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7960300 No.7960300 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite books for learning social skills /lit/?

>> No.7960351

The best way to improve you social skills is to go outside and interact with real people. You will make a lot of mistakes at the beggining but you will learn from it.

>> No.7960585

yeah but you wont learn how to spell "beginning" correctly

>> No.7960622

You're right, but that's not the point.

>> No.7960646

This is the only way, it's hard but is effective.

>> No.7960861

The first and last time I tried going outside to interact with real people was a nightmare. I went to a Japanese chain restaurant for some mediocre ramen, and as I was leaving I held the door open for an Asian guy walking in on his own. He nodded and thanked me slightly more sincerely than the average person would and that's when I remembered the advice about talking to people that I'd read somewhere. Still holding the door I said "hey", but he was already a few paces away and didn't turn around so I repeated myself louder: "hey!". This time he turned and looked at me, as did several other people, but when he saw that I was addressing him directly he seemed to get a bit frightened; he raised his hands slightly and said "oh, sorry, sorry", shaking his head a bit, although I'm quite sure that he didn't know what he was apologising to me for because I didn't know either. Recognising the potential misunderstanding, I started thinking of how best to let him know that I wasn't asking for an apology and in fact wanted to engage in a friendly conversation. However, his distress as well as the fact that everyone in the restaurant was now watching us triggered a sudden and immobilising panic in me. Desperate to salvage the situation, I looked for the quickest exit plan that would also make me least look like an idiot in front of so many people. "It's ok" I said to him, "this time...But don't you ever try that on me again!" I held a pointed finger in his direction to emphasise his guilt in the face of my authority. He seemed surprised at my outburst, but the people around us were now looking at him and not me, so I was sure that I had succeeded in shifting the attention in his direction. I slipped through the door which I had been holding the whole time and, despite my deep shame, walked home while consciously keeping my head held high in order to display confidence to passers-by, which was another instruction I had read somewhere.

So you see, talking to people doesn't work in the real world. As for books I'd recommend reading Nietzsche and learning to not give a shit.

>> No.7960897

You are socially awkward. The only way to cure it is to interact more with people. The more you'll spend time outside, the better.

>> No.7960912


What's the best book for learning soccer skills? Not the rules, but actually how to kick the ball, how hard, how to aim and so on.

>> No.7960989

Oh no I think you misunderstood. I didn't really do anything wrong, in fact I think I read the situation pretty well. I even went along with the apology scenario presented by the other guy. I mean, the apology was a bit weird, but the misunderstanding was entirely on his end, and I just ended up responding in an appropriate manner. He was the socially awkward one really. In fact, most people in the real world are socially awkward. I've yet to meet anyone who responded to my highly intentional social cues properly, or at least in the ways that I learned to expect. It can be frustrating at times, especially when people get confused instead of being able to hold a conversation with me. That's why I said talking to people doesn't work.

>> No.7960995

How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.7961024
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>As for books I'd recommend reading Nietzsche and learning to not give a shit.
Stopped reading there.

>> No.7961052

Well at least you tried!

>> No.7961057

nice title


>> No.7961069

You're either a funny guy or an autistic faggot. I guess I'll never know.