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File: 115 KB, 1123x794, darkenlightenmentvisualtrichotomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7978554 No.7978554 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about the "dark enlightenment"? Are they really something new?

>> No.7978564

no one calls it the dark enlightenment anymore
Nick Land is right about everything btw

>> No.7978567


lol how exactly? aside from thinking a little bit about transactions and opportunity costs


yeah nah, only to act in a way they deem suitable

>> No.7978625

Ultimately, it's an attempt to provide an ideological basis for the alt-right movement, which, like practically all "political" movements nowadays, is more identitarian than ideological.

>> No.7978670

Seems to me that they're promoting ethnic group identity to an absurd degree by couching it in this notion of "tribal identity", which really smacks of pseudoscience to me. This is completely retarded and merely prolonging the inevitable triumph of monoculture as plurality has demonstrably failed to work over and over again. The notion of tribal identity is basically the right-wing equivalent of the extreme left's identity politics crap and appears to be virtually indistinguishable, except the white (read: Nordic) race seems to be given undue importance rather than Subsaharans and Hamitics.

>> No.7978686

No. It's less of the fun of pure nationalist fascism, with even more crass language and vulgarity.

>> No.7978718

you have completely misunderstood NRx
Nick Land is much funnier than any current ethnonationalist

>> No.7978740

Edgy kids trying to justify their edginess with absurd contorted meme arguments.

>> No.7978755

The Alt-right is a disparate collection of Right movements with much dislike of each other. Identarians (in the true sense as importers of European new Right ideas) have next to nothing in common with NRx crowd, they are opposed on fundamental socio-econoimc grounds

The Alt-right is nothing more than a front for Neo-nazi's anyway, any respectable people involved in it abandoned it long ago


>> No.7978758

/lit/, where can a respectable nationalist authoritarian align themselves if they don't want to get lumped in with racist chaff, knee-jerk reactionaries, and ignorant teenagers?

>> No.7978765

Just give up on politics lad, it's a waste of time.

>> No.7978768

>deep heritage

People seem to tack on the word "deep" to a concept to make it sound more imposing and eternal. What is "deep heritage"? Is it a superfluous way of referring to the conservative notion of traditionalist values?

>> No.7978778

Nick land is right about everything desu.

>> No.7978785


If I had to guess I'd say it's probably a strike against modernists who tend to imply that the heritage of the west is contained entirely within liberal egalitarianism

As for the NRx crowd they're better critics than they are problem-solvers, although to be fair they aren't really in power anywhere so who knows maybe a NRx-governed state would actually work out pretty good

>> No.7978789

Alain de Benoist and the Nouvelle Driote

>> No.7978803

>Nouvelle Droite

I appreciate the suggestion. But anon, please. Paganism? In my Christian Europe?

>> No.7978806

Dark enlightenment is codeword for the redpill that circulates on /pol/, /r9k/, and stormfront.

It's something everyone who isn't brainwashed by cultural marxism will come to realize at some point when they grow up and mature intellectually.

>> No.7978824

Finance and accounting is probably a better thing to put down tho that's not really right either. Certainly part of why the Roman empire "fell" was the knee jerk price fixing and increases market control that was going on, then something happened and when the enlightenment came back again the same roadblock wasn't hit on that scale again. I guess stuff like the Templar banking system? Feudalism?

>> No.7978837

who /techno-commercialist/ here?

>> No.7978865

I'm a National Socialist and immensely proud to be white

>> No.7978965
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>no new radishmag articles

>> No.7979035
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>it's a Nick calls /pol/ niggers edition
>it's a Nick laughs at the suffering of Venezuelans episode
>it's a Nick calls the Koch brothers cucks episode
>it's a Nick labels abortion as the "mass extermination of Untermenschen-Kinder"
>it's a Nick tries to understand EVE Online episode
why's he so funny bros

>> No.7979083


he's an autistic qt

> you will never cuddle Nick Land while he babbles on about techno-commercialism and gnon

>> No.7979096

>unique posters count not changing between these two posts

>> No.7979106

right wing politics are certainly a lot more interesting than left wing politics right now.

the left wing is intellectually dead. the right wing has some promising elements. overall the dork enlightenment is pretty dumb. they are largely right about genetic differences between peoples, the incompatibility of cultures, the preferences for ethnically homogeneous nation-states, etc, but like most right wing stuff, even if they diagnose the problems correctly on some fronts their prescriptions to fix them are totally hopelessly wrong.

you can accept the value of traditionalism and the differences between peoples and cultures without decrying the evils of modernity or sperging about your ideal techno-aristocratic future government.

>> No.7979107

Who the hell is Nick and how do we get him to fuck off back to Plebbit?

>> No.7979111
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>> No.7979127

>they are largely right about genetic differences between peoples,

lol no they aren't, it's not backed up by genetic research and highly selective and questionable iq tests don't count as quality research and them quoting the bell curve the nth time wont change that desu

>> No.7979133

yep, all races are behaviorally and mentally just the same. it's all a social construct.

>> No.7979158


What do "they" call it?

>> No.7979200

>it's not backed up by genetic research

Ah, I wonder who those scientists are (if you catch my drift).

>iq tests don't count as quality research

How convenient

>> No.7979201

don't bother reading any articles on neoreaction because they're all wrong

>> No.7979715
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Humans are evolved to deal with small groups. We have the mental ability to maintain relationships with about 150 other individuals. Men perform best in tight bands of about 2-15 men.


Humans choose which individuals they associate with on the basis of shared highly heritable traits. This is the basis for all altruistic behavior.


Tribalism is the only natural conclusion. We are evolved to live a certain way, and that way is nasty short and brutish. It is violent. It is scary and difficut and deadly. But it is the only way we can be psychologically healthy, stable, and fulfilled as men.


Alt right thought is still founded in the basis of egalitarian Christian enlightenment thought, so for all their talk about being redpilled they do not see the nature of men and the reality of life.

They dont undestand that might makes right.

They don't understand that rapefugees are just men in search of wealth, land, power, women, and violence. This is not because they are evil, or retarded savages. It is because they arere men seeking what men have always coveted.

They still cling to universal values.

They still believe in peace and a seek to build a bright future.

The future is war and fire and mad max. And this is what is best for us. This is what is good in life.

>> No.7979723

Islam. it's the logical conclusion to right-wing thought

>> No.7979793

It's more likely than you'd think.

>> No.7979809

>>couching essentialist claims in imaginary truth-value by calling it sex- or race- """realism"""

>> No.7979859

read Evola and Spengler

>> No.7979880

>man is a slave to his animal nature and can never succeed outside of his evolutionary parameters

Get a load of this materialist

>> No.7979917

>highly selective and questionable iq tests don't count as quality research
Except when it comes to Ashkenazi jews, apparently. It's ok to admit their intellectual superiority, but concede black and white IQ are different and your life is over. Interesting how that works.

>> No.7979919

oh look it's a dumb gay internet tough guy version of nietzsche

>> No.7979929

>Except when it comes to Ashkenazi jews
Don't forget east Asians.

>> No.7979947
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>> No.7979962

Discussion of this bullshit is irrelevant. This comes straight from /pol/, and their stormfront handlers, and there's only one correct response to it:


>> No.7979967

You're confusing the alt-right with NRx. Hardly anyone on /pol/ knows who nick land or moldbug are.

>> No.7980030

They know that moldbug is a Jew.

>> No.7980148

Sorry, I can't support this degeneracy

>> No.7980202


> Taking your cues on manhood from some fatass internet tough guy


>> No.7980368

I don't know about Jews but many of the main iq studies done on Chinese for instance have poor methodology from generally very selective and elite groups, maybe it will be easier to have decent studies in the future as China continues to urbanise with better education for their population and better monitoring making tests with a decent and truly random sample possible, otherwise it's naive to think these studies are a worthwhile representation.

So no take the strawman elsewhere.

>> No.7980413

Absolutely kill yourself

>> No.7980414

>calling racism race-realism
>dubbing your own movement an "enlightenment" of any kind


>> No.7980441
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>> No.7980452

>brain size determines intelligence
wew lad
by that logic women are inferior to men and blue whales are the most intelligent species on the entire planet.

>> No.7980474

it signifies that it does in the picture to express an idea, its not to be taken literally though

>> No.7980518

>muh nature
>muh evolution
>muh universals
positions like this make me want genetic manipulation to start pumping out mutant freaks already
bitch nigga changing a king for another, when will you learn?

>> No.7980527


>> No.7980547

Ethno gommie pls go

>> No.7980554

It's a movement of mentally unstable people who wish the world was more like an earlier world that they think would better allow them to adjust to society. They're wrong.

>> No.7980560

women are inferior to men though

>> No.7980807

>I only like the parts where they want to kick out the niggers lol
Even if they had a real argument they'd just use it to make a sweeping statement on the races they hate most and rationalize why they hate em
>trying to use the average tests scores of people from various sizes of groups and income and environments and then Implying that this scores alone are the only factors is fair
I mean it hasn't ever happened to any large society but yeah its gonna be the future
>lol I am le troll look at meh

>> No.7980811

Get the fuck off of /lit/ with this shit too.

>> No.7980820

Topic has zero literary relevance. Take it to /pol/.

>> No.7980837

more like fedoralism

>> No.7980852

>>I only like the parts where they want to kick out the niggers lol

no group that has been part of a nation for centuries, like black americans, should be "kicked out" of anywhere.

but it should be recognized that the welcoming large numbers of people from backwards cultures and who very possibly have innate behavior and mental differences is a very bad idea.

>> No.7980893

That sounds much like the discourse going around the turn of the century. Back then, it was Jews and Eastern Europeans who where said to have a lower IQ. Nowadays, American Jews score above almost any other ethnic groups. Doesn't that suggest there are other factors at play? Eg. Nutrition, higher concentrations of lead in water, education, culture etc.

>> No.7980895


> I was initiated into the first stages of the Dark Enlightenment, which involved me stripping down naked so people could “inspect my phenotype”. I was then given a series of very personal questions, often relating to sexual matters. I was then told to put on a black cape. (I really regret doing this but at the time I was younger, more impressionable and eager to please.)

>> No.7980897

Well I hope you don't identify with OPs horseshit or the groups who do because they feel that the black folks were like a Pandora's box of savagery that we accidentally released on ourselves through slavery

My stance is that the only factors that should make you an American are if you are loyal to America and its laws.

America has tons of backwards cultures in its backyard, a Muslim who is looking to work for his family and then fuck off back to sandland is still more productive than welfare mama.

The only reason its a bad idea is because terrorists will definitely hide in the ranks. It's sad that this isn't even the top of the list for anti Muslim folks and they are more concerned if the retarded anti women and anti equality views of conservative Muslims won't match our version of those views.

>> No.7980911
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>cling to universal values
>'might makes right' is somehow not a universal value
>describing any form of future is somehow not prescribing its desirability and making it some variety of 'bright future,' given the nebulous nature of the term

Didn't we leave your kind behind on those shitty PHP forums?

>> No.7980927

Sillicon Valley culture is full of bizarre cults involving libertarianism, transhumanism and new age beliefs, either alone or in combination. In a way, it's one of the weirder offshoots of the 60s counterculture. And it goes all the way to the top; Google's founders are Kurzweil fanatics, Peter Thiel is a long time Mencius Moldbug associate, and totally discredited cryogenics ventures get billions in funding.

>> No.7980944

when were jews said to have low IQ? if such an argument existed it could be easily disproven by the history of jewish accomplishment and the history of jewish overrepresentation among the rich. it was also quickly disproven when IQ test became popular and jews performed exceptionally well on them.

there are no such obvious arguments to point to to disprove the lower intelligence of people originating from africa or the middle east.

black americans already have nutrition as good as you need to meet your genetic IQ potential. gains in nutrition aren't going to do it. culture could still be an issue -- this is what james flynn contends, that the linguistic environment for very young american blacks is the biggest thing holding back their IQ and educational gains.

>> No.7980946

The alt-right has more legitimacy among right intellectuals than it ever had after the last few volleys of thought pieces. Douthat acts like he wants to be their cool step-dad now.

>> No.7980953

Of all the right-wing meme ideologies the "dark enlightenment" is the most neckbeard.

>> No.7980961

This desu.

t. Muslim

>> No.7980963

yes, that one's an obvious troll, though

>> No.7980986

IQ is a Jewish supremacist social construct.

IQ was invented by a Jew and Jews outperform everyone, big surprise. Intelligence can't be quantified in any meaningful way, and IQ tests are just pattern recognition anyways.

>> No.7981025

t. jealous low IQ pleb

>> No.7981110

>trying to use the average tests scores of people from various sizes of groups and income and environments and then Implying that this scores alone are the only factors is fair
do you really think the people that do these tests don't adjust for SES?

>> No.7981120

Oswald Spengler is the man you're looking for. He's one of the few reactionaries who wasn't all about the J0000000ZZZ or some shit like that and was also even respected by some leftists like Adorno.

>> No.7981131

>Alt right thought is still founded in the basis of egalitarian Christian enlightenment thought

No it's not. That's what separates it from the mainstream right, you sillyhead.

>> No.7981142

>tttthe ones doing this test and making statements about what they mean are right cuz I agreenwith them but I'll probably happily tear up the ones I don't agree with

>> No.7981149


I think that to just simply say that an IQ test is solid undeniable proof that some stormfags theory that blacks are savages is unsound is all

>> No.7981168

Does anyone here actually believe that racism is an unintelligent belief?

>> No.7981174

You're using the word should, thought I'd let you know

>> No.7981180


Not the 'races are different part' but the

'My race is the fucking best race' part

Notice that the most intelligent people don't go out complaining about dindus

>> No.7981190

The most intelligent don't go out and complain about them, they quietly manipulate policies and markets to destroy them. This is why 50% of black babies are aborted, this is why the black family is a distant memory. They weren't always this bad.

>> No.7981191


>I'm only protecting my own race which is the best even though I believe it's so easily destroyed by another race

And even when you consider that the race that cries about it the most isn't even doing that bad yet, and You 'racial realists' are just as fucking sensitive and hysteric and the sjws

>> No.7981194

all I said is that the tests are adjusted for SES
well I mean taken into account with all the other evidence
though I wouldn't use the word savages

>> No.7981196


>they weren't always this bad

So in the times of abhorrent racism and you admitting that they were purposefully brought down, they were still not as good as whites

>> No.7981198

I honestly have no idea what the source for your greentext here is, is that your attempt at strawmanning?
Also you have way too many pronouns in that incoherent sputtering?

>> No.7981200

(See Africa)

>> No.7981202


What evidence, serious manipulation of black societies and total warping and perverting of any culture they try to produce?

Leaving them in poverty even after slavery and telling them to fucking do better even though everyone said they hated them or understood not hiring one?

>> No.7981207

Almost reminds me of the irish indentured servants, or the heavily disliked chinese

>> No.7981211


The parts that have been uninhabitable and harsh to live in and grow a civilization in or the parts that were conquered?

>> No.7981215

The parts that are crawling with every type of resource from diamonds to timber to cattle that the native population did nothing with four millenia before the first European ever set foot there, not even develop a written language or simple boat

>> No.7981219

For* woops

>> No.7981226

Yeah it almost does, til you realize that the Irish eventually stopped being discriminated against.

Yeah it almost does, until you realize that the Chinese came from an entirely different cultural background, came here willingly (at least not taken by whites) and received their own different set of stereotypes.

Not to mention that their fucking sense of cultural wasn't slaved out of them and they weren't bred like animals.

Almost tho.

>> No.7981229

you can admit that black people were fucked over without resorting to debunked tabula rasa bullshit

>> No.7981232

Lol if your civilization didn't last long enough for me to call it a nigger land than you must have never even tried anything ever.

>> No.7981235

>eventually stopped being discriminated against

This happened because they assimilated and proved that they could function meaningfully in a western capitalist society.

>> No.7981239
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>market worshiping
>technology fetishism

The worst thing is that people think they're somehow related to fascism.

>> No.7981241

This is an argument in your mind? What is happening to /lit/ ?

>> No.7981246



K, so the black folks who were trying to go to white schools and had separate water fountains were just being dicks and it was thier idea?

>> No.7981254

neoreactionaries reject ethnonationalism and fascism

>> No.7981257


Maybe you should go to /pol/ if you want people to agree with your retarded Stormfront tier shit

My argument is that it's blatant that various civilizations rose and fell due to some cause, its not like they were just sitting around eating rocks and fucking like you suggested

>> No.7981258

What was who's idea? Could you please explain your arguments more fully? Also segregation was a consequence of the white population forming a poor opinion of niggers, this poor opinion was formed because of the niggers lack of assimilation. You seem to have a hazy memory of whatever your minority studies adjunct professor spoonfed you

>> No.7981263

Civilisations that accomplished what? Clusters of mud huts and a slave system? Have you got anything concrete to say?
>protip: the back to /pol/ knee-jerk let's us all know your a redditor

>> No.7981266
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>its not like they were just sitting around eating rocks and fucking like you suggested
in 40,000 years of isolation, why didn't Australian aboriginals manage to build permanent settlements or develop written language?

>> No.7981285


So the whites said, we don't want you using our bathrooms, our fountains, our schools, but you need to fucking assimilate OK?

White people created hostility and black people who admittedly were umedcuated and just as human as white people fought back in good and bad ways. White people halted assimilation before it even was an issue.

>> No.7981290

Because it's a trap. As we will all find out shortly.

>> No.7981292

Again you seem confused. The white civilization in America saw the general inability of the Africans to assimilate or make anything of themselves, then they decided that if they weren't going to deport these people, they would have to keep them at bay somehow. Africans are like a disease, look at how they destroy cities and culture

>> No.7981299


Well they accomplished much more than that, spice trading, construction, metallurgy, complex languages, they wrote to English kings and developed trade networks.

>using the slave system argument when you would so readily defend the white slave market for doing the same thing.

>if I call him a redditor maybe I won't be a faggot who should go back to my board

>> No.7981305

Africa has a large variety of diseases, dangerous small and large animals, regularly has extreme droughts and way less rivers than Europe, especially rivers that can easily be utilized. Subsaharan Africa was basically unsettled until the 19th century because it's a horrific place to settle in.
However, Western Africa had some utilizable rivers, accessible aquifers and gold, which is why Africans managed to build trade networks, wells and rich kingdoms there. Mali, for example, was literally the most rich country in the world at some points in history.

As for the "no written language and boat" claims, these are simply factually wrong. There's various known written languages in pre-colonial, pre-Arabian Western Africa, like Nsibidi, and boat designs we know of. The boats actually even look pretty cool (ornate, that is), you should check them out.

What a sad thread so full of misconceptions of all sorts of topics. I expect more from /lit/. Then again, this is a "dark enlightenment" thread, so the bar was already low, and yet it disappoints.

>> No.7981306

Please provide examples of metallurgy and construction, and of them "writing" to English kings

>> No.7981312


A. >Italians and the Germans are different races but not abos and Africans cuz they niggers

B. Australia wasnt so simple to create either

>> No.7981318

What a fucking impressive mental gymnastic trick.

>they are disgusting we didn't let them assimilate because them dumb niggers weren't gonna anyway

>> No.7981321

>Africa has a large variety of diseases, dangerous small and large animals
so does Europe and Asia and fucking everywhere else on earth
>regularly has extreme droughts
and Europe has extreme winters
>Then again, this is a "dark enlightenment" thread, so the bar was already low, and yet it disappoints
unnecessary snark about something you don't understand, no one in NRx is having these benign debates

>> No.7981330

They failed to prove useful, so we quit trying. It's not a mental trick, you can only do so much for low IQ individuals. Can I ask why you care about this so much? Are you a nigger? What's at stake for you in defending them?

>> No.7981334


Lol. He thinks Africans can't even write. 'Write' in paranthesis. His delusions have gone that far that he actually sees them as monkeys nos.

Anyway here you go. Pretty basic.

>> No.7981338


Not that guy, but you're assuming settled civilizations are a sign of high intelligence. That's not really the case. The skills of a hunter-gatherer take more intelligence than the intellect necessary to be a heavy-labor slave all day, and the early citizens of civilization really got a bum deal - they were on average more miserable, more prone to starvation and disease, more prone to premature death, more prone to almost every misery possible than their hunter-gatherer kin. It might be a sign of high racial intellect to NEVER have permanent settlements.

>> No.7981339

The areas that the earliest languages were codified in were in proximity to the Arabian Peninsula and trade routes, and the earliest texts are found as recently as 400 AD, well within the yimeframe for arab expansion. there is zero evidence that they independently developed any of them

>> No.7981340

>so does Europe and Asia and fucking everywhere else on earth
The ecosystem complexity sharply increases the closer you get to the equator, and more complex ecosystems tend to be harder to live in.

>no one in NRx is having these benign debates
And yet it's in this thread, as it always is.

>> No.7981342

>so does Europe and Asia and fucking everywhere else on earth

Because two places having the same things means that those places are the same, and the things are the same magnitude.

>Europe has rough winters

Not where the most of western civilization was formed, and everywhere else was not quite so civilized until then.

>if you don't agree with me you must not understand guy

>> No.7981343

Thats all these racist arguments really hinge on, "we built civilization", as if it hasnt been done before a million times over

Nevermind that people are probably more stupid, weak and sick than they have ever been

>> No.7981344


Not the guy you're arguing with buddy but the whole "ecosystem complexity" thing is laughable bullshit

>> No.7981345


It was eventual. >are u a nigger why you arguing

What are the stakes for you arguing against me then?

>> No.7981346
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If you say there was never civilisation in Africa, that's either blatant denial or wilful ignorance. Ethiopian civilisation goes back almost 3000 years and was among the first states to officially adopt christianity. West African cultures where also highly complex, you have kingdoms, empires, cities- in later days, Islam developed quite differently in West Africa.


>> No.7981347
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And this is why nobody takes neoreactionaries seriously.

>> No.7981349

I fully agree, and yet I use it because racists like to use it and I want to show that you can make the argument go both ways.

>> No.7981350


Well uh no, I think there's a big advantage to civilization over hunter-gatherer nomads NOW

But when it first appeared, and for thousands of years after, civilization actually offered very little benefit to the average human, other than the ability to achieve higher population density, and in fact was the cause of endless suffering in comparison to hunter-gatherer societies

>> No.7981351

>independently developed.
>it's ok for white civilizations to borrow and steal from each other but if a nigger civ ever did they are cheatin'

>> No.7981352

Europeans based their written script on the phoenician alphabet.

>> No.7981357

Well your arguments are so obtuse and emotional I'm honestly curious. My motivation is entertainment value

>> No.7981358

Yea we get to shitpost on 4chan, thats good i guess.

>> No.7981362


Wow you sound like every single stormfag poltard that I've ever argued with.

The narccissm that is not actually sophisticated and sounds more like its coming from a children's anime "I'm simply better than you and I'm only toying with you for fun in this battle hahahah!"

>> No.7981364

Theyre factory made dude

>> No.7981369

>adopting Christianity
>digging ditches
>nominal hierarchies

And where did it get them

>> No.7981372

Yeah I make you laugh but whenever you see a black guy with a white girl I'm sure you stop laughing and sperg all over your khakis screaming white genocide and trying to figure out how he did it when you can't

>> No.7981374

>And yet it's in this thread, as it always is.
because whenever NRx is mentioned by name legions of people like you come in and misunderstand it as fascism or white nationalism
which then draws in the actual fascists and white nationalists to argue about shit that no neoreactionary actually cares about
no one itt is actually discussing the "dark enlightenment" (no one actually use this term btw)

>> No.7981377


These idiots are going to ruin any potential chance they have at political power by being unbearable autists

>> No.7981379

Well that really disproved my point, well argued

>> No.7981386


Nick Land does

Okay basic question then

I've read Moldbug and I actually thought he was a very interesting perspective and a very coherent critic of our modern political system

However he always seemed to be much more vague on what kind of gov't NRx itself would have other than it being anti-democratic

When I tried to go to other NRx sites to figure out what the NRx mode of gov't was I found out many of them contradicted each other

What gives? Is NRx even coherent beyond the criticism it has of modern gov't?

>> No.7981388

Sick ad hominem

>> No.7981390


Yes, I've been her before too. The age old sarcastic and hypocritical remark that implies that you've only made sound arguments while everyone else was babbling

I can tell you are getting tired, you'll probably say next, "you are boring me now" or "I have important stuff to do now" or "I'm going to leave now" and you'll do so all sumg and happy that you think you slayed the internet monsters today. Good job.

>> No.7981392
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I'm totally unconvinced why regurgitated Victorian counter-enlightenment should be of novel interest to political intellectualism. I've read moldbug but he seems equally interested in writing well as in constructing new and unfounded systems of analysis (blue-red empires, American castes, etc) that he doesn't seem worth my time. If he wrote a book to pass the summation of his thought to the right intellectuals, I'd give him a measure of time.

>> No.7981397


if you're so against racism then why are you beatin this nigga when he's down

>> No.7981398

How was that ad hominem

I was responding to a basic third grade insult

"You are so pathetic it makes me laugh that's why I'm still here wasting me time!"

>> No.7981400


>made up words the diagram

>> No.7981404


That's a whole lot of words to say pretty much nothing, man

What magical seal does he have to invoke to make his analysis "founded" as opposed to "unfounded"

Which "right intellectuals" does he have to reference in order for you to recognize his argument

Like god damn I'm not even on his side and this shit just sounds dumb

>> No.7981407

Entertainment value because I enjoy arguing. You projected the rest of it, about amine and how I'm laughing at you or something, you put all those words in my mouth

>> No.7981408

I'm sorry do you have a substantive argument to make?

>> No.7981410

Guess you didn't read it becuase if you think I Implied you watched anime I didn't.

I said you sound like a shitty narcissist anime character and you do.

>> No.7981414

When one of you fags replies to the ones I've already presented

>> No.7981416

From what I can gather, neoreaction seems to be a system in which people with autism spectrum disorders rule over normies with an iron fist

>> No.7981420

So segregation precluded assimilation for you right? What's stopping them now?

>> No.7981424

NRx doesn't aspire to be a political movement or take power
it is primarily an analytical framework
that being said Land "advocates" a world in which modern states are broken up into smaller states (think HK or Switzerland) who are free to run their city states however they please (i.e. universalism is thrown into the trash) but he asserts the ones that will be successful will be the ones that are run as authoritarian capitalist states that prioritise intelligence
hence "exit > voice"

>> No.7981437

Nothing. They are assimilating, and in fact they've become something entirely American, inventing various types of music, working and living with the rest of us.

Sure there are bad parts to thier culture, but there are bad parts to white culture.

The problem is that because they were held back they still need to do more to catch up, and honestly they often blame us whites for it when they should take initiative and do it themselves.

They live in societal fairytale that tells them its our fault cuz of history, just as the poor whites blame them dam niggers for all thier problems or the Jews.

Thank you for finally admiting that they were held back though.

>> No.7981447

I freely admit that dominant, superior groups will relegate smaller, less established groups to menial roles until those groups prove themselves otherwise, such as the irish, Chinese, germans, Italians, etc. If you think they're assimilating then I'm really done arguing, I live ten miles east of Gary Indiana and nothing your liberal arts degree taught you will trump my empirical evidence

>> No.7981450

Any philosophy that has "dark" in it is edgy bullshit that you're going to be ashamed of in a few years when you're not underaged anymore.

Granted I'm working with a sample size of one but lets check out the list:
>ethnicism - AKA "I'm a racist neckbeard" sounds bad so we'll try to slap a new name on it and call it enlightenment
>sex realism - bitches should be ashamed of having sex for some reason that makes no sense

yep, it's shit

>> No.7981457

Thank you for trying to bring the thread back on topic.

next time please don't mention Nrx/dark enlightenment in the Op,just make it a Nick land thread.

>> No.7981469



>I live in Gary Indiana and there's niggers here so my anecdotal evidence is better than any logical arguments you or anyone else in the thread gave.

PS: why does it seem these reactionary faggots always live in heavy black areas but never move?

>> No.7981475

Poverty I guess.

>> No.7981483

why do leftists live in heavily white areas but then advocate diversity

>> No.7981490


I live in Tusayan Arizona, its next to the grand canyon and just like everywhere else in AZ there's no longer a heavily white area.

Not every rebuttal has to be a redirection pal.

>> No.7981493


Also, leftists are idealists who think anything that sounds nice and friendly will work. I am not a leftist I and simply not a racist.

You still didn't answer my question as to why you hate niggers but stay in close proximity to them all the time.

>> No.7981497

I'm not the person you were responding to and I don't hate black people

>> No.7981504

That reading comprehension

>ten miles east of

Google Ogden Dunes. I live here because my family does business in Chicago

>> No.7981510

I think at the end of the day everyone is more than a little skeptical of the whole "All races are all the same and there are no downsides to multiculturalism which is the ONLY MORALLY ACCEPTABLE social arrangement" bullshit that we've been trying for the past few decades, and they're really fed up with how even questioning it can get them in trouble

However that doesn't mean they're gonna go full stormfag

>> No.7981515

So if you don't even live near any why did you come here to bitch about them?

Also, its still anecdotal. >I lie next to niggertown so I know about them and they r bad

>> No.7981523

Most people feel that way. But some people have nothing in life so they go to great lengths to virtue signal by championing these leftist fantasies because they've been pushed so hard as the norm or the way things should be

>> No.7981524


Agree, except in some cases like the other anon

>> No.7981528

My point is if you're do divorced from reality that you believe niggers are assimilating because you see them on tv playing doctors and living in families then I'm not going to argue with you any more

>> No.7981532

I have never heard of it until now, but the name sure sounds cool as fuck. THA DARK ENLIGHTENMENT! MAUAHAHAHA.

>> No.7981536


No its because i see them doing this myself.

I live in a huge tourist area and they come through, they work here, they join our military, and they do exactly what you and your whore family does.

So fuck off you racist cunt and go jack off to song of the south with a rebel flag bra video on a loop.

I'm just kidding southerners aren't nearly as shitty as you.

>> No.7981539

Weren't you just ridiculing anecdotal evidence?

>> No.7981542

"Dark Enlightenment" = Enlightening Darkies = Educating black people

>> No.7981546

I'm not sure I follow

>> No.7981549


I don't need evidence when all I'm doing is talking shit to you. And you already ignored and stepped over the evidence me and other anons have given you anyway.

Ps you fucktarded moron you asked if I believed that blacks were assimilating cuz of TV, I said I believed it cuz I see it.

If they've assimilated is basically opinion and everyone differs in that. So I can give my anecdotal evidence there, the only place where its even remotely acceptable

>> No.7981562

> the evidence me and other axons gave you
Could you summarize, all I heard were a lot of al Sharpton tier talking points

>> No.7981598

your a dorable

>> No.7981718

Hikers and cultural clubs. Maybe nationalism should actually be about nation, not just your perceptions of the nation as it relates to your ideals of said nation.

>> No.7981728

They don't live in glass houses so to speak. That is they aren't acutely aware of what African American society writ large entails.

>> No.7981884

Nationalism (and racism) should be cultural. They're not niggers because they have black skin, they're niggers because they act like ones. And so on. There are no better and worse races, there are, however, better and worse cultures.

>> No.7981939

this 2bh

>> No.7982011
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>TFW purple master-race

>> No.7982017
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Tech-Comm/Eth-Nat master-race here.

>> No.7982019



I love this thread.

>> No.7982025


Not sure if satire or just retarded.

>> No.7982047

"dark enlightenment" sounds like some shit fedora virgins would be into...if u ever plan on getting ur dick wet i would avoid

>> No.7982053

so when blacks fail at IQ it's a white conspiracy, but when whites point out how jews score higher than anyone, it's "retarded"? can't have it both ways..."blacks are discriminated against in iq tests, but whites are just dumb compared to jews" makes no sense, perhaps the retarded is u

>> No.7982321


The "enlightenment" itself sounds pretty fedora desu

>> No.7982697

Opinion discarded.

>> No.7982706

Okay just stop. Lurk more or fuck off.

>> No.7982728

hey guess where all the people writing the tests are from
hey guess where all the jews are
surprise surprise, when you take a test that basically reads "how close are you to an upper-middle-class New Yorker culturally speaking" blacks and rural whites do real fuckin' bad

the statistical story of why IQ tests are shit is because they don't test intelligence anywhere near as much as they test "are you from the same cultural background as the test writer;" give writing IQ tests to black people for twenty years and miraculously black people are gonna start being the smartest people on the face of the planet.

it's sort of like the basketball story: back when it first was big, it was common knowledge the Jews were king shits of basketball; being short, wily, and cunning must be prerequisites for being good. then, miraculously, as the jews moved out of the inner city and the blacks moved in, the people who didn't have any other sports to play got real damn black, and now black people are the ones who are genetically good at basketball.

shit's hilarious. you gotta wonder who's gonna be genetically great at basketball fifty years from now. my money's on the chinese.

>> No.7982732

Don't you mean Eth-com?
To be fair, there are quit a few Neo-nazi's/white nationalists who see the alt-right as a way to make their opinions more mainstream.

>> No.7982748

have you ever seen an IQ test?
it's just pattern recognition, not a fucking pop quiz on the Torah

>> No.7982857


> They test your cultural background not your IQ

This is 100 percent fucking ridiculous

There are plenty of IQ tests devoid of pretty much all cultural context that show the same results

You're bringing up talking points that have been debunked for 40+ years

>> No.7983237

align yourself with the barrel of a loaded shotgun

or realistically if you care so much about your nation, devote your life to actually preserving the cultural heritage, rather than arguing on the internet

>> No.7983253

These threads always devolve into tedious arguments about race. Next time just make a thread about moldbug or land to keep the stormfags and social justice types out.

>> No.7983285

>naturalistic fallacy
Kill yourself famalam

>> No.7983296

Fascism seems like your thing my dude. Enjoy watching from the sidelines as muh communitarian identity is swept away by the invitable global monoculture until broad ethnic distinction is irrelevant.

>> No.7983503

Is this such a bad thing?
One global monocultural understanding (humanity) with enough movement to prevent local off shoots of a substantial kind?

>> No.7983624

>replacing one communitarian identity with another
>monoculture and ethnic homogeneity are good, but only when the entire world is the same shade of brown
the left is so contradictory, it's hilarious.

>> No.7983648
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>It's a Nick land twitter bantz episode
>it's a Nrx infighting episode
>it's a Nick being a lazy shit and only posting twitter cuts and quote notes season
>it's a Nick being autistic episode.
>It's a Nick complains about romantic delusions episode

He's so comfy.

>> No.7983664

Even neo-reaction has been corrupted by its association with "alt-right". The preferred term these days is Yarvin-Landism.

>> No.7983690

First time I've heard that.
But I wouldn't be surprised, I've seen quite a few pol-tier comments on Nrx blogs.
Thank dog Land doesn't tolerate that shit on his.

>> No.7983745

He's not that unclear on it. Neocameralism is basically shareholder-based monarchy, organized at the city-state level, with exit rights.

I doubt it'd work out well in practice.