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7972315 No.7972315 [Reply] [Original]

I'm halfway through it and I really like it. I like the humor, the satire, the whole idea of Ignatius being a shit person but surrounded by people so stupid he can't even realize how shitty he is, the way he mocks Myrna as a sjw cunt. Great book.

One weird thing tho, maybe the whole point: Ignatius doesn't make any sense, it's hilarious. I can't believe someone so poor who dresses like shit and acts like an asshole is so cultured and disdains pop culture that much. He's really a weird character, I don't even know if I can understand him. But maybe I'm just not used to fiction books.

A great read anyway. What do you think of him? Any help to "get" the character of Ignatius?

>> No.7972726

i read it becus it was recommended by huffelpuff post

>> No.7972917

Read "Everything That Rises Must Converge" by Flannery O'Connor to gain an understanding of contemporaneous works of generational differences in the South during the 60's.

Don Quixote is the basis for Ignatius but that's a pretty big read.

Re-watch Forrest Gump or read the awful book, Confederacy and Gump pair well for comparative analysis.

>> No.7974121

>Any help to "get" the character of Ignatius?
Dude, Ignatius is basically an exaggerated /lit/izen neo-reactionary from before the internet was a thing. Every time I see those dudes sincerely posting about degeneracy and Christianity I just imagine it's Ignatius on the other side of the keyboard.

>> No.7974158

It's a great book. Ignatius is a fantastic character, and one easily relatable. A reader would learn well to observe his various insights. The author however lacked erudition of the Middle Ages and the scholastic tradition, and this ignorance, coupled with a subtle contempt directed toward the protagonist and a seeming reticence to confront the daily hypocrisies of our disasterous society, having gone well off its rails in this so-called modern age, I feel weakened the work considerably. I wish that there was another persona in the piece capable of matching wits with the singular Ignatius, but in life too few possess an intellect capable of even apprehending such a refined and eloquent worldview as was common in times past, let alone comprehending its implications for the world of today, such as it is. To think that in another age such prodigies would find themselves in good company, rather than cast out upon the barren heath. As things stand, I can appreciate the novel as a work of genius, but its failure to present such a personality as it would indeed exist, in a state of sheer radiance as the peasants gape around in their unlearned awe, can only be chalked up to a failure of will on the part of the author to experience such an exceptional mode of being for himself. I feel that O'Toole ultimately wrote from a place of bitterness, recognizing his inferiority to his own creation.

>> No.7974160

I'm interested in reading this; should I do it? I feel like I have a bit of Ignatius Reilly in me, but I'd really like to see how the book progresses.

>> No.7974196
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>I can't believe someone so poor who dresses like shit and acts like an asshole is so cultured and disdains pop culture that much.
That hits too close to home.

>> No.7974224

you're correct except that he's not cultured, he's booksmart. cultured >implies refinement and worldliness.

you're lucky to not "get" him because i've had the misforunte to know people like him. they're not comic at all just tiresome.

>> No.7974240

This. Ignatius is the spitting image of reactionary 4Chan.

>> No.7974243

Is that Trump with an ax?

>> No.7974252

I hate your comment for accurately relating the sentiment of the author and how it negatively impacted the work, but I do respect it. I love the book for it's humor, but feel a little sick inside while reading it.

Someone should rewrite Moby Dick with Ignatius as Ahab.

>> No.7974259

He is writing like Ignatius, you dip.

>> No.7974310

t. Ignatius