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/lit/ - Literature

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7949414 No.7949414 [Reply] [Original]

I downloaded this eBook

Now I don't know if my version is missing pages or something or if the book is kinda bad on its own so let me understand this:
>Bernard was an anti social faggot wanting mostly to be alone and not feel like a part of a group all the time
>after seeing the savages and bringing them to the developed world he's suddenly gotten very popular with the ladies and he doesn't mind it at all (despite the fact that it took him a while to even open up to Lenina)
>Lenina is disgusted by the savages, in complete shock of how terrible they look and act compared to what she's used to
>one chapter later she suddenly wants to fuck John
>Fanny only exists so Leina would have someone to talk to about who she's fucking and what's right/wrong in the world where everyone belongs to everyone

What is this?

>> No.7949424

Stop reading shit books

>> No.7949436

Stop being such a retard, are you really unable to comprehend this book? GTFO

>> No.7949437

>worthy literature (judging by the ideas it presents)
>mastery over prose as a storytelling medium
one does not necessarily mean the other

>> No.7949494

What's the problem?

>> No.7951153

It's a story OP, a story.

>> No.7951164

1. Bernard only hated everyone else because he was already an outcast because of the rumors of alcohol in his blood surrogate. As soon as people started paying attention to him, he received the attention that he had craved, the lack of which had formerly made him bitter towards everyone.
2. John the savage is young and fit and perfectly tanned from doing savage shit. Lenina wants to fuck him cuz he's hot and caucasian unlike the other savages.

I hope i didnt take bait by answering this because it seems hard for me to believe that somehow you didnt understand these things.

>> No.7951272

If you didn't understand the storyline and meaning, you are either a particularly inept reader or you downloaded a bad copy. Brave New World is not a difficult read. Based on your odd 'questions'/conception of the story, I'm going to assume you have a bad copy.

>> No.7952474

Fuck off hipster

>> No.7952577
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>yes that's the point of him being the main character
>yes because John is something the ladies have never seen before
>yes because they're dreadful in comparison
>yes because he's a big stronk boi and all women are fickle
>yes obviously

the point of the book is the ideas it presents, faglord

>> No.7952585

It's a portrait of the future and of the outcast. Once all have everything, everyone will fall in-line.