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7962323 No.7962323 [Reply] [Original]

"It is the common doom of man that he must eat his bread by the sweat of his brow, that is, by the sweat of his body, or the sweat of his mind. Every attempt to fly from it, and to refuse the very terms of our existence, becomes much more truly a curse, and heavier pains and penalties fall upon those who would elude the tasks which are put upon them by the great Master Workman of the World."


>> No.7962328

the more a person limits himself, the more resourceful he becomes

>> No.7962410

Just bought a book on Burke desu

Also his book about the glory of the sublime is pretty dank

>> No.7962448


nice. what book was it? is it jesse norman's new biography of Burke?

>> No.7962467

It's this http://press.princeton.edu/titles/10567.html

>> No.7962515


>> No.7962535

Well tipped my friend

>> No.7962548

>reading a book on a philosopher
>not just reading that philosophers work

>> No.7962563
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>merely a philosopher

The nigger was a British-Irish statesman, author, orator, and political theorist as well as considered the founder of modern British conservatism.

>> No.7962574

Burke was a faggot. Witness his utter destruction in The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, and try not to laugh all the way through. Whatever Burke has ever said became irrelevant 200 years ago.

>> No.7962585
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Burke was the founder of conservatism period.

He's probably one of the most brilliant politicians to have ever lived.

>"He is, nevertheless, the principal source of modern conservative belief. It was in France, after the defeat of Napoleon, that the words "conservateur" and "conservatif" were coined to describe a concept of politics founded on the ideas of Burke: prudence and prescription, guarding and preserving a country's institutions."

Russell Kirk, 'Edmund Burke: A Genius Reconsidered'

>> No.7962594


burke destroys rationalist faggots like paine by simply pointing out that natural law and the social contract have no basis in history or experience. it's just faggotry

>> No.7962608

Burke the Cuck was no match for Paine in writing and in intelligence. Burke was an unironic Christcuck.

The French Revolution was the most justified event in history. Hail Robespierre, hail Paine, even if they were enemies.

Burke failed to support the Revolution. He is more the faggot for it, even though he was a great writer.

>> No.7962619
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>being this deluded
>Le classical liberal face

Locke was a grade-A fool

Paine was a self-hating edgy contrarian

Robespierre was a hunter-gatherer wannabe Le natural man

>> No.7962621


he was Christian, but it's not like he believed that God's will was discoverable through reason or something ridiculous like that. I don't know what kind of fucking idiot would believe such a- oh wait.

>> No.7963113
File: 284 KB, 495x337, trenchcoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hail Robespierre

>> No.7963136

>not doing both