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7959936 No.7959936 [Reply] [Original]

This is not acclaimed novelist Will Self's first rodeo. He is also the author of another modern-day adaptation of classic literature, Dorian, an Imitation. Dorian, an Imitation is a take on Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. That adaptation takes place in the '90s and '80s and the main character is a looks obsessed man trying to make it in the London Art scene. "I wasn't going to play fast and loose with the story like I did with Dorian" says Self "and the time gap between the 1920s and 2010s is less than a hundred years, but I tried to make it very unique without changing the plot or the themes. It was a challenge, but the solution was writing it in a different way and writing it from a bit of a different perspective."

The book is slated to be published in early 2017. If, like many of us, you absolutely cannot wait to get a taste of Self's Gatsby, you can at least read the blurb that will appear on dust jacket:

"At first, I couldn’t understand why the media was making such a big deal of the billionaire’s death. After all, the people of Planet Earth had other concerns. The ongoing energy crisis. Catastrophic climate change. Widespread famine, poverty, and disease. Half a dozen wars. You know: “dogs and cats living together . . . mass hysteria!” Normally, the news- feeds didn’t interrupt everyone’s interactive sitcoms and soap operas un- less something really major had happened. Like the outbreak of some new killer virus, or another major city vanishing in a mushroom cloud. Big stuff like that. As famous as he was, Halliday’s death should have war- ranted only a brief segment on the evening news, so the unwashed masses could shake their heads in envy when the newscasters announced the obscenely large amount of money that would be doled out to the rich man’s heirs.

My name is Nick Garcia and I was the friend of this man: The Great Gatsby! This is his story..."

>> No.7959944
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>Will Self

>> No.7959952
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>will self

>> No.7959956
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>it's a modern day version of an old work adaptation

>> No.7959958

Its like plagiarism but you can get away with it.

>> No.7960006
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>t. Nick Garcia

I would bet my life's fortune that Gatsby is going to be racist Trump-like character who befriends latino narrator Nick Garcia. Gatsby is going to be a politician advocating for building a wall. Garcia is going to show Jay Gatsby the error of his ways and Gatsby will tearfully confess that he is not The Great Gatsby! but that he is actually the poor Latino boy, Jesus Rodriguez.

Fuck this gay stupid Earth.

>> No.7960018

Waste of talent. This is the sort of thing MFA students do as a smug joke for their friends to 'ironically' enjoy, like Larkin writing lesbian school-romance novels to get a chuckle out of the Oxford coffee lounges. This, however, is lazy – an admission of intellectual infertility unbecoming the man who wrote Umbrella.

>> No.7960023

Oh yeah and forgot to point out

>a bit of a different perspective

It's going to be all about Mexican Nick.

>> No.7960053

is this a joke?

>> No.7960065


He's literally publishing fanfiction.

I'm all for telling modernized stories of classics, but it's butt fuck retarded to keep the names.

Why not just change the names and make it an original project? Writers do this all the time. Does he know? Has no one told him about West Side Story or She's All That?

>> No.7960071

People paid for this man's work? Voluntarily?

Brb, drinking bleach.

>> No.7960107
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>Waste of talent
>teleports behind you

>> No.7960448
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That blurb is so bad that only Will "The Hack" Self could have written it. It should be against the law to ruin a piece of literature like this. It's literally defamation.

Nick fucking Garcia...I will eat a pair of poop-soaked underwear if this isn't blatant heavy handed anti-Trump masturbatory propaganda.

The worst part? It will get hundreds of sublime reviews in the mainstream press from liberal cucks with a third grade reading level.

>> No.7960465

redpill me on literature

>> No.7960534
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>Will Self
At least I know this release wont be relevant in any way

>> No.7960561

DAILY REMINDER the Great Gatsby era of America is what Trump wants.

The rich richer and the poor poorer.

>> No.7960748

And that's a good thing. You need to go back. (To Reddit.)

>> No.7960779


People are not equal and they shouldn't be. Some people are better than others at certain things, and that will always be like that, thank God. Get your egalitarian ass back to tumblr, faggot.

>> No.7960810

>all these faggots whining

My post was initially going to be ambivalent but now I'm exited for based Self's upcoming work

>> No.7960825


>> No.7960842

THIS. Based Will Self takin down the greedy Jews and Trumps of the world.

>> No.7960846

>Based Will Self takin down the greedy Jews
anon I....

>> No.7961151

there is something severely damaged about people who save pictures like this

>> No.7961181

Elaborate please

>> No.7961211
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>> No.7961259

>a bit of a different perspective

It's all about gay male tennis star, Jordan Baker, who is not-so-subtly older Hal.

>> No.7961461

Lmao. I was being serious though. The blurb literally says "My Name is Nick Garcia".

>> No.7961465
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>> No.7962039

He literally looks fine in that picture. Better than you at least, shut posting neckbeard.

And for all of you hating on based Will Self, there is literally nothing that indicates the book is about trump. Garcia is the 8th most common last name. Modern America is just more multicultural okay? What would the point of changing the time period if they didn't reflect that.

Fuck off back to /pol/ or /r9k/

>> No.7962312

the better are supposed to protect the worse, and lead them to the truth. otherwise your just calling for rebellion lead by either idiots or selfish men and women. just look at the history of mexico, Diaz was a good leader, but could correctly protect the poor and weak due to pride, and the rest is history.

>> No.7962317

he looks like the science guy

>> No.7962319

>Not being aware of the fundamental structural flaws and inefficiencies of capitalism

Have fun in your "no externalities" fantasy land.

>> No.7963078

you're only against it because you're too pussy to play the odds

>> No.7964587

Jeez, am I the only one optimistic about this? Could be great.

>> No.7964656

So, you clearly haven't read any of Self's work. Dorian is pretty vicious take on gay culture, though it is true to life many SJWs would flip shit if they knew about it.

>> No.7964662

You don't really know what it's like to be an MFA, huh?

>> No.7964669

Last time he did this sort of thing with Dorian he was panned, I don't know why you think this would go any better.

>> No.7964677

>My name is Nick Garcia and I was the friend of this man: The Great Gatsby! This is his story..."
is this a joke
it can't be real

>> No.7964685

Our biggest problem isn't the wealth gap or all that jazz, but it's that much of the upper classes are much worse than they used to be. There used to be a concept of aristocracy where aristocrats had social responsibilities. Many supported the arts, or were artists themselves. They used their money to fund cultural projects, and to beautify urban landscapes with quality buildings.
Now they want to donate to "xyz trendy charity" if any at all, and rarely want to fund the arts. The moneyed people who do support the arts are all senior citizens, and are dying off. The young generations of old money, or new money, are tasteless, and don't care to use their money for actual good.
The old aristocracy wasn't worth overthrowing, the new ones should be culturally enriched, either literally or in the "death by niggers" sort of way.

>> No.7964824

I like will self, umbrella and the book of dave were good

But come on this sounds shite

>> No.7964873


>> No.7964880

I cant believe what Im reading in this thread. England's most prominent intellectual since J. K. Rowling has proposed an exciting new project, and all you tossers can do is shit all over it. Post your novels then if youre so great.

>> No.7965076
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>nobody has realized op lifted that blurb directly from the first page of ready player one and just added "Nick Garcia" to the end
Holy shit
The first paragraph he even kept the name "Halliday"

Come on now

>> No.7965091


>> No.7965119

Aristocracy lost its meritocratic essence, rich people are now mostly ignorant, just like the bourgeoisie. Post-modernity destroys everything.

>> No.7965121

Hahaha wishful thinking. It literally is as cringeworthy as that ugly-ass JUSTED Cline mahfuckah roflmao.

But seriously now. Too bad though. Will Self really had some natural talent. Umbrella was great. It's too bad he just lazily plagiarizes the classics and shoehorns SJW plots into them.

This guy is completely right::: >>7960018

>> No.7965132

Are you perpetuating the meme, anon? Google it. Please. It is literally a paragraph from page one of ready player one. I'm not ironically saying that to bash will self, I don't even know who the fucker is.

>> No.7965138
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>> No.7965142

Will Self is mediocre smug jew SJW writer

>> No.7965144

‘Jesus!’ cried Ian. ‘That baby's got a razor blade!’ But immediately he saw the stupidity of saying it, for scattered at the baby's feet were ten or fifteen more razor blades, all within easy reach. While they watched the baby raised the blade to its mouth, opened wide and inserted it vertically. The baby's blue eyes twinkled merrily at Ian as it bit down on the blade, which straight away sliced through lip and gum at top and bottom. Ian could see the layers of flesh and tissue all the way to the bone; he screamed weakly and Doug squeezed his hand as if to reassure. Thick splashes of blood gave the baby a red bib, but it continued to sit upright and was even happily burbling.
‘What's red,’ Doug asked, ‘and sits in the corner?’