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File: 99 KB, 1024x768, james-franco-25_1308408116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7971533 No.7971533 [Reply] [Original]

is he a pseud?
have you seen his Faulkner movie adaptations?

>> No.7971542
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, 1451633112262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


His As I Lay Dying adaptation was fucking awful.
Child of God was okay.
His test video for Blood Meridian was shit.
The trailer for The Sound and the Fury looks like full retard.
His poetry and prose is fucking shit. I've read it. It's trash.
He's a man who has adapted to lit very late and has very little actual experience in writing outside of an expensive education, and it really fucking shows.

>> No.7971552

Basically yeah, but many great authors started out like him. Trying to prove that one can often motivates one to do so, and he's got all the resources that a human being ever could.

Palo Alto was shit, As I Lay Dying adaptation was okay, his new movies look on par to be okay. But he's putting in a great deal of work and going to improve. He could yet be great

>> No.7971573

He's a pretty face and nothing more.

>> No.7971578

i was 99 % sure his sound & fury trailer was a joke

>> No.7971591

lol I just watched it. it doesn't look that bad. the reviews though. shèeeeit sure do suck.

>> No.7971604

I found Actors Anonymous very funny.

>> No.7971851

I feel kinda bad for him, like he really likes Faulkner, but he's just too bad to properly recreate it on the film screen and he knows it, but he keeps trying.

>> No.7971863


I'd say he is literally the personification of the banal cliche millennialism that like a cancer is choking our society but this gives him too much credit

>> No.7971876

I flip flop between thinking he's a basic bitch to a fuckable fuckboy bitch.

>> No.7971881

Franco is fucking terrible. People criticize all kinds of actors but I think he is one of the few that is genuinely awful.

>> No.7971883


>> No.7972317

He's a pseud, and I have seen a couple of his film adaptations.
As I Lay Dying I thought was bretty gud until a friend asked "If you hadn't read the book, would you know what was happening?" And for the most part, you wouldn't.
Child of God was bad. He didn't do much stylistically with it like he did with As I Lay Dying, it was told fairly straight forward, so you really felt the lack of McCarthy's prose and character insight. He also made Lester Ballard too over the top at times.

>> No.7972336
File: 68 KB, 600x500, james_franco_determinism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder

>> No.7972790

which is pseudo-shit for we dont know or wont know until we have all the info.

>> No.7972823

That's quite a roundabout way of stating "I'm a determinist".

>> No.7972853

I don't think pseud is the right word. I have a friend who is exactly like him. Talented guy at a few things, and really interested in intellectual things, but just fucking born dumb and can't help it. Franco seems like a good guy.

>> No.7972908

A dumb intellectual.

>> No.7972922

This. I really can't mock him for it because you can tell he CARES. He cares and he wants to do Faulkner justice, he just can't because he's a total moron.

>> No.7972929

He did a movie based on a bookwritten by my uncle and it was shit

>> No.7972968

>Having literate relatives
I'm so jealous, do you talk to each other?

>> No.7973213


>> No.7973921
File: 27 KB, 331x445, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He certainly carries books around with him a lot, and is usually fairly non discrete about it.

>> No.7973940

listening to music and reading. yup he's retarded.

>> No.7973960

If he's talented, even at a few things, how can you call him dumb?

>> No.7973965

Being talented at acting in stoner comedies doesn't make you smart.

>> No.7973969

I meant your friend

>> No.7973974

don't have to be smart to act

>> No.7973979

I meant his friend, not Franco

>> No.7973982

My friend knows how to juggle and is good at caber tossing.

>> No.7974022

I see.

Well, I don't think Franco is stupid, he recognizes problems and has well-informed and valid opinions if you've read excerpts from his book, he just doesn't go much in depth. Pretty average, but, average is stupid on 4chan, so.

>> No.7974033

he has a book? what is it about

>> No.7974035

book of short stories called Palo Alto

>> No.7974041

oh my God. sounds like a tao lin book