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/lit/ - Literature

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7961082 No.7961082 [Reply] [Original]

how do you feel about consumerism in the book industry?


>> No.7961247

Mostly limited to chicklit, since that favors massive, tacky hardcovers. Girls buy it because they want something to read, whereas we - and most other sensible readers - buy a book because we sought out that title alone.

It's the difference between buying Moby Dick because you want to have read Moby Dick, or buying Confessions of a Teenage Witch because you just want to read.

I've moved on to piracy

>> No.7961306

What a qt.

>> No.7961311

Do any of these booktube sluts own books printed before 2000?

>> No.7961319

Dear god that video is painful to watch. It's the shitty generic upbeat youtube vlog music set to her saying every single book title as if it were a question. Also, didn't watch the whole thing, but the books looked like cancer.

>> No.7961326

I honestly don't understand the need to purchase books. I feel most people do it out of vanity. If I ever do buy/come into ownership of a book I either give it to someone I think would like it or donate it to the library.

Every time I go to a library it's old ladies renting serialized romance novels or faggots playing computer games. I'm worried the institution is going to begin to deteriorate. Does anyone else on /lit purely just check books out?

>> No.7961333

how do I write a book review. I'll start a /lit YouTube book review channel. I can review all the books I've read so far and what ever I'm reading now.

>> No.7961338

It's one thing to have bookshelves filled with books collected over a lifetime, it's another thing for a teenage girl to have her own personal Barnes and Noble of YA garbage.

>> No.7961339

Yes, most people do it for the vanity, but that's not a problem if it's something they can afford.

>> No.7961347

Whenever I watch a fragment of videos made by these American booktubers I can't help but throw up in my mouth a little bit.

How can the American editorial market be so fucking horrible? Look at all these covers, look at all these fucking shitty books. Is it normal for American people to just buy such shitty books all the time?

>> No.7961350

I've purchased about 20 books in the last 4 months. I don't do it out of vanity, books are not too expensive and my local public libraries are not well-stocked, so I have to resort to buying my literature. But I hardly ever buy philosophy books, I just pirate them from LibGen or Sci-hub and get access to science for free.

>> No.7961355

>American booktubers
>American people

Don't stereotype bro

>> No.7961361

Do it!

>> No.7961363

I have never seen 'booktubers' who are not American, and it doesn't take a genius to notice that the American editorial market is saturated with YA books. I'm just surprised that these books have an audience.

>> No.7961368

Do you know where we are? Think about it.

>> No.7961369

alright but I'm not a genius. so how do I write a review.

>> No.7961374

They're called girls. Go outside.

>> No.7961382

I keep my shelf intimate, I only keep works that have had an impact on me or are useful to refer to. I got rid of most of my pulpy sci-fi/fantasy books for example, but I kept a choice selection of what I felt holds up well. I have the complete works of Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli and Nietzsche, as well as The World as Will and Representation, Spinoza's Ethics, Leviathan, The Wealth of Nations, a few collections of essays (mostly from Hume and Locke) plus a small collection of contemporary nonfiction that is mostly pop-political easy reading books I either bought for classes or on the recommendation of others (they mostly suck and I will end up destroying them, I do not allow bad books to continue circulation if I can help it).

My local library has a modest and unreliably available collection.

>> No.7961384

Of course I know this is an American board, and I took it into account when I made my post. There's no need to get defensive about it, in fact you should agree with me. Just take a look at the shitty books stacked on that shelf.

>> No.7961394



>> No.7961401

how old do you think she is?

>> No.7961402

Needs more John Green and
Jonathan Safran Foer

>> No.7961411

eh these people are an anomaly in the number of books they read but i know a lot of 20 something girls who mostly read YA

>> No.7961435

Shitty young girls reading shitty young girl books? Fucking shocker there, fellas.

>> No.7961440

Based on the books she's read I'd say 13 but she looks 18.

>> No.7961441

Who is John Green?

>> No.7961489

Just another dbag hack YA writer, aka Tumblr's favorite cismale son

>> No.7961526

>tfw I own literally zero (0) books
it's great not having to worry about them when I eventually get evicted. Everything I have fits in one single suitcase, and 95% of it are clothes

come at me you space wasting swines

>> No.7961538


wow i wonder what her hair smells like

>> No.7961560
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>when she turns around and you can see her bra

>> No.7961568

I'm both a bibliophile and a materialist. I collect rare copies and several different editions of the same book. Don't get me wrong, I still read them, just not ones that I wanna keep in top condition. Back when I was into fantasy, I'd buy a new Terry Brooks book but not read it and instead read a library copy. It's pretty vain, you're right, but like I said I'm a materialist.

>> No.7961589

>she has more than 5 fucking loebs
>she has a collection of oxford world classics
>she speaks ancient greek
>she reads harry potter
>she reads the classics
>she doesn't read david foster wallace
>she is thick
>she has a cute accent

I don't think she could be more perfect.


>> No.7961600

>she reads harry potter
>she is obese
These aren't good things, anon.

>> No.7961606

>implying i don't have a chubby girls fetish
And she reads it in Greek too, it's forgivable.

>> No.7961608

>having enough money to buy books
>books you buy are complete shit

>> No.7961609

Would you look at that, its like playing a game of "Find pleb lit" but its very easy.

>> No.7961617



>> No.7961618

He thinks he's the David Foster Wallace of young adult fiction writing and has Tumblr and two or more YouTube channels and jumpcuts a lot and is annoyingly happy/preppy

>> No.7961623

ready the piss bottles /lit/

>> No.7961631

Eh I usually get my books used from a local shop that has a massive stock. Their books are usually below ten dollars which is my limit of how much I pay for a book.

>> No.7961668


This was best girl.

...and then she went from having an eating disorder to looking perfectly healthy to becoming a fat fucking pig.


>> No.7961683

People who read both low brow stuff and high brow classics but not contemporary literature are fucking disgusting.

>> No.7961687

I would be so disappoint if this was my daughter. I'd prefer she didn't read, to be honest.

>> No.7961691

The Book Whisperer Volume 2- A Crimson Kiss.

>> No.7961701

Women are basically dud children at this point. They all become this.

If you want to have kids, you have to make sure you have a boy. If you fuck up a boy, that's your fault. You didn't raise him right. But you can raise a girl perfectly and she'll just start sucking penises and attention whoring at 16 because the Internet told her to.

>> No.7961704
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>dat old timey english accent doe

>> No.7961709

you consider this https://www.instagram.com/p/BEdshRyk-8C/?taken-by=petitebritette fat? you have a very distorted view of what is and isnt' fat

>> No.7961716

there are men booktubers too who read a lot of the same things

>> No.7961717

the low brow is mostly contemporary, you dumb faggot + she is smarter than you in every possible way

>> No.7961729

>Would have a downward spiraling relationship with that ends in me getting drunk and throwing all her books in the backyard, dousing them with gasoline and watching them burn before I pass out and piss myself agin

>> No.7961733

Anyone else feel petty sexism radiating from this thread? Why so much hate directed at young girls with YA shelves instead of adult men buying droves of shit fantasy? It's still money being put into the dying industry. It's still a broader circulation of correctly (if not well) written language. It's a lot less damaging to society than if those girls were buying People magazine and reading that when bored.
I hate people who pretend to read when they don't. But if someone's putting out cash to buy a book, chances are they're really reading it and unless it's some really toxic sludge that's probably only doing good things

>> No.7961736

Imagine having to pack all those books up when you eventually move house.

>> No.7961739


The Bookchemist is Italian. I've seen some Canadians too.

>> No.7961747

Because it's predominantly women. Feel free to post men.

>> No.7961756

We're all aware of homosexuals.

>> No.7961759


You're a waste of space

>> No.7961760

>tfw moving 600 books in a few months

kill me

>> No.7961769

>not finding the perfect home and cementing your position in life

>> No.7961770


I forget that Americans think 15lbs over weight is normal.

>> No.7961771

>Why so much hate directed at young girls with YA shelves instead of adult men buying droves of shit fantasy

There are many threads dedicated to latter. This one's dedicated to the former

>> No.7961777

It's common knowledge that men are the ones purchasing Name of the Wind type stuff. Go look at your local Barnes and Noble fantasy section

>> No.7961781

Post them then.

>> No.7961782

you're delusional if you think https://www.instagram.com/p/BD_WCmVk-8-/?taken-by=petitebritette this is fat

>> No.7961785

Those directed at the latter aren't labeled "consumerism in the book industry".

>> No.7961789
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>> No.7961792


>> No.7961793

>someone spent 50000 hours on ms paint making this picture

>> No.7961807

Her face did get fat 2bh fäm

>> No.7961821
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i can agree with that
she's still pretty cute though

>> No.7961840



>> No.7961844


>> No.7961846

Yeah, awful genetics

>> No.7961851
File: 23 KB, 720x720, =[pouytadsxZX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any patrician book tubers?

>> No.7961855


Because it's not. It's infatilism instead

>> No.7961857

Closest you will get: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYsL7BUO6c4

>> No.7961875

she isn't 13, I can tell.

>> No.7961880

>not dumpster diving behind bookstores

You're not doing it right

>> No.7961890

I like collecting books. Maybe it's vanity but I enjoy it. Books are beautiful.

>> No.7961897

I also like it. but I like collecting things in general. hockey cards, video games and now books.

>> No.7961898


>Anyone else feel petty sexism radiating from this thread?

Yeah. If this is the first time you've noticed it on this literature subforum then you haven't been paying much attention

>Why so much hate directed at young girls with YA shelves instead of adult men buying droves of shit fantasy?

Good question. We used to make fun of these gentle sirs all the time:


Maybe our new userbase just doesn't find it as funny

>> No.7961903

>I'd buy a new Terry Brooks book but not read it and instead read a library copy.
mental illness

>> No.7961912

that's some fucked up shit

>> No.7961915

I feel good about it.

>> No.7961924

this is only an american board 5pm-5am EST

>> No.7961926

It has a significantly slower post rate when the euros are asleep.

>> No.7961932

English people are so fucking wierd.

>> No.7961948

>sit down
>type up your thoughts on the story, characters, etc.
>maybe ad lib some stuff while recording

>> No.7961952


Hey britettes publicist, try on this fat faced picture for size


>> No.7961977

Still would take a moonlit stroll on a beach with senpai

>> No.7961979

I haven't seen many, but I'd say at least half are Brit or Aussie. And they're not all girls—a lot of poofy boys reading YA shit, too.

>> No.7962025
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>tfw when no Regan gf

>> No.7962030

k here is my review of bloodmeridian

(final countdown intro plays)

bloodmeme ugh, this book was written by corncob tortillas YeCarthy.
I could blame 4chan for making me read this, but I have no one to blame but myself. I wondered what all the memes were about and gave it a shot.
what I found out was, it's a meme for a reason.
it's a book about riding horses. it's about spitting. maybe occasionally killing some injins and taking their hair. then it's about getting wasted and partying.
3 quartets of the book is just about scenery and riding horses. they rode on and on and on and spat and ate some tortillas and spat and rode on and said ye.
corncob describes a lot of nice Vistas that I can't imagine because I'm not a pleb. so basically I could have skipped to the last 70 pages or so when the unkillable outlaw band somehow gets ambushed and all killed. yay it's not boring anymore. blah blah skip to a few years later. oh yeah the judge. he's some guy that's all smart and bad and stuff. well him and some kid meet up again. this is where corncob tortillas YeCarthy let's you chose the ending. it's like a puck your own adventure. wtf happened. who knows. this is what I think happened. I fucking hope you read this book or this review isn't for you. well some shit goes down with a bear and some girl and I think the kid rapes the girl, fuck I don't even know I wasn't really paying attention. well the judge don't like that to much and he challenges the kid to a game of blackjack. the kid bets all his chips on red and loses. he gets pretty pissed so he flips the chess board and pieces go flying everywhere and one actually hits the judge. well the judge he don't like that to much. he stands up and yells habeeb it and socks the kid right in his keister. the kid yells out twinkiehouse and the judge pulls down the kids pants and sticks his flaccid penor in the kids bum. the judge thinks of Margaret thatcher naked and gets a huge boner. like a 6 foot boner and the kid explodes. that's when some dude walks in and is all like "woah fuck this shit I'm out of here".
then there's some blurb about some other shit on the last page that flew over my head cuz I'm retard.
so yeah if you like riding horses and actually subvocalize and picture shit in your head this book might be for you. I thought it was a right snore fest. fuck you /lit for memeing into reading this. I got tortilla'd and I'm a stupid corncobber fuck.

>> No.7962047

YA is big in latin america and you can see a lot of videos of spanish speaking YA readers.

they are worse than the burgers one

>> No.7962061

I've found many books I'm interested in often don't have proper electronic releases. Poorly done scans missing pages, transcriptions full of typos, outdated edition from decades prior, or sometimes nothing at all. If everything you want has proper ebook releases I envy you.

>> No.7962169

>defending bad books

People who read Harry Potter and other YAshit generally do not ascend into higher literature, and these books are actually no better than television for intellectual purposes. The worst sin here is that the people who read these books think they're doing well for themselves.

For example my neighbor reads probably 4 or 5 books a month. It's all YA and romance. She's 46. Genre fiction is a similar kind of trap to fall into.

>> No.7962189

too much lipstick

>> No.7962194

She seems nice, and I feel like it's our obligation to ruin her.

>> No.7962197

nope but she doesn't tingle my willy.

>> No.7962210

She said that she is starting her first year of college soon, so about 17.

>> No.7962237

It's a neccessary. A type of entertainment.

>> No.7962251

If I ever want to reread a book I'd rather just go to my shelf rather than one of the shitty local libraries that probably won't have it

>> No.7962302

this girl who was after me in highschool looked exactly like her

i was so scared of that girl

clearly i still regret my inaction

>> No.7962303
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>I'm both a bibliophile and a materialist

>> No.7962316

give a quick overview of plot and themes. introduce some characters. give samples of themes discussed. critique the bad parts. sell the good parts. recommend or not.

>> No.7962399

I wonder how much of daddies cash this pile of trash costed

>> No.7962428

Would love to see a muscular black man dump his superior seed in her uterus up against that book case.

>> No.7962447

$3K easy

>> No.7962927

I CAN'T FUCKING HELP IT. I love the smell, shape, texture of a book, etc. Go back to reading your Kindle, you vegan cuck.

>> No.7962952

It's the reason why so much fantasy is padded like hell.
People don't buy thin books so writers desperately pad their novels so they get bought.

GRRM could have easily made his novels a lot thinner if he didn't add useless lists.

>> No.7962959

this could be a pasta
well done

>> No.7962962

this could be a pasta
well done

>> No.7962964
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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that almost every youtuber and specially girl booktubers seem to have a lot in common when it comes to personality. They're almost always extremely chirpy and cheerful. Moreover they try to be so quirky and "random". Even when talking, their emotions are almost always exaggerated to the point of self-awareness about them. Somewhat like the "manic-pixie-dream-girl" trope. Mixed with a bit of sarcasm and "randomness". A lot like that in fact. Is that the default attractive personality to people?

Do they talk to people like this in real life? A fuckton of girls on youtube act this way.

>> No.7962970

they are personas, no one is like that.

>> No.7962974

It seems so disingenuous.

>> No.7962982


For example this girl:

Exactly what I was talking about in this post:>>7962964

>> No.7962995

I prefer my pasta al dente, plebs.

>> No.7963006

When will the youtube meme die

>> No.7963057
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>that video

>> No.7963094

a truly low moment in /lit/ history

>> No.7963096

sounds run off the mill reddipleb

youre not helping look of book owners here pal

>> No.7963098

most girls act like they're "soooo random lol aha"

>> No.7963310

shit son, this is some real stage 4 audiovisual cancer

>> No.7963324

The greatest secret about women that you'll ever learn is that they are all "persona." Stop trying to see them as men with phony exteriors. They are all exterior.

>> No.7963637

I use my city and school library for most of my books, but they're often really big classics. Smaller books, I usually buy, because I like having a comfy bookshelf for my future kids.

>> No.7963648
File: 278 KB, 1200x900, leftside1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have worked in the book store for a couple years now. My fellow book sellers and I have realized that consumerism (at least here in america) is the only reason books are still published in physical media. True readers need these idiots who buy up all the garbage YA, nytimes bestsellers, and tv/movie books. They pay for the publishing industry with their blindness and we reap the benefits of that by getting to read wonderful literature. So be happy this stupid girl buys all that shit.

>> No.7963656

desu I buy things to look good on my shelf or the idea of owning the book. but they're all used and don't contribute to the market. most of the books i read are borrowed from the library or ebooks if not available there

>> No.7963718

Well therein lies the problem, is Ready Player One a good book or phony geek hipster garbage? The fact that it is narrated by Wil Wheaton and is being reviewed by this annoying girl makes me think it is a waste of time.

>> No.7963737

Probably her own saliva and Chad's ballsweat.

>> No.7963761

I kek'd hard

>> No.7963805

I buy them so I can quickly refer to them also it's good to buy them if you plan on marking them

>> No.7963808

I buy them as decorations for my house and so that when my friends or girlfriends friends come over they think I'm smart

>> No.7963824

WOW 5 loebs???


>> No.7963826

the first shot and I kek'd, what a boss just casually petting a cat.

>> No.7963831

Who's that female?

>> No.7963852

>he doesn't watch sputnik, the ultimate qt
wew lad, está cabrón, papu.

>> No.7963853

fuck, brit accent and crazy eyes makes my dick tingle

>> No.7963890



>> No.7963893

dont even fucking joke like that

>> No.7963897

why bro

>> No.7963901

it's misogyistic you fucking idiot. do you want to get banned?

>> No.7963905


in a writing class with one of these girls rn
she "loooooved" the da vinci code
she did an assignment on a reading from an author on a new cookbook

>> No.7963907

you gonna rape?

>> No.7963947
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>> No.7963949

Looking for an oppurtune moment, but that is neither here nor there

>> No.7963965

lmao @ fuckin 22:00

yo this guy's dope he ought to be a regular feature on this board

>> No.7963977


not funny

>> No.7963994

>Spider-man Comic Dress
>Mario Starman earrings
>Little heart wrist tattoo
>Dyed hair
>Faux taped nerd glasses
>"Nerd" themed Etsy store

Just kill me now senpai

>> No.7964034

yo chokers are hot dont throw the baby out with the bath water

>> No.7964053

True for any media thou.

>> No.7964063

this is what i figured. i find it interesting that a lot of people read shitty YA books when i feel like movies/tv have the same 'educational level' and would be more appealing

>> No.7964110

yo can we _not_ lump all movies/tv (well maybe most tv) into the tardo category

>> No.7964141
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>> No.7964255

i wasn't talking about all movies or tv. i meant movies or tv that have similar plots and are targeted to the same audience as these mass-marketed books are. i see now how that was unclear.

>> No.7964282

wish my cock was in her hand

>> No.7964295

ahh gotcha

yeah no these people ought to save their money and get netflix

>> No.7964433


>> No.7964456

its convenient to have a book or document you want to reference for whatever reason on your shelf

>> No.7964488

look at the people who praise it and then at the other books they think are great, and you've got your answer.

it's trash.

>> No.7964495

i like to buy books so i can read them again later. if i didn't like a book enough to want to read it again, i donate it to same secondhand bookstore where i buy most of my shit.

>> No.7964726

Jesus christ

>> No.7964729

*tips fedora*

>> No.7964766

I know a lot of girls like that irl tbqh

>> No.7964940


>> No.7964947


>> No.7965044

>meme pictures are arguments

Quality discourse m8

>> No.7965073

The true masterrace is a kindle for most reading and a shelf or two quality hardcover copies of the books most significant to you.

Consumerism in all forms is a cancer

>> No.7965080

>watching Mrs. cara-de-nopal "los rusos escribían chido"

>> No.7965084

so you don't want to see the video?

>> No.7965135

I do

>> No.7965170

>Anyone else feel petty sexism radiating from this thread?
You must be a fucking sage.

>> No.7965221

>come at me you space wasting swines
>"...when I eventually get evicted..."

looks like it's already taken care of lad

>> No.7965236

what kind of sleep and cooking setup you have, femme?

>> No.7965247

books are a mass distributed private good (not solely private goods tho i.e. gutenberg, pirating, libgen), so their petty and superficial consumption shouldn't surprise you

>> No.7965257

as for how i feel about it, idk. i definitely rage about it sometimes, but i ultimately care very little for it. i have my own books, and my own pleb taste to enjoy, what does it matter what the pleb next to me is reading?

i should be maybe even grateful for it because if i one day manage to publish my own writings, i know there's a ready and willing market for shit art i.e. consumers of YA fiction/the majority of booktubers/etc etc

>> No.7965274

who here /hasparentsthatreadcrimenovels/

>> No.7965280
File: 1.82 MB, 357x239, KristenBellLaughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you

>> No.7965794
File: 158 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_njh13qDel01qcy09lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician and pleb taste.
She's a vegan
She's asexual
She's a feminist
I masturbate to her voice

>> No.7965812

I purchase books because there are some that I like so much I want them to be available to me at all times

most of my actual reading is done with library books

>> No.7965822

>tfw your kids keep away from dad's old bookshelf and play video games instead

>> No.7965824

I have been trying to find a video in which any booktuber discusses melville, faulkner, hemmingway, but to no avail, bar the spic booktubers.

What does it say about the us that our national literaure is better known by foreigners that by our fellow citizens?

Also, why the fuck do they call themselves nerds if they read ya garbage?

>> No.7965911

Consumers are weak

Video is disgusting but if she has the money and actually reads the books it's alright. Better than the fedora tippers that bought Camus' books and Ulysses because they saw it on /lit/ but can't understand shit
>i have one of the books she showed
>many regret

>> No.7965934

can someone please shoop a cock into this

>> No.7965944

different anon here
>denying a book's sole purpose of being read
>torturing it by ready its twin brother
what kind of animal are you?

>> No.7965955

It’s really important to be careful about the words we choose to use. In my head, I know you aren’t using that word to hurt me, but that doesn’t change the fact that, in my heart, it does. It would mean a lot to me if you could find different words to express what you are trying to say.

>> No.7966004

Consumer culture and the Amazon revolution led to the golden age of $2.99 price point. You'd have to be a toxic book snob to complain about it.

>> No.7966163

Holy fuck the cringe is strong in this one, it's like a fucking reddit hipster or some shit.

>> No.7966218

She's muh book waifu

>> No.7966231

who gives a shit reading is as gay as the mods here anyway.

>> No.7966263

She is French which means a quick google image search brings up excellent nudes

>> No.7966273

French people should be exterminated for adding that stupid fucking space before punctuation marks. That space makes me so ANGRY; I want to track any French asshole and stick a pitchfork down there throat (or at least imagine myself as doing so). However, if any French baguette did that in my face, then I would hesitate not in slapping their twirly moustache to their asshole. And then they would shit in designated streets because of their hairy assholes.

>> No.7966290
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>being this attractive
>whoring oneself out on youtube like that
>having shit taste in literature

She is damn cute for a bookworm anyways. Would be friends with/10

>> No.7966307

>>ie the time that /lit/ could no longer hold the moral high ground over the rest of 4chan

>> No.7966313
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>> No.7966335


>> No.7966527

like always, women ruin everything. They buy ( not torrent) shitty books and give them massive sales.

Now when something creative comes along , publishers are more hesitant. They force the writer to add a couple women and whatever, to make it have more "mass appeal".

>> No.7966538

>Women read "shitty books" prolifically and therefore finance "shitty books"
>Men don't read at all
>They don't even show up to cast their ballot
>Somehow women are to blame

>> No.7966603

>Men read 10 quality books a year
>Women read 100 shit YA books a year.

guess what the publishers will choose? Its the same shit over and over. Same happened to classical music. When it was exclusive, only those who knew their shit got recognized, posers and loosers where forgotten...The peasants didn't care for this shit, so only good stuff got produced .

Now, teenage girls "vote" and it's impossible to see high quality music, there's no money in it, only passion.

And yes, women are too blame. Their shit tastes ruin every medium they touch. Add in a lower chance to actually pirate books like a normal human being, you end up with a YA market full of pleb tastes and no chance for the cream to rise to the top.

Bakker, Erikson, Wolfe and others, even if you don't like them, they at least try to create something original. Combined they will never sell as much as a Twilight or any other YA shitfest with 0 creativity and brains behind it.


>> No.7966606


>actually pirate books like a normal human being

lol get a job you fucking peasant

copyright infringement is nothing to boast about

>> No.7966611

I want to get people I know into reading so I hold onto some good stuff to occasionally try to force them onto them. Also if someone is getting rid of books I tend to get in on that because throwing them out is a shame.

>> No.7966625

>buying books you want to read is bad
have you considered that fact that you're the one hurting the medium, you dumbfuck? why would people publish works that everyone pirates? if your book is good enough, it will get published. and if it doesnt, its like insanely easy to self publish these days.

>same thing happened to classical music
you are so unfathomably stupid. Classical music is still being composed and performed and is still pretty fucking mainstream. Movie scores are like 90% classical music. Good books are still being written, published and read. By the way - theres a hell of a lot of male oriented ya fantasy and the science fiction and fantasy genres are completely inflated with male wish fulfillment garbage.
>impossible to see high quality music
where the fuck are you looking?

>> No.7966643

lel you pleb. Copying something is "stealing". Stealing something while the owner still has it...hows that american indoctrination going?
feg, I buy good books. I read everything and pirate it and I then make a list of the most worthy books. I will buy it from the authors website and I will even donate if I can't buy it right now. I spend arround 200$ a year on books, and those are literally the "best" ( according to me) books that year. You will not see me spend a single dollar in YA shit.

oh come on... Do you really think movie scores compare to older classical music? I mean...they are the same medium, but you can't be serious... There are a few, maybe 5-7 scores worth considering, but the quantity/quality ratio is way off.

That was my point. Not that good stuff isn't produced, however it is swamped by consumerism, aka mostly stupid teen girls. It doesn't take much to impress those.

>> No.7966661

>so only good stuff got produced
Shit got forgotten with time.
We only remember the good stuff.

> it's impossible to see high quality music
You clearly can't do research if you can't find the music you like.

>women are too blame
>Women are to blame because men make up a much smaller market.

Publishers still make money with good male authors, they still get published. There's still a market for them so they will always be there.
Just because there is a lot pandering towards female readers does not mean that the market "for men" is not noticed.

> Add in a lower chance to actually pirate books like a normal human being

Besides you probably can't even reason why classical is "better" than whatever.
It was just as commercialized as todays music, just a different market.
inb4 Beethoven did it for free. He didn't. And Mozart was just a vulgar autist with an obsession for shit.

>> No.7966670

>women are to blame for the fact that men don't buy.

>> No.7966673

Why should I feel bad about pirating a century old book? Or a book authored by someone long dead, especially if their estate is not governed by their family? Or some scientific paper that was long paid for by academia and the author couldn't care less about the sales?

>> No.7966680

>Why should I feel bad about pirating a century old book? Or a book authored by someone long dead
We aren't talking about books with expired copyrights.
Those can't even be pirated by definition

>> No.7966715

This is the sad truth, I have considered writing YA just because it's so easy and it could maybe earn me a living, even though I despise YA

>> No.7966805

that's the whole point, a different market. A market for YA stuff= shit gets produced. A market for intellectual classical music= good classical music gets produced.

People go where the money is. The best example is Red Rising. It has a YA feel to it. The author spoke about it in an interview, he rewrote it about 30 times before getting it published. It was a massive success sales vise!

However, each time he rewrote it and sent it to the publisher, they would look at a graph or some statistics or just ask a bunch of "focus group" women, and fuck the book from a creative standpoint. No swearing, write like this, don't use complicated words and so on...until the book became what it is, good at it's core but watered down for teenage girls.

It's still a good book, but you can feel the taint of the YA editors and publishers behind it. It was specifically edited to appeal to the YA women crown, in the process making it a worse book. Same goes for everything else, that's the point I'm making .

>missing the point completely
>being to stupid to understand what i'm saying

damn you Americans are getting really manipulated with these invisible "rights". Its like a beer company, advertising concerts, showing beautiful young people dancing and having one with a brand beer in their hands.

They are trying to make stealing ( aka taking an object from it's owner) to piracy (copying an object multiple times). If I buy a book, and I xerox it, or write it down on paper word for word, it's not a crime to give it to people. Sure, not sell it, but giving it to a bunch of random people? where's the crime in that? This shit also applies to piracy, after you buy something that should be yours, no bullshit license. If you want to send it to a friend or share it with people, they shouldn't have any right to stop you if you don't profit from it.

>> No.7966809

Just write a bunch of cliched protagonists and strong womyn. Make them awesome and flawless but also useless. The formula is quite simple.

a) plain/boring protagonist + b) awesome shit happening to her...because even if she sucks by any conceivable standard, the magical abs guy chooses HER, SHE IS SO AMAZINGLY SPECIAL!!!

>> No.7966813

classical music dying out has nothing to do with consumerism, it was the huge shift in the social/political landscape

>> No.7966816
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>I want good books
>I don't want to pay for them

>> No.7966818

Again, why are women to blame for the fact that men buy relatively few books?

Also he could have found a different publisher if he didn't care for the money.
But he cared, and his publisher did a tremendous job ensuring it became a hit sale wise.

>damn you Americans
I'm Dutch

Last paragraph is irrelevant to the discussion.

>> No.7966824

Scenario 1) Smart people want smart art. 95% of (literal) plebs can't appreciate it or don't care, so they don't have a say in it. Intelligent bankers, doctors, princes and kings finance classical music. They all either are smart and cultured or want to appear smart and cultured, so there's always competition for what they consider quality.

Scenario 2) Smart people want smart art, however 95% of those financing it are plebs. and most of that number teenage girls. Because of economics they spend more than men, and even if intelligent men ( and a few women than don't have shit taste) band together and "vote" for quality stuff, it will never equal the mass produced "meme" tier novels that appear on a daily basis that even your mum or grandma buys, the numbers simply don't add up.

So we are left in this situation. Erikson, R scott bakker and many SCIFI authors don't win any awards. The second apocalypse series is a literary achievement but it (and other great books) are drowned by shit and "inclusive,diverse" feminist bullshit...

so yep, women ruin everything. If tomorrow women where infected with a virus that gives them a heart attack if they buy,write or read any novels, the quality of writing would increase dramatically. Even more niche stuff would appear and publishers would scramble to find the most interesting novels out there. It would be a golden age for book, from fantasy to sci-fi, from romance to poetry.

>> No.7966833

well yes, they control the money, they control the quality. And it's not like there are thousands of publishers around. Because of how capitalism works they all peddle the same shit.

Women are not "to blame" in a fingerprinting manner, however the decline in quality of books are caused by them and many other factors. Their disposable income from daddy when they are teenagers, feminism, indoctrination is school, depression,"triggering", and many other factors that make women objectively like shittier books then men.

And even if somehow the quality is high, they still buy that twilight bullshit in droves, just the video when that "booktuber" lists her library, most of it is YA shit with 0 literary merit, fluff that a feminist brain dead monkey can write, that's why there are thousands of these kinds of books.

>> No.7966836

Either way good literature is still being made.

You just have to look further than the Nytimes best seller list.

>> No.7966843


>> No.7966871

>oy whey, if you don't know English you are shit
>Ignoring the fact that I know 4 languages

sorry m8, judging people by their grammer in "current year" is a very pleb thing to do. The world doesn't revolve around you and your language.

>> No.7966876

Look up the definition of "spelling" and then look up "grammar".

>> No.7966930

> implying I didn't do that on purpos so I can trigger you.

>> No.7967022
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I'd cum on her face.

>not gay, btw

>> No.7967040

shes really cute and not annoying

>> No.7968554

what the fuck.

>> No.7968756
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nothing says fun like an asexual vegan

>> No.7968764

he looks very familiar but i cant quite place it. is he the black guy from house

>> No.7968801

This is stupid.

Men have (or rather, had) their own industry of mass-produced crap. Women stick with literature because they are generally more patient and more stimulated by the media than by the indulgent spectacle of vidya and television.

Men who still read literature are exceptional, women who still read literature are not. That's the only difference. But even now there's still a wealth of crap for men. It's just aging and the flow is slowing.

>> No.7969024

How did this go from a discussion on conspicuous consumption to a Cheeto-encrusted debate on how women are apparently the only gender that consume garbage apparently despite the entire wealth of shit geared to men (capeshit, most vidya, Tolkien and Dick knock-offs, Whedon, etc). Goddamn.

>> No.7969072
