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File: 8 KB, 465x356, Blood Meridian Ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7955560 No.7955560 [Reply] [Original]

What books have the most epic, sweeping plotlines /lit/? Something to put me in a state of awe please.

>> No.7955575

Iliad, duh.

>> No.7955623

Cant really go wrong with that one

Dune is also a good choice

>> No.7955625

could you give us an example of a book you're looking for? "epic, sweeping plotlines" that puts you in a state of awe seems very open.

>> No.7955628

Illiad is a good example, that and Moby Dick. Some wide spanning conflict of any sort I guess

>> No.7955650

Seconding the Iliad
The Aenied
War and Peace, The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.7955673

The Book of the New Sun

>> No.7955885

The Bible

>> No.7955916
File: 89 KB, 712x1080, kane&abel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to get crucified (And possible banned) for posting this but:

Kane And Abel-Jeffrey Archer

Before I get hated, I want to clarify that I read it in grade 9 and at that time enjoyed it quite a bit. Don't know if it holds up now.

>> No.7956116
File: 692 KB, 280x280, When your wrong on lit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7956209

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

>> No.7956221

Orlando Furioso

>> No.7956232

I am so fucking sorry. I did think several times before posting this but I thought I'd do it anyway because I remember being really fond of it back then.

>> No.7956247

All good, my man. I've just never gotten an opportunity to use the gif.

>> No.7956476


>> No.7956838

Is BotNS multiple PoV or nah?

>> No.7956844

Le Morte d'Arthur

>> No.7956977

The Malazan Book of The Fallen definitely feels that way since some of the main books take place parallel to each other but with a different character's viewpoint, which make it seem really grand and epic. Plus the worldbuilding is LOTR-tier good.

>> No.7958088

Definitely. I'll never understand why people say ASOIAF is better than this.

>> No.7958102

I enjoyed moby dick
>inb4 permaban

>> No.7958665

It's all first-person narration from a single unreliable narrator, except for two fables/stories within the series.

>> No.7958702

Wheel of Time series. Can get occasionally slow, but if you want sweeping epic, this is it. Fourteen books, page count being in the 800-1200 range for the Tor Classics edition

>> No.7958748

Tours of the Black Clock

>> No.7959356

East of Eden

>> No.7959363


>> No.7959366

How so?

>> No.7959367
File: 7 KB, 153x179, 1440966826026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who has read the Wheel of Time series and nothing else (besides some ASoIaF).
He's currently re-reading it.

>> No.7960446

war and peace does it as far as things based on real life goes. there's enough personal drama that the big war stuff feels really huge in comparison and it's great to see the characters involved in it
in terms of sci fi and fantasy, the foundation series has a really great sense of scale

>> No.7960447


Wrong. Retry?

>> No.7960606

2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.7960616

Why would you get banned for suggesting Moby Dick? That is a legitimate and good suggestion for what OP asks for.

>> No.7960630
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Alien war book that spans hundreds of years from one mans perspective. Pretty epic to me

>> No.7960645

you mean odyssey

>> No.7961015

East of Eden anyone?

>> No.7961032

reccing. ignore all those idiots on reddit who claim this is a hard read btw. yeah, it requires you to pay attention but any book worth reading requires a little input from the reader