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/lit/ - Literature

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7969725 No.7969725 [Reply] [Original]

>book you're currently reading and how do you like it

>> No.7969728

21, California


pretty damn good, read Vagabond a year ago and thought I'd have a go at the original story.

>> No.7969736



Don Quijote. It's pretty good.

>> No.7969757



The Man in the High Castle. I'm enjoying it, only about 70 pages in but I'm not too psyched about the whole multiple story lines that end up converging aspect. I've just never been a big fan of that

>> No.7969774



The Dispossessed

Enjoying, but very confused. I'm a leftist and the author is a leftist, but so far it's been about how capitalism is better than anarchism .

>> No.7969781



The Brothers Karamov. New to reading, but I'm enjoying it so far. I relate to the father and why he carries himself the way he does. Have a slight crush on Alyosha desu

>> No.7969788

24, California
Salem's Lot
Meh, decent, picked it up because I needed something light after finishing Tess of D'Urbervilles. Supposedly he's heavily influences by Lovecraft but Lovecraft is so damn superior to King.

>> No.7969835
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20, Scotland

Brief Interviews With Hideous Men

Enjoying it, thought it'd be a nice introduction to the mememan himself

>> No.7969850


St. Louis, MO

Tales of the City - decent but obvious it was meant to be read in small doses.

>> No.7969860
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A Lovecraft anthology (Great Tales of Horror) and Alchemy by E.J. Holmyard

Lovecraft is great, I just started Shadow Over Innsmouth. My favorites so far are The Thing on the Doorstep,The Dreams in the Witch House, and The Music of Erich Zann.

Alchemy is also pretty interesting, since it delves into the practical and philosophical uses of alchemy by different cultures through the ages. I'm excited to see what Islamic alchemy was like, since that's the biggest chapter.

>> No.7969888



Work of Plato.
Just finished Euthyphro and now I'm reading Apology. Not sure what I think yet, but what wa the point of Euthyphro? Did the dude know the distinction between piety and impiety or was he just persecuting his father for some other reason and claiming he's doing it because it's the right thing in the eyes of the gods? I also like Socrates' response to the fear of death, about how its better to die in the service of the good than face disgrace

>> No.7969889
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Pilgrims progress, It is a good book, I enjoy most the religious bantz and debates between the allegorical characters, there's a lot of unintended humor 400 years later as well.

It makes me fear the idea of being a real by the book christian, I see how john bunyan struggled so much with it. I'm getting a bit tired of it by the 2nd part but 10/10 i'd say. Happy i read it.

>> No.7969898

check out Pet Sematary its the darkest (and best) King in my opinion

>> No.7969914
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19, Tennessee

Just finished "The Bear" by Faulkner.

It was pretty dank to be honest. It was very primal and elemental, which is a strong point for Faulkner in my opinion.

>> No.7969937

British Columbia
Dune. I tried to read it when I was in my teens but never made much headway. I'm really enjoying it now however.

>> No.7969942

Just finished it the other day, fucking amazing, enjoy!

>> No.7969948



Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant

It's alright. Some of the battle chapters get a bit tedious. I'd prefer more detail of the actual fighting. For example when he talks about one of the bigger battles of the early rebellion where over 1000 people die, (Belmont) a majority of the chapter contains the Union battle strategy and how he and another captain fought over who had more seniority. There is little mention of the actual fighting.

>> No.7969971



V. Interesting.

>> No.7969981

>Min Kamp 1

p good, way more entertaining than I thought it would be and I can easily see myself reading all of it, but somehow whenever I try to explain it to somebody it sounds boring as fuck since nothing really "happens". dat prose though.

>> No.7970003

24, Oregon, Life and Fate, fucking dank

>> No.7970022
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Florida, USA

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. It's been very good up til now, I'm about half way through and now Haru-kun is pulling out some all-too obvious plot twists. Still a good read tho just considering the first half.

>> No.7970031



Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Enjoying it, since I'm world-weary and frequently fantasise about running away without plan or purpose, and just seeing where I end up.

>> No.7970058

most people who only see the first half as being good or okay end up hating the ending.
it's my favorite novel. i hope you find value in the conclusion.

>> No.7970059

20, Florida

I, Claudius

Claudius, socially inept, deaf in one ear, and more intelligent than he appears reminds me of myself, as I share all of these qualities. I like it, a lot.

>> No.7970081

Most people hated 1Q84's ending too, but I enjoyed that, so we'll see. But one thing I'm upset about is the english edition has a lot of content edited out and the stuff that was kept is reordered and shit. So I'm wondering if the alteration of the original flow is what's making certain plot points seem abrupt and out of wack.

>> No.7970082

Sexbus Starter Guide. It's ok, knew most of the advice beforehand, but the section on furnishing is of some interest.

>> No.7970096
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The The Melancholy of Resistance-- very weird, dreamlike, lots of fear and angst, interesting story about how people will 'fiddle while Rome burns', in this case with a giant whale in a circus

Moravagine-- bad translation. the guy just gives up when it comes to proverbs, seriously a bunch of shit like "His avidity for wealth was proverbial'. Other than that, it's very scholarly written, reminds me of Bulgakov's a Heart of a Dog, except with a dude who was probably the inspiration for Salad Fingers, probably shocked people in early 1900s France, now it's just meh

love that fucking book, one of my favorites

>> No.7970099

Infinite Jest, I haven't touched it in weeks and it's pretty good but it completely deserves the memes

>> No.7970102

tell us about detroit, anon

where did the city touch you

>> No.7970110

19, Spain
The Divine Comedy. Cool, although the edition I found doesn't have any notes with it so I'm missing several historical references and shit. I'll probably get me a bilingual edition with some footnotes in a near future.

>> No.7970121

>The Shipping News. I like Proulx's prose, I enjoy how she renders the characters, and I enjoy the descriptions of Newfoundland

>> No.7970128

what language are you reading it in? I'd think that italiian to spanish would be a smoother translation than Italian to english

>> No.7970134



Tenth of December. It's got its highs and lows for sure. Victory Lap and The Semplica Girl Diaries were great.

>> No.7970140 [DELETED] 

New York
Gravity's Rainbow. Its my first book anons. How patrician am I?

>> No.7970141 [DELETED] 

Are minors not allowed to post cause I haven't anyone under the age of 18 post yet, either way
The Book Thief, I haven't gotten very far but it's pretty good so far. Death in the beginning was a bit of a hook for me and Liesel is interesting enough

>> No.7970154

haha I thought the same thing as you lmao
I think the point of the novel was to show that even a leftist anarchist utopia would have problems

>> No.7970218

Risk - Dick Francis

I'm taking a rest from all the serious books and classics, and it's a pretty enjoyable story.

>> No.7970244

hoy putang ina mo

>> No.7970250

>Mannerheims memoirs

They're pretty interesting, he had a very wide life experience - from meeting the Dalai Lama to killing commies. But yeah I just came there for the commie killing, Ive always loved Mannerheim for that


>> No.7970267



Thus Spoke Zarathustra. I really enjoy this book, but I find it very dense and sometimes hard to interpret. I'm really looking forward to everything I'll pick up whenever I re-read it

>> No.7970339



The Complete Works of HP Lovecraft

Gotta say, I love horror Always have.

>> No.7970348


South Dakota

Master and Margarita - it's pretty enjoyable so far. I'm more than likely butchering the pronunciation of the names but whatever. I'm about eleven chapters in so far. This Woland character is a bad mother fucker.

also reading The Maiden King by Robert Bly and Marion Woodman. I skipped the Bly section because I'm more interested in a legit Jungian analyst's take on the fairy tale. And it's hella interesting.

She doesn't annotate shit so that's out of the norm for these type of books.

I'm learning about the Baba Yaga and the descent of modern man. Goes like this - the young Ivan meets a maiden king while at the ocean. She will return. His tutor tells his stepmother. She gives him a pin that'll put him to sleep. Ivan must kill the tutor and he meets three baba yagas.

Woodman interprets the yagas as death goddesses urging the ego towards a symbolic death. Says the pin is a metaphor for various addictions and depression. Says we go through these periods when we lose a lover or the possibility of life. Says the energy within medusa could be seen as trapped energy and potential and that's why the sword and pegasus erupts from her severed head.

That's the best I can summarize off the top of my head but it's crazy accurate to where I am in life. I'm working on a story about a shaman who has to travel into the forest to retrieve some honey so he can perform a ritual and travel to the moon where healing herbs wait for the dying king. He gets trapped in the forest wit a goddess who puts him through hell, he passes out and wakes up being nursed by a kind old lady who teaches him shit.

Woodman lays down that same fucking path in her analysis of the fairy tale. Shit's pretty interesting. I had no goddamn clue about it when i started.

>> No.7970352

Haha, I laughed. Good afternoon to you.

>> No.7970354
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>The Condition of the Working Class in England.

Engels did the impossible: he was more boring than Marx. What a feat. But I'm reading the shit anyways.

>> No.7970358


>> No.7970379


Iliad - Lombardo. It's hilarious and exciting! I was bracing myself for a much drier read. At times it's powerful, raw, manly, then it becomes lyrical, then meditative, then it brings on the slapstick. It just feels alive.

Do you happen to have an ebook copy of Moravagine?

>killing commies
Nice to hear you haven't gone soft, balticbro.

>> No.7970454



Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, it's very interesting knowing the way he treated people and made relationships. Also the war of stealing ideas between Apple and Microsoft.

>> No.7970459

27, Osaka
Reading Epictetus' Discourses
Tough read, but very practical; would really like it if someone would put the discourses in order by subject.

>> No.7970465

Reading Billy Budd. It's a joy to read, even with all the archaic words and constructions. I'm half way in, enjoying Claggart and his sociopathy. I feel like it's what Conrad wanted to do with Lord Jim. Based Melville.

>> No.7970469

Bauern, Bonzen und Bomben
it's good

>> No.7970470
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>attention whore thread

>> No.7970482

19, Australia
The novelisation of the movie 'Kung Fu Panda'

I must admit I decided to take a break from philosophy and didn't exactly think I'd enjoy this when I stole from the local book shop. It has however, surprised me. I find Po an interesting and deep character, the allegorical nature of the relationship between the Kung Fu masters and Po is exceptionally done. Keep in mind that I'm only 3/4 of the way through this book when I give it...

>> No.7970495

Rather doesn't it make you fear not being a by the book Christian?

>> No.7970531



The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

I'm only about 30 pages in so it's too early to tell but there already appears to be a clear relationship between temples, death, and lust which sounds par for the course with Mishima.

>> No.7970595

>This is Bacon

>> No.7970599

The Russia House, just started it yesterday so its still fresh, but I think I'll like it.

>> No.7970609


sasaki kojiro is my favorite character but i kek'd at his fate in the end

>> No.7970632
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Pic related

>> No.7970640

On The Road, really liking the narrative and just the general feel of the book

>> No.7970645

IJ and but even so I'm loving it

>> No.7970647

>John Ashbery, The Moorings of Starting Out
Read the first two books included so far. Some Trees was pretty fantastic, and The Tennis Court Oath made me feel like a pleb because of how weird some of the poems' syntax was, but I'm hyped to continue reading. Based Bloom and his dank poetry recs, f.am

>> No.7970648

Cardiff Uni?

>> No.7970649

19, Japan


Nabokov's prose is charming and possibly the only thing that keeps me reading but boy do I despise Humbert Humbert with a raging passion.

>> No.7970651



im working through hp lovecraft the complete fiction right now. its pretty good. i havent gotten to the more iconic stories yet. still working through the earlier works.

>> No.7970654

where did you find it? i just got hp lovecraft the complete fiction>>7970651
but i really want to get that one.

>> No.7970656

daily reminder that 90% of those who claim to be 18 are actually underage

>> No.7970658



The Third Policeman. It's okay, some bits are funny but there's not much else to say about it at this point. Also reading Underworld which I reckon will be one of those books I have going on in the background and which takes me a year to read.

>> No.7970667



Gravity's Rainbow, started reading very recently and I cant tell if this book is hard to follow or I'm bad at following it

>> No.7970672

>Vineland. Underrated as fuck

>> No.7970695
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>Romeo and Juliet

>tfw you will never meet a Juliet

>> No.7970696

Blood Meridian and Infinite Jest. Blood Meridian is cool so far. The writing style is gonna take some time getting used to. Really digging Infinite Jest though.

>> No.7970708



An Introduction to Forensic Psychology by David Canter, it's crap, expected more than some pop psy, funny, quirky stuff.

>> No.7970718


25, England

Currently reading Szerb's Journey By Moonlight, it's not bad so far but it kind of feels like all his other books a little. I like how he paints a very nice image of European cities though.

>> No.7970724

Montaigne's essays

>> No.7970728



moby dick- it's fascinating

>> No.7970733

>Journey by Moonlight


>> No.7970746

The Angry Decade by Kenneth Allsop: literary-cultural criticism about Britsih writers in the 50s / early 60s and their focus on the "Angry Young Man" character, defined by "irreverence, stridency, impatience with tradition, vigour, vulgarity, sulky resentment against the cultivated and a hard-boiled muscling-in on culture, […] self-pity, deliberate disengagement from politics, fascist ambitions, schizophrenia, rude dislike of anything phoney or fey, […] a general intellectual nihilism, honesty, a neurotic discontent and a defeated, reconciled acquiescence that is the last flimsy shelter against complete despondency"

>> No.7970750


>> No.7970758

>Capital of Hungary
>The art of war.
It's cool.

>> No.7970770

27, Luxembourg

Min kamp + Red dawn

First one great. Second one interesting at some points but very irregular.

>> No.7970883 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I guess so. I wan to try myself by reading at least some parts of the original tho. I'm also doing that with The Book of Disquiet.

>> No.7970891

Yeah, I guess so. I want to try myself by reading at least some parts of the original tho. I'm also doing that with The Book of Disquiet.

>> No.7970910

>London UK
>Preparations for the Next Life, it's really gripping

>> No.7970943

>Basel, Switzerland
It's good but I can't think of a reason why.

>> No.7970944

>New England
>The Recognitions

By turns amazing and frustrating.

>> No.7970951

21, NY
It's pretty good. I'm about half way through the Old Testament. Genesis was great, Judges to where I am now, 2 Kings, was great. Leviticus and friends was just awful.

>> No.7970956


Will you be reading The Odyssey afterwards, or have you done that already?

>> No.7970958


>> No.7970972

A Clockwork Orange - so far it has been rather disappointing, can't stand the made up language

>> No.7970985


r u a qt tho?

can I meet u?

>> No.7970987 [DELETED] 

Crime and punishment, new to reading and I an enjoying this book, though I have problems imagining its environment

>> No.7970989

get b@ underage

>> No.7970991

20, Miami

I'm reading Dostoyevsky's House of the Dead. It's interesting, but a little dull due to the lack of a plot. It's only 300 pages, so I'll finish it as soon as finals are done.

>> No.7970992

> 20
> the Netherlands
> Ullyses

Really like it

>> No.7970993

The Castle
I like it a lot but I'm going at a slow pace. It's structure would make for a great tv series directed by lynch.

>> No.7971003

bitch no one asked about your gender

>> No.7971019

ok. i will build some bat houses around my yard in hopes to catch one

>> No.7971027

>btw im a grill xDD

fuck outta here, skank

>> No.7971030


>> No.7971032

the idiot; only a few chapters in but I'm enjoying it. it's just a lil tedious cuz I'm reading a couple different translations simultaneously but I think p soon I'll settle on one

Eva Martin, Alan Myers, David McDuff

>> No.7971033

And that's why nobody loves you

>> No.7971034




the oddyssey, pretty decent so far, I'm only at page 40 tho

>> No.7971037

>get asked about age and location
>post gender for no reason
>expect to not get shit on in 4chan of all places
ok bb

>> No.7971042

Neuromancer, was surprised by the quality of the prose really. The translations and other cyberpunk books really lowered my standards.

>> No.7971047

I was not the >female u butthurted fuck. Your reactions are equally ridiculous

>> No.7971060

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
Its an odd book but I suppose that's normal considering it's mostly about drug induced rants and adventures

>> No.7971081

You mistyped the 2, it's 1

>> No.7971090

And why are you implying I'm 17? Because I find idea of 2 guys tripping balls all the time odd? I never said I disliked the book. Even if I did, I'm entitled to an opinion just as you are.

>> No.7971094

mate, u are 27 and still reading hunter s thompson? something is wrong with your life

>> No.7971100


>> No.7971108

Sorry Mr special snowflake. I'll start IJ at the first chance I get.

>> No.7971133



A Game of Thrones. Why the fuck did people relentlessly recommend this shit to me? I can't even get pass page 40.

>> No.7971137


>> No.7971141




>inb4 poo in loo
>inb4 superpower 2020
>inb4 designated


>> No.7971147

>>Capital of Hungary
Have you forgotten Budapest's name? It's much shorter to type that than "Capital of Hungary"

>> No.7971150

well IJ at 27 is way worse tho

>> No.7971155
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i have a genuine question: why are indian guys so overtly horny? why do indian guys want to "drink auntie's milk" (literally seen this phrase 100000 times posted by indian men on their gross facebook porn pages) and why do indian men always, right out the gate, try to sext/cyber you without any preamble?

>> No.7971156


Just wanted to let you know you're a faggot and your posturing is lame. Hunter S. Thompson is so much more than Raoul Duke. His prose is great, and his work doesn't have an age limit.

The real tragedy is that so many consider HST to be nothing more than 'DUDE, DRUGS LMAO' and the Raoul Duke persona, because that is how high school druggies conceive him.

>> No.7971160


Troilus and Cressida

Loving it. Ulysses is one cunning motherfucker.

>> No.7971161

Why are you in Indonesia?

>> No.7971167


Started slow but picking up now around p. 100

>> No.7971169


New Zealand

Don Quixote, pretty good so far.


>> No.7971185


I know the feeling. If you like the first, definitely keep reading them. The second is easily the best. The third and fourth aren't as good - he loses a lot of the essayistic style that makes the best ones in the series so great. They're still passable. The fifth, I think, is the second best. It deals with his life in his twenties - being the same age myself I found it particularly profound.

>> No.7971186

where u @ cuz??

>> No.7971188

Character Analysis- Wilhelm Reich

Very detailed explanations on neurosis analyzation. Dream recollections are really interesting!

>> No.7971190


>> No.7971191
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21, NJ

Plato's Laws. Just started, so I can't say much of it yet.

>> No.7971203

Straight on to the Odyssey, indeed.

>> No.7971212
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The Secret History (Procopius)

Its ridiculous and amazing. You can feel the hate.

>> No.7971213

Mimesis - Erich Auerbach

easier and a lot more entertaining than I thought it would be

>> No.7971219

not really.
It just feels a bit more special.

>> No.7971238

You ain't from Japan then.

>> No.7971240
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Starting lot 49 soon, just finished Inherent Vice, gonna watch PTAs adaption this weekend (anybody seen it?), book was great.

>> No.7971241

Its Ulysses

>> No.7971248

I've never read the book but the movie was almost completely incomprehensible

>> No.7971254

in a good way? The book was relatively easy to follow from what other shit i've read of pynchon

>> No.7971260

Sometimes. The acting is really good though. You'll probably have a better experience.

>> No.7971267

snow falling on cedars

>> No.7971286



Histoires assassines

it's a funny short stories collection

>> No.7971296

Reading Othello and have to say it's starting to look like my favorite of Shakespeare's works.

>> No.7971346

sarap ng puke ng nanay mo

>> No.7971364

Yeah so far it seems that Anarres has taken things to the unnecessary extreme, even for an anarchist society. I'm gonna have to see Le Guin's thoughts on the matter.

>> No.7971439

Lolita, meh

>> No.7971447



Notes from the Underground, Don Quixote, and Euclid's window.

I wish I wasn't sick or overwhelmed with finals. I could probably get further into them.

>> No.7971448



春の雪 (Haru no Yuki for gaijins)

>> No.7971531


breh it's one of the only books that has made me cry. the ending is just wooh

>> No.7971548

28, Scotland, Requiem for a Dream.

Took me a page or two to get use to the dialogue but so far it's pretty decent read. Had since college, 8 years ago, but never got round to reading it. Liked the film so no idea why I never read it.

>> No.7971590

Can I just say that I am a girl and I would worship the cock of every single poster in this thread

>> No.7971598


>> No.7971606
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+1 internet

>> No.7971607


Pretty good so far. Currently in Lestrygonians, excited to read the rest.

>> No.7971608

Angels and Demons: it's cheesy as fuck.

>> No.7971629

The Czech Republic
Antigone (for school desu)

>> No.7971634

>austin, TX
>Knausgaard: My Struggle, Vol. 2
less than half way through but I like it a lot. less so than Vol. 1 so far, but his description of falling in love and navigating a relationship is incredibly lucid and makes it worth the read despite some kind of boring sections.

>> No.7971638

Jude the obscure.

Heard the book is quite depressing and I find the protagonist quite relatable which is worrying.

>> No.7971656

India is an arranged marriage culture in which an individual woman is delivered to a man and his sexual desires are satisfied by default. Women in this culture are forced into a position of perpetual consent. Indian men, when encountering women on the internet, generally assume the same sexual situation is present and act accordingly. It's exacerbated by the seemingly endless supply of attractive women on the internet.

>> No.7971667

thank you for the honest answer.

>> No.7971670 [DELETED] 

Mama, teta!
Pretty comfy and funny, managed to rescue it because those fucking savages at the library were gonna dump it just because its a little mistreated

>> No.7971674

Has anybody else in this thread never had a girlfriend?

>> No.7971692

I only had boyfriends, does it count?

>> No.7971698

20 (feels like just yesterday I was underage on 4chan ...)
Victoria BC, Canada
(re)Reading Ulysses, it's great of course

>> No.7971709

hows the weather in sweden ?

>> No.7971713

Above hue, hue, hue

>book you're currently reading and how do you like it
Dhalgren. It's shit I want to drop it, but the autism inside me makes me finish things once I begin them.

>> No.7971714


How are you enjoying it? I'm on page 90 and it's a wild ride so far

>> No.7971716

have a girlfriend. she isn't into literature. Sometimes it is boring. At least i can trust her and she makes me happy sometimes.
You don't need a girlfriend

>> No.7971725

La Celestina

Pretty good, though it's 15th century comedy and most of the jokes just aren't funny anymore.

>> No.7971757

To the Lighthouse, its an extremely feminine novel, basically 200 pages of feelings and I guess it does exactly what it set out to do and show the tensions between different peoples inner worlds of sentiment and desire but its a bit of yawn fest

>> No.7971765

Thanks OP you are doing God's work by exposing all of these underage b&

>> No.7971769

I thought the book was kind of boring except for that aspect; what do you like about the book? the take on the opposite history?

>> No.7971801

Reading it right now, expected it to be boring, but it fucking wasnt holy shit

>> No.7971803

bolano in a nutshell

>> No.7971804

you get used to it

>> No.7971805

LMAO this easy to gather pathetic personal data on /lit/

You faggots cant write and you cant read obvious intentions either.

>> No.7971809

Do you agree it is his hardest novel? (also fuck you, I would kill to read kafky in german)

>> No.7971819

I dont know if I like this over-saturated cover better or worse than the original

>> No.7971820


>> No.7971825

Yeah pretty much. I'm on page 200. It's my first Pynchon book I'm gonna get Gravity Rainbow next.

>> No.7971827


>> No.7971846

Welthaupstadt Brüssels
Se questo è un uomo by Primo Levi. It's pretty good, but I think non-fiction captures the horror of Auschwitz better than fiction, weirdly.

>> No.7971849

Halifax, Nova Scotia
Blood Meridian
I like it.

>> No.7971855 [DELETED] 


Costa Rica

Moby-Dick, im start it today, so i don't know how goos its it yet.

>> No.7971857


Windup Bird Chronicle

It's p fun man, I like Murakami a lot for easy/fun reading

>> No.7971861 [DELETED] 

kek, what has /lit/ come to

>Pale Fire
>Edgy but enjoyable; cornfather never disappoints really.

>> No.7971871

>For Whom the Bell Tolls
Just started it, seems interesting enough desu.

>> No.7971875 [DELETED] 

15 california

>> No.7971885


>> No.7971886

i have no idea

>> No.7971890

>the very hungry caterpillar

>> No.7971898


Eastern France

The general of the dead army. I am really liking it, some good symbology and good technique, nothing special though.

>> No.7971907



Franz Kafka's Collected Stories(Everyman's Library)

>> No.7971913

A quiet life by K Oe. I love it. It's pretty chill overall.

>> No.7971920



The Dark Knight Saga (inb4 comics don't count)

Only just started and its pretty good.

>> No.7971952
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Rhode Island
Global Culture, Nationalism, and modernity collected works book.

overall interesting, but some works are dry Af. I'm just getting into these topics so I'm using this as an overview before I dip into more intense work. I'll have to read some of the big daddies though like Wallerstein, Gellner, and Durkheim. book is from the 90's so I feel like at this point we are even more globalized than these guys experienced.

>> No.7971975

>age and location is personal data
>all 4chens got to do is install some facebook api and get data from counts who use facebook and put up their real information

>> No.7971982

Mods plz get these b&

>> No.7972085


Explain, why he was banned, lol? I honestly don't get it.



Oblomov. Book is hard to finish.

>> No.7972094

he was underaged

>> No.7972186

I don't like the political stuff all that much so far but I really like the stories around Benny and Esther and Rachael. Me too. I wanted to get a feel for his writing style before diving into the supposedly more complicated of the 2

>> No.7972290

conservative detected

>> No.7972326

The System of the World
I liked the Confusion more, the jump in time was quite jarring. I didn't expect to catch up to the framing story from Quicksilver for at least a few hundred more pages. Still, I love Stephenson and can't wait for more lengthy lectures about 18th century commerce.

>> No.7972409
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North Carolina
K2: Life and Death on the World's Most Dangerous Mountain

Pretty interesting accounts of what happened on some of the most important journey's on the mountain. I will be interested in reading more books about climbing.

>> No.7972467

Reading is boring and makes my eyes sting so fuck that shit.

>> No.7972500

Dimension of Miracles
I'm really enjoying it. A great american precursor to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that I had never heard of.

>> No.7972503


Albert Camus - The Stranger.

Enjoying it so far, can relate in a weird way to the narrator and I like Camus' writing style. It's the first that I've read of him btw.

>> No.7972508
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Cambridge [the american one]
Under the Volcano - I wish I were a more sophisticated alcoholic

>> No.7972511

Writing from Denmark, Zealand btw.

>> No.7972512

The Savage Detectives

>> No.7972544


Reading War and Peace, and I resonate so much with Dolohovlev, but I also hate his smugness. Wondering where books 3 ans 4 will lead me.

>> No.7972546

27, Ohio, new history of the world by JM Roberts

It's excellent, I'm reading it alongside Durants story of civilization series and I like Roberts' much better, his writing is more confident and self aware, But durant is a better storyteller so far,

>> No.7972584

By self aware I mean it is very open about what facts are controversial and contested and what seem to be universally accepted ideas about the more ambiguous parts of history. Youre always getting full disclosure where it's warranted and aren't being hoodwinked on the sly by a biased narrative, which is a feeling I don't get from durant

>> No.7972590

Almost 20.

Lancaster, UK.

"Transatlantyk" by W. Gombrowicz. Pretty good, but "Ferdydurke" is better. Also, Gravity's Rainbow, but sometimes I just need a break from it.

>> No.7972690

Do you go to Kings lol?

>> No.7972798

Make sure to check out the sequels. (the ones written by herbert and not his son who ruins the series)

>> No.7972827

25, New Zealand
The legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra. You guys should give yourselves more credit, it's a really fun read if you can get past the vulgarity. I've got the /lit/ open in another tab aswell, building up a character only to have him succumb to a stroke might be the height of modern comedy.

>> No.7972828

>Ft Lee, Virginia
>Swords and Deviltry
It's really great to be honest, it's a great blend of humor and dark fantasy. Mostly I'm here to skim the thread to get more books onto my backlog

>> No.7972846


ayy also in halifax

The Broom of the System

not at kings

>> No.7972854
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captain's career course?

>> No.7972873

Top kek, I wish, private. I'm here to mosq as a chute rigger. National guard so I get a new mos, luckily my first one came with airborne in the contract, so I get all the """cool""" jobs

>> No.7972889

Robinson Crusoe. I'm enjoying it. I keep seeing Crusoe and Friday drawn in Kate Beaton's style so it looks like a waterpaint cartoon.
Despite that I'm having fun reading the book.

>> No.7972934

that some thick white meat

plz send as wife

>> No.7972960

New Grub Street- rip in peace biffen :(

>> No.7972963

20, tennessee

Interview with the Vampire

>> No.7972990

hmm not at all actually

>> No.7973292



The Sea-Wolf, by Jack London. It's phenomenal. I really like the prose and the characters and I've learned a ton of sailing terminology. Very much a "manly" book.

>> No.7973383

Blood Meridian. I'm four chapters in, and it's wonderfully atmospheric, and I assume he'll explore religious themes more in later chapters.

>> No.7973439

Age? over 18 not yet 100 either.
location? in a house not in the usa
Book? eric miles willamson: east bay grease and read it twice and still wondering why its not a movie yet... sure some of it is a hard read but its a satisfying read

>> No.7973481
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>> No.7973500
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Paradise Lost, White Nights, Principles of Neural Scienes, Moore and Wittgenstein on Certainty.
PL is amazing, but I often need to use a translator; WN good, but not as good as other Dostoyevski books I've read before (Demons for example); PoNS reading it because I have to, the amount of info it has it's absurd, and I'll probably read the chapters I need right now; Q&MoC, good, it's interesting to see more written on Moore's account on certainty that it's often ignored (it has been quite overshadowed by Wittgenstein's On Certainty).

>> No.7973506



the Canterbury tales

s'alright I guess

>> No.7973747
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Beyond Good and Evil & The Communist Manifesto -- interesting stuff for sure. Been trying to give myself a foundational understanding of western philosophy. Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, JS Mill, Hobbes, Kant, and now Nietzsche and Marx. I read some Sartre back in highschool but I'll probably check out Being and Nothingness next.

>> No.7973768
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25, BC, Canada

Aristotle (Prior + Posterior Analytics)

Just read new logic unless you want to be a historian.

>> No.7973772

I also live in Vancouver and have read those authors.

>> No.7973791

You alright, mate?

>> No.7973798

What are the odds?

>> No.7973812



Silence by Shusaku Endo with Scorsese forward. Wow.

>> No.7973821

Don Quixote
First book was good but the second book is amazing. Cervantes does some really neat things in the sequal.

>> No.7973835
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Well there are 603k people in vancouver, I checked the rate at which all of these books sold in each of the 5 major book sellers. I also looked for reports of the inventory fluxuations of 'being and nothingness' and ran these against a 5% waxing in population of educated males (70%) that may be carrying the book, then I got a snack, and the data suggested that the odds are negligible that there is another gay midget philipeno like me also with those books. I also accounted for google data from our region. etc. etc. etc.

>> No.7973847

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
and Time out of Joint

>> No.7974045

Midwest USA
Mason & Dixon. Working my way through Pynchon's bibliography and absolutely relishing in it

>> No.7974142


This is a late reply but I'd like to hope that when I die and if god welcomes me into wherever he may be at that moment and talks with me that he'll understand my hesitance of following the tenants fully and that I didn't necessarily do it out of a bitter or hardened heart, but yet wanting more, wanting that truth, that touch of grace, of divine presence, of knowing my fate when i'm gone. The certainty of knowing there's a god waiting for me afterwards.

Even then I can't deny the lures of earthly pleasures, I'm not a nihilist by any means or a sinner of grave proportions but there are conquests and goals i want to achieve on earth before i ever went to heaven.

I fear not being accepted by him and ending up in hell of course, even ending up as nothing just a floating spirit, or reincarnating as someone else and losing sense of being.

There's a lot of responsibility on someone who is aware of sin and knows just what sins he commits daily and isn't in denial of the sins, and would like to sin more, not out of rebuttal against god but merely desires of the flesh.

So there's your answer m8.

>> No.7974150

Taipei. Seems a bit self-indulgent, but I've only read a chapter. Tao's talent seems to lie in descriptions of very specific feelings.

>> No.7974152
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Are you / do you know the Zane Train?

>> No.7974154 [DELETED] 

My Struggle Volume 1

About 50 pages in and liking it so far

Also finished The Trial earlier today, really liked it. Reading the unfinished chapters now

>> No.7974161
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>using the most pleb of condiments

>> No.7974170



Infinite Jest, and it's a ton of fun. Finished Ulysses previously and afterword will most likely pick up Gravity's Rainbow (to complete the holy meme trifecta)

>> No.7974173


which city lads?

>> No.7974208
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Pic, its okay i guess. He's pretty overrated now that I've read it. Hawthorne was better.

>> No.7974288



The Chinese Notebook - Silliman

>> No.7974293

New York
Infinite Jest, it's very good

>> No.7974308


>23 and a half
>The Boy Who Went Away.
It's absolutely dope. I haven't been this into a book in a long time. Totally reignited my flame, so to speak.

>> No.7974422

New York

Sorry for meming, but for some reason it's one of the few books I had laying around my apartment. I don't really read a lot. It's pretty good. A little overwhelming though.

>> No.7975040

>War and Peace. It's much more fun than I thought it would be.

Like a far more human Catch-22

>> No.7975057


>> No.7975149

>The Lime Twig

Literally just started it.

>> No.7975161

>The Lime Twig

Fucking Hawkesposters forcing this shitty meme.

>> No.7975164

You didn't like it?

>> No.7975178

the confessions of an economic hitman

>> No.7975994

mixed feelings about it

>> No.7976148
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22, South Carolina
The Hero With A Thousand Faces
Great concepts that apply well, but holy fuck I have to reread pages to digest the info.

Reading it now too. Jōtarō and that fucking dog.

>> No.7976161



One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Its alright. I'm about half way through so they're all just fucking with the big nurse atm. I like the way that McMurphy (at this stage) isn't taking any shit and doing whatever the fuck he wants to do, it makes me envious and wish that I had the balls to do the same in my own life. I've seen the film so I know how it ends

>> No.7976173

I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy it.

>> No.7976175

20 alaska and hypersphere by anon. It's unbearable.

>> No.7976184
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Pic related
Pretty funny desu

>> No.7976212
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Florida (kill me)
Science of the Magical

It's not bad. About halfway through it and so far it's been explaining the science behind ancient mythology and beliefs. Apparently, Odin was also referred to as "the warrior with a large hat" in reference to a kind of psychedelic mushroom that Nordic warriors would ingest before battle that would bring on the berserker like qualities when accompanied by the appropriate amount of alcohol. Those that didn't gain super-soldier like abilities would just hallucinate, which may be why they believed those blessed by Odin and going berserk in battle would morph into hellish looking man-beasts.

Pretty neat.

>> No.7977607

the recognitions

I am fascinated by it so far, on page 100

>> No.7977640

I really loved the line at the end of the first chapter. Around page 60 I think.
Ah, here it is.
>Tearing his eyes from the empty place in the sky where the sun had set, he stopped stumbling back by years and ran, vaulted through centuries. The letter he had torn in pieces lay on the moving air, for an instant, was caught, spread up over the ground and blew away from him like a handful of white birds startled into the sky.

>> No.7977650

The Sailor That Fell From Grace With the Sea

I liked the premise and the themes. Writing (more likely: the translation) was a little clunky in parts. Dialogue was pretty unrealistic too. The beginning of part 2 dragged slightly, but the book was short enough that it didn't really matter. Would give a decent 6/10

>> No.7977654


>reading ashbury because of harold bloom.
wew lad

>all these novels
>all this lit-core

poems seven-dugan
i like dugan's poetry so far more than a lot of more contemporary i've read so far. he combines stevens' ornateness with almost surgical metaphors. but his oldman-ness at some times gets in the way of things, like if someone took an experimental film and spliced in afhv clips or something.

the rule of law-bingham
it's pretty fascinating to see bingham spin all of these things out of a central group of maxims. it's closer to a treatise than a history, which i wasn't expecting.

>essays on actions and events-davidson
i've only read the first essay, which i read a couple years ago. looking forward to reading more. davidson can be generously glossed as a neo-kantian, right?

>> No.7977701

i have noted so many phrases and lines, Gaddis had a good ear for meaningful statements

>> No.7977713
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the start of the second chapter is hilarious. even though I'm 1/9th through the book I'm already looking forward to a reread

>> No.7978620

For starters, I was born here and don't know anywhere else to go.

>> No.7978621


>> No.7979025


Durham, North Carolina

Tropic of Cancer is pretty neat.

>> No.7979187

Buffalo, NY
True Hallucinations by Terrence McKenna

I love this fuckin guy, one of the first chapters is about having sex with a girl while peaking on DMT and LSD and seeing a "translinguistic fluid" emitted from her body