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7957287 No.7957287 [Reply] [Original]

How do you read while high??????

I wanna smoke a j and read a novel but I always get distracted

>> No.7957290

Maybe learn English first, moran

>> No.7957291

Audio books.

>> No.7957300

I can't read while real high, too much stuff goin on inside

>> No.7957303

Easy stuff, big text.

Better just watch some Spongebob or Seinfeld though

>> No.7957304

Re-read stuff you've already read.
Read poetry.
Read stuff like invisible cities, where the plot isn't very important.

>> No.7957306

I can't focus on anything other than a short poem

>> No.7957316

Wait till you're starting to come down a little

>> No.7957325

invisible cities is a great rec for this situation tbqh

>> No.7957327

check out what's new on pornhub

>> No.7957329

Sometimes I'm horrified by the things I fantasize about when I'm high

>> No.7957344

Why don't you try smoking less and reading? Such a little amount that feel a little high but not easily distracted. Which by the way is called being stoned and not high.

>> No.7957345

>intentionally damaging your mind

stoners are the most boring people on earth

>> No.7957361

I don't know, you sound pretty boring yourself.

>> No.7957364

Not sure if you smoke tobacco OP, but I find rolling a spliff helps. The memory boosting effects of nicotine help me retain what I read, although I still have to reread more than if I had been sober. Patience and intentional directed focus help. Sit down somewhere pleasant, take time to acknowledge your surroundings, and then consciously decide that reading is how you will be using this time before actually opening the book.

>> No.7957369

They just don't go well together. Being a daily smoker really has a big effect on my overall reading abilities - even if I didn't smoke since last night.

>> No.7957370

wtf is wrong with stoners

>> No.7957375

How the hell do you Americans smoke medical grade skunk without making spliffs? i always wondered

>> No.7957377

Fucking degenerates itt

>> No.7957382


>> No.7957384

Canadian here. When I went to Belgium some nice lads smoked a joint with me and I took a huge haul off it because I didn't know you guys mix cigarettes in with the weed. I almost puked, had a crazy head rush. we had a good laugh over the cultural differences.
Inhaling tobacco is disgusting, I only like cigars and pipe tobacco.

>> No.7957385
File: 51 KB, 1000x562, getting-high-from-david-foster-wallaces-infinite-jest-1455900747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people hating on stoners
>not realizing the voice of our generation is a stoner

>> No.7957386

Ah, but it is you who is the degenerate!

>> No.7957387

As an American, I have no clue. My roommate blazes bowl after bowl of high quality herb to the point where she's borderline catatonic. I prefer a spliff, it smokes better, faster effects, and a more lucid high. Noone else I know smokes spliffs though.

>> No.7957389

It was a great experience

>> No.7957395


Belgian here, had a similar experience when smoking with an American

>> No.7957404

smoking is reading is impossible. if you somehow convince yourself that you are actually reading the words there is still the problem of actually remembering those words and putting them together to make sense

>> No.7957409


You dose much lower than you would otherwise, or you stick to poetry.

>> No.7957411

eXpAnD YoUr MiNd MaN

>> No.7957412


shut up you're just a 4channer who never went outside all his life, if i wanna smoke a blunt and read you're not gonna stop me. stay inside loser. you'll never know what it feels like to have fun.

>> No.7957416

> *tips foreskin*
> muh hedonism

>> No.7957430

Smoked weed every day for a semester. Had a 3.5 gpa in the last year of a philosophy program at a tier 1.5 university.


i) Don't smoke too much
ii) Don't smoke when you're under pressure to get through a large volume of material that you don't understand very well.
iii) Allow your self more heterorthodox methods of comprehension

i) If you smoke too much you'll just turn retarded. It's best to smoke very, very low volumes. I'd smoke a pinch at a time. I'd have very lucid highs. That's the thing with weed: You smoke too much and you screw yourself over but there's a very specific amount that if you blaze it, you'll be able to think more clearly than normal and more creatively. To add to this, don't pressure yourself to smoke more. That urge that tells you to smoke more is the same urge that drives you to smoke yourself retarded.
ii) Smoking and reading works best when the material you're dealing with isn't completely new to you: It's better to smoke with the purpose of reflecting on what you know rather than smoking with the purpose of cramming in a shitload of material.
iii) Don't be afraid to just draw gay lil concept maps on a piece of paper or even lying down and reflecting on a paragraph. The biggest tip I can give you (besides my dick ayyy weed lmao) is to not do that thing where you stare at a sentence for 5 minutes. If you don't understand the meaning of a sentence at a glace, take a break. Meditate, go for a 5 minute walk, or something.

You can be a productive stoner. One of my friends runs a company and is getting a graduate degree in electrical engineering while smoking absurd amounts throughout the week. Granted, he's a bit reliant on it.

Oh, and that's another thing, you can get reliant upon weed.

>> No.7957433

Smoked weed every day for a year **

>> No.7957439

Balance your weed with coffee or tea

>> No.7957465

Worked for me

>> No.7957535

Of course this thread would flood with angry neckbeards but fuck them. Smoking now and then stirs your brain from stagnation.

As anon above says, a little can go a long way. I take a pinch with (optionally) a drop of tobacco and thats enough for intense awareness and higher fondness for your experiences, without the dip in cognition. Done right the effect is like a relaxed cousin of ritalin.

Just be aware of your state of mind because cannabis is a magnifier of what you already think/feel. If you get into a mindful state beforehand (have a quiet evening, dont overeat, dismiss unpleasant thoughts etc) you will already be in excellent form for thinking and reflecting.

TL;DR: Dont overdo it.

>> No.7957552

Does this not make you restless? I like going into a joint fasted, relaxed, no appetites or preoccupations

>> No.7957589

>cannabis is a magnifier of what you already think/feel
Such this.
I didn't realize this until I was having a bad trip on acid and thought some weed would calm me down.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I think I might have mild ptsd from that experience.

>> No.7957596

Are you a guy?
Are you two roommates or suitemates?
If the former do you guys casually fuck each other all the time?
Is she qt?

>> No.7957631

audiobooks, ive listened to every hp lovecraft book available while ripped

>> No.7957689
File: 57 KB, 500x406, kfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yer a skid there bud, spliffs are good after a long night out. Giving us a bad name...

To answer OPs question: beat poetry, PKD, Tolkien and Borges are all great stoned.

>> No.7957696

you don't. you can't retain information when you smoke and you will be too distracted anyway

>> No.7957707
File: 19 KB, 220x290, 220px-Queen_Elizabeth_II_March_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go driving

>> No.7957709
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>> No.7957729

>He doesn't seek altered states of consciousness

I wouldn't worry too much about that brain you're trying to protect

>> No.7957739
