.

Your arguments aren't compelling.

>> No.7979760

No, it was just incredibly annoying to be kept up by these fucks playing their shitty arab dance music loudly and partying in the basement all night, the constant gang fights, waking up and seeing that the outer door of the building is kicked in and broken, finding blood trails on the walls... And then getting woken up at 6 am because the fucking Imam opens their windows when playing prayer calls and won't stop unless you call the police.

And it's not about superiority, I just resent that these fucks are in my country, working our jobs and receiving our welfare.

>> No.7979773


you do know that tripfagging here to defend some invisible rights is pathetic beyond belief, do you?

>> No.7979780

I resent the poverty they grew up in. Economic and "spiritual". I resent also the idea that it's your country and your welfare.

Bad music is bad music though. I feel your pain.

>> No.7979789

They didn't. They're the children of other immigrants and grew up on the work of my forefathers.

And it certainly is my country. Your deracinated new world world view cannot apply to Europeans.

>> No.7979796


also if you're poor you live with poors, deal with it, don't hate the playa hate the game, 630 noscope

>> No.7979800
File: 13 KB, 182x171, 1406315180958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like your actual problem is that you are poor, Anon. Maybe you should have went to college for a lucrative major.

Poor people of any race are crude, dirty, loud and obnoxious.

>> No.7979808

None of my native neighbors were doing these things.

And culture does not apply, these people grew up in my country too.

And the whole reason I lived there was because I was studying, and it was the best I could afford.

>> No.7979813

I am of European decent. It's my country as well.
And those muslims, Arabics, whatevers not displaced by the wars were displaced by economic pressures.
The hispanics coming to my country are just doing it for money. Many of them would have stayed put if it weren't for neocolonialist liberal-capitalist pressures.
Help end capitalism and the migrations could stop, or even reverse.

>> No.7979816

>racial awareness
Best to toss that, lad.

>> No.7979819

He was a shitty writer who recycled his descriptions over and over.

To your quotation, I add:

>I had stopped crying, he remembers, and simply stood there, the size and shape of a hydrant...

>for Green even to remember how, on his fifth Xmas Eve, in Waltham MA, his Pop had taken the hydrant-sized little Brucie Green aside

p. 953
>The hydrant-sized Mrs. Tavis was still alive and somewhere in Alberta

>> No.7979823
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>no matter what it's whitey's fault

>> No.7979828

(cont.) Comparing somebody's size to that of a fire hydrant is pretty good, but FOUR times?

(He actually does it five times, but it's Orin saying it about Hal again, so I didn't quote it.)

>> No.7979831


is that real?

absolutely disgusting

>> No.7979836

>Comparing somebody's size to that of a fire hydrant is pretty good

>> No.7979841


It's true. The Americans. Their retardness. All of it. It's all true.

>> No.7979843

>American tries to apply his progressive identity politics to European countries
Here's hoping the upcoming nationalist revolutions in Europe are especially anti-yank.

>> No.7979845

Maybe it was one of his narrative quirks like de-mapping, or remove from the map, or using map to refer to someone's body.

>> No.7979847

>I am of European decent. It's my country as well.
No, I am an actual European idiot, not a colonist, my country is more than a thousand years old and is not some synthetic idealist mess like yours.

>> No.7979854

oh? what country?

>> No.7979858

Don't wanna be a European idiot
Don't wanna shitpost without proper commas

>> No.7979865


It's just the way fire hydrants were back then, bigger and not digital.

>> No.7979866

No, dude... come on. The repetition of 'map' and 'demapping' is free indirect discourse, the Boston lingo showing up in the narration without quotation marks but meant to be the way the character would put it.

The 'hydrant' thing is clearly a clever little description he fell in love with and kept forgetting he already used, which you can imagine is bound to happen over the course of writing a one-thousand-page novel.

>> No.7979869
File: 224 KB, 800x517, 334963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's capitalism's fault.

It is all countryside to me. It's sort of attached to Asia, you see. "Nation" is the word you're looking for.
I would like to know the exact country that anon was talking about.

>my country is more than a thousand years old
What does that even mean?

>> No.7979878

It's a reference to Journey to the West

>> No.7979885

>It is all countryside to me. It's sort of attached to Asia, you see. "Nation" is the word you're looking for.

terrible damage control farn

>> No.7979888


Don't even bother responding. It's some fag imitating this tripfag we used to have that used that butterfly logo.

"Butters" was supposedly female and would chide and lecture everyone for being racist, sexist, etc etc in this weird sort of tone. "She" was also supposedly a lesbian. There was never any proof that butters was actually a girl, just these pictures "she" posted with no timestamp that looked like they could be screencaps from some old webcam video. "She" never talked about books, just lectured people for being shitlords. I guess she told me that I should get less fat once in a sort of concerned way that was nice but other than that "she" could be irritating.

I think "she" might have been a mod or janitor or something too

>> No.7979889

>No. It's capitalism's fault.
If it's all capitalism's fault, how has a country like Japan managed to avoid the cyanide-laced universalism Kool-Aid all western countries seem to be drinking? Why is it I wonder that only white countries are labelled racist for desiring racial homogeneity in their own ethno-states.

>> No.7979898

>universalism kool-aid
I think you mean globalism. Also, Japan is hilariously difficult to emigrate to, especially compared to EU countries.

>> No.7979908

>my country is more than a thousand years old

It means it has foundation and more respectability

>> No.7979911

It is an explanation for a word I chose. You're grasping at straws. The borders of our definitions are as porous as the lines themselves.

Weak defense. Japan enjoys its status as a US neo-colony, but it seems to be getting just as miserable in all that flashy hypercapitalism

It is me. But that doesn't matter.
>I guess she told me that I should get less fat once in a sort of concerned way that was nice
Cuz I really do like everyone. Even creeps. Deep down.

>> No.7979913

nigers r gay

>> No.7979915


>> No.7979926

Spit it out. What country are you trying to say is more respectable than others?

>> No.7979928

oh, you're just memeing.

you got me good, now go away.

>> No.7979934

The Kingdom of Denmark.

>> No.7979940

>end capitalism
Shooting every low iq prole that tries to enter the country is an easier and more realistic solution.

>> No.7979950

redpill me on literature

>> No.7979951

But white people are the superior race, you denying it.

>> No.7979959

I partially agree, because that's true. HOWEVER, IJ has an omniscient narrator so, he's kinda breaking the rules. Then again, IJ broke all kinds of rules.

>> No.7979969
File: 24 KB, 333x333, KFlAOmE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7979974

>Implying rich Chinese kids aren't loud, reluctant to adjust to Western culture if they come here for school or work (ironically because they see western culture in the same way that people in this thread see non-white culture) and don't have shitty manners

>> No.7979976
File: 228 KB, 800x458, 334964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike doing without valuating worthless objects (or mere ideas, as in bank accounts and stock trading) that has been tried. And it has failed every fucking time.

The current iteration of your kingdom/country/confederated state/nation/constitutional monarchy is rather young. 1950s if I recall.
I do wish some sort of "welfare" could have been given to these people so they wouldn't bring their shitty religious customs over to your country and their kids learn your shitty customs. So sorry.

End capitalism.

DFW or anarchism?

>> No.7979978

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7979984

I'd wear you like a coat.

>> No.7979989

The territories and the people that inhabit the Kingdom of Denmark have been continuous since at least King Harald Blåtand in ca. 958.

And these people should never have been here anyway.

>> No.7979991

>End capitalism.
More like accelerate capitalism and embrace machine supremacy.

End humanity.

>> No.7979994
File: 134 KB, 728x546, aid283692-728px-Tell-if-Someone-Is-Anorexic-Step-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I read through IJ I picked up the fire hydrant thing but being either a pleb or open minded I thought it meant something and wasn't "disgusting">>7979831 copy and pasteurization.
Of course i don't know what it means or if it is relevant to think it means something but I enjoyed seeing the same description come up from time to time.

>> No.7980006
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, Varoufakis-00011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh kingdom

>> No.7980009


>> No.7980011
File: 53 KB, 642x482, 1433613831132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight out of my butterfap folder

>> No.7980016


The narrator in Infinite Jest narrates in a way that fits the characters in the scene. I believe that there isn't even one racist word, expression or thought when it's a segment about Hal.

>> No.7980018

>not mixed
>implying the Vikings didn't mix with people from all over
>implying Germans and Germanic people haven't mixed in over the ages
>implying Denmark never colonies
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and it's this nigger right here.

>> No.7980020


This tbqh

>> No.7980019

Stop shitposting Nick.

>> No.7980022

I'm no technophobe.
But the future, if we have one, would be more a synthesis of human and machine.

>> No.7980033

>I mean, it is the voice of his narrator, not some character's first person dialogue
I could be reaching here, but I thought I detected some subtle changes in the narrator's voice depending on which characters were in a given scene. In Hal's scenes, for example, the narrator seemed more pedantic than average. I'm suggesting that maybe the narrator isn't totally divorced from the personalities' of characters that he's narrating. I'm pretty sure that quote comes from a Randy Lenz scene (after he leaves the Ennet House and he's wandering through the streets), and he's definitely not a PC character.

>> No.7980036

You beat me to it.

>> No.7980070


Nice double dubs tho >>7980033

>> No.7980085 [DELETED] 


if by normal you mean inbred subhumans that subsist on mountain dew then you're correct.

get your ears checked, shithead.


>> No.7981169


>> No.7981238

>racial awareness

Go home Moses Hess

>> No.7981273
