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/lit/ - Literature

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7965260 No.7965260 [Reply] [Original]

>50,000 word novel due before I die

I'm 5k words in and already feeling a burn in my prefrontal cortex similar to the heat of a lightbulb that has been left on too long. Is this normal? Should I go to a hospital?

>> No.7965996

is sweating even natural?

>> No.7966000

>not leaving your lightbulbs on all the time
it's like you don't want to be great

write, you faggot

>> No.7966013

ok how do i do it without dedication

>> No.7966019

I wrote 80k novel last year. I'm currently writing the second one. It's not that hard, anon. But you have to write on a daily basis.

>> No.7966037

how can you question my dub-trip combo m8

ABC: Always Be Creating

dedication is doing. work until you go to sleep, then work more tomorrow. don't question or overthink.

>> No.7967527

this is funny