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7947172 No.7947172 [Reply] [Original]

>have a 50,000 word novel due in this lifetime

What the fuck do I do? Plz send help

>> No.7947203

>50,000 words
>a novel
That's practically a diary entry

>> No.7947208

Write finnegans wake 2.
All you need is a random word generator.

>> No.7947256

guise this is serious if i don't get into the western canon in the next fifty years my mom is gonna freak ;_;

>> No.7947257

I write 50,000-word novels every year. It's not that hard.

>> No.7947259

It's all garbage though. Why do people have no shame in writing garbage?

>> No.7947286

I don't write garbage.

>> No.7947429



>> No.7947436

You do if you're writing 50,000 words that fast.

>> No.7947452

No, it only takes a month to write a 50,000-word novel but I take another to revise it.

>> No.7947495

If you write 50k-word novels that fast then you clearly don't put adequate thought into your work.

>> No.7947582

That's not necessarily true. Stop the bullying.

>> No.7947673

Bullshit. Revising a work to be good takes way more time, but generating the first draft in that time is totally feasible for someone working at it full time.

>> No.7948629

>only 50000

Bro, I'm like 55000 words into my novel, and I'm less than a tenth of the way into the story outline.

>> No.7948635

>50000 words
>every year
>"that fast"

Are you fucking joking right now?
50000 words is like a goddamned short story.

I'm sorry, I need to leave this thread, you're making me too mad.

>> No.7948654

>6 word story due

>> No.7948689

You'll never do it if you think of it as 50,000 words.

>> No.7948693

For sale

>> No.7948698

"omelette du fromage"

>> No.7948762

dude just because you rely on your capricious muse doesn't mean everyone else has to

some people actually take writing seriously.

>> No.7948767

On a serious note, I have a 35 word story contest for a local library due soon.

>> No.7948807

35 has a prime factorization of 7*5

>> No.7948841

Consider how many gorillion words you've shitposted over the years.

Writing is easy.

>> No.7948943

>50,000 words is like a goddamned short story.

maybe if you only write bloated fantasy novels

>> No.7949039

The only kind of novel worth reading, friend.

>> No.7949170

My sides