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/lit/ - Literature

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7949962 No.7949962 [Reply] [Original]

just finished pic related and it was fucking great

is it worth reading the rest of the series? don't want to ruin my enjoyment

>> No.7949979

yeah I liked them all. the second one is the best. i don't understand people who don't read the rest of them and tell people not to read the other ones. the series covers millions of years. shit epic. the only reason I would say not to read them is because by the last book you will be upset that the series didn't get finished. what the fuck happens after the last book?!?!

>> No.7951113

I generally don't like science fiction and haven't even seen Star Wars, but I'm intrigued by Dune. Should I give it a try?

>> No.7951146

What other books do you like? I don't mean to sound pretentious but most /lit/fags probably found Dune fairly easy reading at a high school level (speaking from personal experience).

Don't expect anything as 'deep' and 'epic' as most SF fans claim Dune is (they're usually just poorly read people), also don't expect particularly well thought-out characters, but do expect a fun story with rich worldbuilding and DUDE WEED LMAO but in space.

>> No.7951147

No, we frown on people who read

>> No.7951177


pretty much this

To claim it as deep would be pretty pleb IMO, and a lot of the dialogue is very cliche, but it's fun to read and has a good world

>> No.7951238

Read up to god emperor.
Not that heretics and chapterhouse are bad, it's just that you'll want to read sandworms and it sucks.

>> No.7951387
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>> No.7951389

>I don't mean to sound pretentious but

but you totally do. care to give us an example of what you consider to be a "well thought-out character"?

>> No.7951406

>don't expect anything out of odyssey
>just same dumb sailor who can't navigate

>IDGI therefore it's not deep


>> No.7951424


>> No.7951554
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achlan, wasachlan

>> No.7951565

>and a lot of the dialogue is very cliche

can you give me three examples of cliche'd dialogue from Dune? keep in mind it was written in 1965, if you can imagine what fiction in general and science fiction in particular was constrained to in terms of what you could and couldn't say. this was before Moorcock's New Worlds revolution, remember. it was before the Kent State massacre and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

>> No.7951568
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>what the fuck happens after the last book?!?!

nobody knows. Frank Herbert left some notes, but only his son and Kevin J Anderson have seen them, and i get the idea they ignored them completely.

"Even if you have never read a Dune book, the plot synopsis of the latest Dune novel written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson should be enough to get your blood boiling:

"Sandworms picks up where Hunters left off: The no-ship Ithaca is still searching for a new homeworld for the Jews and Bene Gesserit, while Duncan evades the tachyon net of the old couple, now known to be Omnius and Erasmus. In the Old Empire, Murbella attempts to rally human kind for a last stand against the Thinking Machines. The New Face Dancers continue to infiltrate the main organizations of the Old Empire at all levels, having also sent the gholas of the Baron Harkonnen and young Paolo Atreides to Omnius' capital, Synchrony.

"Brian Herbert has not just tarnished his father's legacy, he has ridden atop a burning money train straight down the gullet of his father's dessicated corpse, exploding it in a shower of creepy sex scenes and lame multi-page descriptions of giant robots fighting. Burn in hell forever, Brian Herbert. I hope you slip and fall in that new bathroom."
- Zack Parsons

>> No.7951588

Nothing really captures the paranoia/build of the first third of Dune, but it's pretty good for the most part.

But honestly Dune is just so much better than any of the other works in that universe, I would recommend reading another book rather than continuing that series.

>> No.7951598
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I recommend not reading any of Frank's works, his son is the better writer in literally all respects that don't include "being the most dead".

>> No.7951640
File: 104 KB, 462x586, frankherbertisDisappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that has to be the most feeble troll i have ever seen on 4chan, and i was here around the time of Snacks. perhaps you should waddle your ass back to /pol/, fucker, because you are not needed here.

>> No.7952375

If you read Dune without cringing at the amateur level prose, you really should be reevaluating reading as a hobby.

As a small hint and maybe as a reminder
>oh no she has the legendary sword, here is a text why the sword so legendary, no I won't show and don't tell, in fact I will do exactly the opposite for the rest of the book

World building is OK, but the rest is literally amateur level

>> No.7952850

Bottom row is so fucking true. I've read like six books it's pure vomit

>> No.7953157

I bet person who made this would like Yoko Taro's games

>> No.7953943
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>If you read Dune without cringing at the amateur level prose, you really should be reevaluating reading as a hobby.
>As a small hint and maybe as a reminder
>>oh no she has the legendary sword, here is a text why the sword so legendary, no I won't show and don't tell, in fact I will do exactly the opposite for the rest of the book

that doesn't sound like anything from any of the Dune books. care to tell us where you got it?

>Bottom row is so fucking true. I've read like six books it's pure vomit

and this. whole fucking thread is full of fourteen-year-olds too scared to defend anything they like in case someone calls them a faggot, so they reflexively shit on it. still waiting for the cunt up here - >>7951177 to provide examples of what he thinks are cliches, and this other cunt here - >>7951146 to explain what he means by a well-though out character.

i doubt we'll hear from any of them, because having deposited their tiny turds in the punchbowl, they vanish.

>> No.7953967

hey I was the second post in this thread. I love Dune you cock smoker

>> No.7953983

it's actually about philosophy

>> No.7953997

this kehnt right is the worst >>>7951177

>> No.7954046

not him but there's the whole 'is it not an evil plan that I, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen concoct?' I'm paraphrasing but its basically like that, I can get my copy and write it out later if you want. 2bh aside from the Harkonnens most of the dialogue isn't bad, if I remember correctly.
Look Jesus since you insist I just finished A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and almost nothing I've ever read created such a vivid sense of the main character, without resorting to the interior monologue technique that Herbert uses somewhat clumsily.

Don't get me wrong, I like Dune, but I don't think it qualifies as being a 'literary' classic because of aforementioned faults.

Although that's not literary elitist snobbery, I genuinely think that SF and fantasy can be considered classics of they're good enough.

>> No.7954068

People who like Star Wars are brainwashed faggots anyway.

>> No.7954094

just because you can't understand it, hint: spice is not oil
learn to read ppl

>> No.7954273

The next 2 books kind of continue the arc of Paul, shit starts getting trippy in the 4th book.

IMO the 1st and 4th books were the best.

>> No.7954391

Dune isn't really science fiction, it's a mixture of science fiction and fantasy. Lots of mystical elements mixed even with the technological ones.

It's not exactly a difficult read, I'd recommend it to just about anyone. The rest of the series isn't for everyone.

>> No.7954497

my favorites were the last 2. the action in the last one with that old dude at the end was fucking sick.

>> No.7955945
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>old dude

you mean the ancient AI overlord?

>> No.7955983

I've been tempted to read this but desu I'll probably just watch the Lynch adaptation as I have more important works to read.

>> No.7956030

that's not dune at all an no you probably don't, this is not star wars, this is quality literature, naysayers just don't comprehend it, fact

>> No.7956076

Even tho Lynch is worshipped here, even by DFW, I hear that adaptation was fucking awful.

>> No.7956145

My only real problem in Dune was that some of the exposition went on far too long, and could, at times, feel entirely unnecessary. If a character adjusts their collar, and the author makes note that another character noticed that character adjusting their collar, we understand that that was significant. You need maybe, two or three sentences of internal monologue to point out that character A noticed the collar adjustment and suspects that Character B (who made the collar adjustment) must be nervous about something.

Ok, got it.

In Dune, we get three pages of internal monologue from Character A agonizing and analyzing every possible meaning of what that collar adjustment could have meant. He seems nervous... Should I be worried too? Does he know something I don't? Does he suspect that I saw him adjust his collar? Maybe he just had an itch? No, he's served my father for years and I've never seen him scratch his neck before, it must be a signal, but to me or our enemies. And if he suspects that I saw the collar adjustment....

>> No.7956241

miles teg? is that a character. it's been like 15 years since I read it.

>> No.7956341

That's a good point.

I stopped after Messiah and felt no desire to continue. Dune was significantly better and i got the feeling that the serie's strongest aspect would be the worldbuilding of the first novel. No reason to read the derivatives at that point.

>> No.7956377

sucks for you cuz that world changes and changes and changes lol