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7972182 No.7972182 [Reply] [Original]

How do I deal with the fact that the Munchhausen trilemma exists and all philosophy is bullshit and all humanities / art / politics is narcissistic posturing?

Everything is such BS on a big pile of BS on a mountain of BS, it's all so hard to take. Everything boils down to BS or trivialities.

>> No.7972198

you're still conflating truth with meaning

>> No.7972233

in what sense is he conflating truth with meaning?

>> No.7972253

Fuck off, frog faggot

Go back to your anime and 'vidya'

Also, everything is narcissistic posturing

>> No.7972276


>> No.7972282

Why do you keep making this thread?

>> No.7972288


>> No.7972299

Took on everything everything not just liberal arts senpai.

>> No.7972343
File: 321 KB, 1200x1375, 7458_georg_wilhelm_friedrich_hegel-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a circular argument is not necessarily meaningless

read pic related, op

>> No.7972567


Pretentious obscurantist bullshit

>> No.7972580


1: he is genuine and seeking an answer
2: he is trying to encourage thought on fundamental problem on a board that, admittedly, is 95% BS, narcissitic posturing and trivialities
3: he is a STEM major who wants to fuck up some humanities majors

>> No.7972592


Oh yeah, and another very important thing. The asterisks are used for emphasis.

It's not that *I* am the one who *initially* shits on people due to the Munchhausen trilemma and the BS of philosophy etc. It's that *everyone else shits on everyone outside the in group*. You're allowed to build things out of BS but only if it fits within the frameworks that other people have set.

Want to write a pretentious piece of shit dull as dishwater book that everyone praises? You can... but only if these certain publishers market it.

Want to be praised for your vapid and shifty "philosophy"? That's fine... buy only if you are employed by certain companies and reference certain philosophers and have certain political opinions.

Want to do either of these things on your own... "what a load of BS!"

>> No.7972593


What have you read by him, and for how long did you study his thought before arriving at your conclusion? Or is this merely another of the plentiful examples of narcissistic posturing?

>> No.7972597


>> No.7972974

I'm not even sure if you're capable of learning.

Go put your hand in a fire, then jerk off. Were the experiences different? How do you know?

That's your answer.