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/lit/ - Literature

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7977385 No.7977385 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering, /lit/ anons, how many friends do you have and how often do you go out?

>> No.7977389

books are my friends

>> No.7977392

1 friend, once a week

>> No.7977399

I'm 26.
I'd say now I see only 4 of my friends.
go out for dinner maybe once a week with anyone of the 4.
hang out at my place maybe once every 2 weeks with one of them.
every Sunday me and my gf and my buddy and his gf go do something. hang out in Toronto or go for a hike or some shit.

>> No.7977405


I have no friends. I never go out.

I don't even know how to make friends, or even if I had a friend, how to maintain that relationship.

>> No.7977407
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>how many friends do you have
>how often do you go out
i am always out

>> No.7977429
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>how many friends
none anymore. I genuinely don't care about 99.99999% of other people
>how often do you go out
never. for what its worth though I live with my gf and we've been together several years now

>> No.7977437


>> No.7977438

>no friend
>has girlfriend

>> No.7977450

how old are you guys?

>> No.7977456

I have one friend, but I don't like going out.

>> No.7977468

2 friends. 1 i see a couple times a year, 1 once every couple years.

i "go out" those couple times i year i see the one friend.

>> No.7977475

My friends all moved away/got married/had kids. Gf is still with me though.

>> No.7977476

Honestly, zero. Other than my girlfriend. I systematically lost all my friends over a two year period by trying to get them to read any one book. It was too much for them. So when we talked and I of course mentioned this book or another, all they heard was "I'm better than you" whether or not I was even close to implying that. So nowadays I have no idea how to make friends and it's hardly bothered me for a while. I've gotten a lot of reading done, my girlfriend is an amazing human being, and I always have you cunts.

>> No.7977481

I don't really have friends anymore, but there's a lot of people I casually hang out with. I usually go out 3 to 4 times a week. I do a lot of drugs so I hang out with a lot of drug people, I don't like these people much and the people I used to hang out with don't like them either but at the end I prefer drugs to the company of friends. You're alone anyway.

>> No.7977486
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0 friends. Never had a single one.
Occasionally go chill at a cafe/bookstore every few weeks, maybe the movies.

Pretty well read, though; spent the last year going through the major works of Faulkner, Joyce, Bellow, Gaddis, Mishima, Pynchon, and DFW. Feels good man.

>> No.7977493


I used to be great at making friends but when everyone is married making bro-dates feels wrong and gay

>> No.7977496
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LOL holy shit dude, order your helium tank yet?

>> No.7977501

0. I have shallow relationships with some colleagues and our only contact is when we're already together.

I have only 1 "friend" from college. We never go out, he probably only minds talking to his fat gf and we text each other about once in a week to talk about something like tv shows (now game of thrones).

I've lost contact with my only childhood friend when he moved to another state when we were 12 and since then I don't have any friends. My other colleagues from hs turned out to don't care about me and/or intentionally try to fuck me up somehow.

I only wanted a gf and I'm actually considering trying online dating. I'm ok with having books as friends.

>> No.7977509

1 gf

We go out once or twice a week.

>> No.7977513


>> No.7977515

34 and still an insecure defeatist. Seek help.

>> No.7977518

Lots of friends back home. In university it feels like I never actually build a relationship with anyone friend or otherwise. I hang out with people all the time and make them laugh a lot, but I still don't have anyone over here I can count on.

>> No.7977523

19 with 8 friends I'll hang out with multiple times a week.

>> No.7977530

savor it kid. In a few years it will be all gone

>> No.7977548

Sucks man I know, I still find myself being way more open with friends back home too. Especially with 2nd/3rd years I feel like I'm a completely different person.

>> No.7977559

Eight or ten friends that live close enough to actually hang out with regularly. Go out to lunch nearly every day, dinner two or three times per week, and drinks two or three times per week.

>> No.7977658

I've got around 20 that I can talk to and 8 that, between 1 and 3 times a week, I hang out with.

>> No.7977673

0 and maybe will hang around with college acquaintances every 3 months or so.

>> No.7977683
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These are my friends.

>> No.7977684

27 years old.
0 friends.
Not sure what "go out" is supposed to mean.

>> No.7977727

I make friends so easy. I've been to many schools due to moving and bad grades and did military service, that might be the reason why i can integrate very fast into groups. Being able to talk about any topic is a plus, as is being into sports and playing an instrument.

But.. I don't really contact anybody except my "inner circle" at all and barely answer their messages and calls. I wish I did not have to have a mobile phone. The only social events I enjoy are concerts. 26 y/o.

>> No.7977734

Zero, never.

>> No.7977740

have readers replaced the need for friends with books

>> No.7977765
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Oh boy these are my friends but theyre so pathetic that I rarely even bring up the fact that I read because of their fragile ego. They get butthurt when I say game of thrones has serious flaws or when I bring up a factual and standard counterpoint when arguing about sports. And I know you might have a vision of me in your head as the overly critical guy but im not even him. my friends are lame but I dont have any other social outlet. Sorry for the rant

>> No.7977775

Lots of friends
I hang out with philosophy and creative writing majors to shit on them. Business major myself.

>> No.7977779 [DELETED] 

Anyone in tri state area looking for friends lmk. Like talking about everything, arguing in a constructive way, going to the gym, and long walks on the beach. Hmu

>> No.7977784

Have some, but it's actually pointless. Just want to get rid of them. And I'm not kidding.

>> No.7977801

I have some personality defect where I constantly get annoyed with my friends internally and I eventually just cut all contact with them.

Right now I only have one friend left from back in high school, I've known him for 10 years but I still go through moods where I block him on all social media and don't answer his calls.

>> No.7977804

you sound like a fag

>> No.7977807


who is this semen demon?

>> No.7977852

Hey, Jeff.

>> No.7977871

This sure is a thread about books, guys.

>> No.7977873

I'm friends with 6 guys, I see them weekly to biweekly, usually get fucked up and talk sincerely

>> No.7977875

well it seems our only friends are books, so yes, it is.

>> No.7977877

books are friends

>> No.7977906

There's the group of main friends, there's the daily text ladyfriend, there's the handful of randoms I see on occasion or play online vidya with, there's old aquaintnces I keep loose but amicable contact with, and then there's my brother's friends who I'm cool with but rarely see out of that context. And everyone knows I'm a bit of a recluse so it doesn't matter much that I've been busy lately and been completely unable to do anything. Usually I'm guaranteed at least one hangout a month with the main friends, we go to the local diner the first Friday of every month because there's a furry meet up there and that's a show in itself, have a good-not-great omelet and check out the fursuits and fedoras.

>> No.7977947

jery get ipad

>> No.7978007

My lifestyle is basically about exploiting social loopholes. I do event security for twenty different venues so I get to go to high profile events and concerts every night, if I choose. Usually I'll be in front of the stage, or assigned as a "roamer" which basically just means go anywhere and be on call to diffuse any situations that should occur. I get paid to go to events most people pay hundreds of dollars to go to, and I get an all access pass.

My job is nice because I don't have to listen to the customer's stupid excuses like I would in a restaurant or retail. It feels good to get to be completely logical and rational, instead of bending over backwards to please some stupid whiny black woman, or prideful Indian man in hopes they won't file a customer complaint.

I never had any friends before this job and that hasn't changed but I've never felt bad about that. I don't really need friendships or people to spend time with. I get to meet plenty of girls every night and currently have two GFs who should be out of my league but became interested after I told them "no" and mocked them for trying to flirt their way backstage.

I get to observe thousands of people every night and never feel like a loner because i'm literally getting paid to stand around and watch.

>> No.7978081

But my best friend is 15 year old girl who lives half a country. We meet maybe bimonthly or rarer. She's surprisingly mature and well-read (not just for her age).
I have 2-3 more friends who live in other cities. We meet rarely, with the exception of 1, who I meet when I'm at college

>> No.7978094

tfw all my friend's in first year of university were ERASMUS students.

tfw I wept alone on a bench at 2am in the university grounds after I said goodbye to the last one of those, a girl from Spain.

>> No.7978100

I don't understand, why do you think it's so difficult to make friends? How horrible your childhood/puberty must have been to make you such a social cripple?

>> No.7978115
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19, 4 very close friends, many acquaintances.

Also have a gf, she's pretty alright.

Usually go out about 3 times a week. Turn down offers to go out in order to stay in and read and sip shitty tea a lot, too.

They all think reading is "gay," but I mainly read fantasy and sci-fi, so maybe they're right.

>> No.7978121

Hey, you're spending your free time doing what you love. That's more than most can say.
Good for you, anon.

>> No.7978132


Every day.

>> No.7978144

i have quite a friends that i could call and go out with
i'm an introvert and love to be alone.

on a related note, i'm pretty use i'm a confirmed bachelor. i've had relationships and they're a bunch of work. being free is a lot better.

>> No.7978148

18. Recently dumped a bf that didn't like/stopped me going out and seeing my friends so I usually see all my old friends from my old school on the weekends. This group of friends is about 6 big and is my main group to party and get pissed with the summer.

School I'm at now I'm mostly a solitary person since my ex fucked me out of making decent friendships at the start of the year, but I still have a few friends here and there and are close with 3 kids from my music class, I don't see anyone from here out of school though.

>> No.7978150

I have three friends that I both enjoy and see often, and some acquaintances here and there. I leave my house at least once every day, even despite the fact that I do online school.

>> No.7978153

Thanks for letting us know you are a chick

>> No.7978160

every 3 weeks when i go to the library. never spoken to anybody there

>> No.7978162

23 yeras old

I used to have a lot of friends in highschool, but that was mostly just a product of proximity. I did have a single friend that I lived with for a couple years after graduating, but I've since moved away and have completely lost contact with him as well. I don't expect I'll ever try to contact him either, as he didn't show up to my brother's funeral. I don't particularly feel the need for friends or even any physical person to talk to anymore, and I'm sure a large portion of 4chan in general is the same. You should have included a strawpoll with this thread, the statistics would have been interesting.

>> No.7978186

Too many. People get in touch with me multiple times per week to socialize and I feel an obligation to meet up with them on at least half of those occasions even though I'd rather be home reading or listening to music. I was pretty lonely a few years back so I made an effort to find more friends but nowadays I generally prefer solitude.

However I have about six close friends I've known all my life. Between full time work, geographic distance, and general introversion, I'll only see any one of them on a pretty infrequent basis (maybe once a month, sometimes less frequently) bit I value these relationships above all else.

>> No.7978198

I can't even imagine what it's like to have friends at this point

>> No.7978206

I have 4 persons I can be fully comfortable with in a one-on-one situation.
And maybe 40-50 people which I hang out with given a chance, they're friends from back home, people in my class at uni, and people I've met through various student organisations.
Outside of school and work I met up with them 1-3 times a week
24 years old

But I'm actually a very introspective person and I used to relish my alone time, now that time is getting darker and darker. Having a big social circle is not all that great when you don't have anyone you can really talk to.

>> No.7978215

I live in San Diego, so everyone's interest in each other only goes as far as what they can acquire through affiliation. I know it's like this everywhere, only here it can be more casually aired. I have one friend that I go out with, but he's in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship with some psycho-cunt that is a few years younger than him. I'm trying to be a good friend, but it's really pathetic and embarrassing, especially when he's the type of dude who always gets attention when we go out and isn't willing to leave this bitch that is a nightmare. It's like the kind of scenario that will fuck a person up for years afterwards.

Apart from him, I have like no friends. I'm trying to make more, but I'm either working or at school and since I go to a satellite campus in the middle of some smug little beach town, it's rare to make acquaintances with people that will mean something farther down the line. Everyone is really fixated in vapid shit, like working all week at their minimum wage jobs that they really pride themselves on and then spending their parents money, or the shit paycheck they made (since they don't pay rent and live at home), out at bars and chasing pussy.

>> No.7978249
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When I was about eight years old I was in the Rocky Mountains with my family. My father pointed to the top of a snowy crag that loomed over the lake.

"Look son, when you grow up you're going to live on the top of that mountain. Or worse, in jail!"

I have two friends that I don't know very well and don't see very often. One of them has been in South America for months. The other will be in Pakistan for months. The last time I "went out" was around Christmas, I went on three "dates" with this girl, but it didn't work out. I think about killing myself every day.

>> No.7978258
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How do you know who is your friend or not?

I have 4-5 people that I know for a very long time (between 10-20 years) and I trust them even though we dont have all that in common apart from growing up together

Meanwhile the new people that I meet may have closer interests and hobbies to me but I cant seem to form a bond with them or trust them enough to consider them friends

And then there are the people that I obviously have nothing in common with but yet they seem to always hang out with me like some annoying human version of a puppy, just go away !

>how often do you go out?
1-3 times a week

>> No.7978261

are you also preparing for the Whataburger?

>> No.7978266

I'm 19 with no friends outside my two cousins who I only see once or twice a year.
I've found that I really enjoy books where not much happens but the characters bitch and gossip about each other. I may have replaced the need to make friends by finding all of my "social needs" (you get the idea) in books.
Every day I thank Vishnu, Allah, Jehova, God and Satan for internet porn, which is the sexual equivalent of the literature I described.

>> No.7978272
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>Every day I thank Vishnu, Allah, Jehova, God and Satan for internet porn, which is the sexual equivalent of the literature I described.

you are on a one-way path to erectile dysfunction. change your ways while you are still young

>> No.7978273

>how many friends
I hang out with about 10 different people regularly but there's basically 3 I really, deeply care about.
>how often do you go out?
I see them all the time in classes but like once every two weeks or so?

Also, has anyone else here found themselves totally okay with really long period of isolation?I used to get really anxious about not hanging out with other people and reading books but now I realise that's how it was meant to be, kind of. Even catching up with friends as little as I do feels like I'm kind of overdoing it.

>> No.7978275

I'd only call "friends" to 2 or 3 people. I use to meet with one of them once a week.
I also have a large number of friendly acquitances in different circles. I hang with those on saturday nights.

>> No.7978286

Lol what a perfect summation of my experience with friendship

>> No.7978362

Lol what a perfect summation of Japanese anime. I would have been much better off bonding over DBZ on Toonami and Pokemon on WB.

>> No.7978545


Where are you from?

>> No.7978569

lol u sure showed em xDDDD

>> No.7978761

I can count them on my fingers and maybe once a month. But I have siblings, and we're close, so I'm not really short of having social interaction on a regular basis.

>> No.7979826


often, but always alone

>> No.7979877

you said you have no friends yet you have a girlFRIEND, the word is there mate

>> No.7979903

my childhood was nice, my late highschool years ages 16-18 were torturous, and I still haven't gotten past that, 21 now

0 friends and I cannot make friends nor keep them

>> No.7979914

I'm 19. At university I have maybe one person I'd consider a friend not including my three housemates. I only really leave my house to go to uni or the gym.

Back home I have quite a few friends who I was once very close to but who I can now longer properly connect with. I go out with them fairly regularly, mainly because the alternative is loneliness.

>> No.7979931

honestly i have no idea how you even make friends
i just talk to people, the interaction gets dull and then we never see eachother again

>> No.7980038

I stopped talking to all of my friends after high school. Sometimes I succeed at or see something cool and I really want to share it but then I remember I am alone. I could reach out to someone but I would have no excuse for going into solitude as long as I have.

A few of them have tried to reach me and I've just ignored them. Once a month or so I feel sad and disappointed that not that many friends have tried to contact me, and that the ones who have didn't try that hard. To my friends it seems I have disappeared from the face of the earth. But they keep living their lives from what I can tell (I'm afraid of logging into social networks because I fear they will see what a fraud my non-existence really is). But then I think about how when I was hanging out with them I wouldn't have thought too much about it if one of them just disappeared. People doesn't seem to have a real place in the world, they just haphazardly slither into places as easily as they slide out of them.

I go to the library on the days I'm not working at a factory.

>> No.7980054

About 6-7 close friends, and lots of acquaintances, but I feel I'll eventually lose them all.
Ever since September I've only left my house to go to the university. I'm becoming more and more unsympathetic and aloof, and my medical conditions and increasingly deteriorating medical health are only making it worse.
I only wish I had enough willpower to end my pointless life.

>> No.7980059

i have some old friends that i never see and am kind of fed up with. i went out the last time 2 months ago.

but i'm starting as a doctor and see lots of people all day every day, some of which i get along with really well. perhaps they are friends. i don't feel socially deprived, although my little sister, which i share a flat with, worries

>> No.7980064

*mental, not medical

>> No.7980840
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>tfw as life goes on expectations are eroded by time's passing
>as they fall off i become less attached to the idea that i should have friends
>as "no friends" becomes the default state no interaction is seen as given
>as any interaction could as well have not happen it becomes much more precious and true
>as they are already very precious i have no need for the fantasies that i hoped to be happy
>as i am already happy i need not look for more
>yet more comes
and don't ever forget there's another dude behind the computer

>> No.7981130
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I only made three friends during university, all from the only club I participated in there. Can't say I really regret it after seeing how other people socialize because, for the most part, it means binge drinking at the club or bar. I've tried it, a few times actually, and did not see how anyone could really enjoy doing that on a weekly, or even monthly basis.

My other friends, from highschool, I never see. At my age, and in my town, they are all busy raising families. Working hard, even gloating about the number of hours they can work in a week. For some reason that strikes me as tragic. No time for old friends, but plenty of time to funnel cash to your boss for a meager wage. I'm actually in the process of rerouting my career path into accounting and, working at an accounting firm, I get to see the financials for a large chunk of this town's population. It's sad to see so many people working for megear wages, forced to work multiple jobs to bring in less than 20k a year.

Most people move away though, to the big cities around the country. I used to try, awkwardly, to stay in touch with these people, but I've since given up, and grown quite fond of my isolation. Out of all the people who were or are friends, there is only one that seeks out contact with me. My brothers do drag me out downtown during the holidays. They want to find me a girl, a woman to marry and start a family with. "You'll be making good money soon!" As if that is the only quality I could bring to a relationship. I don't think they realize they are insulting me.

>> No.7981186

I don't need friends, only a gf. Too bad I don't have one.

>> No.7981206

Same. I do things with my old roommate, but ever since Trump he does nothing but spout /pol/ memes and we constantly fight. I have a friend from elementary school that I do book clubs with, though.

>> No.7981220

I feel the same way about cellphones? It's like i have the social responsivility to have one because if not i would be an outcast and failure, but it must be so liberating.

>> No.7981242
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I have one friend that I went to high school with who I see once or twice a year. There are 5-10 people I study with on a daily basis (college) , but I wouldn't call them friends since I rarely see them in non-academic settings. I know for a fact some of then would call me their friend, but I'm pretty reserved and don't throw the word around loosely. I don't go out for non-academic reasons.

>> No.7981243

I live in a dorm, so I have 'friends' that I hang out with a few times a week. Moving into a flat soon because it's way too crowded. I only like 1 or 2 people here, the rest are morons.
I have two friends back home who I talk to regularly. Used to be a group of 5, but we gradually drifted apart.

>>7977727 sounds a bit like me. I've never had any trouble integrating into groups. And I wish to God I could give up my cellphone. Did that for a semester, but ultimately had to go back to it.

>> No.7981902

I don't really understand what friends are supposed to do anymore. I realized this in highschool when I invited some kid I didn't really know over to play videogames without realizing that our gaming setup pretty much required one to stand in front of the tv and that I mostly only had single-player games. I am sometimes still baffled at how weird and dumb that entire experience was.

Before that, in middle school and freshman year I was pretty popular. I lived on an airbase in japan then, and had the privilege of being the most attractive guy in the strata below that of the jocks and actually popular kids. Broke some emo hearts, had some emo sex at 13/14. had a pretty awesome life there until I broke a keyboard over my mother's head and got sent back to the states.

Back to now, I don't know what I want friends for. I do want them, but I don't know why or what I would do with them. I don't enjoy anything I don't already do without them.

>> No.7982755

so edgy

>> No.7982841

I actually have a good amount of friends, been good with that throughout my life. Have a few really good friends and got a crew of about 8 that I go out with usually once or twice a week.

Always loved literature but started taking it a lot more seriously and have to continue doing so. I'm actually working on a novel as well with about 45 pages written, but I've been slow lately getting back into it.

I'm 25 btw

>> No.7982848

I'm 22 and I go out maybe a handful of times a year.

I had a lot of friends in highschool but I neglected them after I graduated, which I now regret. I did ERASMUS in 2014 and made some friends there, but they live in different countries so I barely get to see them. Other than that I have no friends.

>> No.7982859

I have a spouse, and we go out at least every other day. Not always exciting things, but we do go to shops for our hobbies pretty often, to gardens and exhibits, sometimes try something new like rock climbing. And the standard married life stuff--doctor's appointments, grocery shopping, family dinners, etc.

I have plenty of acquaintances and colleagues I talk to, but they aren't people I hang around otherwise.

>> No.7982871

1 gf
0 friend
i go to work every day
but I make 75k* so its not so bad

*id trade it all for a friend

>> No.7982875

Your gf isn't your friend?

>> No.7982880

Zero. Strangely, I've stopped minding it. There is one girl I've wanted to meet up with for some time, if only to get a secret off my chest that I know I shouldn't.

>> No.7982897

I've got like 4 friends in the city I live in, plus my girlfriend. Maybe a dozen or so friends scattered throughout the state.

>turning 25 tomorrow and anxious over what I'm going to do

>> No.7983020

Talk to the girl but don't tell them your secrets
They will use them against you

>> No.7983034

I guess. But she doesn't even read books on her own!

>> No.7983047

How long have you been together? Mine doesn't read either, but we got together far before I got into reading seriously anyway. So I can't blame them.

>> No.7983090

20y old. Around 10 people who I'm comfortable with talking about feelings, and 50-100ish who I'd grab a beer with and say hello to in the street.

How do people cope with having 0 friends? Can't imagine what it must be to have autism/social anxiety

>> No.7983121

You don't have to have autism/social anxiety to not be an extrovert. I don't have any problems with my career--I just don't usually feel like seeing those people after work. Same for when I was in university, and at all previous jobs.

I think people have very different definitions for "friends." I have double dates every other month with several couples, but I still wouldn't call them friends due to the infrequency. But it has to be pretty infrequent, because we all have jobs, kids, lives to live, etc.

>> No.7983211

are you cute? do u wanna be my bf?

>> No.7983233

I'm 20, I have five friends I can call Brothers. I've known two of them for eighteen years. I go out once every two weeks or so and my two closest friends who I've known for eighteen years visit me where I live now once a month or so.

>> No.7983869

used to have friends and girlfriends when I was younger, over the last couple years though we've drifted, moved away from each other, broken up, etc. and at present there is nobody that I have regular contact with in my life. No friends, no significant other, and I don't talk to my family. Life can be sad sometimes

>> No.7983894

not everyone needs them

>> No.7983904

recently realized that I have literally zero friends (excepting my girlfriend), at least locally. my gf and I go "out" 2-3 times a month

I should probably work on making some friends of my own, but I honestly don't really care. Just hope it's not too much pressure for her

>> No.7983906

Zero. I haven't made a friend since high school.

I go out to the library, the movie theater, and the used bookstore sometimes. If I'm feeling unusually productive I'll attend a public lecture at the local university, but that's rare. I also work nights as a security guard.

>> No.7983940

Like 4
once a month

>> No.7984023

lost all my friends in the years after highschool. they all just moved away and stopped talking back to me

>> No.7984058


>> No.7984085


>> No.7984088


>> No.7984123

2 friends
A redneck and a liberal
Every day

>> No.7984357

I don't have any friends, my books are the only thing I need.

I go out every day when I read, since I go to another world.

>> No.7984394

I don't think you know what "confirmed bachelor" really means. It's hard to be un-sure of that.

>> No.7984409
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3-4 close ones that I regularly hang out with

2-6 that are more than acquaintances, on very friendly terms but just doesn't meet that much anymore.

0 that I can relate on a personal/hobbyist level, which is primarily my reason for coming back to this website.

>> No.7984452

you guys ever feel like your friends are bringing you down? my buddies are nice people but all they ever want to do is drink and smoke pot, and i'm fucking tired of that. it isn't good for me and there are much better things i could be doing with my time, but i feel obligated to hang out with them

>> No.7984458
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>I go out every day when I read, since I go to another world.

>> No.7984464

>it isn't good for me and there are much better things i could be doing with my time, but i feel obligated to hang out with them

Water find its own level, I have already accepted my fate and so should you.

also it's not like you can only have one set of friends.

>> No.7984483

0 and never

>> No.7984486

i had a different set of friends whose social habits were a lot less predicated on self-destruction but after high school we all went our separate paths. my new friends are who i've found since.

>> No.7984493

What's so funny?

>> No.7984762

If you asked my acquaintances, 30 would call me a friend. Only 4/30 are females, whose relationship to me I have sexual tension to thank. I'm terrible at making and maintaining friendships with women- it's fucking bewildering to me that guys are a minority in some of my male friends' groups. Any /lit/ posters care to enlighten me? I also owe all of my post-highschool relationships to drink and drugs. Feelsbadman.

I go out twice a week.

Of those 30 friends, 10 might last beyond undergrad study. Although there's no substitute for in person social interaction, I still feel most at home on 4chan. I would gladly hang out with any of yall. Loneliness is hell.

>> No.7985093

This will sound fedora as fuck but I just don't meet nearly as many interesting girls as guys. There are loads of dumb dudes for sure, but rarely do I meet a girl who pursues excellence in anything. Most are just kind of unremarkable.

With that said, unremarkable isn't necessarily bad, and for most people an affable personality is all they look for in friends. I and maybe you look for particularly great people, and if someone is merely genial, I'd rather read a book alone than spend time with them. I only have 4-5 friends, but they're all phenomenally interesting people, all of whom I have introduced and recommended to the others whenever possible.

>> No.7985117

I thought you were joking. Haven't heard that since elementary school and thought you had to be saying it ironically.

>> No.7985134

6 friends, a few more acquaintances. Go out every day. No bf :((

>> No.7985137

girlfriend in the evening, work friend during the day, oldest friend when i can, about twice a week. having any more than that is work imo.

>> No.7985140

No friends
I work 5 days a week though I doubt that's what you meant by go out

Socially I'll see an acquaintance maybe bi monthly

>> No.7985142

5 people I would consider "best friends" literally see everyday, and would expect to best the best man at there wedding, even over there own brother. Have another 10 actual friends, would have a full blown conversation with and hang out occassionally. Have about 40 people I would say hi to if I saw on the street and see them through friends. Would have like 300 who know me by name and I could talk to, fuck I actually don't know why I'm so popular. Literally go out every day

I'll be your boyfriend, I'll write poems about you thst you can critique

>> No.7985150

My two best friends I refer to simply as 'buddies' since the phrase 'best friend' seems weird for someone out of elementary school to say. Aside from them, I only have a few acquaintances, with whom I might have fun in the present, but I never look forward to hanging out with them, and I can never recall what exactly was fun when I try to reflect on it. I think conflict between irony and sincerity from all the shitposts I've read has really affected how I live in society to be honest family

Also I don't hang out with my two buddies at all, but I saw my acquaintances pretty frequently, having had uni classes with them, and getting beers twice a week

>> No.7985154

I'm 18 and still in high school (second year). I have like three close friends that I meet often, and three childhood friends I see every now and then. Then I know most of my classmates, although we're not close enough to be friends. I don't understand how some of you guys can have 0 friends, especially the young ones. I'll be your friend anon.

>> No.7985161
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I've no friends. I go outside when it's required, and never for recreation.

I don't think I'm lonely...but I am bored. I end up hating myself when I tiptoe around the thought I want people to talk to but have no-one...and so frequent places like this, posting in threads like these.

I'm honestly not sure what to make of it, I don't want to want people. Even if I had anyone, I don't believe genuine discussion could be had, only posturing to maintain the pretenses that bind us. I wasn't always as I am now, I know. It feels like enlightenment, but it brings me only a dull misery.

>> No.7985163

r u me

>> No.7985166
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Not sure really. I used to have a few friends but I'm pretty sure they hate me by now. I still like being around them so I kind of lurk nearby but its apparent that they're not overly enthused about this. I don't blame them really because I brought this upon myself mostly. I wouldn't want to hang out with myself if I were in their place.
>how often do you go out?
0. they make plans and stuff which rarely materialize.

I also don't know if they really would consider me as a friend or just someone who sticks around sometimes.

>> No.7985184

Probably not. 203/860

>> No.7985199
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What is friendship but a matter of convenience, the result of sympathetic proximity, of body, of thought, and of compromise.

>> No.7985207
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One real life friend, have been acquainted for 7 years, still contacting with each other and hanging out, playing vidya, etc. We both changed quite dramatically, and despite being almost different persons we're going along really well even after such long time. However, it seems impossible to make friends now. It feels like somebody drops an anvil onto my head while I'm trying to contact. Feels very exhausting.

>> No.7985224

I'm sorry guys, sounds hard having no m8s.
I'm curious, are any of you female?
I'm female and have only around six or seven friends, this feels way below the norm to me but I know many gents who have fewer.

>> No.7985226

>How many friends do you have
Like maybe three or four close friends (girlfriend included but she's been my closest friend since we've met, before getting together) and I don't know, fifty, sixty people I know and see sometimes? Maybe more. Fuck do I know.

>How often do you go out
Everyday, but living in Venice and going to uni that's not saying much: I live on a fucking island so when I go out to my classes I try and fill my day with people to meet and things to do so I don't waste time going back. Sometimes I don't come home for fourteen, sixteen hours. Plus, I practically live with the girlfriend so there's that.

>> No.7985244

happy birthday, anon!

>> No.7985269

Were you born/raised in Venice?

>> No.7985295

I've still got a couple childhood friends and some high school friends and hang out with someone at least once a week. recently lost my latest friend who has borderline personality disorder, hurting a lot but she fucked me over so too bad for her.

>> No.7985315

Born and raised about two hour away in mainland Italy, been in Venice for two years now. Pretty great.

>> No.7985339

>and don't ever forget there's another dude behind the computer

>tfw it's hard to believe, sometimes, that there are really people behind the personas of Anon
>tfw it's hard even to believe that my old m8s I talk to on Skype are still tangible beings
>tfw it's getting harder and harder to believe there is anything in the brains of people I talk to irl
Is this solipsism? Have I played Metal Gear Solid 2 a few times too often?

>> No.7985342

>crtrl f
>0 results
so alone

>> No.7985372

>tfw you change universities
>tfw you simply decide not to make new friends at first
>tfw you accidentally start talking to someone
>tfw you don't really like the idea of hanging out with them and their friends but it's kind of fun when you actually do go
>tfw you always get invited to things but you can never tell if you are genuinely wanted or if the invitation is just other people trying to be nice to you
>tfw you can't tell if people think you are lonely rather than just a dude who enjoys his solitude

>tfw you don't want to hang out with anyone near you because no one you know reads anything remotely decent and when you mention to the people who do at least read that you expected more pretentiousness (and thus more fun) in literature classes, you have to be careful to phrase anything such that you are allowing them to be in you In group, even though they are as pedestrian as those classmates who seem only to read what is assigned in classes
>tfw a philistine is a philistine is a philistine
>tfw you are a philistine yourself because you just read /lit/core with particular focus on those more modern things which are especially adored by Bloom (the big four novelists, as well as Crane and Ashbery for poetry)

Every time I meet someone who mentions a film or book I also like, I almost immediately become disheartened, thinking that person either doesn't like whatever thing as much as I do, or that their span of artistic taste ceases at the level of whatever piece of media, rather than progressing deeper into a wider spectrum of things (that is, that others would maybe know of Infinite Jest, but would not press further to find out about GR, Underworld, The Tunnel, The Recognitions, or other lengthy pomo tomes)

>> No.7985380

I have a group of mates who I get along well enough with, but I really only talk to one (or two) of them. That parenthetical second person is this girl I sometimes like, but I always end up trying to argue with her over stupid things, esp. her diction. For example, she used the word 'canon' like twice in the span of two days to describe works outside of Bloom's own Canon, and for some reason I simply could not stand for that. I feel I was ironic enough in my criticism that it looked like I was joking (and kinda I was) but that's worse because I would rather be only sincere around her, and I feel it's way to late for that anymore

>> No.7985571

I'm one of the people who only has an SO as their friend, am also female. I have some acquaintances from school, since the literature field is almost entirely women here. But it never passed into friendship.

>> No.7985576 [DELETED] 

As part of the human race, and having the great pleasure of being blessed with a brain, I can think. Humans can do whatever they want. There are no laws of nature that prevent humans from making choices. maybe from actually DOING some of those choices, but not from making the choice. If a man choosses to speed while driving home one day, then it is his fault for whatever happens. If he crashes into a school bus full of kidies and they all burn to death, its his fault. Its only a tragedy if you think it is, and then its only a tragedy in your own mind. so you shouldn't expect others to think that way also. it could also be a miracle for another person. maybe the bus stopped the car from plowing into a little old lady walking on the sidewalk. one could think it was a "miracle" that she wasnt hit. you see, anything and everything that happens in our world is just that, a HAPPENING. anything else is relative to the observer, but yet we try to have a "universal law" or "code" of what is good and bad and that just isnt fucking correct. we shouldn't be allowed to do that. we arent GODS.

>> No.7985578

What exactly is wrong with using the word canon in reference to canon's besides Bloom's? Bloom doesn't have exclusive rights to it.

>> No.7985579 [DELETED] 

Just because we are at the top of the food chain with our technology doesnt mean we can be "judges" of nature. sure we can think what we can think what we want, but you can "think" and "believe" you can judge people and nature all you want, but you are still wrong! why should your morals apply to everyone else. "morale" is just another word. and thats it. I think we are all a waste of natural resources and should be killed off, and since humans have the ability to choose... and I'm human... I think I will choose to kill and damage as much as nature allows me to so take that. fuck you, and eat napalm + lead! HA! only Nature can stop me. I know I could get shot by a cop after only killing a single person, but hey guess the fuck WHAT! I chose to kill that one person so get over it! Its MY fault! not my parents, not my brothers, not my friends, not my favorite bands, not computer games, not the media. IT is MINE! go shut the fuck up!

>> No.7985604
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>how many friends do you have
I used to have close friends from school, but eventually I stopped feeling them this way and turned to online friendships. So it's one guy that I feel very close no matter the distance and a girl I chat with sometimes that just seems a very kind person to me, but she doesn't feel me very close, I think.

>how often do you go out
Only when needed, but it may be more frequent in a year when I move town and eventually try to start a new social life.

>> No.7985624


Free will is a meme. We don't have the ability to choose freely. Everything we do is the result of our body reacting to impulses in our brain. No choice is truly 'free'.

The only reason this isn't accepted on a worldwide scale is because it would lead to anarchy. Guilt is crucial for punishment and without free will there is no guilt. Every criminal law would be useless and anarchy would follow.

>> No.7985632 [DELETED] 

Society may not realize what is happening but I have; you go to school, to get used to studying and learning how youre "supposed to" so that drains or filters out a little bit of human nature. but thats after your parents taught you whats right and wrong even though you may think differently, you still must to have more of your human nature blown out of your ass. society trys to make everyone act the same by burying all human nature and instincts. Thats what school, laws, jobs, and parents do If they realize it or not and them, the few who stick to their natural instincts are casted out as psychos or lunatics or strangers or just plain different. crazy, strange, weird, wild, these words are not bad or degrading.. if humans were let to live how we would naturaly it would be chaos and anarchy and the human race wouldnt probably last that long, but hey guess what, thats how its supposed to be!!!!! society and goverments are only created to have order and calmness, which is exactly the opposite of pure human nature. take away all your laws and morals and just see what you can do. if the goverment was one entity it would be thinking "hey, lets make some order here and calm these crazy fucks down so we can be constructive and fight other goverments in our own little so called self created "civilizied world" and get rid of all those damn insticts everyone has".

>> No.7985649

There's nothing wrong with referring to, say, the canonicity of Marvel films or something. It's just the context she used, which I don't remember, but it seemed off. Like she referred to certain authors or bands or something as part of a canon, but did not specify how so, as if there is possibility or potential for whatever things to be in a canon, but she said it as though it was something she made up and was pretending was a well-established fact.

Again, I don't remember what it was, so I can't explain it in any sensible way. Doesn't matter anyway because the whole point of my arguing with her was that I'm somewhat afraid of liking her lel

>> No.7985658

Unless you knew those authors and bands, it's possible they were in a canon for their genre or national literature.

>> No.7985799

all three of them have resting bitchface

>> No.7985810

you say this as though it's a bad thing

>> No.7985813

Sweet jesus the autism.

>> No.7985815

It was something dumb like Tao Lin knockoffs she didn't even like or something like that. The point is, she was making up a canon for something very recent, when I'm sure the point of a canon is that which stands the test of time

>> No.7985818
File: 217 KB, 1250x767, Telegram-messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey are any of you on Telegram messenger?

I'd love to chat with some random people who browse 4chan.

Share your ID and meet new people.

25yo Irish male.

>> No.7985831

sup Morgan

>> No.7985896

Sup dude.

>> No.7985905

Not judging or anything, but
>I get to observe thousands of people every night and never feel like a loner because i'm literally getting paid to stand around and watch.

that's kinda sad

>> No.7985906
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2 real friends.
Sometimes i go out (twice in a good week)
Get on my level, nerds

>> No.7985936

lol, you're a meme

>> No.7985958

I don't know if I have any friends, I'd like to believe so, but I just don't know..
I made plenty of friends in elementary school and high school, for some reason. I never thought of these people as friends, until they expressed their regards for me. I always had a reluctance to call these people to hang out or whatever, it is very rare for me to call someone. And yet, even though my sense of trust has been long gone, these people still call me from time to time, to catch up and what not, even though I can't fathom why. In a span of 2 weeks I go out 4-6 times, with 10 different people. I used to be able to call them good friends, but life and different interests started the drifting. No doubt my own neglect and disinterest is to blame.
>21, taciturn

>> No.7986095


>> No.7986117
File: 169 KB, 400x400, Methodrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have around 7~8 friends that I hang out with. 3 of which would be atleast on a biweekly basis. one being my lover, the 2 others being friends that I write music with or smoke weed with.

>> No.7986145

happy birthday to you

>> No.7986157
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I used to have a nice friend circle of around 5 friends, a girlfriend, and go out pretty often with all of them.

I moved a half a year ago and now I have one friend, my girlfriend and I split up, and I go out about once a month.

>> No.7986174

>she will live you soon enough, if she is not fucking someone on the side
>i got three close friends
>daily except Sundays, no im not a jew.

i the guy who has a book wherever i am, execpt clubs and whatnot
gf, nah but im working on it

>> No.7986179

I called help, the ambulance is coming anon hang in there

>> No.7986186

im ashamed, so many grammar/sp errors...i really should start double checking.
sorry guys

>> No.7986206


>> No.7986213

About a dozen people I associate with, 5 or 6 who are good buddies.
I'll go out anywhere from twice a week to once every two weeks
But I probably read less than half as many books per month as I should be

>> No.7986226

Same. I do thing with my old roomate, but ever since Bernie he does nothing but spot /leftypol/ memes and we constantly fight

>> No.7986265

to mark something as a spoiler just highlight it with your mouse and press ctrl + s

>> No.7986278

most of my friends have departed me due to my depression and my inability to respond to them when asked anything (in texts and such)

the only friends i truly have are either far away, in different countries, or faux-friends which i do not really have an appeal to

>> No.7986290

21. Three that I usually see a few times during the week. I feel like my relationships with most other people are shallow and strange.

>> No.7986970

>how many friends do you have

>how often do you go out?
If going out to lectures, doesn't count, never it is.

>> No.7987703


>> No.7987776
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replaced women with books

>> No.7987835
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>How old are you?
I'm 18.

>How many friends do you have?
I have 11 friends, though I only go out with 4 of them on a regular basis.

>How often do you go out?
We go out every other weekend. When we do hang out, we go to record stores and book stores, and just walk around and shoot the shit.

>> No.7987880

I have a group of friends and we get drunk once a week and go to the bar. Occasionally we'll go to a club.

Sometimes I see them individually or a couple of them for random things like hikes or cinema.

Have a couple of friends that moved away and I see them when they are back in town.

I think it's coming to an end as they seem to be settling down and I'm here >tfw no gf having sex with the odd ugly girl here and there.

Not too fussed about the no gf situation but I'm gonna miss my buddies.

>> No.7987892

I grew up in Philly, and my teenage years were characterized by avid drinking and pot smoking. I had a passion for history and literature in High school that I didn't really act on. Anyway, when I graduated and entered the work force (opted out of college, even though I was accepted to multiple schools) I decided it was time to grow up. I found myself in the alt-right, consuming all sorts of reactionary, traditional, and conservative non-fiction. When this happened, I basically let all my friendships die and cease to exist.

I came to the conclusion that these people I considered friends were nothing like me, and that the only common denominator between us was that we smoked pot. I have one friend I still talk to maybe once a week or so, and a couple girls still give me a shout, fortunately. I'm only 19, and I look forward to reading books for the rest of my life. I welcome it as both a challenge and a great opportunity to make myself a better person.

And, if you look at it a certain way, all of us here are friends, even if we have no names and identity.

>> No.7987912

1, my brother and only friend in life, who is 5 years old.

I go out a few times a week for college and a few times a year to the bookstore. I read and learn nearly 15 hours a day.

>> No.7987941



>> No.7988018

22 years old
I have a gf that I'm moving in with next year
4 friends that I hang out with somewhat regularly. One of them meets me at the bar every Thursday after class and we shoot the shit until 9-10ish
The others I will have over to drink or go to their house to drink every 2-3 weeks or so. One of them also has a gf, that plus school plus me no longer doing drugs other than alcohol has led us to hang out less frequently than in past years.
That's at uni. When I visit my hometown I have a solid group of 5 friends that I see every (or at least most) days that I am home.
I hang with my gf probably 4-5 days of the week. She's 20 so can't come to the bar with me, I go out alone once a week on average. See a film by myself every so often, sometimes with her as well.

>> No.7988136


less than ten very personal old time friends

about twenty to thirty general acquaintances

mainly fridays and saturdays but some weekdays

>> No.7988168

A few good friends. Ordinarily 2 or 3 times a week, but right now it's exam season.

>> No.7988243
File: 333 KB, 720x540, DXvY3fr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25 and I have a lot actually. Right now I would say about 10 close ones and two "best" friends. Plus a few who I hang out just in groups with but get along well with. I go out around 2ish times a week. Some times more if I have the time.

Had no good friends as a kid tho.

>> No.7988270
File: 9 KB, 288x175, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 friends I'd help bury a body, plus GF
Go out every other day. Half my friends are ethnic, including my girlfriend.

I write exclusively with pencils and read pencil blogs in public, and carry a field notes in my pocket at all times.

Go out and meet people.

>> No.7988314


>> No.7988332

>Half my friends are ethnic, including my girlfriend
Why does that matter? Why are you trying to use the race of other people as some sort of status symbol for yourself?

>> No.7988362

I have one friend who I consider as close as a brother, we hang out once or twice a year as he's in another state. I have two other friends thay are closer to acquaintances, I go out with one or both of them once a week or so.

>> No.7988376

wow so progressive

>> No.7989112

and how many fedoras do you own?

>> No.7989410

How'd you get that job?
Are you enjoying it?

It's pretty much my dream job right now due to my social phobia

>> No.7989441

I have lets say 8 good friends which I see 1-5 times a month depending on where I'm at because they are split between two towns and a few more who I see on occasion (these are mostly women).

>> No.7989490

Literally same. Except not anymore since most of us are in college in different places.

>> No.7989505

pretty good

>> No.7989751

I used to have no friends, but I turned into a normie and now I go out Thursday-Saturday

I do not miss the days of being a non-normie.

"The outcasts know only one thing, that it is better to be normal"

>> No.7989783

20+ I guess, but generally scattered around the world. Of the ones who live in the same country, I only see them once every couple of months or so.

Married and have family close by, though, so not actually alone much.

>> No.7989790

>Half my friends are ethnic, including my girlfriend
I chuckled.

>> No.7989823

I'm 26

Like maybe 3 really close friends, maybe... like 25 or so I hang out with every once in a while?
I go out 1-5 times a week.

Almost all of my friends left me last year though, still trying to work myself back to stable friends who I really like (out of the 25 I genuinely enjoy like 10 but wouldn't hang out with them one on one).

>> No.7989861


I have 2 good friends I rarely hang out with, one is around often but gets taxing to be around sometimes. Several other guys I see every now and then. Most female friends I'm sure I've thoroughly creeped out save for one or two, one I just stopped talking to out of nowhere.

I have solid group of people I probably should hang out with more, they're nice folks with n drama but sometimes I feel a little tired and cant be bothered, just wanting my own time.

Most of my friends are online via Skype and Steam, we talk about our creative stuff, art, writing, etc. Good mates there.

IRL i spend most of my time alone.

>> No.7990242

I'm 18 and i've not many friends. I go out probably 1-2 times a week

>> No.7990274

1 friend and a few acquaintances I hang out with. I do stuff wit the acquaintances a few times a year and the friend every couple of months. It's enough.
I've been a pretty solitary person my entire life.

>> No.7990277

medium sized core group of great friends and lots of fringe friends/acquaintances.

go out pretty much every weekend.

>> No.7990280

I'd only be friends with a person like this>>7977481
but I'm too pussy.

>> No.7990283

Fuck everything about that image.

>> No.7990288
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, peggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking shitty question, but I'll bite.
First: What is a friend?
Second: What does it mean to "go out"?

>> No.7990311

rubin my cock...

>> No.7990331

Maybe about 2-3 friends I actually have a relationship with although I barely speak to them for weeks on end. I barely go out but when I do its with an extended group I am friendly with. Social situations are more irritating and anxious than enjoyable for me, I hate small talk

>> No.7990340
File: 26 KB, 500x500, FB_IMG_1455025326192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ you fucking losers. How are you all so socially inept that you can't hold a few friends? Fuck me, reading and having human relationships are not mutually exclusive, you bunch of autists.

>> No.7990342

Why do you really need anything more than your spouse? What point is there in developing anything more than acquaintanceship with people you aren't planning to spend the rest of your life with?

>> No.7990348

Same here, all my friends have kids now so their priorities have changed. I've gradually lost contact with them. And even if I see them again, all they will talk about are their kids.

>> No.7990349

I suppose you can be happy either way, but having other people to talk to, share ideas and experiences, is one of the main reasons life has some excitement to it.

Being isolated in a bubble of "holier-than-thou" attitude just leads to a boring, empty existence.

>> No.7990350

Christ, I would not be able to take that.

>> No.7990362

You can talk to other people and share experiences with them without necessarily being their friend.

And it doesn't make you "isolated" to just not want to connect deeply with gobs of people who don't play a significant role in your life. I find family much, much more important than colleague A or peer B or the random I met at the bookstore. If I have something private and important to tell, I would rather use it to bond with my family closer.

>> No.7990380

If I dont spend lots of time with you (and actually like you) I'll end up forgetting about you and doing my own thing.

And I'm not really the type to ask people to hang out. I've learned its always better to have your own business than pining to be part of someone else's life.

fedora tipped

>> No.7991840

Genuine friends? A handful. 4 or 5.
Plenty of acquaintances I see out and about.
I go out almost every night but I am also an alcoholic.

>> No.7991860

none. I stopped talking to people iundividually a year ago for the simple idea that when I get to killing myself no oine will be there to tell me it's a bad idea. Meaning I'll finally get to go through with it.

>> No.7991865

I don't know, 6 or 7. I see them often. One of my friends is super into books, history mostly for him. But we both like collecting unique or old books so we go to a lot of estate sales together and keep an eye on the Rare Book Room at Powells.

They are all married or getting married but they never make me feel unwelcome. I'm the God father to one's kid.

Feels good.

>> No.7991887


i'm the exact same way, down to a t. tho it's getting better.. a little bit.. bachelor gonna be done in a year anyway and i really didn't do a whole lot.

it feels.. bad, man.

what are you doing to fight it?

>> No.7991900


her face looks really odd... so does her back.. so do her nails. not even ugly, just very alien.

>> No.7991907


sounds like you're bipolar to me. ever tried to get professional help?

>> No.7991922


man.. the way your post is worded, that smug feeling of superiority.. that "i just want to watch the world burn" shtick.. how you talk about other people..

i actually pity you. get help my man. godspeed you.

>> No.7991943


that poem.. my god that's powerful. i like you, anon. hadn't heard of crane before, thanks a lot.

>> No.7991947


>you are on a one-way path to erectile dysfunction

source or gtfo

people were masturbating before there was porn.. you know that, right?

>> No.7991959

I had friends. Now they all moved on with their lives. Have kids. Lost touch with them. Over the years I've made the erroneous decision to push people away from me. It's my fault. Being alone with my thoughts is not pleasant company to have.

>> No.7991971


i've made the opposite experience actually

even revealing my innermost secrets to my psychotic ex gf has never done me any harm


happy bday anon

>> No.7991980


talk to her about it. go do it my man. i believe in you, don't disappoint me.

>> No.7991983

I go out about 3 times a week.

>> No.7992002


>it's fucking bewildering to me that guys are a minority in some of my male friends' groups. Any /lit/ posters care to enlighten me?

my degree is just about 80% women. probably more to be honest. so i am definitely not representative of the majority, but..

i get along pretty well with girls. of course there's some tension and sometimes there's slight awkwardness, but that's totally okay.

having superficial relationships with women really blows: the conversations are hopeless and dull, you never get to do anything remotely interesting, in short: it's a drag.

but the deeper the relationship gets the more intricate it becomes. women open up a lot more and when that happens conversation feels so much more validating than with a guy. a lot of the guys i know have terribly obvious insecurities, they lie about things everyone knows, in short: they are playing a silly game.

often times with girls that's not the case. so instead of a conversation being awkward and forced it's actually the exact opposite. it gets really tiring when half of your conversations with guys is inside jokes, obscure references and dick-waving contests. sure, i love those things, but not all the time.

there really isn't any point i am making and at this point i'm just rambling.. if i had to get one thing across it'd be this:

at first it'll be awkward, you probably won't like it, you might feel stupid and you will try to back out. but you shouldn't, because it's definitely worth it. go jump in the cold water and see what happens. if it doesn't suit you, fine, you're one experience richer-

>> No.7992013


>tfw you always get invited to things but you can never tell if you are genuinely wanted or if the invitation is just other people trying to be nice to you
>tfw you can't tell if people think you are lonely rather than just a dude who enjoys his solitude

i, too, feel those feels

>> No.7992015

I have like four or five friends and I go out maybe once a week

but yeah books are my friends mostly

>> No.7992026


i just want u to know i made tht exact reference just a few hours ago and no one got it

i'm out there anon.. i'm out there feelin ur jokes

>> No.7992090

Half of your five friends are ethnic?

>> No.7992111

>how many
3-4 close ones
>how often do you go out
3-5 times a week

>> No.7992127

wtf exactly me, and I don't even hate them just can't stand to be around them

and my best friend from high school is the only one I can deal with long term

>> No.7992129
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 1461807986978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, what makes you think you'd like to be my friend anon?

>> No.7992286

32. live alone with a cat. smallest town in my state. i moved here on purpose.

>> No.7992317

I'm a backpacker so I make friends and lose friends a lot, but I only have maybe 5 or something friends from back home. I'm out a lot, more than I would like actually, I get dragged around quite a lot.

>> No.7992372

>I'm a backpacker
go on

>> No.7992486

>he hasn't forged himself a core group of friends for life yet
>his group doesn't have countless fond memories to reminisce on while generating new ones
>he still cares about trying to make new friends
>he has conversations with his friends that aren't sincere or are forced/chore like

Jesus christ lol, enjoy your shitty relationships cucks, it really isn't hard just bond with people from about 7th grade to the end of university lmao, then you'll have a rock solid gang