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/lit/ - Literature

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7948412 No.7948412 [Reply] [Original]

Do people just buy books in new condition so they look nice on their shelf?

>> No.7948416

Literally no one does that

>> No.7948432

No, I buy them new because there are nearly no non-chain book stores in my area and it's very difficult to find the material I am interested in at used goods stores.

>> No.7948439

No, I buy them new because I don't see them being sold in used bookstores. I've never seen Vico's New Science in any bookstore I've been to.

>> No.7948445

No, because I'm poor

>> No.7948449

Buy used ones online? They're usually like 3 dollars.

>> No.7948452

That's actually sometimes more expensive because of shipping costs.

It's like how I was going to buy a handheld recorder, and it was actually cheaper to just buy it at a store than from ebay because of the shipping costs from the US.

>> No.7948456


I don't begrudge anyone who wants to buy new books. Those sorts of sales encourage publishers to continue publishing, especially when you are buying newly published works. It's not affordable for everyone, but buying new books should be fine if it fits your budget.

>> No.7948485

Actually, for someone who lives in the Philippines, it would have cost me 50 USD with shipping. That's exorbitant.

But now that I've discovered Bookdepository I'll save for it next month.

>> No.7949974

I would never be able to read a used book without feeling like it was dirty as fuck.
I mean, people's sweaty hands were all over it for hours, probably while on the toilet at some point.
Someone probably picked their ears and got earwax on the book.
People probably ate food and licked their fingers while reading, getting grease and gross sick spit all over the pages.
Do you know how many people walk into their homes with shoes on? Do you know how many people step in shit and piss, especially piss in public bathrooms, and other gross things on an almost daily basis? Do you know how many people lay things like books down on the floor getting them all over their awful dusty shitty floors.
People are disgusting.

>> No.7950074

spending the extra 10$ a book isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.7950081

Are people really so poor that they can't buy a new book?

>> No.7950208

It's like $10 vs $3. I don't play video games and never pay for movies.
I like to have it new because it is cleaner and yes, it looks nicer.

When you think about it, reading is an extremely cheap hobby.
I'll pay $10-$20 for a new book. As long as I read it, it's money well spent.

>> No.7950612

I have the entire Twilight saga in both paper-back and hard cover, I have never read the hard cover ones to keep them nice-looking for my shelf.

>> No.7950630

I live in japan

I cant find english novels anywhere. My only real choice is to buy online

>> No.7951237

mine are all used
feels good to get books for a dollar or two

>> No.7951282

Mostly. They look and smell nice

>> No.7952646

>implying new books look good

>> No.7952648


>> No.7952663

kill yourself

>> No.7952688

i buy old books so they look nice on my shelf

>> No.7952830

I pirate everything. I only buy the books I enjoyed so much, that I must have a physical copy as an ornamental piece.

In this day and age, anyone doing different is a pretentious fucktard.

>> No.7953118


>> No.7953125
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I buy used books so it looks like I read them

>> No.7953326

this, and i love the smell of new book

>> No.7953344

Is this an American meme? I literally buy all of the books I read and everyone I know does the same. What's your problem, murrikans? Why would anyone buy books for the sole reason of having a nice shelf?

>> No.7953369

Why do you guys buy so many books?

I get it if most read very obscure books in other languages, but most of the /lit/ core are books written by american or english authors that you could find in any public library.

If you guys were trying to read benedetti or uslar pietri, i would understand it, but no, you niggas read the same american authors that are considered part of the western canon.

My point is, stop buying sl many fucking books, and use the library, save a tree!

>> No.7953382

Honestly, this is an attitude that i have only experienced with americans that keep unread new books to portray themselves as intellectuals, and be able to take photos to post on instagram demonstrating 'god i'm such a nerd lol'

>> No.7954059

$5 used book on amazon + $3.99 shipping typically ends up being the same price as a new book with free prime shipping.

I already have prime so why would I ever buy a used book for the price of a new one?

>> No.7954111
File: 147 KB, 1035x1554, 1035x1554-american-psycho-bret-easton-ellis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Paul.

>> No.7954504

90% of my 1000+ books are used and were free

>> No.7954556

I read most of my books via PDF on my phone

Physical books are for luddites

>> No.7954583

I love the smell of youre mums new book

Mmmmmmmmm give me that knowledge baby, have no reticence

>> No.7954611

aliens are dope af

>> No.7954623

Particles of shit cover everything you touch. Luckily for you, millions of years of evolution crafted the lovely immune system which repels the disease and pathogens that cling to such particles. It's a waste to fret about such things.

>> No.7954653

Yes, anon

>> No.7955060

I love collecting books. I only put them on the bookshelf when I read them and it helps to set the tone for the ritual that it is to read a book for me. It's just added flair, really. Also it looks good in your house, specially when you really read all of the books on the bookshelf so you can confidently talk about them.

>> No.7955068

Staring into a screen calcifies your third eye bros, you need to limit exposure to light pollution like that.

I've been having more and more prophetic visions since I stopped using the computer so much, installed a water filter and stopped using anti-depressants.

>> No.7955078

I listen to audiobooks but buy hardcopies because materialism and contribution to book sales are inherently satisfying.

>> No.7955079

Stop taking thorazine and it's even better.

>> No.7955080

>tfw i do that

>> No.7955089

I don't take anything now, I'm completely straight-edge, don't even eat sugar and severely limit starches.

>> No.7955451

> Save a tree!
The book is already published you dumb sack of shit.