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File: 321 KB, 1200x1375, 7458_georg_wilhelm_friedrich_hegel-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7965423 No.7965423 [Reply] [Original]

>"This sublation in a double sense of its otherness in a double sense is at the same time a return in a double sense into its self. For, firstly, through sublation, it gets back itself, because it becomes one with itself again through the cancelling of its otherness; but secondly, it likewise gives otherness back again to the other self-consciousness, for it was aware of being in the other, it cancels this its own being in the other and thus lets the other again go free."

how the fuck do you people read this incoherent shit

>> No.7965425


they don't. they just pretend to understand, because who can tell the difference anyway?

>> No.7965434

You know, most people who read Hegel only understand him in portions. The people who read him, understand him completely, integrate his understanding into their own, and then create new knowledge based on that understanding--those people are called geniuses.

'Everyone else' is you, me, most scholars or academics, and certainly everyone currently on this board.

>> No.7965446
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>Consciousness finds that it immediately is and is not another consciousness, as also that this other is for itself only when it cancels itself as existing for itself , and has self-existence only in the self-existence of the other. Each is the mediating term to the other, through which each mediates and unites itself with itself; and each is to itself and to the other an immediate self existing reality, which, at the same time, exists thus for itself only through this mediation. They recognize themselves as mutually recognizing one another.


>> No.7965601

Retard here having a go at trying to understand.

Sublation has the double meaning of to 'lift up' or to 'abolish'. So it mean to 'preserve' or 'transcend'. From what I can see he is enumerating upon this double meaning. So if we are talking about the self and the other: firstly the realisation of otherness is both a process of realising and refusing one's otherness as to realise your own otherness requires an awareness of self; secondly one realises that one's self is partly defined through otherness as we exist to others as an other, so again our realisation of our otherness is how we affirm out self and thus refute otherness.

I am certain I've completely misinterpreted, but it was interesting to try at least.

>> No.7965638

Hegel was a charlatan -- patient zero in the plague of irrational obscurantism that continues to the present day.

>> No.7965654

You sound like a Scientologist praising L. Ron Hubbard.

Newsflash: the emperor has no clothes.

>> No.7965660

German translations.
Draw brackets around the compound terms and reread it

>> No.7965662
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, when the dialectic sublates just right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Zizek, first.

>> No.7965680

ITT: kids thinking they can tackle Quantum physics right off the bat and getting mad at how much they don't know

>> No.7965692

>comparing science to philosophy

>> No.7965700

You know jack shit about Quantum Physics, and neither did Hegel nor any of his retarded progeny.

>> No.7965706

The feeling of confusion and vertigo that is manifested when confronted with terms and symbols that look esoteric and other-worldly for the untrained is exactly the same, regardless of what the information actually conveys.
The problem is on the approach, not on the subject matter.

>> No.7965718

Just stop.

>> No.7965722

I actually don't know much about Hegel either, but I can tell that this rage on him has nothing to do with his Philosophy, but with what he represents for them, e.g. >>7965638

>> No.7965723

>telling others to stop reading things or explaining other things

Read Zizek, faggot.

>> No.7965724
File: 35 KB, 600x706, embarassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading translations of philosophy
>thinking you're somehow qualified to talk about philosophy
>only knowing english

>> No.7965728

>I actually don't know much about Hegel either

>> No.7965731

You're missing the point, certainly on purpose, I can only assume.

>> No.7965734

Go post in that anime thread, where you know what you're talking about.

>> No.7965754

>oh look a philosophy thread
>i wonder if it will dissolve into a pissing contest

>oh look

>> No.7965956

So like Indra's net or somethin'?

>> No.7965980

This is very straightforward. We are to understand 'sublation', 'otherness', and 'return' each respectively in two senses. He then goes on, in the quoted passage, to explain the two senses in which we should understand sublation.

What aren't you understanding?

>> No.7965984


Consciousness is both an object for itself and the means by which it can be an object for itself.

>> No.7965995


this reads exactly like a gertrude stein poem

>> No.7965998

Uh huh. Whatever, windbag.

>> No.7966552

Be an ignorant somewhere else, people commit their lifes to understanding Hegel. He is the focal point of western philosophy.

>> No.7966554

>He is the fecal point of western philosophy.
Much better.

>> No.7966556


>> No.7966561

Except Sublation has a double sense of it's ''otherness in a double sense'' and at the same time returns in a double sense into it's self. There are 3 double senses active at the same time

>> No.7966562

Imagine cubes in your head.

>> No.7966565

If this doesn't work, try imagining pyramids.

>> No.7966979

It means reason returns to itself and gains a heightened self-awareness (freedom).

It's really not that difficult. Step up, /lit/.

>> No.7967373

If I know what hegels definitions of consciousness, self and existence are, I could understand this.

Otherwise, I'm left with my own interpretations of these words, and naturally, I will have an interpretation that doesn't align with his point.

>> No.7967391

This 2bh.

>> No.7967916

Phenomenology is intriguig.

My very basic understanding is that it is attempting to understand consciousness by directly experiencing everything that is a part of this phenomenon. So other minds are a part of that analysis, and how they effectively are a part of an intersubjective system that gives rise to minds.

We percieve other minds as objects, but can also understand they to perceive us as such, and both percieve their own intersubjectivity and that of the other.

My own thinking is that consiousness in an individualist inherently dependent on other mids, thus the question of consciousness is a study of the structure (phenomenology) of the system in which such minds exists. Or the minds themselves are the structure.

I'm admittedly very ignorant on this subject but I no longer think like I did before that it's purely obscurantist nonsense, but is in fact attempting to describe through limited language the most complex thing imaginable.

I'm planning on listening to Dreyfus' lectures on Hiedegger over the summer for some insight.

>> No.7967937

Honestly, that's just one paragraph. There are harder paragraphs.
I luckily know a gay genius who can explain it to me.

You need to know what each of the words means. Look out for capitals where there shouldn't be. Go find yourself a Hegelian dictionary, preferably.

Hegel means by sublation, the interaction of thesis and antithesis. It is central to his dialectics. Interestingly, it can mean to abolish, to preserve, and to transcend. Hence "negation of negation".

In this particular paragraph Hegel is saying:

"This sublation in a double sense of its otherness in a double sense is at the same time a return in a double sense into itself"
Lotsa repetition. It means that the dialectical interaction of a thesis to its antithesis (of what IDK since you didn't give previous line) is a returning to a purer state of being, but also transcends itself. IE it's a familiar transcending force. Hence, the spiral nature of history.

>> No.7967977

This thread is proof that /lit/ is dead and filled with morons.
Read Zizek, Kojeve, or any other Hegel scholar before dipping right in.

>> No.7968134

This fampai

>> No.7968322
File: 105 KB, 600x634, tye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relational properties between a singular consciousness and "the other"
i think