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/lit/ - Literature

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7952390 No.7952390 [Reply] [Original]

Post your account and what you are currently reading.


Currently reading Jahrestage by Uwe Johnson, a 1700 pages book about Germany shortly before, during and after WW2, told by a mother to her daughter in New York of 1967, many New York Times news are intervened, so the Vietnam war, racial tensions and counterculture movement play a big part too. It is seperated into 4 books, I finished the first one so far and perhaps I might even give the whole thing 4 stars if it holds up.

>> No.7952396

>1371 ratings (2.62 avg)
ill never understand why people who dont like books/films/music/whatever insist on consuming so much of it anyway

>> No.7952402

>ill never understand why people who dont like books/films/music/whatever insist on consuming so much of it anyway

read the about me on my profile regarding my rankings

>> No.7952489

>post your account
I'd rather not get doxxed

>> No.7952494


Don't tell me you have no curtains.

>> No.7952862

>average rating is average
Maybe you should pick up a math book you stupid nerd

>> No.7952868
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I'm re-reading Lost Illusions at the moment. I try to do it every year.

>> No.7952895


Focusing on The Tunnel right now. It's as good as Gassposter says it is.

>> No.7952916


I have 4 friends at the moment. Real ones. I swear.

>> No.7952921


>> No.7952926

>following Sam Harris
You don't deserve to have friends.

>> No.7952940

Enlighten me? From listening to his podcast and reading The Moral Landscape I'd say he makes a lot of sense.

>> No.7953003
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Currently reading To The Lighthouse and it's very wonderful yes.

>> No.7953011


Currently reading Buddhist Texts

>> No.7953068

>under 4.0 avg

Wow, it's like you guys don't even do research before reading. Why do you waste your time reading bad books?

>> No.7953074

Wow, it's like you don't even do some thinking before posting. Why are you wasting your time posting?

>> No.7953095

>repeat what I said with some words changed

that's really clever where did you learn that

>> No.7953100

>that's really clever where did you learn that

>> No.7953143

I'm a pleb and should stick to reading one book at a time.


>> No.7953254

is the stuff you wrote on your goodreads account (the story in German about the psych ward) 100% autobiographical Sebastian?

>> No.7953463


Yes, just some impressions of my stays in the ward. Some parts happened when I was 19 and the later parts happend last year. The only part not true is the "Supergirls don't cry" part, I dont actually said it out loud to her, I just thought it. But she gave me a weird stare while I was looking at her shirt and she walked away.

>> No.7953536
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ah ok I thought so, this also explains how you read so much (although I still can't imagine reading as much as you do). I really enjoyed reading the story, written stuff on goodreads is usually horrible so this was a nice exception. Some things really hit home hard.

>being a gladbach fan
>pic related

>> No.7953564


Born, raised and still living here in Gladbach ;)

>> No.7953570


Currently reading Anne Sexton's Complete Poems and For the Time Being. Haven't really gotten into For the Time Being yet, but Sexton's poetry has been great.

>> No.7954124

>Sexton's poetry has been great

She is like a believable Sylvia Plath

>> No.7954201


>> No.7954211 [DELETED] 
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Think you'll finish one of those eventually?

>> No.7954229 [DELETED] 

The Recognitions

>> No.7954326


>> No.7955073

How do I add the number of pages to a pre-existing edition ? I want >muh stats to be accurate.

>> No.7955082
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say hi

>> No.7955083


The ward story was a good read Sebastian. A shame it was inspired by such troubled experiences. Hope you are doing better now!

>> No.7955086

Why do you have to whore yourself every other day with this thread, Sebastian?

>> No.7955187


This is the first time in months I made a Goodreads thread

>> No.7955246
File: 313 KB, 506x518, 1455009085083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a book
>see a passage I like
>go to add quote on goodreads
>some dumbfuck has already added it but messed up the entire quote
>can't edit the quote, can't add the correct quote

>> No.7955358

link me to it, I can edit it