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7972425 No.7972425 [Reply] [Original]

Please recommend me quietist philosophers.

>> No.7972532
File: 205 KB, 736x707, quaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Quakers

>> No.7972536

Diogenes, Wittgentein, Austin, Rorty.

>> No.7972552

slavoj zizek

>> No.7972560
File: 30 KB, 400x450, silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Cage - Silence

>> No.7972627

Hard to say since most of them never said anything
I couldn't resist

>> No.7972681
File: 10 KB, 200x237, Max_stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably one of the better ones

>> No.7972729

Of those only Austin strikes me as 'quietist,' Diogenes and Rorty are super moralfag and Witty probably thought he was some sort of Christ figure

>> No.7972738

deus ex?

>> No.7972766
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>I have assumed that the goal, enlightenment, exists. I have had to search and it is the search itself which has been choking me and keeping me out of my natural state. There is no such thing as spiritual or psychological enlightenment because there is no such thing as spirit or psyche. I have been a damn fool all my life, searching for something which does not exist. My search is at an end.

>> No.7972780

that sounds a bit calamitous...

>> No.7972914

I dont follow

>> No.7972941
File: 34 KB, 198x282, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7972951

look like guy from deus ex

>> No.7972961

Nah, the name is in the image description

>> No.7972967

Philosophical quietism as a concept was literally invented to describe Wittgenstein's approach

>> No.7972977

Sextus Empiricus, Montaigne, Lao Tzu, Zhuangzi, Wittgenstein, Austin, Rorty, John McDowell, James Conant, Cora Diamond

>> No.7972987

Also arguably Derrida though it depends on your interpretation

>> No.7973036

Do you think it would be appropriate to include Stirner?

>> No.7973192
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>tfw no calamity to give me the enlightenment i don't believe in

>> No.7973523

>wrote a metaphysical work the size of two to three bricks

>> No.7973536

>mfw today the natural state is artificiality masking the natural state

>> No.7973546
File: 11 KB, 340x480, UG-Smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it luckily does not matter

>> No.7973556

Are you seriously this stupid? Do you know what Quietism is? Schopenhauer's view of philosophy is Quietist.

>> No.7973564

How so?

>> No.7973614

Quietism is the notion that Philosophy is therapuetic. Schopenhauer's rational denial of the Will to escape from suffering is a prime example of such an outlook. Schopenhauer's is much more interesting than modern Quietism though as he was influenced by the form of Quietism espoused by Christian Mysticism and Eastern philosphy. The human being is still fallen in Schopenhauer's philosophy, birth is necessarily a tragedy. Through our intellectual faculties we develop an objective view of the world that enables distance and a modicum of peace. Quietism does not mean 'not talking'.

>> No.7973636

This tbqh

>> No.7973759


>> No.7973882
File: 108 KB, 360x479, watts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Psychotherapy East and West (1961), Watts proposed that Buddhism could be thought of as a form of psychotherapy and not a religion.

>> No.7973889

just saw your pic but how the fuck is camus a quietist. not gonna bother reading

>> No.7974120

nice summary my dude
how is wittgenstein a quietist though? i thought most of his work had to do with logic/language

>> No.7974125

Cure for quietism:

Ramsey: "Philosophy must be of some use and we must take it seriously; it must clear our thoughts and so our actions. Or else it is a disposition we have to check, and an inquiry to see that this is so; i.e. the chief proposition of philosophy is that philosophy is nonsense. And again we must then take seriously that it is nonsense, and not pretend, as Wittgenstein does, that it is important nonsense!"
Hume's Treatise 1.4.7
some good straight up philosophy, like Frege's Foundations of Arithmetic or Parfit's Reasons and Persons.

>> No.7974133

Literally Tractatus 7.

Have you read Wittgenstein at all?

>> No.7974149

but im not the guy you were replying to originally

>> No.7974162

This guy gets it.

>> No.7974652

Thanks anon.

>> No.7975376

/thread for now.

>> No.7975381

ate oatmeal for breakfast senpai am i on the right path?

>> No.7975391

Any pro-NEET quietists?

Asking for a friend

>> No.7975445

well they all are by implication.

if you need it explicit then you are doing it wrong.

>> No.7975928

>Sees picture of Watts
>Assumes it's Camus
>Don't look anything alike
>Doesn't read the one sentence post clearly explain that it is Watts.

My brain just can't come to grips with how stupid you are.

>> No.7976049

read the book.

>> No.7977581


>> No.7977583
File: 4 KB, 249x175, 1460941221654s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trolled desu senpai

>> No.7977989

The later Heidegger.

>> No.7979373
File: 178 KB, 843x632, Low rising ataraxia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread on quietism
>Frog poster
>44 replies. Still no Epicurus.
You've lost the way /lit/

>> No.7979384

ive received many grains of wisdom from this philosophy

>> No.7980552

What's yr fav book of de rerum natura?

>> No.7980563


>> No.7980788
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>> No.7980980

Wittgenstein himself was utterly consumed with philosophical problems his whole life. I agree he saw himself as a sort of sage that was always trying to transcend or dissolve them, but he himself was just utterly and completely obsessed with trivia and his weird puratinism makes him the opposite of quietist in my book.

Austin is more in line with what I would consider quietist, although I don't think he's very insightful. A 'real' quietist would be some of the less moralfaggy Hellenistic philosophers, like Pyrrho.

>> No.7980990

he 'fucked' his friends to be honest

>> No.7981097

i dont think quietism means actually shutting up, otherwise we wouldnt know the quietist's works. quietism is just the striving for silence and peace, which was w's obsession.

the only way a true quietist can be known is by the account of others, like pyrrho. and that doesnt even give a reliable picture.

>> No.7981101
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this desu

>> No.7981106

what is the link between quietism and morality?

>> No.7982399

I can recognize everyone there but the Christian man, who is it?

>> No.7982872


>> No.7982902


>> No.7982972

Yup, He's a modern JC Denton

>> No.7982975

Is he better than Aquinas?

>> No.7983004

It would be hard to be worse.