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/lit/ - Literature

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7960236 No.7960236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

consciousness was a mistake and suicide is the only way out of suffering

philosophy and literature are classic examples of coping mechanisms masquerade by "intellectualism".. whatever that is lmao

>> No.7960256

How's high school going? Are you looking forward to summer vacation?
Let me know if you need any help with your reading assignment!

>> No.7960257
File: 38 KB, 150x200, tfw zapf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree completely to be honest.

Too bad survival instinct and compassion ruin that otherwise simple solution.

>> No.7960258


yep, i hit u with another epic useless logic meme

if ur not suicidal ur dumb prove me wrong xD

>> No.7960268

Is the entire universe is purposeless and without a God, then you can't talk of mistakes, because evolution is not a "it" that can do mistake; if we are conscious there have to be a reason

>> No.7960273


go write some poetry dude or the next harry potter or whatever


>> No.7960314

>consciousness was a mistake
nigga there's no decision-maker to attribute a mistake to if you believe life is without purpose. stop whining.

>> No.7960328

There are some people out there who are without consciousness; don't tell them I told you, but if you look hard enough you'll find them.

>> No.7960359

Suicide is also the only way out of pleasure

>> No.7960368

the only pleasure in this world is triggered by primitive urges. Literature and philosophy is pointless mental masturbation along with every other useless "science"


>> No.7960377

>consciousness was a mistake
>the species explodes after its emergence

seems like a success

>> No.7960381

Does primitive urges make the pleasure any less substantial?
Does it matter from where it originates?
In the end, all you do it pointless, why should that deter you?

>> No.7960395

a lot of people dont know where it originates so they get trapped into believing that books and philosophy will change their life(look at this entire board)

in the end of the day, you are either born goodlooking and have everything handed to you so you indulge in primitive desire or just kill yourself(or in a lot of people on this boards cases, 30 year old, unemployed with plato in their lap, deluded and sad, while struggling to compensate with reading useless philosophy books)

>> No.7960408

Don't worry about not getting into Harvard, son. You're street smart, so I'm sure you'll succeed wherever you end up, even if you do have to go to a state college :-)

>> No.7960414

How very spooky of you.
What is everything, to you? Did you know that you can acquire "everything" if you willed it
If you're a man, what does it matter if you're good looking or not. The worth of a man is, thankfully, deemed on much more than that.
Why should one compensate for being unemployed?
Why would reading Philosophy be useless if you deem it worthy?

You sound very bitter to me, anon. Tell me, where did life touch you?

>> No.7960432

>You sound very bitter to me, anon. Tell me, where did life touch you?

you shouldve said that you are from r/books my dude

>> No.7960445

Alright, anon. You have a nice day now

>> No.7960469

>The worth of a man is, thankfully, deemed on much more than that.

Convince me

>> No.7960474

I don't wanna marijuana

>> No.7960488

books - opium for the high inhibited uggos

at least when you get high you do it fast and its pleasurable

when you read you just try as hard to forget about your miserable life and close the eyes to your true pathetic self while telling yourself that after that one sentence you'll acquire more "knowledge"

fit=squats and deadlifts

>> No.7960517

you here put consciousness on a pedestal, what if consciousness is simply a byproduct of massive amounts of data needed to be processed?

>> No.7960551

>consciousness was a mistake and suicide is the only way out of suffering

>philosophy and literature are classic examples of coping mechanisms masquerade by "intellectualism".. whatever that is lmao

if that is 100% true then what does that mean?

>> No.7960718

Then just go for it. Nobody wants you, nobody needs you. The world will be better off without you.

>> No.7960738

This post looks like it was written by someone who just finished a wikihow on baiting and wanted to try things out.
You've got your run of the mill bait in the form of a controversial statement, but then you spice it up with some easily hatable stylistic choices- no capitalization, bad punctuation, the use of 'lmao' - and then to top it off you just throw an unrelated reddit symbol in.

>> No.7960821

stop trying

>> No.7960870

These "discourse" threads always make me cringe.

If life is pointless, you can't attribute different values to "intellectual" activities when compared to basking in your beauty - and that's even implying that your assumption about life being pointless is correct.

In all meanings of the word, consciousness is really all we have. There is no alternative. And to those assuming the "consciousness is a byproduct of data-processing" theory, are you assuming we only exist to process data? In what world would that make any sense?

>> No.7960902

>If life is pointless, you can't attribute different values to "intellectual" activities when compared to basking in your beauty

except yes you can

>> No.7961007

They are both valueless; explain to me then, how one has more value than the other.

In each of my hands there is absolutely nothing, but the nothing in my right hand is worth more than that of my left?

>> No.7961017
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And that's why I'm living my life ironically you dolt.

>> No.7961025
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>> No.7961030

my post was literally the opostte of a fedora tip you fucking moron

>> No.7961058


>> No.7961129

value is subjective, operational, and functional

you assign value and/or it is functionally bestowed

>> No.7961144

I can hear my parents fucking upstairs and I'm sort of aroused

>> No.7961166

have fun going insane, I've tried the absurd life for a good two years. I cultivated mental illness in the process. My advice, read Kierkegaard, go back to religion, no matter how irrational of a decision that may seem to you.

>> No.7961215

>And to those assuming the "consciousness is a byproduct of data-processing" theory, are you assuming we only exist to process data?
No, only that we developed consciosness/mental calculators to process data.

we have no idea why we or anything exists, the answer to the fundamental "why something instead of nothing?" cant really be answered by science

>> No.7961282
