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/lit/ - Literature

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7972645 No.7972645 [Reply] [Original]

So I've decided to start with the Greeks am think Socrates is a good place to start. Which of Socrates books shall I start with?

>> No.7972648



I'm triggered.

>> No.7972650

start with max stirner

>> No.7972677
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pic related


>> No.7972735

start and end with max stirner

>> No.7972773

that's plato

>> No.7972781

Where is the 9gag watermark?

>> No.7974639

>year 1985+31
>not starting with heraclitus and jumping right to hegel

>> No.7974649
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>> No.7974663

Watch Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

>> No.7974670
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>> No.7974695

Obvious bait is obvious

>> No.7974761

I don't get it

>> No.7974790

legit mad

>> No.7974816
File: 267 KB, 402x700, 15025d5db271960af2cf2e8680134fe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Going with Gilgamesh

>> No.7974823

It's actually Leonardo da Vinci.

>> No.7974829

Da Vinci never wrote dummy, those are books written by his students.

>> No.7974863

Greek philosophy starts with the PreSocratics what the OP is doing is like saying Ive decided to start with the Germans and think that Schopenhauer is a good place to start

>> No.7974973

Keep in mind that Socrates never wrote shit. 99% of Socrates is gatekept by Plato with the other percent being mentions by writers of his time outside of Plato.

>> No.7974977

That's plato

>> No.7974988

Nigger, are you retarded?

>> No.7975996

Yeah man, those books where written by Leonardo da Vinci's student Kierkgaard

>> No.7976018

Socrates not writing anything is just another example of his great trolling.

>> No.7976213


Jesus Christ.

A. The guy in the picture is Plato, not Socrates.
B. Socrates didn't write anything.
C. Read Plato. Start here-

>> No.7976239

You just got trolled sir

>> No.7976350

O Crito, if so it pleases the Gods, so let it be; Anytus and Melitus are able indeed to kill me, but they cannot harm me.

>> No.7976548

>"Which of Socrates books shall I start with?"
Socrates didn't write anything, Plato did.

>> No.7977069

buy complete works of plato & bottle of heem
drink, read, drink, read, repeat.

>> No.7977088
