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7969461 No.7969461 [Reply] [Original]

What would you all recommend as a good starting point for someone just getting into philosophy?

>> No.7969462

The God Delusion

>> No.7969464

start with anon's diary desu

>> No.7969474

start with greeks

>> No.7969477

a good starting point would be to put the philosophy book down and stop wasting your fucking life

>> No.7969483

Christ, what an awful bunch of people here.

OP, start with something like in your picture, or if you're interested in other Stoicism look into Epictetus. Otherwise you can start with the pre-Socratics and work your way through them to Plato, then Aristotle, etc., chronologically.

>> No.7969513

Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is a decent introductory text for philosophy.

>> No.7969520
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>> No.7969527

hey, calm down. take a walk man

>> No.7969535

The meme on /lit/ is to start with the Greeks and then proceed more or less chronologically, but personally I think the best way to into philosophy is to pick a question you're interested in, then explore that. So decide what you want to study -- epistemology? ethics? aesthetics? -- then go by that, rather than trying to tackle all of "philosophy" at once. You can explore it chronologically, if you'd like. But make sure you do secondary reading alongside your primary reading so that you get a sense of context. Make use of the IEP and Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, which are both good resources.

>> No.7969541

But "start with the Greeks" is a legit answer

>> No.7969548

Derrida's Of Grammatology is good, then I'd read >>7969513. Foucault's Discipline and Punishment too.

But seriously. Read this (especially part 2):

>> No.7969550
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>> No.7969564

No, it is not.

>> No.7969570
File: 278 KB, 460x630, consolations-of-philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gives you a taste of a few philosophers' views and ideas which you can use to determine which philosopher's actual writings to read
also pretty /comfy/ desu

>> No.7969573


>> No.7969574

Kill yourself.

>> No.7969590

Eh I understand why you suggest De Botton, especially since his work has in the past helped me gather a basic understanding of some philosophers that I wouldn't have otherwise read.
But I always find his "Self-help" spin on philosophy a bit distasteful, as if that's all the entire exercise of philosophy is there for and that philosophers are glorified therapists.

>> No.7969599

I shan't, for killing myself would be a blight upon the Lord.

>> No.7969606


Alain De Botton is to philosophy what microwavable meals are to gastronomy.

>> No.7969610

That's about as philosophical as John Green.

>> No.7969778

Better off strictly jerkin it to SFM sex videos on /gif/ instead amirite??

>> No.7969785

Plato or Descartes.

>> No.7970012


>> No.7970026

>you shouldn't start with the beginnings of western philosophy that literally everything else is built on

>> No.7970038


Start with The Greeks.

>> No.7970039


>actually fucking linking to plebbit

mcfucking kill yourself

>> No.7970061

The novel "Sophie's World" by Jostein Gardner is absolutely fantastic. Otherwise, some good old Greeks (The trilogy about the death of socrates is great desu). And then read some of those "XYZ and Philosophy" books. Like The Matrix? Batman? Sure! Read The Matrix/Batman and Philosophy. This will get you familiar with the concepts in a way that ties to things already relevant to you in an approachable language, and these books are usually compilations by many modern professors with different topics, so they're quite diverse/broad.

From there, if there was any philosopher that stuck out from Sohpie's World, or the pop culture books then dive in to some real lit. Nietzsche, Aristotle, Plato, Kant, Hegel, Emerson, Thoreau, Holt, Kierkegard, Freud, Jung. Gogogogo.

>> No.7970067

Reddit has more intelligent users than 4chan, which is why I am posting my unrivalled opinions there rather than this wretched hole.

>> No.7970073

yeah I get that he gives simple intros to philosophers but his self-help angle is really annoying
like I saw a video he did on youtube where he talked about Plato's forms and how they can help us in real life if we took more time to consider the 'ideal forms' of our friendships etc.
I mean I like philosophy as much as the next /lit/ shitposter but Plato's forms are fucking useless and you pretty much have to misinterpret them in order to get anything meaningful from them

>> No.7970161
File: 24 KB, 300x300, TheGreeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970417
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This book took such a hilariously bad take on Epicurus. Tried to argue he thought all sadness in life was based on the adviertising world, which is incosistent with Epicurianisn and full of holes even to me. An interesting take but something about reading such secondhand philosophy seems odd to me. To me the experience has always been reading what those philosophers said themselves, the way they wanted to explain it. It makes it a really personal experience, like a conversation.

>> No.7970441

The School of Life on Nietzsche bizarrely said many inaccurate things about Nietzsche, the one with beautiful Emma talking about the Birth of Tragedy. It wasn't even simplified or dumbed down, it was plain wrong.

>> No.7970705

Reading others when starting from 0 will make nothing but to accept everything that is in X book as a truth, will make your ideas easily shape to X ideal, seeing every philosopher as a deity that speaks only the truth when they're simple humans, simple humans with a point of view about life, constantly fighting against other philosophers because their point of views are different, but in the end those are just the same, nothing but opinions. So if you want my advice don't get into "Reading philosphy", spend time alone, talk to yourself, wonder the "why?" of things, in that way you'll make your own way of thinking.

>> No.7970817
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For someone new, pic related isn't that bad. But as some anon said, philosophy is wide, it'd be easier to pick up a theme and dig into it. Metaphysics aren't ethics, nor they are epistemology or theory of knowledge. You may as well look on wikipedia to get a very general view on what you can find in philosophy.

>> No.7970821

I remember the second year English students discussing discipline and punish and like their reading was worse than dog shit. Mostly because they hadn't the chops and perspective from reading other philosophical works.

>> No.7970824

I would say for the most part De Botton's problems in his book are very very apparent. This is then a good point to jump off into more reading. It's not great to start and end with, but the philosophers covered are good and influential and if it gets you into reading more and seeing different perspectives then great.

So what I'm saying is it's just good enough to be helpful, but also bad enough that you critically appraise early on.

>> No.7970826
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This. Learn the history first, or fuck off.

>> No.7970827

more like de bottom lol

>> No.7970837

dude i was the library of the ghetto scene school i work at and they had like 4 or 5 copies of that shit, right next to that "nordic proust" crap, i was like uh ok then

>> No.7970840

thank god in important fields like science and engineering u aren't required to learn three thousand years of wrong stuff before u get to what's useful, unlike those "pass time" degrees for housewives and assorted other "gentlemen"

>> No.7970850

You aren't required to do that in actual philosophy programs, either. Only on /lit/.

>> No.7970859

this is why we make fun of you
useful for what?

>> No.7970871

I had to learn all sorts of crap in engineering. Quite a lot of the general books introducing you to civil and structural engineering tell you about fucking Imhotep building the pyramids and Babylonians giving builders the death sentence when they fucked up.

>> No.7970876

>useful for what

solving world hunger and disease while raising the standard of living for the people of the developing world for one thing, not everyone is selfish as you ok, liberal arts majors are a disgrace

>> No.7970881

But you don't know anything about that m8.

>> No.7970889

>assuming everyone is a worthless person like u

did ur philosophy books tell u about projecting?

>> No.7970897

>civil engineering

lol what third world country did u just get off the boat from? only places with no technology or rule of law thing civil engineering is a good degree because their corrupt dictator always wants to build big dicks in the sand, stay fobby foblord

>> No.7970899

what he wanted out of his degree:
>solving world hunger and disease while raising the standard of living for the people of the developing world

what he got:
>changing the parameters in the pringles pressing machine so that the chips have 4.3% more crunch

>> No.7970902

M8 I've done my engineering education amd did work with ASF and EWB and even a couple of others. You're some neck beard fantasising on your computer. It's cringily obvious to me.

>> No.7970903

Whatever you're most interested in. Yeah, on the one hand you won't get everything, but on the other it's what you're most interested in.

>> No.7970908

oh right, now ur an engineer after ur "philosophy housewife" persona got smoked, in reality u are a angry lil irishman with no job and no friend, kill urself

>> No.7970914

It's really like you're doing some kind of role playing game. Like you've played too many videogames and can only see the world through that lens.

There are plenty of charities to get involved with that involve international aid and disaster relief and so on, I'd recommend it. You don't need to be in engineering or architecture either. But you'll find the bordering on arrogant attitude above is way off base. If these were problems some snotty nosed undergrad could solve then there wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.7970935

He's doing a live chat on the Guardian right now btw

>> No.7970948

30-Second Philosophies The 50 Most Thought-Provoking Philosophies, Each Explained in Half a Minute by Barry Loewer

Once you've read that just pick an author you were interested and start reading. Just fucking read.