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7975985 No.7975985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7975995

>capitalism = trade

>> No.7976001

What is capitalism?

>> No.7976007

Do you think he's high or mentally ill?

>> No.7976008
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>tfw you will never be a 1860 hipster dipshit

>> No.7976012


>> No.7976026


>> No.7976033

Google is a great example of capitalism.

>> No.7976034

strong argument mate!!1!1

>> No.7976103

its sort of like shitting on someones face whilst they're sleeping and then when they awake and move to attack you, you say 'woah...easy mate, be fair.' and they're so baffled by your response you get to finish your turd.

>> No.7976112

he's one of those people who writes obviously retarded things on the internet and someone says 'thats kinda retarded' and then he spends 10 hours writing 'U man bro! Stay mad bro! U butthurt!...' etc.

>> No.7976256


This just in: Uninformed retard thinks capitalism solely consists of "buying and selling stuff", uses this stunted definition to insult all critics using a non-retarded definition

>> No.7976273


"Napalm" isn't an "incendiary", it's a word made up by a 1940's hipster dipshit to whine about people lighting fires, man!

Haha u mad? U mad bro?

>> No.7976445

If "stuff" also means accumulated workforce they're right

>> No.7976458

oh, an attention whore posing as a troll

>> No.7976467

libertarians are truly exactly like SJWs. the government = the patriarchy, super-special definitions of capitalism that make sure their arguments can never be wrong = super-special definitions of racism that mean their arguments can never be wrong.

>> No.7976475

If I offered something of enough value to you in exchange for shitting on your face, you would let me shit on your face. Is that not fair? You're the one who's choosing to get shat on.

>> No.7976476


>implying capitalism isn't voluntary transaction between individuals

>> No.7976489

This is so retarded I can't even begin to respond.

>> No.7976507

isnt that exactly what he is implying?

>> No.7976509

That's like saying Christmas is a decorated tree.

>> No.7976520

That's an insightful parallel. The psychology behind the scenes is presumably identical.

>> No.7976521

libertarians often sound like belief-based crackpots but most just want less gov regulation

their rhetoric is often fedoralike

>> No.7976558

So does it count as voluntary when It is the only way to get food and shelter where I live?

>> No.7976564

Good simulation of talking to a libertarian.

>> No.7976574

Whether you agree with him or not, to dismiss Marx as a "dipshit" is to expose yourself as one.

>> No.7976581

capitalism = classical liberalism = new liberalism = Human rights

it is all shit

>> No.7976583

>/lit/ - literature

>> No.7976588

sure most libertarians are just angry white people who don't like the government, but why do they have to adopt a shit ideology and talk like faggots in order to do so?

>> No.7976594
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>libertarians are just paranoid

The feds have every email, text, phonecall, and all of your internet searches.

The NDAA authorizes the executive to assassinate or kidnap and hold US citizens indefinately without trial

They have torture camps.

They have no-knock warrants and a militarized police force.

They steal half your income and borrow trillions from China to relentlessly bomb people on the whole other side of the fucking planet.

Inane Inflation is causing massive market bubbles and devaluing your money.

In conclusion: your free speech, right to bear arms, privacy, and due process have already been violated. The constitution and bill of rights don't mean shit now. A happening is coming.

>> No.7976595

I guess so. You voluntarily choose it over doing nothing.

>> No.7976605

He's right, though.

>someone actually comparing napalm and capitalism

Lefties actually think like this, wow.

>> No.7976606

That what I sounded like at work when I watched infowars, freedomain, and a few others on youtube all the time. Glad I'll never have to face those people again.

>> No.7976611
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>> No.7976615

Libertarianism isnt exclusively right wing.

What dumb americans call "libertarianism" is just neo-liberalism.

>> No.7976622

>He's right, though.
Oh ok, that settles it. Shut down the thread. Halt the presses. Disband the parties. Debate is over.

Jesus fucking christ, am I getting baited?

>> No.7976623

Being anti-capitalist is generally left-wing though. I don't see what I said has to do with your reply

>> No.7976634

What changed, then? Do you just no longer believe any of that? Do you not believe that they snoop on your Internet traffic, have too much power to search and seize, or tax you too much and waste the money?

>> No.7976635

>tfw neo-feudalist

>> No.7976636

Do you see any good arguments on the contrary in this thread? I don't But I suppose that's OK when you agree with the people who aren't bothering to make an argument.

>> No.7976640

When capital becomes the central organizing force in society and every action becomes a matter of rational utilitarian cost benefit analysis.

Proudhon introduced the phrase capitalism in the 1840s negativily I think
Werner Sombart introduced it into mainstream usage at the turn of the 20th century in a more neutral sense

>> No.7976647

>Marx: extensive lifetime of work, recognised contributions to sociology, philosophy and economics
>You: Fuckboy on Twitter crying "hurr durr marx is a dipshit"
Oh man, clearly you have the better argumentation.
Smh I'm not even a Marxist but you are just absolutely braindead fucking trash.

>> No.7976652

>every action becomes a matter of rational utilitarian cost benefit analysis.

You would have to be deluded to believe this is actually the case. If that is what capitalism is we do not live in a capitalist society at all. But of course this is the delusional crap to be expected from willfully ignorant Marxists.

>> No.7976657

firstly its irrelevant, secondly what is the socio-economic context that leads to the object being of enough value?

>> No.7976658

>Inane Inflation is causing massive market bubbles and devaluing your money.

inflation has been extremely low across the developing world over the last several years.

despite dumb libertarians saying inflation would explode because the government spent money during a recession.

libertarians are dumb.

>> No.7976659

Didn't we have this thread already? I really hoped that /his/ wouldn't get to the point where you have people posting screencaps of twitter posts followed by "what did they mean by this?" like with other boards.

>> No.7976660

Cause we're all just a bunch of mini unmoved movers in meatsuits.

>> No.7976670

Except they actually *love* the government. Without government there can be no private property rights. And without private property rights, their whole fantasy of "voluntary exchange" is shown to be delusional.

>> No.7976678

Not everyone is really a proper rational actor but it's the ideal and what is encouraged. Not everyone makes the proper investments in themselves and get low returns on life.

>> No.7976688

Utter bullshit. Libertarians view the government as an evil, but a necessary evil. They just want less of it.

>> No.7976696

Newsflash: Everyone views the government as a necessary evil. Most people don't actually get off on being ruled by power-hungry assholes.

>> No.7976704

See this is the ugliness of Marxism laid bare; it reduces human motivations and actions to pure economics and fails to realize that for most people capital is little more than means to an end. Human motivation is much more complex than what you suggest, and to think that we would be living better or more benevolently in some other kind of political/economic system is a fantasy, Marxism, I would suggest, is motivated by a hatred of human nature itself.

Also, why do you people insist on writing in this bloated and obscure language (proper rational actor? proper investments? literally fuck off.)

>> No.7976709

haha fagger

>> No.7976711

I found out Stefan and Alex were shills. I looked into the origins of libertarian thought, mainly Mandeville, and found out he was a shill. Mainly I didn't like the feeling of being duped and figured if someone has to lie to sell you on something, then it's not worth having.

Do I think the government is to powerful in some respects? Yeah. Does it anger me that are nations finances are in the hands of non elected private bankers? Yeah. That's about it though. At last, I realized that the government is polycentric, with many factions bidding to gain control, each with their own goals, deceptions, and base of true believers chanting them on. Libertarians are no different.

>> No.7976727


>implying marx ever worked a day in his life

>> No.7976737


Property rights are mantainence by force and threat of violence.

Libertarians simply want the private individual to hold the threat of violence, not the government.

>> No.7976739


>> No.7976745

What about the candidates that call themselves libertarian? They are using government to gain power just so they can immediately begin scaling that power back. And for what? Well union busting, deregulation, corporate welfare, free land, subsides, tax benefits, cost plus.

I'm not a Marxist, but they are slightly less gullible than libertarians because they put their faith in 'revolutionaries' not some obvious shitter.

>> No.7976753
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Once you introduce the rationalist calculating habit it naturally penetrates itself into the realm of ethical and social questions. Capitalism ends up creating a critical frame of mind which destroys all alternative systems. The goal of capitalism is to make every man his own competitive entrepreneur and this has implications on more levels than you think.

>> No.7976754

...wait... so you needed someone to prove to you that infowars, etc. was all just sensationalist bullshit?

And how different did you think Libertarians were? That's pretty much all of politics, unfortunately. But why does it matter? Just because some people follow it for the wrong reasons doesn't mean it's inherently bad, and that there aren't good ones.

I'm a moderate libertarian myself, but not because I believe in any crazy conspiracies. I'm just very idealistic about civil liberties and property rights, and I'll cast my vote for whoever will respect those more. My politics followed my idealism, not the other way around. (if everyone thought like that, maybe we wouldn't have such dumbass greedy, corrupt assholes for leaders.)

>> No.7976778

When would you pinpoint the exact period when this rationalist calculating habit was introduced? Could you suggest any civilizations which developed without trade being a central organizing force? Could you suggest an economic system that would work better than the simple trading of goods or services? The answer to all these questions is either the negative or that you don't know. You are simply regurgitating Marxist claptrap you've read which has very little bearing on reality at all, not to mention that you ignored pretty much every other point that I made.

>> No.7976808
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Jeremy Bentham of course but it goes back even further. Liberalism, in its most insane form, was an Anglo-Saxon imperialist project simply to control the world under imperial British rule but it got out of control and now they're actually being colonized.

Adam Smith didn't really believe the bullshit that he wrote but he was actually an agent of the British state assigned to provide ideological material to discourage foreign nations from following the protectionist policies that made Britain a super power and makes sure foreign nations were "open" for trade and stayed under developed.

In all traditional societies markets were peripheral to other various forms of ordering society, such as kinship for example.